19th IUPAB congress and 11th EBSA congress Poster Programme Monday Poster programme Poster Session 1: Monday 17 July P14:B14 Lipid nanotubes pulled and pushed from freestanding lipid membranes (See Abstract Book for full abstracts, pages S116–S205) Aurora Dols-Perez, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands S01: Multiscale biophysics of membranes (pages S116–S129) P15:B15 Transbilayer coupling in gel-fluid asymmetric lipid P1:B1 Developing ESCRT-III as a toolkit for bottom-up vesicles construction of eukaryote-like artificial cells Barbara Eicher, University of Graz, Austria Andrew Booth, University of Leeds, UK P16:B16 New insights into cholesterol’s influence on lateral P2:B2 Anomalous diffusion in artificial lipid bilayers segregation in bilayers Helena L Coker, University of Oxford, UK Oskar Engberg, Åbo Akademi University, Finland P3:B3 Cholesterol and polyunsaturated lipids working in concert P17:B17 The notion of catalysis in membrane remodelling to modulate G protein-coupled receptors Vadim Frolov, University of the Basque Country, Spain Ilpo Vattulainen, Tampere University of Technology, Finland P18:B18 Understanding the lyotropic phase behaviour of P4:B4 Interaction between a synthetic antitumoral catechin and cytochrome-c incorporated in monoolein mesophases anionic phospholipids membranes Adrian Gainar, Imperial College London, UK Francisco J Aranda, Universidad de Murcia, Spain P19:B19 Catch me if you can: microfluidic traps for studying P5:B5 Solid state NMR investigations and MD simulations of biomolecular processes in GUVs triblock copolymers in lipid bilayers Kristina A Ganzinger, Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Ruth Baerenwald, Martin-Luther-University Halle- Germany Wittenberg, Germany P20:B20 The vertical location of tocopherol is not altered as a P6:B6 Model membrane systems for protein therapeutics function of membrane lipid unsaturation Hanna M Barriga, Karolinska Institute, Sweden Juan C Gomez-Fernandez, Universidad de Murcia, Spain P7:B7 Bending elasticity of lipid membranes at extremely high P21:B21 Withdrawn curvatures Pavel Bashkirov, Federal Research and Clinical Center of P22:B22 Caveolae dynamics is strongly influenced by the lipid Physical-Chemical Medicine, Russia composition of the plasma membrane Madlen Huber t, Umeå University, Sweden P8:B8 A microfluidic platform to study model biomembranes Peter J Beltramo, Laboratory of Soft Materials, Switzerland P23:B23 Gold nanowire fabrication with lipid nanotubes Kristina Jajcevic, University of Geneva, Switzerland P9:B9 Solubilization of trans-membrane proteins by styrene- maleic acid (SMA) copolymers P24:B24 Determinants of sodium and calcium adsorption onto Alajos Bérczi, Institute of Biophysics, Hungary neutral lipid bilayers Hector Martinez-Seara, Institute of Organic Chemistry and P10:B10 Axon-glia interactions and their role in regulation of Biochemistry of CAS, Czech Republic conduction of impulses of nerve fibers Maxim G Bokov, Moscow State University, Russia P25:B25 Cholesterol-like effects on DPPC bilayers induced by a fluorotelomer alcohol P11:B11 Order of monogalactolipid α-linolenoyl acyl chains in the Tiago Mendes Ferreira, Mar tin Luther University Halle- lamellar and inverted hexagonal phases Wittenberg, Germany Lukasz Bratek, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland P26:B26 Time-dependent phase diagram of bolaamphiphile P12:B12 Statistics of individual leakage events to consistently molecules presenting various lamellar structures interpret vesicle leakage Jelena Jeftic´, ENSCR UMR CNRS, France Maria Hoernke, University of Freiburg, Germany P27:B27 Design of a switchable DNA origami structure for shaping P13:B13 Influence of lipid saturation and head group charge on the lipid membranes binding of a short antimicrobial peptide Alena Khmelinskaia, Max-Planck Institute for Biochemistry, Daniela Ciumac, The University of Manchester, UK Germany 1 www.iupab2017.org Poster Programme 19th IUPAB congress and 11th EBSA congress Monday P28:B28 The glue that holds the Gram-negative Outer Membrane P44:B43 Dynamics of Biological Membranes - Quasi Elastic together and keeps antibiotics out Neutron Scattering Studies of Model Membranes Jeremy H Lakey, Newcastle University, UK Dor the Posselt, Roskilde University, Denmark P29:B29 Impact of cholesterol on lipid-protein interactions P45:B44 Diffusion of lipids and GPI-anchored proteins in the revealed by quasielastic neutron scattering plasma membrane and actin free vesicles Lisa Lautner, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany Falk Schneider, University of Oxford, UK P30:B30 Illuminating the spatio-temporal dynamics of P46:B45 Lipid domains in confined geometry – How boundaries lipopolysaccharide in the bacterial outer membrane define domain size and mobility Rosalyn M Leaman, University of York, UK Claudia Steinem, University of Goettingen, Germany