INSIDE ❘ TEAM LISTS ❘ STAT ATTACK ❘ SCORES AROUND THE COUNTRY + ANTHONY SEIBOLD ❘ WOMEN'S NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS ❘ ROOSTERS POSTER MORE ROUND 13 Is you team on track for hope or horror in 2018 KICKING PAMELA OFF WHALEY Tmightshockyoutolearn,sotakeaseat Ibefore you read the following: there is aroundofNRLtobeplayedthisweekend. As surprising as that may be considering the unconquerable beast State of Origin hasbecome,thereisstillalotatstakefor theeightteamswhoplaythisweekend.The representative period is when teams who have remained relatively untouched by Origin make their move, while those with a high quota of interstate stars rely on rookies andtheirearlyseasonresultstogetthem through.TheRabbitohsandtheSharkswill be hoping to maintain their place in the top four, albeit without some of their biggest names,whiletheCowboysandtheEelswill bedesperatetoscoreawintohelpthemout of wooden spoon territory. And me? I’m just keen to kick my feet up and watch it all unfold. May the best teams win! E’RE halfwaythroughtheseasonnow Wandasalways,wehavethestandouts, thedarkhorsesandthedisappointments. New-look teams signal Dependingonwhoyousupportit’seither an exciting or a particularly rough time. It’s difficulttodrawalinethroughtheteamswho clean slate for Origin areunder-performing,andit’stooearlyto be hanging premiership hopes on one club (although the Panthers sure did announce EW SouthWalescaptainBoyd of my job, ringing those players and themselves last week, didn’t they?). While Cordnerhasvowedtotakeon informingthemthey’renotinthe N we’relookingforwardtothenext12rounds extraresponsibilitythisyearafter team,”Walterssaidofthedecision before finals start, this week is the perfect coach Brad Fittler selected 11 debutants to omit the veteran duo. opportunity to evaluate how far your team has fortheopeningStateofOrigingame. “Itwasaprettyordinaryafternoon come compared to pre-season expectations. TheBluesskipperisexcitedtolead yesterdayforafewofthoseguys. IknowIwasn’taloneinhavingtheCowboys afreshsideintoanewOriginera,but It’s very disappointing for them not as premiership favourites, and I didn’t even admittedhe’llneedtoplaymoreof to be playing.” have the Dragons or Warriors in my top eight! aleadershiprolethistimearound. Withachangingteam,halfback By MICHAEL Ifyou’redyingtofindouthowthisseason “Withtherebeingsomanyfresh BLOK BenHuntsaidthenewplayershave ends, flick to pages 16-18 to get our complete faces,IknowIneedtostepupas @michaelblok26 aresponsiblyofcarryingonthe evaluation of the first 12 rounds, so you can captain and lead the younger guys,” legacy of the Maroons jersey. make an informed prediction. Cordner told Big League. “There’s been a lot of turnover in both “I’llneedtohelpthemgetthemprepared teamssoit’sanexcitingtimeforOriginas the best way they can. I’ll try and pass my a whole,” Hunt said. experienceandmyknowledgetothemon “I had an opportunity to be in the camp howtogetreadyandwhattoexpect.” last year and was around some great players Fittlerselectedhis17playersbased who aren’t there now. It’s our responsibility purelyonformandsaidhe’snotconcerned tonowcontinuewhattheyhelpedbuild.” FEATURES about the inexperience in the side. 11 BEN HUNT “You’vegottosaythisistheteamthat NSW: 1JamesTedesco,2TomTrbojevic*, 16-18 MID-SEASON SCORECARD getsyousittingontheedgeofyourseat 3 Latrell Mitchell*, 4 James Roberts*, 5 Josh 20 NRL RECONCILIATION weekinandweekout,they’vebeenfantastic Addo-Carr*,6JamesMaloney,7Nathan 21 BURGESS BROTHERS for their clubs,” the coach said. Cleary*, 8 David Klemmer, 9 Damien Cook*, 22 NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS “I wasn’t concerned about debutants, there 10 Reagan Campbell-Gillard*, 11 Boyd 24 ORIGIN CLASSIC wasnodoubtweneededsomeexperience Cordner(C),12TysonFrizell,13JackdeBelin*, there.Thekeywastogettherightamountof 14PaulVaughan*,15JakeTrbojevic,16Angus UPFRONT 3-15 experiencedplayersandtomakesurethat Crichton*, 17 Tyrone Peachey* (18 Tariq Sims*, they’refitaswell,sofromapointofviewof 19 Nick Cotric*) LITTLE LEAGUE 27-30 debutants,Idon’tthinkkidsthesedaysseem CLUB NEWS 32-34 toworryasmuchaswedidinthepast.” Qld: 1BillySlater,2ValentineHolmes,3Greg NRL TEAMS 36-43 Queensland coach Kevin Walters didn’t Inglis(C),4WillChambers,5DaneGagai, OTHER COMPS 44-47 makeasmanychangesasFittler,butdidselect 6 Cameron Munster, 7 Ben Hunt, 8 Dylan Napa, three debutants in Andrew McCullough, Felise 9AndrewMcCullough*,10JarrodWallace, RESULTS 48-49 KaufusiandJaiArrow. 