S2768 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 9, 2019 On the precipice of the American road at Promontory Summit, let us re- ZZ Top also lays undisputed claim to Civil War, Utah’s delegate to the U.S. member the sacrifice of those laborers being the longest running major rock House of Representatives, William who would not live to see to its conclu- band with the original members intact. Henry Hooper, recognized that ‘‘A sion, but whose contributions helped Their iconic beards, powerful rock an- great band of Union throughout the transform the Nation and the world. thems, dedication to music, and im- family of man is a common interest.’’ The 150th anniversary of the Golden pressive artistic talent has sustained Hooper petitioned Congress in his be- Spike is also a celebration of the limit- them as a perennial rock power, whose lief that ‘‘a Central Road would unite less American imagination, spirit of in- music will stand the test of time. that interest as with a chain of iron, genuity, and industry that made this Over five decades of creating music, and would effectually hold together our incredible project a success. ZZ Top earned eight Top 40 hits on the Federal union with an imperishable Let us not forget the example these Billboard Hot 100; six No. 1 mainstream identity of mutual interest.’’ pioneers set for us as we go forward in rock hits; and ranked 44th on VH1’s William Henry Hooper’s letter to a new era of challenges and opportuni- 2000 ‘‘100 Greatest Hard Rock Artists.’’ Congress would take several months to ties. ZZ Top’s accomplishments through- reach Washington, DC, as any west- f out the years culminated in their in- duction into the Rock and Roll Hall of ward travel beyond the Mississippi ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS River required wagon, stagecoach, or Fame in 2004, where they are recog- horseback. nized as some of the greatest rock art- The U.S. Congress would, however, 50TH ANNIVERSARY OF ZZ TOP ists in the world. I congratulate Billy, Frank, and approve such an undertaking, and soon, ∑ Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, today I a National Central Railroad began to Dusty on their 50th anniversary and recognize and congratulate the Texas wish them luck as they embark on manifest from the worn hands of labor- blues rock band ZZ Top on their 50th ers to execute a vision of national their year of touring around the anniversary. It is only fitting that this world.∑ unity, a feat that would propel Amer- group kicks off their anniversary tour f ican power and change the course of in their home State of Texas. our history. With plenty of gas in the tank, RECOGNIZING BRUNOW These hands belonged to men of dif- Dusty, Billy, Frank, and the rest of CONTRACTING, LLC fering national origins and creeds, who their crew will be traveling to more ∑ Ms. ERNST. Mr. President, as a labored together under one banner, than 60 cities across 14 countries in member of the Senate Committee on often fleeing significant hardship in their commemorative tour. An appro- Small Business and Entrepreneurship, pursuit of economic opportunity in the priate reminder of ZZ Top’s history, it is my privilege to recognize a American West. Roughly 15,000 Chinese this tour clearly shows they have been woman-owned small business that is immigrants, 10,000 Irish immigrants, able to reach millions of fans across dedicated to its customers, employees, and 4,000 Latter-day Saints joined the the globe for decades. and community. In honor of the U.S. national effort to complete the most In 1969, two rival blues rock bands in Small Business Administration’s Na- remarkable and ambitious engineering Houston, TX—Billy’s Moving Side- tional Small Business Week, it is my project of the 19th century. walks and Frank and Dusty’s American pleasure to name Brunow Contracting On May 10, 1869, the Union Pacific Blues—coalesced into one band, ZZ of Council Bluffs, IA, the Senate Small and Central Pacific railroads formally Top. Two years later, they dropped Business of the Day. met at Promontory Summit, UT, and their first album, aptly titled, ‘‘ZZ Brunow Contracting represents the the 17.6-carat golden spike officially Top’s First Album.’’ story of a construction company with linked the East and West Coasts, mark- Bandmates Billy Gibbons, Frank an unlikely founder. Tamara Brunow ing a watershed moment for American Beard, and Dusty Hill have been writ- was a pre-law student at the College of trade, commerce, and population. ing songs and creating a musical fusion Saint Mary who found herself working A 6-month journey across the con- between blues and southern rock since in construction. She began her career tinent was reduced to 1 week. Within a their formation and have never looked with an internship at the U.S. Army decade of the railroad’s completion, back. Though they draw inspiration Corps of Engineers, Omaha District, in Salt Lake City’s population more than from music greats like Jimi Hendrix, military contracting. It was in this doubled, further boosting Utah’s sig- BB King, Cream, George Jones, and role that she saw a future in construc- nificance in the national economy. Texas blues guitarist Freddie King, all tion and government contracts. Brigham Young recognized the enor- of their influences transform into one After her time at the U.S. Army mous opportunities that global trade singularly unique sound. Corps of Engineers, she proceeded to would bring to Utah and the country In 1973, the band released its third work for two other construction orga- and the abundant and yet untapped re- album ‘‘Tres Hombres,’’ which cata- nizations, Oakview Construction and sources of iron, coal, stone, and timber. pulted them to the national spotlight Lueder Construction. During her ten- In pursuit of a national railroad with the hit song ‘‘La Grange,’’ still ure with these firms, she realized that project, Brigham Young recognized one of ZZ Top’s signature songs. while she loved her jobs, she knew she that ‘‘mineral resources of California, ZZ Top’s momentum and success wanted to be her own boss. This and these mountains, will never be built during its first decade culminated prompted her to launch Brunow Con- fully developed to the benefit of the in the legendary 1976 tour entitled the tracting in 2008. Shortly after her people of the United States, without World Wide Texas Tour, a production launch, Brunow Contracting acquired the construction of such a road, and that included a longhorn, a buffalo, its first contract of $1.3 million dollars upon its completion, the entire trade of buzzards, rattlesnakes, and a Texas- to build a Presbyterian church. China and the East Indies will pass shaped stage. If their tour wasn’t proof Brunow Contracting specializes in through the heart of the Union; there- enough that things are bigger in Texas, government contracting and is cer- by giving our Citizens the almost en- then maybe their record sales will con- tified by the Small Business Adminis- tire controls of the Asiatic and Pacific vince you otherwise. tration as an 8(a) and HUBZone busi- trade.’’ The band has sold over 50 million ness. Brunow Contracting has com- Indeed, the Transcontinental Rail- records worldwide, and their 1983 pleted numerous contracts, ranging in road would transform the American album ‘‘Eliminator,’’ sold more than 10 value from $800 to nearly $5 million, economy in profound ways. This million copies and included rock hit and a client list which includes the achievement revolutionized commu- ‘‘Sharp Dressed Man.’’ City of Omaha, the U.S. Forest Service, nications, global trade routes, and al- ‘‘The Little Ol’ Band From Texas’’ the Department of Veterans Affairs, lowed for the movement of people has played for millions of fans across Southwest Iowa Planning Council, and across the country at an unprecedented the globe, Sweden to Australia, Japan the U.S. Coast Guard. These projects scale. to Germany. The band is among a se- have included everything from church- On the sesquicentennial of the com- lect few to say they have toured the es, to water treatment plants, to data pletion of the Transcontinental Rail- globe for half a century. facilities for Facebook. VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:19 May 10, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G09MY6.032 S09MYPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE May 9, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2769 With dedication and determination, list under section 505(j)(7) of the Federal pand support for police officer family serv- Ms. Brunow, successfully started a con- Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, and for other ices, stress reduction, and suicide preven- struction company as a single mother purposes; to the Committee on Health, Edu- tion, and for other purposes. of three children in the middle of a re- cation, Labor, and Pensions. By Mr. GRAHAM, from the Committee on H.R. 1520. An act to amend the Public the Judiciary, with amendments: cession. Now, she is the owner of one of Health Service Act to provide for the publi- S. 1231. A bill to reauthorize the Bullet- the only woman-owned construction cation of a list of licensed biological prod- proof Vest Partnership Grant Program. businesses in America, a recipient of ucts, and for other purposes; to the Com- f the Midland Business Journal’s 40 mittee on Health, Education, Labor, and under 40, and a leader within her com- Pensions. EXECUTIVE REPORTS OF COMMITTEES munity. Today, Ms. Brunow has ex- f panded her business reach to include The following executive reports of serving as the head of H2W Apparel, a EXECUTIVE AND OTHER nominations were submitted: COMMUNICATIONS women’s active wear company.
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