:H I, 1944 KATtON CALENDAR PROCESSEIlt rooDS Ife6I otamps K. L IdId M (book 4) expire Marth 20, blue lo-polnt .tamps AI. Be, Ca. = D and E8 lbook four' expire May 20; MEAT red lO·polnt .tampo AS• .B8 and C8 (book 4) uplre May 30. ,reen stamps Y and Z (book 3) "",plre March 20; SUGAR starnp 30 (book 41 valid lnde!lnItely. Cloudy rump 40 for cannln. IUJ.r ~ltplres reb. 18, lie: SHOll .tamp 18 (book I) and airplane stamp I (boot 3, valJd lnd ..Unltely; GASOLlNl'! A-IO coupon uplres THE DAILY IOWAN IOWA: Cloail7. Coldrr TOIlla"ht. licago March 21; FUEL OIL per. 3 coupon expll"8 Marth U. per. 5 <Dupens expire Sept. 30: TIRE INSPECTION deadHne for A C!oupon bolders, .Much 31. for B and C. Iowa City's Morning Newspaper Iska Area May 3i. ail Now FIVE CENTS TBII ABIOClIATIID PUll IOWA CITY, IOWA THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1944 ,.Id 41IOClJAftD P .... VOLUME XLN NUMBER 133 Ir Sel'¥ice etween IOWa leir navy SOns Red Army as are travel. Farre//'s '. Government r before, ae. roaps Hold orge E. Gold. (uts Escape .T ~e of the navy Weathers lsf Crisis 19O, who de. statement the MONTEVIDEO (AP)-A brief • Farrell's position appea and bloodless armed rebellion I further Improved at least super­ ; of handling, From Narva by an army colon e 1 who ficially, during the day by the marched his regiment out In friendly attitude of Re r Ad­ Isles Airfield :tra tegic loca_ Establish Bridgehead battle kit in an attempt to over­ miral Alberto Teisalre and his , throw the Argentine govern­ ----------------~----------~~~----------------------------------~ . ates, enabling Across Narova River; naval colleagues when Teisaire il speedily to ment 01 Acting President Edel­ was sworn in as new minister of ISts, a new V- Capture 70 Localities miro Farrell fizzled early yes­ the navy. Britain Backs GovernOR Approve- • Yank Losses terday, and Farrell's troubled Naval leaders, it was reported, 1 set up there rla i I from the LONDON , Thursday (AP)- regime apparently had weath­ had demanded Tuesday that ~foscow announced today that ered Its tirst crisis. Farrell either return presiden­ ce in Chicago the Red army in Estonia had Lieut. Col. Tomas Duco, a po­ tial powers to Ramirez, or have litical unknown, staged the re­ : a week, 24 pllllcheu a bridgehrad across the them delegated to the supreme Finnish Treaty , Bw~!!~~APE~~~~ ~u~~~: 'Negligible' volt with his third infantry reil­ court. .. l letters from of Nal"OVfl l"i vel' sout h of the G 1'­ ment, perhaps In hopes of act­ lovernors Indicated general this ban against the federal bal­ there to be Some 0 b s e r v e r s read the approval yesterday tor the fed­ llIoll -held fortrl'SR of NSl"va und ing as a fuse for a revolution friendly ceremonies yesterday as Agrees to Russia's lot's use within the United eral-state servicemen's v 0 t e 100 Enemy Dead cut thc on ly cscape l'sHIVay from by the navy and other dissident indicating that Far reI I had 'Peace-Now-or-Else' States. Ive been pho­ th e town while 18rtl1el' south compromise, but the executives Counted After 4 a. m. army froups to return Gen. Ilromised to meet their mini­ were practically unanimous In The compromise, which is ex­ are returned othe l' oviet t l"OOPR, on tIle ap­ Demands on Finland ffice, usually Pedro Ramirez to the presiden­ mum demands for restoring a emphasis on the state ballots. pected to eome up for house and A"ack on Island en dispatched proach s to P skov, csptured 70 cy. Ramirez stepped down in stable, orderly government. LONDON (AP)-Great Britain, With mo tot them, In fact, ap- senate action next week, pro­ favor of Vice-president Farrell Ouco, friend of Ramirez, led by plane. loca liti es and cut th e Pskov­ an ev r-reluctant loe o! the Finns, proval was based on the fact that vides: AI L LIE D IIE UAR~ in a palace coup last Thursday. his men from their barracks In­ letters can be Idl·its8-PolotRk railway. has pl~ced her weight behind Rus­ they believe state ballots can I. Use ot a federal ballot for TER, 0 u 1 h w r Ii t Paeific, Duco and his men-perhaps side the capital Tuesday night of micrOfilm In White Hussill Soviet forces sin's "pence-now-or-else" demands be made available. Some ques­ voters of states which have no Thursday (AP)-Troop. hold­ 1,000 strong-"surrendered un­ to Lomas de Zamora, a suburb m weighs w('re reported on the move again on Finland, It was disclo ed yes­ tioned whether they could ap­ ab ntee balloting machinery, It si~ conditionally" early yesterday 20 