4 WeeklJ Newspaper Is Close To The Peoph ESTABLISHED 1924 OFFICIAL \FWspAPFR OFTlir Tmr\s,„n Ml , V O L. XL1I, NO. 48------------------- ------------------ -- ArLK O l THE TOWNSHIP AND SCHOOL DISTRICT OF HILLSIDE ------------------- 1111 RSDAY- SEP 1 EMBER 22, 1966, THE HILLSIDE N,J, TIMES ~ Ballot RelerenW TrBTw i?^ PRICE TEN CENTS ^P^Type^AndThe referendum concerning Locations To Be Queried apartment houses on the No­ apartments should be permitted on North Broad St. from Holly­ B C°nCerns high rise in o n e .- he added, vember 8th ballot w ill consist who votes for what from exam­ wood Ave. to Coe Ave. Part B could be added simplifying the record. of four questions'asking sepa- solution ;t Tnesd°dU-ingtheTe' RePublican committeeman ining returns according to vot­ on first reading. guestions' the desirability 0f query merely by asking if res­ ■ rately if garden apartments and ing districts. Committeeman Anthony Rullis of North Further consideration on the high rise in this same area. committee ^ Jf' ^ ^ t0 idents were fo r or against high rise apartments are desi­ Joseph Ram felt that the re fe r­ Broad St. stated that he felt Board of Adjustment recom­ Question #3, Part A, asks if apartments in general. red in four proposed areas. endum left room for a clear many town people would be con­ mendation to permit Pasquale garden apartments should fae s r i £ r Ff s “ Mayor Ackerman said it is Question #1, Part A, asks whe­ cut expression of opinion. fused by the lengthy wording Fernicoia to erect a two family the desir; of the committee ther garden apartments be per­ permitted on Hillside Ave. from ■ s a - g ^ r er are- of the referendum. dwelling on Boa PI. was con­ tain the desires of the township - S re 18 n° W£y to find out “ what the entire mitted on North Broad St. from North Broad St. to OrchardTer- •^dlssem lnattog this informa- didate TownThTp CommiJl Other township committee race. people in specific areas. Com­ tinued until October 4th. tion, Vit claimed. "Each sec­ township wants to say" for the action included second and f i ­ the Newark line to the R"oute 22 mitteeman Robert Diamond said ° * V “ Claimed> Each sec- tee. expressed his disappoint- Demolition of the existing Part B concerns high rise tion can say yes to another sec­ various areas proposed for nal reading of an amendment overpass. Part B asks whether that a simple yes ornoquestion ment with the proposed apart­ structures on the Merkle pro­ buildings in this area. Question tion, but no in their own," he apartments. high rise apartments be per­ w ould not supply the public with ment' referendum on the bal­ to Public Works Ordinance r e ­ perty w ill begin the supervi­ #4, Part A, concerns garden said. Mayor Monroe Ackerman John Witte, of 941 Revere mitted in this same area. Ques­ the opportunity to be fully lot, He said the propositions moving the Maintenance Garage sion of the township engineer apartments on Maple Ave. from called Vil's charge an attempt Drive, questioned the amount from the Public W orikktepart- tion #2, Part A, asks if garden heard. "W e hope to obtain the were lengthy and said there who was instructed by the town­ Newark line to Winans Ave. to stifle the people. Ackerman of money that was being spent ment. complete sentiment of every- were really 8 questions in­ ship committee to retain any stated it would be easy to see volved not 4. He said one more m!d C['hepf,!aster. Plan« and W£>s An amendment to Amusement usable features such as water told the figures were on the Game Ord'inancewas Introduced Continued on Page 11 Hillside Week d e m o c r a t ic JERRY GREENHOUSE of 345 Sanford Ave. is director of per­ r Board Of Education Requested V: sonnel of the Union Symphony Orchestra which has begun its 15th season. He hopes to increase the orchestra to 85 members. headquarters^ * ***** To Provide Lunchroom At GWS JOHN SGROI, 52, of 1522 Liberty Ave., who operates a bar- Mrs. Herbert Small of 1549 high school teacher, master’s ber shop on the same street and has been in charge of rentals A total , of $200,000 was Schley St. Wednesday night ask­ degree,- for die War Memorial Building for many years was removed transferred to the special ath­ ed the Board of Education to The board voted to operate letic account of the board. Mank squad* Gen£ral HQSpiMl Saturday bV Hillside Am- provide lunchroom facilities In the adult school this year. For Provisions were made to the George Washington School the past two years, the program purchase new lockers to re­ to care for her firs t gride has