ZOBODAT - www.zobodat.at Zoologisch-Botanische Datenbank/Zoological-Botanical Database Digitale Literatur/Digital Literature Zeitschrift/Journal: Volucella - Die Schwebfliegen-Zeitschrift Jahr/Year: 2007 Band/Volume: 8 Autor(en)/Author(s): Dziock Franz, Schmid Ulrich, Ssymank Axel Artikel/Article: Neue Schwebfliegen-Literatur (8) 241-256 ©Volucella; Dieter Doczkal (München) und Ulrich Schmid (Stuttgart), download www.zobodat.at Dziock, Schmid, Ssymank: Neue Schwebfliegen-Literatur (8) 241 Neue Schwebfliegen-Literatur (8) Frank Dziock, Ulrich Schmid und Axel Ssymank Dziock, F.; Schmid, U.; Ssymank, A. (2007): Neue Schwebfliegen-Literatur (8). [New literature on hoverflies.] (Diptera, Syrphidae) (8). – Volucella 8, 241-256. Stuttgart. Alexander, K.N.A. (2005): Observations on the larval 137-158. [In Russian with English summary] habitat of Pocota personata (Harris) (Diptera, Barkalov, A.V.; Cheng, X.-Y. (2004): A revision of Syrphidae). – Dipterists Digest (2nd series) the genus Cheilosia Meigen, 1822 (Diptera: Syr- 12(2), 147-148. phidae) in China. – Contribution on Entomology Ambrosino, M.D.; Luna, J.M.; Jepson, P.C.; Wratten, International 5(3-4), 267-421 S.D. (2006): Relative frequencies of visits to Barkalov, A.V.; Nielsen, T.R. (2004): On a new selected insectary plants by predatory hoverflies Platycheirus (Diptera, Syrphidae) from Turk- (Diptera: Syrphidae), other beneficial insects, menistan. – Norwegian Journal of Entomology and herbivores. – Environmental Entomology 51(1), 123-126. 35(2), 394-400. Barkalov, A.V.; Nielsen, T.R. (2007): Platycheirus Andrew, R. (2003): The spring hoverfly, Cheilosia species (Diptera, Syrphidae) from Yakutia, grossa, in Orkney. – Orkney Field Club Bulletin Eastern Siberia, with description of two new 2003, 22-24. species. – Volucella 8, 87-94 Aslan, B.; Karaca, I. (2005): Fruit tree Aphids and Barkalov, A.V.; Ståhls, G. (2005): On the status of their natural enemies in Isparta region,Turkey. species of the genus Cheilosia Mg. (Diptera: – Journal of Pest Science 78(4), 227-229. Syrphidae) described by Hervé-Bazin. – Ento- Astrom, H.; Haeggstrom, C.A. (2004): Generative mologica Fennica 16(3), 183-192. reproduction in Allium oleraceum (Alliaceae). Barratt, B.I.P.; Moeed, A. (2005): Environmental – Annales Botanici Fennici 41(1), 14. safety of biological control: Policy and prac- Auad, A.M.; Trevizani, R. (2005): Ocorrência de tice in New Zealand. – Biological Control 35, sirfídeos afidófagos (Diptera, Syrphidae) em 247-252. Lavras, MG. [Occurrence of aphidophagous Bartsch, H. (2000): Notes on hoverfiles [hoverflies] syrphids (Diptera, Syrphidae) in Lavras, MG.] during the 20. Finnish entomological days at – Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 49(3), Jornala on Aland. – Sahlbergia 5(2), 41-45. [In 425-426.. Swedish with English summary] Banziger, H.; Aun, H.; Luo, Y.-B. (2005): Pollination Bartsch, H. (2006): Nonor med svart bakkropp inom of a slippery lady slipper orchid in South-West släktet Platycheirus, fotblomflugor (Diptera: China: Cypripedium guttatum (Orchidaceae). Syrphidae). – Natur i Norr 25(2), 73-80. [In – Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society Swedish with English summary] 148(3), 251-264. Bartsch, H. (2007): Scaeva excisa Zetterstedt, 1849: Barkalov, A.V. (2004): Possible ways of formation a synonym of Epistrophe ochrostoma (Zet- of the Old World fauna of the genus Cheilosia terstedt, 1849) (Diptera, Syrphidae). – Volucella (Diptera, Syrphidae). – Entomological Review 8, 99-101. 84(2), 250-255. [Translated from Zoologicheskii Baugnée, J.-Y. (2004): Données récentes sur les Zhurnal 83(6), 708-714.] Paragus de la faune belge (Diptera Syrphidae). Barkalov, A.V. (2005): Revision of Russian hover- [Recent data on Paragus of the Belgian fauna flies of the genus Cheilosia Mg. (Diptera, Sy- (Diptera, Syrphidae)]. – Bulletin de la Societe rphidae), subgenus Taeniochilosia Oldenberg, Royale Belge d'Entomologie 140(1-6), 19-27. 