,.. ROYAL FLYING l)()CfOO S Supporting Kurdish Not backing BDS PAGE 5 The new AUJS team PAGE 6 independence PAGES 14, 16 AustralianTHE Jewish News Melbourne edition 4233. $3.80 (including GST) Friday, October 6, 2017 - Tishrei 16, 5778 VEGAS SHOOTING ‘ The people of Israel stand with the people of America’ FOLLOWING the deadly attack music,” Rivlin wrote. in Las Vegas on Sunday night In a show of solidarity, Tel that has so far claimed the lives Aviv City Hall lit up its rectangu- of 59 people and left hundreds lar-shaped building in the shape of others injured, Israeli Prime of an American flag using red, Minister Benjamin Netanyahu white and blue lights. issued a statement of solidarity Meanwhile, a number of with the United States. Israelis considered as missing “Las Vegas and the American in the aftermath of the mass people experienced a day of hor- shooting in Las Vegas have been ror; the hearts of the people located and none were injured. of Israel go out to the scores Foreign Ministry spokesman of innocent people murdered in Emmanuel Nahshon told The cold blood,” he said on Tuesday. Times of Israel on Tuesday morn- “Our hearts go out also to ing that Israel’s consul-general in the hundreds who are wounded; Los Angeles, Avner Saban, and we pray for their speedy recov- other embassy staff had reached ery. The people of Israel stand out to Israelis living in Las Vegas with the people of America this and that all were accounted for JCCV VOTES TO following the Sunday massacre. time and anytime, but especially in this time. We will overcome, Saban had travelled to Las together.” Vegas to oversee efforts to reach President Reuven Rivlin in a the 18 Israelis unaccounted for letter to President Donald Trump and considered missing by the also expressed condolences to the Foreign Ministry following the SUPPORT SSM families of the dead and wished attack on a country music festival that killed at least 59 and injured This week, the Jewish Community Council of Victoria overwhelmingly passed for the recovery of the injured. more than 500. “We stand with you as you a resolution supporting same-sex marriage and urging Victoria’s Jewish Some 7000 Israelis live in Las mourn the terrible loss of life and Vegas, Saban told the Israeli news community to participate in the postal survey to “help ensure that the basic injury following this senseless website Walla. JTA right to marriage is afforded to all Australians”. attack on people who had merely gathered together to listen to Further coverage: 8 FULL STORY: PAGE 4 Motion passed by the Jewish Community Council of Victoria “This meeting of the Plenum of the JCCV: 1. To call on the Federal Government to support NOTES that the question before Australia at the the elimination of discrimination against same-sex upcoming postal survey is one relating to civil, not couples under Australia’s civil law by extending legal religious, marriage. recognition to marriages between same-sex couples SUPPORTS same-sex marriage under civil law as part who choose to marry; of its commitment to equal rights and respect for all 2. To support equal treatment under Australian law people and the elimination of discrimination in all its to same-sex couples who choose to marry; and forms. 3. To call on its members and the wider community URGES all participants in the public debate to take part in the postal survey and help ensure that regarding same-sex marriage to engage with respect the basic right to marriage is afforded to all Australians and tolerance, and without personal rancour. regardless of their gender or sexuality in order to create And resolves: a modern, fair and just society.” Tel Aviv City Hall IIVallilforrwNKo9anMollae·c:iJ~~.PilrlOl'laluse~.OlsicowttG'llallcmleoi,·Ko9anPrepald"Elmll.i:irge""30d~plarspui'ehasedbrnnfl:59PMAEDT31/f0/17unle55otf'Klrwlse·~-Oi;c:ountdoesnotapptytoS\lbsequentnlC:harges. Ncn awllabw for c:ommen:lal °' ,_le pi,sposes. DIKount c:iannot be uSl8d In coruunc:tion with anyoth• p!l)fflOtlooal o1fers. Notwnsfvratlleand not *'-noble forc:ash. Umltl p.-c:uSUlmlll'• .-vtsit koggnmoble.com.au forfuU W1mS and c:ondltlom. • AJN- a a-.. MELBOURNE OFFICE The case for Palestinian statehood Level 1, 589 Glenhuntly Road NEWS ‘ Elsternwick 3185 is at least as compelling as the Telephone: (03) 8531 8900 case for Kurdish statehood, but Facsimile: (03) 8531 8955 THIS SYDNEY OFFICE you would not know that by the Level 1, 55 Grafton Street Bondi Junction 2022 way so many countries support Telephone: (02) 8383 0800 WEEK Facsimile: (02) 8383 0855 Palestinian statehood but not Website: www.jewishnews.net.au Kurdish statehood. Advertising enquiries: What’s in ’ [email protected] Alan Dershowitz Email: [email protected] your Jewish News Professor of Law and author Publisher: Robert Magid Group general manager: Rod Kenning MARRIAGE EQUALITY BRING BACK LEIFER VEGAS ATTACK A JEWISH JOURNEY National editor: Zeddy Lawrence Deputy national editor: Joshua Levi JCCV votes to support Abuse victim Erlich Community rallies In the footsteps