\h 'i ' _ f A. y iK^ • W W W^M ACJC^Llg^COM>M 5 0 c c nTCS t s _________ Pm r 2 0 0 4 TIhe! -Fl lursday ^ I win Falls,, 1Idaho/SlVth year, MN o . ' ~ G cxjdmor )R N IN G I M iIssing; man'’s horn i e b t ]liras ® ■ ■ W e a 'I' h e r nay see last ■ week In ^ Today: ene for 15 h(tours p p m|H September, liis ^ Increas:asing Firefi;fighters strugg;gle at the see ^ vehicle was U^‘ winds,] -hy o f.d ie Jerom e Count]mty Slierin"s B L ^ narked at the aM eany WeaverWe declined to say whJ J230M cloudy.liv.H °^50, e parcnts did riotreport cullrli* D ep artm en t. location (of ^ « w tto r ‘h e pi .11 tlie fire )-a n d . •- low 28:>8: TlmetWevwJ? ---------------------- — . erddiat w dielr so n w as m issing. Eigliteen liours afKiftcr th e fire ■ 7 "' > - Deputies • chtcked in- oto n lc*veled d ie house,, ddie rubble W 5-^, :'ft widi no posi- PageA2 e d e n — All carly-momirig De lay was still emitdng st(steam from ft -it-—: /A tive help, from jxpansionn cnry at his residence TXiesda; CreW ednQSiQSday destroyed Uie Hcnr il found n o o n e hom e. die water used to) cdouse thc . ,9i his estmnged \ man who was repprt- oM u w M wife. %ve- take By/ MI ichelle Dunlop A I I 1^'V' housc.of-am At ■ approximsuely 3_a.mm . flam es. M a g i c V a i cd missingIga n day earlier. Al i c H J e v e r y t h i n g TInvmes-News writer ________ 'ednesday m orning. RiBfigluJu- “We're not rulingg {arson oul: Glen Henry. 27. of Wedr 1 • very seriously. ’ — ■'> Be an extinguishe,her: join 's were called to his housiJse we're not mllng it InIn.” W eaver Joseph as reported missing crs v Weaver said.. AARCO — Tlie Idaho Nationaonal ?ar400 SouUi Hoad and Edeilen said. GlenKenrym . others ahd quit snsmoking 'lUesday by his parents, said near "W e're g ei- Eripriglneering mid Envirohmennen- Dad. The circumslanan c e s are ^ ^ fo ra d a y . ■ lerome CcCouniy Sheriff Iim Hoad little assistance from tald LI aboratory mii^U be ihe nevnew FirFirefighiers worked all dayr— - enou^i to merit.a prprudent ap- ting very llti Page C l Weaver. Ml- p ro a c h . however, his esimngetiged wife," h e a d d ed , h o rm e 10 a nuclear prognim ihathat s parents said they andiid used m ore th a n 14.000 gal H en ry ’s tlie "The fact dial (Hemenry) has nol rocluces maierials for naiioiiiiional heard from their son Ionsms of water to calm tli have n o t h( Dch c o n ta c te d his parentsnts since ihe Pleasee S(see MISSINQ. Page A2 •curity a n d space oxpltiraiioiilion. • September. biaa:laa;. said Cpl. Gary McGeoc M o n e y since laie Sc accccording lo Depanment offEn- En rgy ofTicials. TIiGTDOETmnntincprtinrln•nn^ ------- ^— Jnt to consolidate ihc manuan u - icturing of radioisotope poweower W m i s>t w m :IS X ? >q r T A l ysiems. like those usedd iiin - ~ - T.JASA's recent ('-issini missioi>sU)ii - 100 S atu rn , to the INEEL sitesite. ININEEIi AdvJmced Test Ueacic!icior • Megamerget: KrrKmart ainIready is used in the produciduc- tioiIon ofthe systems, in comblnilina- takeover of Sears9irs amounts1 2 ion wilh production at iwiwo to $11 billion gareamble. odiidler DOE sites. Neirlier olil'tJJe iJj Page El odiidler two sites has a reaclcacto r cadily aviiilable. thus eliminailinat- int;ng die possibility of consolidi>lida- lioiion at tliose locations. OinTXx:)R' Tlie depanment is askingIB lcfor pumblic comment on enviroiiro n - mnental i impacts and other.T.i:;- , i; su(;ues th c DOE needs to considtisidcr n'lis Inldal assessment; of coic o n - ----------- iolidadon. "As p a n of diivproccss, w cc’rc isking thc pul)lic to idcntim tify K s ® . wl'ivlial odicr things we shoulo u ld Fire In fall: Yellowlowstone's W B ^ a ;onsider.'' .said Tim othy A.- Fr1-ra- geothermal won(3nders in thc sicr. program director ofif rn i­ autumn. dl(Jloisoiopc power systemsls ffor dllJie DOE. "W'e’ll review th e corcom - PageD l __ mi i/isc die environm ental imiipact pn Sl’OR l'S ~ ' Smalltown boy( di does good: \ n d d ie n w e’ll m ake it final."al." If the process goes stiiooth)0 thly Boise State quartarterback die DOU expects to beJ^ni cocon- ^■,1; has humble root st]struction for ilie radlolsoto;otopc ----- P^ge-Bl. power-«ystem-faeiliiy-«t-lNliINUUL------------ m Octoiicr of 2007. 