P31:B31 Membrane interaction of the glycosyltransferase WaaG P47:B46 A tale of actin and lipid antigen presentation - A nano Jobst Liebau, Stockholm University, Sweden tango Dilip Shrestha, University of Oxford, UK P32:B32 Charge-dependent membrane fusion in a pure lipid system Karin A Riske, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Brazil P48:B47 Importance of membrane curvature near hole edges in plasma membrane repair P33:B33 Charged liposomes of varied lipid composition in the Adam Cohen Simonsen, University of Southern Denmark, presence of polylysines: quantitative analysis Denmark Rodion J Molotkovsky, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia P49:B48 Flax phenolic compounds: elucidation of their mechanism P34:B34 Polystyrene incorporated within lipid membrane disrupts to prevent lipid peroxidation bilayer’s phase transition Larissa Socrier, Université de Technologie de Compiègne, Mattia I Morandi, Institut Charles Sadron-CNRS, Strasbourg, France France P50:B49 Stiffness of natural extra-cellular vesicles is governed by P35:B35 Behaviour of ceramide in mitochondria-mimicking membranes membrane protein content. Anna Möuts, Åbo Akademi University, Finland Raya Sorkin, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and LaserLab, Netherlands P36:B36 Nonuniqueness of local stress of three-body potentials in molecular simulations P51:B50 Computational study of oxygen transport across domains Koh M Nakagawa, The University of Tokyo, Japan of the membrane of the eye lens fibre cells Robert Szczelina, Jagiellonian University, Poland P37:B37 Interaction of bile salts with lipid bilayers: a multiscale molecular dynamics study P52:B51 Oxidized phospholipids induce formation of inter-leaflet Luís M S Loura, University of Coimbra, Por tugal coupled nanodomains in giant lipid vesicles Radek Šachl, J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry, P38:B38 Membrane Shape Transformation Induced by Banana- Czech Republic Shaped Proteins Hiroshi Noguchi, The University of Tokyo, Japan P53:B52 Lipid bilayer-coated silica beads in membrane fusion assays P39:B39 Interaction of fengycin C biosurfactant with Sarah F Verbeek, University of Goettingen, Germany phosphatidylcholine model membranes Antonio Or tiz, Universidad de Murcia, Spain P54:B53 Membrane fusion accelerated by normal forces and elevated in-plane tension P40:B40 Intrinsic lipid curvature and membrane charge modulates Andreas Janshoff, Georg-August-University Goettingen, synergistic activity of magainin peptides Germany Michael Pachler, University of Graz, Austria P55:B54 The main lipid in the thylakoid membrane stabilizes the P41:B41 Iron-mediated interaction of A53T alpha synuclein with Light Harvesting Complex II artificial lipid bilayers Hannes Witt, University of Göttingen, Germany Fabio Perissinotto, University of Trieste, Italy P56:B55 Studies of interactions of 5-n-alkylresorcinols with lipid P43:B42 The nanoscale dynamics of fluid lipid bilayers is membranes specifically modulated by ions Patrycja Zawilska, University of Wrocław, Poland Luca Piantanida, Durham University, UK www.iupab2017.org 2 19th IUPAB congress and 11th EBSA congress Poster Programme Monday S02: Molecular machinery (pages S130–S135) P72:B71 Macromolecular crowding modulates transport by teams of kinesin-1 motors P57:B56 Structural dynamics of the 70S ribosome during George T Shubeita, New York University Abu Dhabi, UAE translocation monitored by single-molecule FRET Sarah Adio, MPI biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen, Germany P73:B72 Direct observation of dynamics in Type IV pili system and archaella motor P58:B57 Stepping motion and chemo-mechanical coupling of Takayuki Nishizaka, Gakushuin University, Japan chitinase resolved by single-molecule analysis Ryota Iino, National Institutes of Natural Sciences, Japan P76:B73 Proofreading of DNA polymerase: a new kinetic model with higher-order terminal effects P59:B58 Single-molecule dissection of cytoplasmic dynein force Ming Li, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China sensing Arne Gennerich, Alber t Einstein College of Medicine, USA P77:B74 Metabolically-tuned levels of SBF and MBF are key factors controlling Start in budding yeast P60:B59 Variation in stride length of myosin-5a along actin shown Sylvain Tollis, Université de Montréal, Canada by interferometric scattering microscopy Joanna Andrecka, University of Oxford, UK P78:B75 Interaction of cisplatin with DNA and Proteins Studied by FTIR Spectroscopy and SAXS P61:B60 Hierarchical construction of molecular machines Veronika Travkina, Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia Ali R Atilgan, Sabanci University, Turkey P79:B76 Possible scenarios of DNA unzipping process P62:B61 A comparative kinetic study of non-canonical eukaryotic Oleksii Zdorevskyi, Bogolyubov Institute
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