بسم ہللا الرح ٰمن الرحیم Quiz Questions from Book ‘Introduction to the Study of the Holy Quran’ Questions without answers, their answers can be found in the given page number. Page numbers are from English Book, link of the book is: https://www.alislam.org/library/books/Introduction-Study-Holy-Quran.pdf S.No Question Answer P. No 1 What kind of translation (of the Holy 1 Qur’an) is required for non-Arabic speakers? 2 What difficulties are faced when 1 translating from Arabic into other languages? 3 Who was the first wife of the Holy 4 Prophet (sa)? 4 Which religion did Waraqa Bin Naufal 4 follow? 5 What was the name of the prophet of 4 the ancient Iranians and that of the Hindus? 6 What was the title of the book of 4 Prophet Zartasht [Zoroaster] (as)? 7 What was the title of the book of Hazrat 4 Krishna (as)? 1 8 Which individual did the inhabitants of 4 China used to follow? 9 One purpose of religion is to that it 5 enables man to meet his Maker. What is the other purpose? 10 What is the Qur’anic standard of testing 7 the purity of the lives of the Founders of religions? 11 What is the rule to Allah about sending 8 a prophet to any nation? 12 Fi kulli ummatin shaheed-an [16:90] 8 What is meant by the word Shaheed in this verse of the Holy Qur’an? 13 What was the general state of the 9 Founders of religions with regards to worldly education? 14 How did God help the Founders of Through religions to succeed and become signs and victorious? miracles 15 The world was (geographically) one up Hazrat Noah to the advent of which prophet? as 16 What is the relation between Just like the civilisation and culture? relationship between soul and body 17 Europe has civilisation as well as ??? culture. Why is its culture subordinate to its civilisation? 18 What knowledge was necessary to A unifying reconcile the diverse philosophical teaching- the ideology developing in the world? rigidity of which is tempered by a due degree of flexibility. 2 19 How many books did Ezra and his 204 companions write in 40 days? 20 Which language did the Jews used to Hebrew speak in the period after the crucifiction of Jesus (as)? 21 Apart from the gospels, that have been The Holy interpolated, which book is free of any Quran errors and which can lead man to high morals and spirituality? 22 Apart form Judaism and Christiniaty Hinduism which third religion is significant with regards to the number of adherents? 23 Which scripture recorded the stories of Bible the Prophets before the Holy Qur’an? 24 How many sons did Hazrat Ibrahim (as) 2 have and what were their names? Hazrat Ismail Hazrat Ishaaq 25 What external sign or symbol has been Circumcision laid down for the covenant which Hazrat Abrahim (as) made with God? 26 In the language of divine revelation New law what is often described as the “birth of (Shariah) a new heaven and a new earth.”? 27 Banu Ishaq were granted the rule over Arabia Canaan. Which kingdom was given to Banu Ismail? 28 The prophecy made in Deuteronomy A law bearing 18:18 is about what kind of a prophet? prophet 29 Which mountain(s) are meant by Mount Sinai Faraan/Paran? 30 Translate unzur ma qeela wa laa tanzur 98 انظر إلى ما قيل وﻻ تنظر إلى ] ila man qaala ![من قال 3 31 What is a prerequisite of doing good Cleanliness deeds? of Heart 32 A pious example has an impact on Law man’s heart. What has an impact on the brain/mind of a person? 33 How old was Hazrat Ummul 13 or 14 Mu’mineen Aisha (ra) when the Holy Prophet (sa) married her? 34 How old was Hazrat Ummul 21 Mu’mineen Aisha (ra) at the time of the demise of the Holy Prophet (sa)? کان خلقہ کلہ What did Hazrat Ummul Mu’mineen 35 الق ٓران Aisha (ra) say about the conduct/morals of the Holy Prophet (sa)? 36 What does kaana khuluquhu al-qru’an his character mean? was the Quran [كان خلقه القرآن] 37 When was the Holy Prophet (sa) born August 570 according to the Georgian calendar? 38 Which countries did the Arabs used to Abyssinia, trade with prior to Islam? Syria, Palestine, Hindustan and Yemen 39 How old was Hazrat ‘Abdullah at the He had time of the Holy Prophet (sa)’s birth? passes away 40 How old was the Holy Prophet (sa) 8 Years old when his grandfather passed away? 41 The Holy Prophet (sa), when he was 12 Uncle Abu years old, undertook a journey to Syria Talib with whom? 42 Which association did some youth from Hulful Fuzul Mecca establish to help victims of aggressive and unjust treatment? 