GUIDE LUMINOUS SITES is an exhibition of video various works encompass the areas of painterly in which the viewer is encompassed. The dynamic installations taking place in nine Vancouver use of colour and light, the sculptural desig- presence of the video installation, with its con- galleries and city spaces beginning at the end of nation of form and space, the social discussion of vergence of the physical and the electronic, February and continuing until April 1986. content, theatrical references to cultural motifs, focuses the aesthetic discussion on developing a Canadian artists including Kate Craig, Paul Wong, the contemplation of place and time, and the language which includes technical media in the and Cornelia Wyngaarden from Vancouver, realities of the technical presence. tradition of art. Ian Carr-Harris, Vera Frenkel, and Randy & In these installations the viewer enters into a Berenicci from Toronto, Barbara Steinman and . site-specific construct in which the audio and LUMINOUS SITES invites Vancouver audi- David Tomas from Montreal, Max Dean from video elements project into the space and effect ences to part1c1pate in this dialogue which has Ottawa, and Tomiyo Sasaki from New York have it in distinct ways. The sculptural parameters been centered primarily in the Eastern cities of been invited to present site-specific works are defined by these non-material forms as much Toronto and Montreal. This selection of works is involving the video medium. The works represent as by the physical elements of the installation derived from a pan-Canadian context and is a range of personal styles and approaches to the which act as landmarks within the electronic representative of the current range of the genre, use of video in an arts context, linking an presence, defining its context. The installation is the video installation. LUMINOUS SITES is a aesthetic history with contemporary communi- experienced on the multiple levels of sensual and Video Inn / Western Front presentation curated cations technology. Artistic priorities in the didactic, connotative and evocative information by Dain a Augaitis and Karen Henry. m1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111m111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 CORRECTIONS INTEGRATED MEDIA GRANTS INCREASED imaging (visual and acoustic) or system control, videotex In Volume 7, number 4, we published an article on TO $25,000 and teletext, laser techniques, videodisc and optical storage media. Council assistance for artists working in SoftVideo. We had printed some incorrect information. The Canada Council, at its March quarterly meeting, integrated media includes grants for research and/or "Vento Divina " by Lin ea Maginot Group is not distribu- approved a recommendation to increase integrated media applications of the technologies and media listed above as ted by SoftVideo anymore, but is distributed by Tape gra nts to $25,000 from $15,000. The recommendation well as grants for the production of specific works of art. Connection. SoftVideo does distribute "Perfidi incanti" was made by the Media Arts Section, which administers "Corpo'', "Suicidi omicidi acrobatici", and others. ' th e Integrated Med ia Program, on the advice of the Media Applications are assessed by selection committees Arts Advisory Committee. made up of artists and others knowledgeable in the We would like to thank Robert Red-Baer from Japan for his comments on the article in Vol.7, No. 5, entitled The increase is effective for th e fiscal year 1986-87, combined concepts, aesthetics, technologies and media and appli es to the two competitions this -year whose being presented by the app licants. Applicants are notified "Videotape Study". He notes: " In the fifth paragraph deadline dates are May 1 and October 1. of the resu lts of their app li cation approximately 10 it says, 'For quality it's important to use only the slower wee ks after the May 1 or October 1 deadlines., speed (tape speed) - the slower the better. Generally Th e Integrated Medi a Program was begun in 1983 and manufacturers' specs are done at the slowest speed.' is open to professional artists or non-profit arts organiza- For more information on the program , contact Denis Shouldn't 's lower, slowest' be replaced with 'faster, tions. In tegrated media include computer processing or L'Esperance or Tom Sherman, (613) 237-3400. fastest'? " 2 LUMINOUS SITES - THE INTRODUCTION So much has happened since the last issue . First, EDIT there was Luminous Sites: 10 video installations presented Vancouver's Video Magazine in Vancouver. It was a massive project which went off VANCOUVER GUIDE very successfully thanks to the curators, Daina Augaitis Volume 8, Number 2 Issue 37 and Karen Henry, and a host of others. We have chosen 3 FIFTH ANNUAL VANCOUVER INTERNATIONAL FILM to focus on the 10 Video Installations for this issu e of FESTIVAL Publisher Video Guide . We hope that the reviews, artist statements, The Satellite Video Exchange 4 AS A WI FE HAS A COW - CORNELIA WYNGAARDEN and photos will