of Senior journalist: Evan Zlatkis same-sex marriage meets Prime Minister after mass shooting Jews on the Silk Road Israel correspondent: Nathan Jeffay MEMBERS of the Jewish Community CHILD sexual abuse victim Dassi Erlich MEMBERS of the Jewish community AS the backbone of central Asia, Religious affairs editor: Yossi Aron Council of Victoria passed a met Malcolm Turnbull last Friday are doing all they can to help the the ancient Silk Road has a storied Arts editor: Danny Gocs resolution on Monday night in favour to discuss the stalled extradition victims of Sunday night’s deadly Jewish heritage. Rabbi Fred Morgan, Journalists: Peter Kohn, of “same-sex marriage under civil law proceedings against former Adass attack in Las Vegas which has claimed who recently led two tour groups Shane Desiatnik, Sophie Deutsch, Daniel Shandler, Rebecca Davis as part of its commitment to equal Israel principal Malka Leifer, who fled the lives of 59 people and left along this historic route, shares his rights and respect for all people”. from Australia in 2008. hundreds more injured. experiences of his travels there. Photographers: Peter Haskin, Noel Kessel Page 4 Page 5 Page 8 Pages 12-13 Subeditor: Rebecca Alford Supplements editor: Belle Kwan NO BOYCOTT AUJS MAKE-A-WISH KURDISH INDEPENDENCE Finance: James Fede: Manager – Sales, Marketing & Communications Flying docs deny Elbit New leadership team Bringing magic into Israel backs Kurds, Multimedia development manager: Ren Rizzolo deal affected by BDS for Jewish students sick children’s lives denies meddling National art director: PLANS by the Royal Flying Doctor THE Australasian Union of Jewish DENISE Bar-Aharon, the founder ISRAEL is set to get a new friend in Stephen Fretwell Service to use Israeli developed flight Students welcomed a new national and CEO of Make-A-Wish Israel its hostile neighbourhood – but the Production: training equipment appear to have executive for 2018 at its AGM last visited Melbourne recently to prospect of Kurdish independence is Glenda Steckoll (manager), stalled, but the organisation has week. The team includes chairperson discuss the critical role played by her spawning conspiracy theories that it Peter Nichols, Vivienne Napolitano, denied that it caved to pressure from Saul Burston, vice-chairperson Gareth organisation and the shared appeal is only happening because of Mossad Mervyn Willrow, Adriana Alvarez, BDS campaigners. Milner and treasurer Daniel Kahan. with its Australian counterpart. meddling. Tiffany Morris-North, Daniel Goodrich Page 5 Page 6 Page 9 Page 14 National Sales manager: Gary Marks RMIT ‘UNDERMINING PEACE TALKS’ Advertising: Cecelia Newstadt, SISTER SCHOOLS CONNECT Joyce Wainstein, Jeremy Ungar, Barbara Sacks, Deborah Maybloom, Tackling cyber Concern as PA becomes Sharon Krawitz, Shaun Rabinowitz North Eastern goes security issues member of Interpol Financial controller: Tony Clark Southern – to Israel RMIT University and The TO Israeli dismay, the Palestinian Administration: Maureen Scott, NORTH Eastern Jewish Centre’s Academic College of Tel Aviv- Authority has just joined Interpol, Olivia Smith, Sharyn Kenny, Margi Fain, Yaffo have partnered on solving a giving it the power to issue “red Estelle Miller, Sally Freeman (NEJC) Hebrew School students recently had a special encounter simulated cyber-security challenge notices” prompting fellow member The Australian Jewish News does not with the fellow students of their to help participants hone skills in states to locate and extradite wanted guarantee the kashrut of any restaurant, Israeli sister school. The young dealing with a major cyber-breach. men and women. caterer or product advertised. Australians visited the Ben Gurion Page 10 Page 15 The Australian Jewish News is printed School in Beersheba, delivering by Newsprinters, Victoria, and handmade Rosh Hashanah cards STILLBIRTH ISRAEL REMEDYING AN INJUSTICE Spotpress, NSW. and gifts. Aussie family to Laying out the case for Printpost: No 100007670 Real relationships have been ABN: 54618993967 fostered between the students of the schools, as they regularly fund vital service Kurdish independence The Australian Jewish News is published by REBECCA Dreyfus is aiming to WHY is there so much international Polaris Media Pty Ltd. Skype and write to each other. NEJC’s Rabbi Daniel Rabin establish an Israeli stillbirth support support for Palestinian independence To advertise call: (03) 8531 8900 described the “beautiful welcome” as “heartwarming”. organisation after her daughter Elysa but so little support for Kurdish To subscribe call: 1800 010 171 “Greater than any lesson one can teach about Israel, is the opportunity delivered a stillborn baby girl last independence, asks Alan Social notices: [email protected] for our students to gain friends and connections to their contemporaries year. About 1000 Israeli women give Dershowitz, who highlights the in our homeland,” he added. birth to stillborn babies every year.
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