1916 (species group with completely black legs). [In French with English summary] – Evraziatskii Entomologicheskii Zhurnal 4(2), Baugnée, J.-Y. (2005): Quelques Diptères remar- ©Volucella; Dieter Doczkal (München) und Ulrich Schmid (Stuttgart), download www.zobodat.at 242 VOLUCELLA 8, 2007 quables du camp militaire de Lagland (Arlon, Boyd, G. (2005): Sericomyia silentis (Harris) (Dipte- province de Luxembourg, Belgique). – Notes ra: Syrphidae) reported from Northhamtonshire. fauniques de Gembloux 58, 3-6. – British Journal of Entomology and Natural Beaulieu, F.; Wheeler, T.A. (2005): Diptera diversity History 18, 272. in a homogeneous habitat: Brachycera associated Braendle, C.; Foster, W.A. (2004): Defensive behavi- with sedge meadows (Cyperaceae: Carex) in or in primary- and secondary-host generations of Quebec, Canada. – Proceedings of the Entomolo- the soldier-producing aphid, Pemphigus bursarius gical Society of Washington 107, 176-189. (Hemiptera: Aphididae). – Journal of Insect Be- Becker, R.; Malt, S.; Platen, R. (2005): Evaluierung havior 17(5), 663-672. von Kriterien für das Monitoring transgener Brewer, M.J.; Noma, T.; Elliott, N.C. (2005): Hyme- Kartoffelpflanzen mit Änderungen im Grund- nopteran parasitoids and dipteran predators of stoffwechsel. – Skripten des Bundesamts für the invasive aphid Diuraphis noxia after enemy Naturschutz 130, 78. introductions: Temporal variation and impli- Beers, H. (2005): Leuke vangsten van Terschelling. cation for future aphid invasions. – Biological – Zweefvliegennieuwsbrief 9(1), 11. Control 33(3), 315-323. Befu, T. (2004): Chamaesyrphus japonicus (Diptera, Budrys, E.; Budriene, A.; Pakalniskis, S. 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(2005): Population Bhatti, M.A.; Duan, J.; Head, G.P.; Jiang, C.J.; dynamics and phenology of the pasture spittlebug McKee, M.J.; Nickson, T.E.; Pilcher, C.L.; Zulia carbonaria (Lallemand) (Homoptera: Cer- Pilcher, C.D. (2005): Field evaluation of the copidae) in the Cauca River Valley, Colombia. impact of corn rootworm (Coleoptera: Chryso- – Neotropical Entomology 34(3), 459-470. melidae)-protected Bt corn on foliage-dwelling Chandler, P.J.; Wakeham-Dawson, A; McCullough, arthropods. – Environmental Entomology 34(5), A. (2004): Case 3257: Eristalis Latreille, 1804 1336-1345. (Insecta, Diptera): proposed confirmation that Biesmeijer, J.C.; Roberts, S.P.M.; Reemer, M.; Ohle- the gender is feminine: Musca nemorum Lin- müller, R.; Edwards, M.; Peeters, T.; Schaffers, naeus, 1758, M. arbustorum Linnaeus, 1758 and A.P.; Potts, S.G.; Kleukers, R.; Thomas, C.D.; M. horticola De Geer, 1776 (currently Eristalis Settele, J.; Kunin, W.E. (2006): Parallel Declines nemorum, E. arbustorum and E. horticola): in Pollinators and Insect-Pollinated Plants in proposed conservation of usage of the specific Britain and the Netherlands. – Science 313 names by designation of neotypes. – Bulletin of (5785), 351-354. Zoological Nomenclature 61(4), 241-245. ©Volucella; Dieter Doczkal (München) und Ulrich Schmid (Stuttgart), download www.zobodat.at Dziock, Schmid, Ssymank: Neue Schwebfliegen-Literatur (8) 243 Chen, T.Y.; Chu, C.C.; Fitzgerald, G.; Natwick, E.T.; Diptera (excluding Culicidae) inhabiting phyto- Henneberry, T.J. (2004): Trap evaluations for telmata in the Auckland and Wellington regions. thrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) and hoverflies – New Zealand Journal of Marine and freshwater (Diptera: Syrphidae). - Environmental Entomo- research 39(4), 981-987. logy 33, 1416-1420. Dixon, A.F.G.; Jarosik, V.; Honek, A. (2005): Ther- Choi, D.-S.; Ôhara, K.; Han, H.-Y. 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