'Ilic ententire piproJc'ci is proJected to cost;t S2S230 million'. F nizicrs;iid.'nie facilfacility ' , C e n t e ni n n i a l '. would be operational l>yly lilate Classroom camamaraderie: 2010. * Old photos recalcaU . PMMbrUHuriMrniAk«n<M»«mm - . I I Plutonium-238 schoolmates ofJf tthe past. n a.opupla^of 1948 editions;i;whUe.rempd«llrtga w ^ • PageCS Handymanan Unce Whitehead uncovereded |prefSi>late molding mots frfrom 'The T lin e M < ^ t « Coincidentally, tlie UnitJnited ^ rental homome recently In downtown Twinvin IFalls. • ’ StStates currently has an aga-c-agn m ent with Russia througlili 2i:21U 0 O p i n i o n to purchase the plutonium-^ni-23H Governor's quartarters: Idaho T D q ( needed to make radioisoui>OtOpC' or yeks I idil rc- should discusss tlthe old idea isement b()oards COInceal oldi news fo po w er system s. A 2003 audil lcasc{l of a govemor’s « io n o n pliitonium-23H releaji pnia S. Hutchins E>y die UOli concluded thch e ffoi- . today's editorial 'Jews writer_____________ [Idlowing: "Unless the Pepae p art- PageAB I!!!S?±2!KK m c m accelenites its prognimn im to ni-23» N FALLS — W itli th e re-establish a plutoiiiuni-i 'I'W IN t risks edge of a nail puller, production capability it ri; beiiig uiiiihle to m eet fm urcirciia- i rd Lynn Takaoka on COMINC<G UP fa“„Xr^ tio n al security and NASASA rc- Jsduy pceletl away quirements." Rocky Mountuntain high k J b iM splotches of' T h e B o u ldler er Brass is co m in g toI TWinTV falls. YWET nan^ofwall- paper to un­ Departm,ent off FMdayayln I M Energy Public The T imles-News es marketing of Meeting Scheduleiie : . M ay 194(948; • Idaho Falls: 6 to 8:30 p.m.3.m. I n d e x vom en e n te r a California Six WOI Monday. Doc. 6. in ttie Rivervi/ervicw Centennial...................................08 airplanen e race. T h o m a s E. Room of the Shilo Inn.locaioi:aiod f is confident of securing _ £5.12 D ew ey is at 780 Lindsay Blvd. Classlfled ............. ipublican nomination for • Fort Hail: 7 to 9:30 p.m. Comics.......................................presid en lent. Filer's OJ. Childs :o. celebrates Us silver an- .Wednesday. Dec.-8..in me} IritTribal Community . ■..........E4 , SecdCo. - -Councll CnambcrroHhe-Fort aiy. IdSlKfTdwerCO. as- D5 nivcrsarJ er. lo­ Comunldad.......... readers; “You’ll fmd tliat Hall Tribat Business Center. Ic ......................nc sures ret nailed to a wall'ln a basem ent ir caied on Pima Drive. Crossword..................................frozen fo I foods, when served, arc A press plate mold mat — d<dated May 2 7 ,1&48 — Is nal ri rn, DaarAbby................................ D6 u s bcauiluiifully fresh as die day vatedyi In 1Vvln Falls. • TWin Falls: 7 to 9:30 p.m. .D6 U ieyw/ere er stored." • _bQard_mals_onc$Ll«!ic(lJnu, in 77ic th e b a se m e n t InIn the house concealec E Thursday, Dec. 9. in ttic Twinwin :__________Horoscope............ ------------ J.J—istrTTdBiCSr^lth-oihcr— ^ aKTirdownTD^vn— p c n m d b ■ -Talls-B'Weetiriti Rooivrormtr . Times-News' pressroom . SoSbiruT th a t’s now iak'aoki ti Magic Valley................................colum ns ins of articles and ads :arded rental propeny U nU lth Shilo Inn. locaied al 15866 Bi'Blue o n e m a d e u se o f d ie dlsca: q Money .....................................£ 1 . from MaMay 27 a n d M ay 28.1948, ^mats as a barrier againstist d ie N ailed side byly sid! e lo cover Lakes Blvd., C0 . wGre prpressed into old card- J| Ion of the wall, die matsmn remained Please & M ovies............... dlrt-and-wood foundatio: Nation ............... nks to prote(ect Obituaries .......... ride lives oon for 19f51 champpions ^ O pinion............. Pri sial member;rs Outdoors .......... ................ “ T w iin n F ^ s has h a t the. By Jam oa mocniis. hiis claimed that Random facts . Uexas p tobc is a vendettatta Iby a Spons ...............'.'.'.'.'.'..'..Bl n o tvw on a state I DenuHTatic disdistrict Weather ............ miornev. WASHl Senate Uenuiilicans. Jiiean-tin ', tb ^ tide since Wpsl.:!.'.'.'.'.'.'c« footh DeLay, ill while, linnetl up their ssup u p p o n .,.v..A8,B56 . .servative ■ for Sncfter. wlio's co m e uui iu ler -- \Sbridv. 3 Pateloy die Hou! attack from conservativeivc a n d Tlnw»Nt^ e w s writer an d A rlcr aiiti-abonion groups as heh e p r c - .. p ro -a bent o r of a home being reno- n.irrs to assume the cliainia in n a n - '■ --------- TWININ-PALtS^Ybtnarrhcar- - -uoiTfPer .sliip o f th e Senate luclitiicliciary th e - pripride In their voices, dUTercnt.
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