Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC July 1992 Daily Egyptian 1992 7-8-1992 The aiD ly Egyptian, July 08, 1992 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_July1992 Volume 77, Issue 173 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1992 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in July 1992 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. vearso; Daily Egyptian 75 pubhcation Southern lJlinois Universi lY al Carbondale Wednesday, July 8, 1992, Vol. 77, No. 173, · 12 Pages Educational boost I Increased funds for slue in 1993 By Willia m Ragan from the fiscal year 1992. Politics W'ller Higher e.1uc3lion in Illinois will receiv"! $1.6 billion in 1993, a decrease of only SIUC will receive S7.6 million in $1.000. which is a drop in the buc ket increased funds under !he fiscal 1993 st"" compared to cuts in other state agencies. budgel. which passed Ihe Illinois General said Ellen Feldhausen. sJX'keswoman for A.<Sembly las! Thur>day. The Univers ity will receive funds 10lalling $170.9 millioq in 1993. $28.6 of which wi il go to Ihe SI Sc hool of Mediein" in Springfield. Wall Rchwaldl. assislal1t to the Vice Chancellor. said the increases wi ll hdp suppon some programs on campus. bUl 111 ay npl be able to bring program ~ alrf'Jdy cut back from !he dead. Under th ' budget. SlUE will receive Gus says $7.1i million minus a 566.9 million. an increase ("If S 1.5 rnillion recision could add up to O. Small Business Incubator to dismiss manager Oct 1 By Chris Davies Vinson said the position C~lS pul a strain General Assignment Writer on !he rest of !he staIT but an: necessary. "We have 1,0 streaml:nc our opcrntion in The manager of SlUes Small Busmess order to keep !he focus on our tenants and (ncubator will be dismissed Oct. I and his new business dcvclopmeli!S ." she sait{. duties will be assigned to !he Slaff to nodua: Vinson said Ihe rcsponsj biJitjes of costs. Hampson's job. working wilh tenants and Rhonda Vinson. executive director of promoting new oocs. will be split among SIUC"s Office of Economic and Regional her and other administrator.;. Development. said incubator manager "We will increase our efforts to go out in David Hampson will be disn,::.sed because !he area and fmd new tenants. We now have of budget cuts and lack of state grants. nine bus~ in the incubator. OfA!rating Giddy up, horsey " Because of recent critical cuts made by out or our offices and several arc ready to Aaron Murray, age 3, enjoys the merry-go-round while his W-Idfalhe! J.e. the State Department of Commerce and move out. u she said. 8 Community Affair>; we have oo,n forced to The facility. loca t ed on Leeper watches on. The two, who are from CambrIa, were taking break dismiss several employees since Ihis April:· from shopping Tuesday afternoon In front at Wlll-Mart In C8rbondaIe. she said. see INCUBATOR, page 5 Poshard VOWS to stand finn Pink slips Agencies prepare final list to layoff l4> to 1,400 state employees behind Hayes wetlands Act SPRINGAELD (UP!) - The The budget blueprint for the debate Iasl week thai aI IeasL 800 By Earl Ze/igman and Conservation Act. also pink slips could go out as early as fiscal year lhat began July t Springfield residents will lose Special Assignment Wlfter known as the Hayes Act, is next week for up to t .400 stale eliminates about 2,800 positions. !heir jobs uncle.- Ibe compromise designed to overhaul existing employees slated to lose !heir jobs But !he acluaJ number of worters hammered out between Edgar and Cnngressman Glenn Poshard I ~~islation 10 provide a more as a result of the compromise who lose !heir jobs could I>: half House SpeaJa:r Michael Madigan. (D-Marion) says he will not o"ipeci fic definilion of what budget approved by lawmakers. thal. D-Oticago. withdraw his cosponsorship of !he constitutes a wetland. Agency director.; huddled wilh Agencies are c(l nside ri ng ·'If you had a faclory in your Comprehensive Wetlands and The proposed bill provides for Gov. Jim Edgar's aides Tuest.. y, leaving vacanc ies un filled . district that employed about 800 Conservation Act in spite of a three CJtegooes of wetlands. trying [0 analyze which jobs. reclassifyi ng some positions and people and it was going to dose radio campaign launched against Hij\h prioriry wetlands. Ihose programs and oersonnel line o ffering othe r employees down. .. you'd feel about as upset hirr. by the National Wildlife of "criucaJ significance," would items are affected by the $28 furloughs to keep low !he number as the peop'e in this area feel:" I