give you a taste of what these Canadian (a non-profit society est. 1973) reviewed by Sara Diam ond Video Install ations were like. Managing Editor 5 CLAY COVE, NEWFOUNDLAND What else has been happening7 So much, and so little Sh awn Preus PARK PLACE, VANCOUVER - KATE CRAIG time to sit and record it. There has been the conference reviewed by Sara Di amond "Strategies For Survival"; Pau l Wong's case against The Production 6 BODY FLUID (1986) - PAUL WONG Vancouver Art Gallery and Luke Rom bout; the protesting Sue Jenkins reviewed by Keith Wallace of Bill C; ANNPAC/RACA (tenth year) Annual General Jill Kelly Mee ting; and the ongoing work of keeping our centres Nancy Pollak 8 SPAWNING SOCKEYES - TOMIYO SASAKI alive and moving. Sh awn Preus reviewed by Jackie Goodwin Frans Van de Ven The focus on Video and the Media Arts has been healthy Contributors NATIONAL for us. But we do have a lot of work ahead of us. With Chris Creighton-Kelly continuing cut-backs, lack of educational outlets, 9 ON TV - IAN CARR-HARRIS Todd Davis mounting legislation geared towards censorship of our reviewed by Chris Creighton-Kelly Sara Diamond work . .. when is there time to be a productive artist/ Jackie Goodwin 10 RUNE - RANDY & BERENICCI producer? Kare n Knights reviewed by Karen Knights Video Guide hopes to be a vehicle for solutions to Jill Pollack 12 LOST ART: A CARGO CULT ROMANCE - VERA FRENKEL these problems. With this in mind, we are looki ng for Jam irte Trott 14 CENOTAPHE - BARBARA STEINMAN writers who have these concerns and more. To make Keith Wall ace reviewed by Jill Pollack Video Guide a better publication, we need your support, Juli e Warren and we need it now and tomorrow and in the future. Photos 15 THROUGH THE EYE OF THE CYCLOPS - DAVID TOMAS We want your subscription, your articles, your photos, Robert Keziere 16 SCANNING and you producing. For deadli nes and writers fees, pl ease Chick Rice 18 PROTOTYPE, 1986 - MAX DEAN write or send your work to the Editorial Board, Video Carole Segal reviewed by Todd Davis Guide, 261 Powell Street, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, Thanks to V6A 1 G3 , or call (604) 6884336. City of Vancouver GLOBAL Canada Council Shawn Preus 19 BIG SCREEN /SMALL SCREEN for the Satellite Vid eo Exchange Society by Jamirte Trott ISSN 02286726 Subscriptions to VIDEO GUI DE are available at $7 0.00 for 5 issues, $70.00 U.S. funds in U.S., overseas $7 5.00 Cdn. Send cheque or money order to VIDEO GUIDE, Satellite Video Exchange Society, 267 Powell Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada V6A 7G3. 2 - --~-----,....__..__----~-------~---- ' . The Fifth Annual Vancouver International Film Festival WOMEN IN FOCUS Las Madres de la Plaza de Mayo Women In Focus accepted with great pleasure the appeared' during the so-called " Dirty War" of the 1970's. The Practice of Love (W . Germany/Austria) invitation of the Vancouver International Film Festival to Filmmaker Lourdes Portillo attended the screening. An exceptional and provocative treatment of the murder program a portion of the 1986 Festival which ran from A Question of Lo ving (Qui A Tirt Sur Nos Histoires mystery genre from experimental film artist Valie Export. May 23 to June 26. As part of this program, Women In D'Amour?) (Canada) A Trilogy (Canada) Focus invited three filmmakers to accompany their films A bittersweet film which tells the story of the last summer Barbara Sternberg's acclaimed visual essay about memory, to Vancouver : Alanis Obomsawin (Quebec), Louise spent together by a fiercely independent, idealistic woman knowing, and consciousness. Carre (Quebec), and Anne Wheeler (Alberta). We are and her teen-aged daughter who has her own ideas of what also pleased to announce that novelist Jane Rule appeared life has to offer. Filmmaker Louise Carr~ attended the The Man Who Envied Women (USA) with director Donna Deitch and actress Helen Shaver at screening. Yvonne Rainer's non-narrative extravaganza which the premiere screening of Desert Hearts. lampoons everything from sexual politics to global Loyalties (Canada) conflict. PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS In this world premiere dramatic feature, director Anne Wheeler uses the friendship of two women, one white and Diary For My Children (Hungary) Ornette: Made In America (USA) the other native, to explore the devastating consequences M~rta M~szaros re-creates the Hungary of her childhood Shirley Clarke's stunning documentary about jazz legend of child abuse. Anne Wheeler and actress Tantoo Cardinal in this story of a young girl caught up in the social up- Ornette Coleman. attended the screening. heaval and political intrigue of the Stalinist years. Eye Of The Mask (Canada) Filmmaker Judith Doyle spent one winter travelling with the revolutionary theatre group "Nixtayolero" to remote areas of Nicaragua. Mask is a compelling portrait of a country struggling to revitalize traditions which have withered under a long period of colonization and modern- ization.
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