miles away, but lallure of ing Momot air i td 011 Los neal" the loog dOl'mant iront of terday, and hopes p rsisted In prove the short form federal the governor cerUfies by Aug. 1 carried in a oiler marching from Buenos any other groups to join him Negro i land in the Admit'oHies ly conserving Vitebsk, capturing more than 30 London last night that the north­ ballot wbich the pending legis­ that the federal form Is accept­ r pul ed a Japane. e countl'rat­ populated places including Sku­ Aires to a suburb, a government left him out on a limb, his men ern count1")' would pull out of the lation provides tor use In event able. rplane space, in battle pOSition In the town. lack y t rday, le' than 24: lovich i, nine miles east of the I announcement declared. war soon. servicemen or women apply for 2. Use of. a federal ballot to i would fill a hours after the Am ricans' ~lll"­ lh 50 pounds. German bastion. 'l'he possibility was not over­ but do not receive a state ballot supplement state absentee bal­ The Moscow communique and looked that il Finnl h peace might by Oct. 1. lots If tbe governor certifies the prill landing 011 the i land. ce also Oper. Gn.Douglns [nArthur, eturn letters Its mldnJrht supplement, re­ Judge Predicts Delay lead other axis satellites-Bul­ Under a change made In the federal form Is acceptable under hei r families. corded by the Soviet monUor Allies Block garia, Rumania and Huneory-to measure yesterday by a senate­ state law. Service voters would W}IO pehionolly dirpcted t he in­ I center has rrom a broadcast, said the Rus­ seek ~ similar path out of the war. house committee hammering It have to swear, however, that vaRion, Raid. in hi. communique tely !OO,OOO sians "several days aro" crossed In Chaplin-Berry Suit Authoritative London 5pok - into 8ha~ tor final action, the they had applied tor a state bal­ today the n my' onnt r Hack a single loss the Narova alonr a 22-mlle tront men r ported that the British federal ballot could be used In lot. but had not received it by in Ih rain-soaked juugle was and penetrated nine mUes be­ Nazi Lunge government after consultations re­ any event only by lervlce voters Oct. 1. Thus state ballots would "bloodlly repulsed" and that land­ Berry Attorney Cites Qulr d by lhe Allelo-Soviet pact reminded to yond. German resistance was overseas on election day. Advo- iet preference. Ing troops of th dismounted tlrst had (lgreed to the terms submitted il "don'ts" to powerful but Soviet infantry Possibility of Bottles cavalry division had "successfully and artillery were declartd to by Moscow to Finland, terms de­ conJOUdated" their position. f legible let· Of Blood Switched qulrr I, scribed by one informed eovern­ have smashed t h r 0 u 'h and At Beachhead "There ore 8 few details avail­ hop onto the "In, etf brine At a Glance- relUlhed the rail station of Au­ ment source as "mod rat ." ncy or inserts Sertrl. Ward Bates' plane ~s the able, but apparently the enemy vere, cuttln, the railway be­ LOS ANGELES (AP)-A mo­ No Clue Navy Planes nake Jipslick ALL lED HEADQUARTERS, IndlaJlapolh flyer's plane returllll There was no positive clue here attack was pretty sharp," said a d to smudge tween Narva and Reval, capital tion for dismisal of Joan Berry's Naples (AP)-Allled forces yes­ 10 Paa-e field. P" rtls b la.nd, • C. to Finland's reactlon, but the at­ headquarters spokesman. being fllmed. of Estonia. paternity suit against Charles ToJo I .lIlways on haml to welcome ChapUn was taken under advise­ mosphere ,eneraJly was optimistic Today's De saId that approaches to the This placed the Russians ap­ terday blocked a strong German Leap Year is back his bo s, f\ergellllt Pare. V. d pit apprehen ions expressed Blast Wake 5,OOO-tool Ion.. air trip w re on proximately 15 miles inside Es­ ment by Superlot Judge Stanley )on 't addte~~ lunge on the Amlo beachhead S. 1\1. • photo. in dispatches trom Stockholm. tonia and left Narva virtually en­ Mosk yesterday aft e r several favorable terrain but very nar­ ago fleet post hours argument. which may have been Intended to Some speculation developed on row, !orclnr the enentY to con­ per postmas­ circled. The Nazis could still es­ He indicated il would require start a new Nazi oftenslv . the po sibility that Finland mlllht low.an centrate hi counterattackln.. cape by sea through the nearby {ork or San oCter count r-terms and that she In 14th Raid forces alonr a narrow Iront.
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