Winthrop University Digital Commons @ Winthrop University The Johnsonian 1990-1999 The Johnsonian 6-14-1995 The Johnsonian Summer Edition Jun. 14, 1995 Winthrop University Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.winthrop.edu/thejohnsonian1990s Recommended Citation Winthrop University, "The Johnsonian Summer Edition Jun. 14, 1995" (1995). The Johnsonian 1990-1999. 156. https://digitalcommons.winthrop.edu/thejohnsonian1990s/156 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The Johnsonian at Digital Commons @ Winthrop University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Johnsonian 1990-1999 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Winthrop University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 1st Issue, Summer Edition, 72nd Year The Student Newspaper, of Winthrop University WU baseball ends* ever BY JANET A. BRINDLE BUSINESS MANAGER Not only did they make history, they did it in style. The Winthrop University baseball players not only made it to the NCAA finals-a feat that no other Winthrop team has accomplished since Winthrop's membership in the NCAA in 1986-they progressed all the way to the third game before being defeated by Ala- bama 14-0. Winthrop ended the sea- son 41-17-2, ranked 24 nation- ally and won the Big South Conference Championship. In- dividual awards went to BSC's Most Valuable Player Bryan Link, BSC all-conference player Tony Costantino and the BSC Co-Coach of the year, Joe Hudak. Winthrop head coach Hudak said, "Our goal at the beginning of the year was to make the NCAAregionals, the first time in Winthrop's his- tory. We were able to do that. "And once we made that goal our goal was then to come down here and showpeople that we were a good baseball pro- gram. I think we accomplished PHOTO BY BRAD BRYANT Winthrop baseball team wins their first game against PLEASE SEE BASEBALL, PACE 3 played In the college world series since Winthrop joined the Alabama. This was the first time a Winthrop team has NCAA in 1986. Fretwell advises DiGiorgio, trustee members extensive changes reveal new plans of action BY DANIELLE L. KIRACOFE the first phase of the faculty ees meetings more open. The EDITOR salary equity plan which had current by-laws state that all in Winthrop's style not been begun previously due members of the trustees ex- President Anthony J. BY EILEEN B. JONES to budget cuts in higher learn- cept for the student and fac- to talk with Fretwell had more DiGiorgio issued a plan of ac- ing made in the state legisla- ulty representatives to the MANAGING EDITOR than just negative comments, tion and the board of trustees he said. Mixed with them ture. board are allowed unless an listed initiatives in response to DiGiorgio said there will invitation is offered. Extensive changes are was a strong commitment to consultant E.K. Fretwell'sMay required in the leadership also be a review of the institu- Earlier that day in execu- Winthrop anu the wish that report on the university. tional mission, the Vision of style of President Anthony conditions would improve. tive session out-going faculty "We all have to acknowl- Distinction and communicate chair Barbara Price and stu- DiGiorgio and the Board of "From virtually everyone, edge the past Trustees for Winthrop an abiding hope was ex- more with the executive board dent representative Claudia year has been of the board of trustees and the Sullivan were allowed to sit in University's administration to pressed for the future of Win- difficult," settle its differences with the throp, mixed with deep dis- academic deans. He also said and asked to speak on the cam- DiGiorgio a "variety of new forums will be pus situation over the past se- faculty, consultant E. K. couragement bordering occa- said. "I re- Fretwell said in his report to sionally on real anger and created" for communication. mester. gret any part The board of trustees ini- The third initiative of the the board May 16. concern that all was not well," (of my own) "We are not here to point Fretwell said. tiatives said they wish to see board is to allow structured which the implementation of the gov- public participation at board fingers or assess blame," While there is no hard brought (the Fretwell said. "It takes three evidence that Winthrop's aca- ernance system, which has meetings. They would like to faculty and been in the works for a nearly set aside time at the beginning to tango. That means the demic programs have suf- DiGiorgio) trustees, the faculty and the fered, Fretwell predicted the Dl Giorgio two years. They also want to of the meeting for the public to our impasse have more campus-wide dis- speak about only items on the president." quality of instruction would this spring." Fretwell, who first met fall