Nguzu Nguzu English Teachers Guide 1 Standard 5 First Edition 2005 Published in 2005 by the Curriculum Development Centre P.O. Box G27 Honiara Solomon Islands Copyright © Ministry of Education and Human Resource Development 2005 All rights reserved. Any parts of the book may be copied, reproduced or adapted to meet the local needs without permission from the authors, provided that parts reproduced are distributed free, for educational purposes only. Written permission must be obtained from the Curriculum Development Centre if any part of this book is to be reproduced for profit. ISBN 982-371-085-6 The development of this Teacher’s Guide Book was funded by the Solomon Islands Government with assistance from the New Zealand Agency for International Development, the European Union and the UK Department for International Development. Printing and production of this Teacher’s Guide was completed with assistance from the New Zealand Agency for International Development. Foreword This Standard 5 English Teachers Guide has been developed to make English teaching and learning more natural and more relevant to the needs of Solomon Islands pupils and teachers The activities in the Teachers Guide are based on the principal that a new language is acquired because pupils hear it spoken in a natural and meaningful context Through exposure to the English Language, pupils learn its vocabulary, its grammatical rules and pronunciation Fluency and understanding are developed through practice in speaking and listening activities and literacy is promoted through reading and writing activities The emphasis in the upper years of primary is on functional literacy Reading and writing is taught with a range of specific purposes and audiences in mind Reading for meaning is central to the objectives Reading to research factual information and reading for pleasure and enjoyment are emphasised through the inclusion of a range of factual and fiction texts Writing activities are always geared to a specific purpose, to convey ideas, information, facts and opinions to a particular audience Literacy skills that are useful in real life are the basis of what is taught in the classroom This Teachers Guide and the related Pupils Books have been developed locally by Solomon Islands teachers and curriculum developers, to reflect the everyday customs, values and experiences of Solomon Islanders They ensure that the teaching and learning of English in Primary schools is relevant and meaningful for our pupils and is placed firmly in the context of their daily lives At the same time the materials aim to broaden pupils horizons by including regional themes, introducing texts and topics from neighbouring countries into the materials to add interest and depth I regard the development of these teaching and learning approaches as another important step in our efforts to provide high quality, meaningful learning experiences for our primary pupils As Permanent Secretary responsible for education services in Solomon Islands I endorse the Standard 5 English Teachers Guide for use in primary schools throughout the country I recommend it to teachers and encourage you all to implement this curriculum in your classrooms DrDerek Sikua Permanent Secretary Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development 1 Acknowledgements The Ministry of Education and Human Resouce Development is grateful to the following people, whose work has led to the development of the Nguzu Nguzu English Teachers Guide and other materials and resources for Standard 50 Curriculum Development Centre Team Desk Top Publishers Franco Rodi, Director CDC Eunice Duna Jacob Zikuli, PEDP Seniour Curriculum Officer Linda Puia Linda Puia, PEDP Seniour Curriculum Officer David Sokaika, PEDP Curriculum Officer Writers Ellen Wairiu, PEDP Curriculum Officer Nguzu Nguzu English Teacher Writers Lionel Damola, PEDP Curriculum Officer Staff of School of Education Language Alison Blaylock, PEDP Project Adviser Department Ewa Czernuszewicz, Consultant Adviser Consultant Editors Illustrators Annette Woods Jackson Onahikeni, Elunid Woyd Cindy Watson PEDP Graphic Artist Anna Kinnane Lloyd Dauwara Warren Teho Funding Agencies European Union UK Department For International Development New Zealand Agency for International Development Important Note This Teachers Guide, the Pupils Books and all supporting materials for the Nguzu Nguzu curriculum are the property of the school They have been freely donated to the school They must not be sold or removed from the school Teachers who are transferred to other schools must not take books with them when they move 2 8r Qhtr A r q 6pxyrqtrr D qpv Uur@tyvuTyyhi UurGhsurHhr vhy 9rryvtGvr hps Thqh q#% UrhpuvtHruq 'LVFXVVLRQDQG2UDO:RUN /DQJXDJH'HYHORSPHQW 7HDFKLQJ5HDGLQJ 7HDFKLQJ&RPSUHKHQVLRQ 7HDFKLQJ:ULWLQJ 7HDFKLQJ+DQGZULWLQJ 7HDFKLQJ6SHOOLQJ 6rrhqSrp q'rrvt $VVHVVLQJ5HDGLQJ5XQQLQJ5HFRUGV $VVHVVLQJ:ULWLQJ²&ROOHFWLQJ:ULWLQJ6DPSOHV $VVHVVLQJRUDO6NLOOV²2UDO2EVHUYDWLRQV QyhvtBvqryvr 8vr8yh6yvphv Byh sUr Uur@tyvuVv Ur 8QLW 0\,VODQG 8QLW ,VODQG7RZQV 8QLW 1HLJKERXULQJ&RXQWULHV 8QLW ([SORUHUV Ur ! 