been conducted jointly with ™ AMBROSE O f 15 Union Place, Irvington, reported to child. place existing lockers In the the Board of Recreation Com­ police at 5.39 p.m. Saturday that the offices of the engineer and Hillside High School. The school which has class­ m issioners. The change Is be­ A request was received from the sales department had been entered and ransacked at the es for the kindergarten through ing made to take advantage of the Pop Warner League reques­ kraft Foods Co. in Evans Terminal Road. He was unable to de- sixth grade lacks a lunchroom federal funds, terrmne what was missing. ting use of the new refresh- or provisions for children to Ronald Young was appointed ment stand to serve refresh­ The Detective Bureau also is investigating a report at 10:48 eat lunch in school. assistant wrestling coach and ments at its games. The stand p.m. Saturday by Raymond Rossi of 612 Leo St. that his house Mrs. Small explained that •Samuel Stellatella was appoin­ was entered and ransacked that evening and $200 in fash and she works and until this year is scheduled to be completed ted assistant basketball coach. Oct. 1. jewelry stolen and by aam’ Stieber of 20 Eastern Parkway that this Child and a younger one his house was entered sometime between 2 and 9:36 p.m. Sun- went to a nursery school in ay._ tieber was unable determine what was missing. Elizabeth. The board said it would stu­ Local Youth Awarded ROGER T J. GUGL1CH, 20, of 157 Magazine St., Newark, was dy her request. t t o to the St. Elizabeth Hospital, Elizabeth, following m ac- Dr. Wayne T . Branom, su­ ewem at 11:15 p.m. Sunday in Route 22 opposite Harding Ter perintendent of schools, sug­ Purple Heart In VietNam Wiglicli said that his car hit a pole after it struck an unknown gested that the child be trans­ J,lCt 111 “ e roadway and went out of control along the highway ferred to the Hillside Ave. ™ *t> until it collided with the pole. Democrats Open Headquarters School where there is a lunch­ ***** Mavor Mnnrnp Irlornm n n **■»,,* „ _ room. Children from the Wa­ Mayor Monroe Ackerman, Democratic candidates Alexander Menza wrt i i t PATROLMAN THOMAS HACKETT apprehended three juvenile shington School are sent to the Police Commissioner Carmen Ferrtgno join crowd at Democratic headtlalteS Hillside Ave. School for the oofs in the rear yard of 226 Exeter Way throwing eggs. The Ave. which opened last week. oys were released to th eir parents pending juvenile action. (ART ROSE PHOTO) seventh and eighth grades. ***** M rs. Small said she thought MISS JEANNETTE VERDI, 34, of 1036 Kilsyth Road, Eliza- Orchestra Sets teachers who eat in the school cth, was arrested at 7:50 p.m. Saturday after she almost ran Apprehended After at lunchtime could take care of n a Florence Ave. resident as he attempted to cross Chest­ First Rehearsal her child. She said she has no nut Ave, at H illside Ave. Mrs. Claribel Jaffe, Presi­ neighbor In the Monroe Gardens dent of the Hillside Community Maple Ave. Chase was charged with driving while under the influence of al- Apartments with whom she can Orchestra, wishes to announce Raymond Nicholas Gallic- Minlic beverages and unable to operate a motor vehicle and who alerted the two patrolmen. leave the child dally. that rehearsals for the 1966- chlo, 43, of 134 Stowe St.,New­ 1 r 0rivlng a car without the registration. Responding to the scene, the Stereophonic equipment has ***** 1967 season will start on Thurs­ ark, has been released on $1,000 patrolmen found a pane of glass been donated to the Abram P. day evening. Sept. 29 at the Hill­ on charges of breaking and en­ FIRE ENGINE TWO Saturday night rescued a cat from a tree had been broken and a hasp had Morris-Saybrook Schtfol kin­ side High School music room, tering Ruth’s Fashion Shop at “i Stanley T e r . after the cat had climbed to a safe perch and been forced on a rear door. dergarten by a group of friends Livingston Road at Plymouth 1590 Maple Ave. Thursday s too frightened to climb down. They observed GalllcChlo of the late Mrs. Jean M. John­ morning. Road, Hillside at 7:30 PJV1, standing In the front of the son, form erly the teacher. Gallicchio was apprehended An Invitation to join the Or­ store. As they entered, G allic­ The equipment Is dedicated SPEC. 4 THOMAS L . RHINESMITH OTHER LARCENCIES reported to police included theft of 35 In the basement of the apart­ chestra is extended to all qual­ chio jumped through the large to the memory of Mrs. John­ Specialist 4, Thomas L.
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