4 43 State the incident when the Holy 104 Prophet made Abu Jahl return his loan to an innocent man. 44 How old was the Holy Prophet (sa) 25 years old when he lead a trading caravan of Hazrat Khadijah (ra) to Syria? 45 What was the name of a servant of Maysarah Hazrat Khadijah (ra), who accompanied the Holy Prophet (sa) on that journey? 46 How many times had Hazrat Khadijah 2 times (ra) been widowed before the Holy Prophet (sa) married her? 47 Whose slave was Hazrat Zaid (ra) Hazrat before being freed? Khadijah’s (ra) 48 Which status did the Holy Prophet (sa) Son of the grant to Hazrat Zaid after he was Holy Prophet freed? 49 How far is Cave Hira from Mecca? 2 to 3 miles 50 How old was the Holy Prophet (sa) 40 years old when he saw a vision while in Cave Hira? 51 What was the name of the paternal Warqa bin cousin of Hazrat Khadija? Naufil 52 What was the age of Hazrat Zaid(ra) 25 years old when the Holy Prophet(saw) made his and he claim of Prophethood and when he accepted accepted Islam himself? when he was 30 53 . What was the age of Hazrat Ali (ra) 11 Years when he accepted Islam? 5 54 Who was the Muslim who was a new Hazrat convert and a slave in the beginning of Khubab (ra) the establishment of Islam whose skin became like the skin of animals as a result of the cruelties committed upon him? 55 Which Meccan chief was Hazrat Bilal a Umiyya bin slave to who used to inflict cruelties Khulf upon him to a great degree? 56 Who freed Hazrat Bilal from Umayya Hazrat Abu bin Khalf? Bakar (ra) 57 What was the name of wealthy servant Hazrat and companion who gave all of his Suhaib (ra) wealth to the Meccans and then migrated to Medina? 58 What was the name of servant and Hazrat companion who showed weakness as a Ammar bin result of the torment that was inflicted Yasir (ra) upon him? 59 What was the name of the country that Abyssinia the Holy Prophet(saw) instructed the Muslims to migrate to from Mecca? This place was west from Mecca. 60 There was an important person in the Amar bin delegation that instigated the people of Al’aas Habsha against the Muslims. What was his name? 61 Every blessing/bounty is bound to The Paradise come to an end. But which blessing/bounty will remain forever? Labeed و کل 62 This is a poetic نعيم ﻻ محلتہ زائل 6 verse/stanza of a famous Arab poet. What is his name? 63 Who used to teach the Holy Quran to Hazrat the brother in-law and sister of Hazrat Khubab (ra) Umar(ra) before he accepted Islam. 64 What was the name of sister of Hazrat Hazrat Umar(ra) who accepted Islam before Fatima (ra) him? 65 What other relationship did the brother (paternal) in-law of Hazrat Umar(ra) have with Cousin him (aside from being a brother in- law)? 66 What chapter was Hazrat Fatima who Surah was the sister of Hazrat Umar reciting TA’HA before Hazrat Umar came? 67 The Holy Prophet(saw) prayed for Amar bin Hazrat Umar and one other person that Hashaam they may accept Islam. Who was that other person? 68 When Umar bin Al-Khattab set out to Dare Arqam search and find the Holy Prophet(saw) to accept Islam, where was the Holy Prophet(saw) at that time? 69 Where were the Muslims compelled to Valley of be besieged when they were boycotted? Abu Talib 70 Which revered personality passed away Hazrat after a 3-year boycott? Khadija (ra) 71 Who was the next revered personality Hazrat Abu that passed away after the demise of Talib (ra) Hazrat Khadija(ra)? 7 72 Where did the Holy Prophet(saw) go Ta’if when the people of Mecca denied him and his message? 73 How far is Taif from Mecca? 60 miles 74 Which idol is the reason for the Laat significance of Taif? 75 Who would normally be with the Holy Hazrat Zaid Prophet(saw) whilst doing Tabligh / (ra) preaching in Taif? 76 Addas was a servant of the one who Nineveh owned an orchard of grapes and was a Christian. Where was he from in particular, which place was he from? 77 What was the name of the place Nakhlah between Taif and Mecca where the Holy Prophet(saw) stopped to rest whilst travelling? 78 When the Holy Prophet(saw) entered Mut‘im bin into Mecca again, which noble chief ‘Adiyy showed cooperation to him? 79 What is the name of the author of the Sir William book entitled Life of Muhammad? Muir 80 Which two Arab tribes resided within Aus and Medina? Khazraj 81 What was the name of the chief/leader Abdullah bin of the Khazraj tribe? Abi bin Salool 82 Who was the first Islamic missionary Hazrat sent outside of Mecca? Mu’sab (ra) 83 In a vision of the Holy Prophet(saw), it Medina is mentioned that he travelled to 8 Jerusalem.
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