8QLW 0RGHUQ+HURHV 8QLW 7KH:HDWKHU 8QLW 7KH/DQG 8QLW )DUPLQJDQG)LVKLQJ 3 The English Syllabus The Rationale for Teaching English in the Primary Curriculum English is one the international languages of the world, the official language of Solomon Islands and the recommended medium for instruction throughout the formal education system0 By the time they enter the formal education system, pupils will already have acquired one or more languages0 Through the Nguzu Nguzu Curriculum in Standards 1-4 they have become familiar with English as an additional language in a classroom environment, which also builds on and enriches their local language0 By Standard 5 they will be at a point where they are comfortable with it as the medium for instruction across the primary curriculum0 The Standard 5 English Curriculum builds on this foundation0 Through a variety of genres pupils develop skills in literacy (reading and writing) and oracy (speaking and listening)0 Factual and literary texts in different forms and styles are the basis for developing confident reading and independent writing skills0 The materials encourage reading and writing for a real purpose, in a real world0 Pupils will learn to read and write for pleasure, for instruction, for information, to express ideas and opinions and to give and follow instructions0 Why is English Important for Solomon Island Pupils? • A sound understanding of English is necessary for pupils to fully access all areas of the primary curriculum, and essential if they are to progress to secondary and tertiary education0 • Achieving literacy in English gives pupils access to a range of written texts including newspapers, magazines, books and poetry0 • Fluency in spoken English enables them to communicate and express their ideas with confidence in the official language of Solomon Islands0 • English opens up access to a wider range of English language media such as radio and television broadcasts and telecommunications0 • Confidence in English will provide pupils with an entry point to exploring new media such as the Internet and email communications in an increasingly multi-media age0 • In adulthood, the ability to read in English promotes access to a wealth of knowledge in community life, a range of professional fields, business, science and technology0 • Confidence in English contributes significantly to the achievement of social, cultural, economic and political potential0 Aims of English Language Education - Oracy and Literacy English is used as the medium of instruction in Solomon Islands in all areas of the primary curriculum0 Pupils learn much of their English through immersion in an English-rich environment0 Daily English lessons, based on a whole language approach, develop pupils ability to communicate confidently and effectively, in both speech and writing0 Through encouraging the active involvement of pupils in developing their listening and speaking (oracy) and reading and writing (literacy) skills0 Teachers should expose their pupils to as much English as possible, in natural contexts which are relevant and appropriate to the age and experience of the pupils0 Using the Nguzu Nguzu Readers, Teachers Guides, Pupils Books and other available materials, teachers are encouraged to plan and implement a programme of varied learning activities to meet the specific needs of their pupils0 Aims in Oracy To develop effective listening and speaking skills, pupils should learn to: • listen, understand and respond to English instructions, directions and questions; • organise their ideas and present them in spoken English in a way which is appropriate to their purpose and that of their audience; • understand the ways in which the pronunciation of consonants and consonant blends differs in English and the languages of the Solomon Islands; • understand and use the vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar of standard international English; • understand and use the vocabulary of all subjects of the primary curriculum0 4 Aims in Literacy To develop effective reading and writing skills, pupils should learn to • view reading and writing as both pleasurable and useful activities; • read silently, with understanding and enjoyment; • read, understand and respond to a wide range of English texts, in a variety of genres across the primary curriculum; • read aloud, accurately, fluently, with expression and understanding; • write in different genres showing awareness of
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