D ERS In 5 ·Years · .. ___,-:- .. ,) ·- .•: ! • . ,_. ,:<';. •' THE PROVIDENCE PASSOVER JOURN AL Preparing the Ground for 'i p::i 1V~iiJVJD'ii~ N ew Comers iJ~~iv::i ,vci--~,N,~:;~,1~:; tz-·-,,~.P'~ ,,v,e . p'~ ,,v,eVJJ,, · iV,,J~'e jir ,,:l Palestine is grad ually becoming a centre for Je wish im­ migration from the Eastern European countries , where many Jewi sh ·communities have been economically and Issued in the interest of the socially ruined, and where thousands of_our brethren look Jewish Workers' Organizations in Palest ine towar d Pale stine as their only hope. New Chalut zim are pouring into Palestine dail y. Over Providence Passover Journal Comm itt ee 4,000 came in during the last five months and found im­ mediate employm ent . Thousands more are expected in the Chairman PoaleZ io n very near futur e and the Histadruth , the Palestine Labor Alter Boyman A. Boyman_ Feder_ation, is. prepa ring ground for the ever larger num ­ H . Burt Associate Chairman bers of new-comers, making possible their estab lishment S. Sherman S. Sherman S. Lightman on a sound product ive basis. There are 76 industrial co-operati ve undertakings in M. Seeber Financial Secretary Palestine ,· 48 agri cultura l co-operati ves, 24 branches of Ch. Bressler Philip M. PhiliP" co-operative stores , dair ies and cafeterias . A workers' Branch 41, Jewiah Nati onal Advertisinsi Mana2er health fund to render medical aid to the Pioneers and Wor k ers' Allia nc e their famili es, a cultural department of the Histadruth Henry Burt A. Korman which takes care of 68 kindergartens and 12 elementary schools and also provi des education for 4,085 adults . Palestine Women Pioneer Club D. Belilove It has a daily newspaper (Davar ) with its English and Mrs. Kramer PhiliP" M. Berman_ Arabic supplements, a workers ' theatre ( Ohel) and a · Mrs. Louis Smira J. Biller library with 106 branches ·. It has a workmen 's loan society Mrs. Harry 0u'et M. Halpern for the purpo se of making loans to co-operative groups Mrs. Arth-.. Einstein H. Chaet enabling them to undertake public and private work -· · M. Gurnick. ther eby giving employment to hundreds and thousands of · Mrs. Isadore Resnick people. Mrs.· (),a,, Zinn · -Ph.,M. Philips Tru Bee..: Pu.as. P1ovro~NC£. ~R- I. Our Response What Jewish Labor._Means to the· Reaiizing our responsibility towards the building of Pal estine, the Gewerkshaften Palestine - Labor Campaign Up-Building of ,~ alestine was established six years ago, with the purpose of facili­ tating the const ructive work o.f the His~dJtlth, to main - ; tain and ext end its model institl-l.tforis and labor homes to provid e the worker witl1 ·tools and machinery and thus - . enable them to continue thefr 'lustoi:ic task. : -~ · · . " Have you ever stopped to ·think wha t. makes a reality out of that magnificent dream - the building . of a National Homeland? . Palestine is literally -built up , bY. the Histadru th, the General Federation of Jewish · Labor in Palestine. Those who till the soil, construct roads, erect houses, toiI in·g_uar­ ries and labor in the vario~s pr9ducti"ve i;ndusttjes are all memoer's of the Histadruth. · . TheRis .tadruth meets..the.Chalu~z' onlri;arri ~~~ tr~~ ~ in new ·trade~;-oii,tnf;eshim-xn c:o'-Operatives;provides fo~ his social, cultui-al.aµa" ·samtary needs ; develops • new "e'cono~cpossibilities and_-r.iis~ -the ~standat<( of .living of ~ _ "tlie,~fire ~p~ti -~ :'_ · _,,.. -.~:, ,, ·· --~- , ·. ·The )Ii .stad:rutli x:epresents <tQ,000- courageo,~ : and,. •• : . dauntle ss chalutzim who transform Palestine mto a fruit- .,. , -ftif lio~e foi; , its inhabita__nts_- ~d -for ~ihe -:"entireJewish - ' . ~---~ple. ~ THE PROVIDENCE PASSOVER JOURNAL Z'man Hemthenu Greetings iJri,,n 1or Message of William Green Passover, soon to be observe d throughout the entire (\ Jewish world, the titanic resistance and opposition of the President, American Federation of Labor Yevseki to its observance by our brethren in Soviet Russia notwithstanding, is known as the "Season of Washington, December 1st, 1929. Freedom ," although the Bible denominates it as the feast In common with many other groups of people who en­ of unleavened bread as well as the feast of spring. tertain a reverential regard for the history, traditions and To assuage the misapp rehension of the reader , we achievements of the Hebrew Race, the membership of the shall, in our remark s, which must necessarily be brief , American Federation of Labor protested against the atro­ confine ourselves to the "freedom" aspect solely, and leave cities perpetrated upon the Jewish people in many places the other feature s to those who care to peruse the subject for themselves, and consult the Shulhan Aruk, where in Palestine. The Government of Great Britain must pun ­ ish those guilty and must accord full protection to the Jew ­ ample opportunity for research is abund antly