11 Gavin Cooper, 12 Felise Kaufusi*, 13 Josh DRAW 54 Waltersalsomadetheboldcallofleaving McGuire, 14 Michael Morgan, 15 Josh Papalii, Metcalfe Mark outveteransMattScottandDariusBoyd. COVER PICS: BRAD KANARIS/GETTY; NRLPHOTOS: 16 Coen Hess, 17 Jai Arrow* DAVID ACREE, GRANT TROUVILLE, ROBB COX “It was very difficult, that’s the worst part *Origin debut PHOTO: Round 13 BIG LEAGUE 2018 3 Club and state get behind captain GI By MARTIN GABOR cantellhe’sinterrificphysical condition.I’mreallyproudofhim HEN Cameron Smith anditiswell-deservedrecognition. Wannounced his “He’soneofthoseleaderswho retirement from the leads with his actions. He’s quite representative scene, there was aquietguyoffthefieldwhosays only one logical name to replace what he need to say and picks the himasQueenslandskipper. appropriatetimestotalk.That The worst kept secret in State makes people stand up and take ofOriginwasconfirmedonMonday notice when he speaks, because morning when the Maroons youknowit’sgoingtobesomething announced Greg Inglis as their important. Players follow what he new leader for this year’s series does on the field and you’ll see startinginMelbourneonJune6. that at the MCG.” The Rabbitohs fullback has South Sydney back-rower been a terrific servant for his Angus Crichton has played state,scoringarecord18tries alongside Inglis throughout his from 30 appearances in the career,butonWednesdaywillline famous maroon jersey, and is set to up against him for the first time terrorise the Blues when he returns when he makes his Blues debut. totheleftcentreroleaftermissing Crichtonhasnothingbutrespect last year’s series through injury. for‘GI’andisconfidenthe’llsetthe His comeback has been one of the toneforQueenslandnextweek. stories of the year so far, and South “He’lldoagreatjobforthe SydneycoachAnthonySeiboldsays Maroons,”hesaid. his elevation to Queensland skipper “He’sanunbelievableplayer is recognition for everything he’s andaterrificleader.He’smoreof done for his state. aleaderbyactionsandyoucan “It’s a great reward for Greg. alwaysfeelhispresenceonthe He’shadtoshowalotofresilience field. He doesn’t have to say too overthepast18months,andwhere much,butwhenhe’saround,he’ll he’s gotten himself in recent weeks tellyouifyou’vedonesomething has been outstanding,” Seibold told good, and if you’ve done something Big League. badthenyouonlyhavetoseethe “Ithoughthewasbrilliantlast look in his eyes to know that you week against the Warriors and you need to fix it.” Fonua backs Cleary’s disciplined focus By DARCIE McDONALD I understand which direction Bulldogs and that might have been theclubistryingtomoveinso off the back of my performance in ESTS Tigers centre Mahe Iseewherehe’scomingfrom. NSW Cup,” he said. WFonuahasnohardfeelings It just goes to show what type of Clearyhasmadeitclearthatno towardshiscoachIvanCleary, manIvanis,andwhatthevalues oneissafe.WithBulldogsfullback despite being dropped to NSW are of this club. ” MosesMbyeheadingtotheTigers The Tongan international in2018,manyoftheclub’sbacks Cupin Round 11 after he arrived remained positive during his one will feel the pressure to fight late for training. week stint in reserve grade, using for their spots. However, Fonua Fonua returned to the NRL in itasanopportunitytoshowCleary believes adding Mbye is more of theTigers’winovertheBulldogs he belonged in first grade. anincentivetokeepeveryoneon withanewfoundrespectforCleary “It was my own fault. Poor their toes. forchoosingdisciplineoverform. decisionsweremadethat “Moseswouldbeagreat “IrespectIvanforthatdecision. resultedinmegoingbackto addition.Withallofthedepth Obviouslythere’saculturewe’re NSWCup.Ifocusedongetting we’ve got now, sometimes it’s tryingtobuildattheclub,noone’s involved, carrying hard, making healthyfortheclub.Wedon’thave bigger than the team,” Fonua said. tacklesandbeingstrongin toseeitasanegative,itwillmake “IfIgottoplayIwould defence.Iwasfortunateenough everyone play better each week, have thought yay, great, but to play in the victory over the whether it’s in ISP or first grade.” Manly have not defeated the Cowboys at Lottoland since 2011. UU Cronulla five-eighth Matthew Moylan will play his 4 BIG LEAGUE 2018 Round 13 ISSN: 0311-175X Editor: Pamela Whaley Subeditor: David Piepers Staff Writers: Michael Blok, Martin Gabor, Darcie McDonald Contributors: Fiona Bollen, ro Matt Cleary, Will Evans, Ben Everill, Ben Hunt, Adam Long, David Middleton, ELS Andrew Voss Art Director: Craig Loughlin-Smith llusalittlebitaboutthat. Designer: Tina Colwell Construction and Project General Manager Retail and ittle white now and I’m still Circulation: Brett Willis ng time because I’m only National Advertising Manager: itments.It’sgoingreally Bowie Phillips (02) 8045 4779 eaks up the week and gets Marketing and Circulation Executive: Nick Tsolakis itments with the Eels and Production Director: Mark Moes Production Manager: aning I go into uni twice Chrissy Fragkakis eduleattheEels.Iusually earI’vegotonenightand BIG LEAGUE Level1,2HoltSt, ey’re really supportive SurryHills,NSW2010 ich is great. Phone: (02) 9288 3000 n? Email: bigleague@newslifemedia. disabuilder.Everyone com.au somethingthathasbeen
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