Grosse Pointe ews Vol. 44 - No. 22 Grosse POinte, Michigan, Thursday, June 2, 1983 30 cents 40 Pages Two school candidates • Wln QEC endorsement By Joanne Gouleche about educatIn~ the commumty on Each candIdate was allowed A group of local parents keepmg the school clOSIng plan We realize three-mInute openIng remarks B'Stilia Blues a close eye on the June 13 school we have a lot of work cut out for and a two-mlllute closing speech board electIOn threw Its support to us, but we're WIlling to go the dIS- WhIle several residents posed Good news for all you Grosse tance," Mrs Nutter said POInte Blues Band fans Shak- two contenders followmg a League questIOns on Supt Brummel's ey, ChiP, Flip, SkIP, DIp and of Women Voters candidate forum Also seekmg two four-year spots school consolidation plan, o~iJt:r the rest of the preppy players last week at the War MemOrIal. on the Board of Education are In- concerns Included education 10 the 21st century» the rcc~;:t ::.~ti:::~::! will i.Je puttIng It to the estab- Thomas Peters and Frank Stel- cumbent Dorothy Kennel, VIncent lIshment at B'StIlla's grand LoCicero, DaVId Russell, Anthony study of education, hIgh school lingwerf receIved endorsements curriculum and the current teach- opemng Friday evemng, June from the QualIty EducatIOn Coal- Skomski and Sharon Vasher 17 er negotiations Ition, (QEC) formed last month by Those candIdates, along WIth Actually, the restaurant isn't parents to urge Supt Kenneth Stelhngwerf and Peters, answered really opemng It's more of a Brummel to halt his plan to con- questions posed to them by the 140 The Maire and Trombly school re-opemng after extensIve ren- solIdate tour elementary sChools residents who attended the Lea- PTQs will also sponsor a "Meet ovations were done to the War- by fall 1984 CandIdates elected on gue of Women Voters forum on the Candidates Coffee" tonight, ren Avenue eatery JunE.' 13 Will vote on Supt Brum- Tuesday, May 26 CandIdate Shar- June 2, from 8 to 9 p.m in the mel's tenta tl ve propos al III on Vasher did not attend because Maire gymnasium, 740 Cadieux The GPBB has establIshed it- November of an earlier commitment Road self as a fun and funny group of musicians Intent at poking fun "We WIll begIn a big push to get at the Pointe whIle providing them (Peters and Stellmgwerf) good musIc They're absolutely elected," spokesman Susan Glass top drawer said, addmg the QEC was "very Caulkins will do tiIne impressed" WIth the two candI- Over exposed dates' qualIfIcations Ever see a guy WIth square "They were the most sympathe- - in FarDlS lock-up ankles? Farms pohce did a tic to our position at thiS tIme," double take after corralling a Mr~ Glass saId "They were ong- By Tom Greenwood "That sentence will probably be shoplifter at Kroger's two Inally not conVInced that thIS Farms resident Edward W suspended if Caulkins stays out of weeks ago (Brummel's) plan was gomg to CaulkInS, last month sentenced to trouble durIng hIS probation," work The boys in blue received a spend 90 days m the DetrOIt House said Chief Ferber. "That gener- run to the store where em- "We were very Impressed that of CorrectIOns for negligent homI- ally IS what happens in these ployes were holdmg a man they Stellingwerf IS an attorney and CIde In the drunk drIving death of cases, although it's not a hard and suspected of stealing from could take Mr (Ronald) Dalby's 21-year-old Todd El vldge, has fast rule. The thought of gomg to them It turned out the dude place Peters IS an educator with been released to attend college DeHoCo for 80 days acts as a hammer over hiS head." had stuffed SIX package& of a lot of expertIse In the field, par- after spendmg the first 10 days of Polaroid film worth over $60 tIcularly If Mrs (Dorothy) Kennel his sentence In the Farms lock-up Chief Ferber also said he was on a work release program Into his socks is removed." going to recommend to Judge After gIvmg hIm a lift to the Jane Nutter, QEC co-ordma- The release after 10 days Jail Kaufman that CaulkInS spend his station, It was learned the tor, added the group IS lookmg for tIme and return to college are all 100 hours of community service speaking before students and clumsy camerman was wanted PhoCoby TomGr_ candIdates who offer some solu- part of the sentence imposed by by Detroit polIce on three dIf- tIOns to the school system's declln- Wayne County CIrCUIt Court other groups about what can hap- ferent warrants mg enrollment problem. Judge