provided. Freedom, in its common acceptation, is defined as ish people residing' in Palestine in the exercise of all their "exemption or liber ation from slavery , imprisonment , or civil, religious and political rights . restraint, or from the power or contro l of others ." Bear ­ We hold that all the rights guaranteed the Jewish people ing the foregoing definition and its implications in mind , in Palestine under the Mandatory authority ·conferred up­ it is really immaterial how we regard the liberation of on Great Britain and as· expressed in the historic Balfou r Israel from Egyptian slavery: whether we adhere most note, must be respected and preserved at any and all cost. firmly and unswervingly to the traditional view and ac­ · The highest and best interests of humanity and civilization count of the event as found in the Bible, or whether we -· demand that this be done . prefer to accept the most advanced theories of modern Be assured that the American Federation of Labor ·will textual criticism, since the underlying fundamental idea · render all assistance possible in helping the Jewish people of freedom remains lofty, beautifu l, as well as most amaz- · to realize their hopes and to carry on the great work in ing, considering the times and conditions under which the · , .. which they are engaged in Palestine . event was supposed to have happened. Fratemally yours, As far as we know, no other literature _of anti4!!ity , . _besides the Bible, contains any account, wherein a_ struggle _-_.WILI.IAM GREEN for freedom and a protest against slavery and O{Pression -~• • • ,i is_ registered in such unequivocal terms as stat!!'d in the second book of the Pentateuch. For the first time in his­ tory; before the Romans ~ who have · coined. the term --. Transp"ort ljous~ ( SouthB lotk5), -. · . "e~cipation,,,. ever appeared .on the historic _arena, j:he · · Bible · had · published. a decree; wherein ari injunction Slll!!bSquiae , L?ndoii, S. W . 1, ~ against the enslavement of one set or. group of people by. : - -.._ · -,-. - Nov~ber 12, i 929 another was clearly embodied. There is no doubt that the ? ~ · Mr, .t\. ._ L Shipliaco:ff, . National Labor • Committee for the · Organized · INTERNA}.'IONAL FEDERATION OF Jewish Workers in Palestine _ TRADKUNIONS .. -· 32 Union, _Square, 31, Tesselschadestraat, -Amsterdam New -York. :: : : · ·_,-:-.- -:.~ ~- -~" _ ·•· · ·Am;t e;dam, November 13, 1929 National Labor (::ommittee, _,- 32 Union Square, New York; .N. ·Y. · Dear.Comrades: . ,_Yf e are in receipt-of your invitation ·to-attet;id the Flfth · - Anriual Convention for. Jewi sh Labor Ill Palestine ,. to be . · held at the :end of this montl,i,in New York. You will_un_!ierstaJ!d,_I ani ·sure, that .the ~ere factof; THE PROVIDENCE PASSOVER JOURNAL credit for originating the idea, that "all men are created equal," and that no one individual or a collective group Book Review of individuals is justified in assuming and exercising con­ By HARRY S. BECK trol over any other group, primarily belongs to Israel, irrespective of the fact as to how we have been compen­ sated for prom ulgating the idea of liberty. If one were to meditate carefully and critically "Singennann" by Myron Brinig analyze the question as to why, of all the nations on earth, ours ( I trust that the term "nation" applied to Israel, will The author gives in this book a vivid description of a not sound offensive to the adherents of the so-called Jewish family, of two generations, living in a small town "religious commun ity theory") should have been the first in the West. Without giving his own personal interpreta ­ and practically the only one, both in the ancient world and tion of his characters, as to whether their mode of living throughout the ages, to take a leading part in and be the greatest contributor to the cause of liberty and freedom, is right or otherwise, he merely pictures their everyday he could not escape the conclusion that the basic idea in­ life, their tribulations, their desires and achievements, volved is indissolubly connected with Israel's intrinsic typical of a remote place like "Silvertown." characteristi c, namely, a maintainer of justice and right­ The · principal character of this novel is the father of eousness. "\\Tith righteousness thou shalt judge thy neigh­ the family. Moses emigrates to America from a small but bor," is a cardinal principle of the Bible. It is thus un ­ thinkable for one, endowed with a high sense of justice, picturesque town in Roumania, of mild climate and quiet to tolerate oppression or slavery. The revolt against op-__ life, into a cold and dreary mining town, where the lan­ pression is very strongly in evidence throughout the entire · guage, customs, environment, the very pavements he biblical period, and the prophets, Israel's unique product ,.
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