Federation. receive greater protection than billion spending blueprint. of acluaJ jobs IOSI. Hasara said "When .IOU take a position on under the current law. Edgar spokes man Mike But that's lillie comfon for Madig." began the budget something like this. it's easy to Middle mority wetlands. those Lawrence said cabinel members many residents of Springfield. a process with e lection·year t-uc'de under:· Poshard said. that are ecologicaJly sip.,ificant. hope to have a final layoff list ., factory town" where state pronouncements that his lOp ."1" m going to do exactly what I bLi! if lost would not create a prepared by !he end of the week governmenl is the primary budge I priority was ridding the Ihink ;, right. All the radio ··,;grJficanl or unaa:eptable loss'· so that layoff notices can be employer. Slale of .. wh_ite bureaucrats." campa ign:: jn the world won', [0 the P.c o~yslem. would mailed to some employees by "There have been times wiY.:n I whom he implied were do­ change my (-osition." he said. receive the same level of eaoiy next week. thought. ·W hat the hell. W hy nothings appointed for political referring 10 a series uf locally protection. "The department directors should I be here?··· sait. Dee purposes. airing radiC' spots that have Lew priority wetlands. right now are rather intensely McClelland, a data entry worker ·Tve earned my promotions;· criticized h;s support o f the providing no wetlands functions. preparing !heir plans:· Lawrence on con1r.lCt 10 !he Department of said Pam Doyle. an accountant proposed bill. said. "If you haw to do layoirs, I'IIblic Aid. with the I'IIblic Aid deparui,ent. The Comprehensive Wetlands see WETlANDS, page 5 !he longer you wail. !he more you Rep. Karen Hasara. R­ have to do:· Springfield, complained in House _ LAYOFFS, page 5 ~ .... P•. ":-~ · , . ,. • Two director Summer program Neil Simon's play eOBA recruiter I positions at s lue helps needy kids "Rumors" headlines receives Educator I merge into one enjcy fun activities at McLeod Theater of the Year award - Story on page 3 -Story on page 3 -Story on page 6 -Story on page 6 Page 12 JulyS . ~ Sports Cubs sue to stop league realignment CH ICAGO (UPI) - The "The commi ..,,,io ner· ~ Chicago Cubs sued major league Chicago: NL needs club's consent before move unprecedented action upse's (he baseball Tuesday. saying divisional alignment that ha ~ been ',,",Quldn't have J one it," he said. Commissioner I--a y Vincent against the commissioner. t c am~ in 1993 - the M iami in place for 23 year!: . '\ Incc Marlins and Colorado Rock,., - The Cubs' complaint said the l overstepped his powers in ordering Vi ncent Monday ordered four National League divisions \\ crc learns t.o switc h divisions .oe in each dJVi ion. new alignment wo urd cause lh(" team to play in the NationaJ first crea,ed in J 969. In doing so .. beginning in 1993 Ie make the The lawsuit could delay the L "irreparable injury" and disrupt League West. league more geographically schedule for months and perhaps traditional rivalries. especiall y the commissioner has deprived Ih(' The Cubs filed s uit in U.S . correct. The Cubs and St. Louis buy the Cubs enough time so that bel ween the Cubs and the New Cubs of their ri ght under th e District Court. st:eking a court Cardinais would move from the they could spend one more season Yoll<MelS. National League constitution nol 1.0 order barring Vincent from NL East to the NL West and the in the EasL Vincent has said he is .. Additionally. Chicago·area be transferred to another division re aligning the league without Cincinnati Reds ?oil li Atlanta IiO: 'NOrried by the prospects of a fans would face the prospect of an without Ih<!ir consent.·· approval from the club. The action Braves would move hom the Nl , lawsuit increased number of late night If the Cubs are forced to play by the Cubs comes despite a West to the NL East. " If I didn't think what I did was ganle broadcasts. on both radio and baseball rule prohibiting lawsuits The league also will add two legally sound and legitimate_ I !Clevision.·· the Cubs said. see REAUG~IMENT , page 11 National League suspends four from June brawl NEW YORK (UPI) - National League president Bill White T"esday suspended Houston cooch Ed Ott and pitcher Pete Harnisch. ano Cincinnati pitcher Rob Dibble and outfielder Glenn Braggs for their actions in a game June 24 31 Cincir:lafi. On was suspended for seven deys and fined an undisclosed amount for his panicip:uion in the br.lwl and for prolonged fighting.
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