Charles Kaufman, who sen- pen when a person drinks and Return of the Esquire tenced Caulkins to three years drives. Farms police are also on the "We do not want a one-Issue probatIon on April 11 lookout for another whoodoo Workmen put the E - S - Q back on the Esquire marquee last week candIdate," Mrs. Nutter saId. "I'm gomg to talk to SAC' (Sub- dressed in shorts, sweatshirt as its new operator, former county commissioner Erv Steiner, prepar- "We want someone who is WIlling In the entire sentence, Kauf- stance Abuse Community Council) and surgical mask who exposed ed to reopen the Grosse Pointe Park landmark on East Jefferson Ave- to (help) resolve our dIffIcultIes man ordered Caulkins, 20, to three about him," said Ferber. "He himself to a young woman out- nue. Steiner told city officials last week that he plans to bring the WIth dechnmg enrollment at this yeat;s probation with the first 10 seems genUInely affected by side of Perry's last week theater completely up to the city building code standards and split the time days of a 9O-day JaIl term to be what's happened. The other day hall into three showing rooms featuring family movies. Opening date is spend In DeHoCo ThIS was later we had a real belligerent drunk The warm weather and sun- June 10. The theater has been closed since January when Us owners "We want someone who will changed to the Farms Jail. where in the halding room With hIm and shine do bring them out, don't W'er~ embroiled \a ~ co"'~t battle with the city over a a-game video bnng their mdivId~al s~reJlgths to CaulkinS calmed hIm down He they? CaulkinS spellt one week on a arcade which tbe city Said was in violation of its ordinances. Steiner the poard We feel Peters and .<o.WOr,k,. .release program talked to jhim about wbal 'alcohol said he plans ~ ~perate only thr~e gl\mes, in line with city cCK\e.The Stellingwerf can do Just that They can do to mess up your hfe It was Tops in tennis former commiSSioner also operates the Civic and Alger theaters in were the only two' candIdates (at Accordmg to Farms Chief of eff~tive " Detroit. the league forum) who spoke Police Robert K Ferber, Caulkins CongratulatIOns to Steve was released to work pamtlng the Caulkins, of Willow Tree Lane, Pack, 17, of the ULS tennIS Farms police garage from 8 a m was found guilty of neghgent team who was recently chosen to 8 p m (WIth breaks for meals), homicide in the Jan. 15 automo- as the outstanding hIgh school Park seeks state road fUnds then locked up from 8 p m to 8 bile death of hiS friend Todd EI- athlete in DetrOIt by WDIV am. vidge of Grosse Pomte City (Channel 4) By Susan McDonald The panel was appomted last the Department of Transportation Caulkms also receIved three At that hme Caulkins, Elvldge Gov. Blanchard's proposed month by Mayor Douglas Gra- authority to loan $100 millIon in Steve was taped receIving an ham, who said the city had post- days credit for the time spent in economIC development program bond funds to Cities for road re- <Continued on Page 2M award on Tuesday, May 24, poned needed street repaIrs long jaIl dUring hIS pre-tnal arrest In may come to the rescue of Grosse paIrs If Interest on the bonds WIth a scheduled vlewmg on the enough. No funds for major street the remaInder of his sentence, Pointe Park's deteriorating stays below 95 percent, the Park 6 p.m. news last Friday night, resurfacing work are allocated m could repay Its debt without an in- Kaufman ordered Caulkms to pay May 27 streets. The city last week applied thIS year's budget or next year's crease In the tax rate thIS year, fmes and/or costs of $265 per year Water rates for $1 mIllion to repair crumbling at $25 per month, to attend col- A resIdent of the Woods, roads under the governor's trans- But the city admimstration says CIty Manager John Crawford saId more than half of the CIty'S streets lege full time; to seek drug and Steve was chosen as the best portatIon bonds proposal. - 19 miles In all - are In poor Thirteen other MichIgan alcohol therapy; to perform 100 rise, fall tenlllS player In the Detroit commumtIes have already applIed area and also showed that he ApplicatIOn was made after a condition and some have deter- hours of community service; pay fIVe-man panel recommended ac- iorated to the poInt they must be for fundIng under the program, $1,000 In fmes at a rate of $75 per hits the books as hard as a ten- according to Crawford.
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