
NO ROOM A T THE INN AFRICAN NUNS PRAY Sapplement to the Denver Catholic Register National National r ” 1 FOR BROADWAY PLAY Section Section New York. — Nuns living recently from a year’s service under the shadow of Mount with tbe sisters u a lay mls- Kenya in the African wilds rioner. She b u promised to THE are praying for tbe suceeu of rejoin the group for two years a Broadway play. after tbe play complete* its Tbe catalyst in thia unlikely run. combioatlon of iplrituallty Miu O’Mahoney, 46, carried and worldlineu U Nora O'Ma- out her miuionary assignment . hooy, LondoD-bom Irish act- under the auspices of the Con- ru i who b u pledged 45 per soUta (Catholic Society for cent of her ultry from Little Foreign Miuions, which hu REGISTER Moon of Alban to tbe tlon- iti U.S. headquarters in Wash­ (Name RegUtered In U.S. Patent Office) Mlate Mladra in Kenya. ington, D.C. She explained MiMaia OH Aunrr auaiAU oe cibculatioms LAY MISSIONARY tbat she had gone to Africa Till* Paper w CoBBWUd with NCWC WaiUnstaa N«wf H udqurU n bp Its Own Liaase W in. B u Its Owa Miu O'Mahoay, who enacts “straight from Hollywood,” Spulal BarvlM. lUllrtouj Nam JarrMa, MMOB Sarrieu, Brtlgtau W w i Photo* aaO NCWC PWtnra OwTlea where she had been doing ,'V:; Julie Harris’ mother in the THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1960 Jamu Coatigan play, returned rooviu and television. P Little- Figure Helped P k To Form American Democracy tS pn.ipa MAZZEI INTRODUCED JEFTERSON TO CATHOLIC PHILOSOPHY New York City.-^(Special)—An |olic, 'Filipo Mamei was to become a obscure Italian, bom iif a small, town friend to Washington, Franklin, near Florence, Italy, on Dec. 25,1730, Adams, Lafayette, and Jefferson. CEYLON PARENTS contributed much to the establish­ Mazzei was an active figure in the ment of freedom in the U-S. A Cath- American Revolution; his words were paraphrased by Jeffersm In BARRICADE SELVES tbe DecUraUon of Independ­ ence; be ’ formulated a p lu tbat eventually ,r«aalted in WITHIN SCHOOLS Cornwallis’ suTreoder at Y ^ - town; be wu a surgeon; u Colombo, Ceylon.—Tbe Cath­ school—hold back the govern- olics of Ceyka gave no quarter ment steamroller.’’ iN snrvnoN S FLT In their figbt to kooP 0>rir CsfitfdsriM* bit«rM Iim b«M •cbools from natknaUation, MOURNING BANNERS •rMHS M Hw rMsHMMkl* UI. Tension w u high tbraaghout •wMtt CitMictMi m i O m t r K i , even when tbe day for the pirtkvUrly la Hm racwit Sratl- government takeover came. tbe Island wltb huge black StaHM ilacHam. "nnw*' mastHn* 18 THERE ROOM IM THE MODERM WORLD? bannerf of mourning flying in **»»I>S Hm eartr mirr *f Hi Otc Moet of tbe M.N puplk of M iW M t* I M *k b r k*Hwr JalMi "A ai J i y h iIm vest 49w* (rm GtlDee f a Jem aid Hk daetriaea la lh« hoatelrp tt 2 6 all Catbolic eburcbes and in- flte Catholic tchook b e ^ to CMrtnn MarrsT, *J. t'W t H*M Mt •( the tewi tt Ntareth tale Je^ea U the BeiL The laakaper la the Gaapel had ititutlons. Black flags were TlWn vMdt * SHhw boycott tbe Institutlona three •Ian *r ClMr«li sad t t m snS Hw (he i m t l DitM, wUdt li caUed BetUe- ae {■ hla heart, bat be tbnpi)' did aat hung on cars, and children and HunSiHani »f AnwrlCMi SeatM- bea . , le nfltter, tefether wHh Har7 ceaalda that'thh eaald he God kBOddaf at d i^ before the government adults wore black bands and ttcf. Tha -atslfivr- htra HIH w u to aaeome nunagement. tha WHa fcnewa ilanr af haw Ui MMuei wifc, vht «M with CUM. U i daa- roeettcf. smaa Maoal, a CaHialk knkaaS Aed ihe bnwght ferth her ftnOeni aan, and Aad ae it h with aaay aea of feed wOI Hi cloee to IM pf tbe sebods. Tbe nationalization bill passed w m CathaHc phll ^ s h f , JaHw- wfayped Rlra Ea iwaddUnf dothes, aed hid today—they aerer atop eaonfk ia their Catbolic parents erected bubed- in Parliament in mid-Novem­ ancaS Theam i aWifian aniS hanca wire bairicadu, eome 12 feet Hta laanatHant al Amarkan Sw HUa la a auafer, beeaaae there waa ae reea dally aettiitla to reflect that God h alirayi ber provided tbat topflight m aaracT. * f«r thea ia Oe taa” <Uh« 11, d-7). kaoddni at the d oa of ttetr teak, dealriag Ugh, and boled tbemseivet In schools, tbose designated u ^ 4 W t laeUeat frea the New Teiteawat ta hrial them peace aad aadetetaadiai that to prevent government aeixure. Gradu I and n, couM re­ fiada a parallel la the aadera aaterialltUc' caa eotae only tbroagh the Word lacaraate, The men, women, and children nounce their former govern­ exponent of sdentifle fanning; aiaded warl^ where tiie baalc preblea that Jena Chriat Onr Lord, who took up reeidence in the FlIlpo Massel Tliomu Jefferson