if the controversy was not cussion and later amended this agenda. The two initiative to say there would be The board members them- with Winthrop representa- resolved. He also suggested largest changes in DiGiorgio's tives March 21, said he and that Winthrop's policy of a public hearing. selves had problems with the plan is the recommendation of Governance is a system by initiative they were present- his assistant, Hap Arnold, president holding a tenured tenure be given to the academic were nearly overwhelmed by professorship while deans are which there are proper chan- ing, Bob Gahagan said "I'm deans and to administrators. nels created for policy and pro- not so sure that (the item on the number of people who prohibited from being con sid- The faculty has been fighting wanted to talk with them, forc- ered for tenure be changed. cedure. This helps to make governance) really means for this and Fretwell made this decision-making and responsi- something," he said. He also ingthe job to take longer than As requested by the suggestion in his report. originally anticipated. The board, Fretwell submitted bility easier for the campus said he had some concerns The second large change is community. about executive session invita- faculty, staff, students, admin- the inclusion of $120,000 in istrators and others who came PLEASE SEE REPORT, PACE 3 The board wants to make the university budget to imple- the executive sessions of trust- PLEASE SEE DIGIORGIO, PAGE 3 lucinc ARTS 11 OPINION 4 Invll/C ENTERTAINMENT..10 SPORTS 8 Advice for incoming Freshmen/6 LIVING 6 TIME OFF 5 Page 2 The Johnsonian June 14, i995 Gearing up Professor arrested NEWS IN A MINUTE Morgan retires from Winthrop Trustees approve FROM STAFF REPORTS The scheduled court date visitation changes is June 22. In North Carolina, History professor Thomes Morgan faces a possible con- Changes in Winthrop's Morgan was arrested Monday, viction of up to 6 months in jail Visitation policy for its nine May 2 for assaulting an under- and a $500 fine. residence halls were ap- cover police officer in a Char- Morgan retired two weeks proved Friday by the board lotte park. The charge against after the incident. of trustees. him is simple assault. Before his 28 years at Win- The policy was last re- The police rfeport said the throp, Morgan taught at Wake viewed in 1982. undercover police offer asked Forest University in Winston A study was conducted the 60-year-old Rock Hill resi- Salem, N.C. by Residence Life and resi- dent how he was doing, then He was also an acting dean Morgan grabbed the officer's dents were polled about of the department of arts and changes they would like to crotch. sciences. Morgan was arrested in a see made in the halls along Undercover officers patrol with a comparison of restroom in Park Road Park in the Park Road Park and ar- south Charlotte just before 3 rests are made often for homo- Winthrop's policies other p.m. sexual solicitation, according institutions to see how it He was released on bond to Police Vice Squad Capt. couldbettermeetthe needs after his arrest. David Grose. of students. "I don't foresee any problems," said trustee Mary Anne Lake. Cormier appoints Among the many changes, Thomson and Winthrop Lodge will have Brown, Franklin unlimited visitation and doors in the residence halls will be locked after 8 p.m. as school deans and students will be re- Two interim deans at Win- ate vice president for academic quired to show picture iden- PHOTO BY SAM MOSHER throp have been appointed to affairs and assistant to the vice tification to enter. two-year terms as deans. president for academic affairs. Incoming freshmen Laurie Turner and Phillip Turner, of Mt. Betsy E. Brown has been Other residence halls She came to Winthrop in will have modified visita- Pleasant, S.C. pack up to return home for the summer. appointed dean of the College 1990 from Queens College in of Arts and Sciences and David Charlotte where she was ex- tion policies and policies A. Franklin has been appointed ecutive director of continuing can be created by floor. WU tuition to increase dean of the school ofVisual and education. Prior to this, she Margeret Nance Hall will Performing Arts. Both will was assistant professor of En- be the only residence hall serve terms beginning July 1, glish at Penn State University. to retain the current visita- 2.74 percent, says Trustee 1995 and ending June 30,1997. From Mount Ulla, N.C., tion policy. BY DANIELLE L. KIRACOFE Out-of-state tuition will The announcement as Brown earned her bachelor's EDITOR increase 3.76, described as one made in late May by Vice Presi- degree at Appalachian State Mitchell recieves of the lowest increases in years.
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