and an advisor to the Xing of ment eubaidy and become tul- . DeeUmtion't Aaflior ceadrewli aaaUad ia the rcMal te dad raaa school buUdings throughout tbe thm-chargiiig.lDftilutiODS. Forty- Hit ideat influtnetd . Poland. IsISBd had tbe co-op&aUon of two of Ceyion’f 48 Catbolic Obaeured by tbe light of tbe otlMr vlllagen wbo bniagbt schools in these catagortes de­ them food and other necessl- more radiant American pa­ cided to do so. But the great PARALLEL PASSAGES triots, M*” #! undoubtedly re­ DOMINICAN REPUBLIC WANTS tlu. majority of the island’s 750 By Filipo Moxxtl By Thomot JeHerson ceived his priodplca of demo­ The eeboeb la aumy c a s u ' Catholic schools are in Grade (In u artiue Truslated by ( u the Declantlea ef cratic govemment from such EXPULSION OF CLERGY LEGAL becaoe vtrtaal little e ta r ^ m ,. u d the new law made Tkomu Jeffersei) Independence) CktboUc writers and thinkers San Juan, PJt.—Hm Domin­ prieaf «r prelate, whe acU can then publicly atop them ea, with tbe coattBaal chant In 1774, two years before “When in the couru of their takeover by the govern­ u his countryiuD, St. Robert ican ItepabUc Honae of Bcpr*- Bgaiaat '‘aadal wder aad and appear to tbe common el prayer heard late the ment mandatory. tbe Declaration of Independ­ human events it becomes nec­ Bellarmine (1542-1621), w ho sentatlTM k conddaiing a mean- pabBc peace" or whe “ later- peopk at a defender of tbe ■Ifbt. The general praettee Tbe ‘‘Catholic Messenger” of ence, Uazzri wrote u article easary for one peofde to dis­ taught tbit autbocity origiutes Qnffcb. solve tbe poUti^ bmtds tbat ore that would legalite the la- v e m tl pentlcal affaire." w u t* kUd a special Holy Colombo said that the day of for publication in the Vir­ with (k)d and k veated in tbe Tbe effect, aome ebearren ginia Gazette that in part have connected them with an­ mediate and unespUliKd expul- Tbe bin aaya It can be dewe Hoar from 11 e’dtek u til government seizure would go people, wbo entnat it to.flt other, and to assume imong tioD of priesta—an experience "without of a reqolre- nbte, la that of a veotiiloqulat midnight. down in history u a day of reads: rulers; and Francisco Suaru already alutred by at leaat 4S of oeat ef admlalftraUve or arguing with hla dummy atnee Id m uy areu sdiool chil- “dqttnicUon. udness, frustra­ "Id order to obtain our end the powers of the earth, the JiMIdal duracter.” tha ganeraliialmo tnaintaini • It k necemaiy, my dear fel­ separate and equal station to (1564-1617), wbo wrote Uisti tbe cJktr Math, UOO. dran tben^vM organlied pro­ tion, iwUgnatloo, monrring. and dvU powu k verted in tbe The propoaed bin appean aa Some exUea hold that itroiig- O^t control of the preaa and test demonitntloas. Widespread tragedy." It added that no low citizens, to reason on the which tbe laws of nature and man Rafael TrujUlo k permit­ other communleatibnf. [NCWC natural rights of men and on natore’s God entitle tbem, a peopk or community and not in a new more againat die Cbureb ptcketlDg w u reported, m uy democratle country • had ever any one particular pereon such in a campaign wtnaa teapo ting tbe attache la the b ^ e f he Radio and Wte^] piefcets bearing plncaids with conceded that children are the the bases of free govern­ decent respect to the., opin­ ment ions of mankind requiru u a king (Da Lege, Def. baa riaen dpea January. IMO. such legends u “We want our property of the state. Fidel). when the bountry’a Bkhopa "All men are by nature that tb ^ should declare tbe pntaated a ware of arreata. MOTED WOHAN SUITRAGISTS created free and independ­ causes which impel them to STROVE FOR COMPLETE charging "flagrant riolationa of ent. Such equality la neces­ the separation. REUGIOU8 FREEDOM human rlghta.” sary in order to create a tree "We bold theu truths to governmuL It U neceasary be aell-evldent, tbat all men Masztl, wbo w u edocalad by PASTORALS REDEFINED priesta sjsd wboae brother aad The ezpnlaioa bill, K ov d in g One of Pankhursf Sisters tbat all men be equal to are created equal, tbat they each other in natural law. are endowed by tbeir Cre­ uncle were prterta, strove to to El CariiM, a newffaper win complete religions fresdnn racalred by Dominican exilaa Clau distinction hu always ator wltb certain unalienable bean and will always be an rights, tbat among these are in the new repuWc He wrote in Puerto Rice, la ^ Kmaotad by Joins Catholic Church at length in hk memoirs oa bk Lawyer Joaa Ulgoel Pereyra effective obstacle and tbe life, liberty, and tbe pursuit Sydney, Australia.
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