HEMPSTALK DOCUMENTS PP&R Permit # 114928 Hempstalk 2013 PP&R Application Denial 2014 Hempstalk Letter of Appeal Portland Police After Action Report 2013 PP&R Event Debrief 2013 Additional Documentation 2013 Customer Service Center 1120 S.W. 5th Ave., Suite 1302 Administration Portland, OR 97204 Tel: (503) 823-PLAY Tel: (503) 823-2525 Fax: (503) 823-2515 Fax: (503) 823-6007 Sustaining a healthy park and recreation system to make Portland a great place to live, work and play www.PortlandParks.org • Amanda Fritz, Commissioner • Mike Abbaté, Director December 20,2013 : Portland Hempstalk Festival 105 SE 18th Avenue Portland, OR972l4 (s03) 23s-4606 LaVonne Griffrn-Valad Portland City Auditor's Office 1221 SV/ 4th Avenue, Room 140 Portland, OP.97204 (503) 823-4078 E-mail : [email protected] Dear Portland City Auditor: Our Hempstalk 2014 application, our 1Oth annual event, with the Portland Parks department was denied on December 16,2013. W'e are writing to to appeal that outrageous decision. First, many of the points made in the city's denial letter about our event are not true. They are also directly related to the location for the past few years, Kelley Point Park. The city required that we hire companies to control the issues they raised, and now they say the companies they required did not meet the need. In past years, our staff had met these needs, and, at the last minute (3 days before the event we had to hire 30 additional security personnel) , and at great expense, city officials required a very large hired staffing increase. Most of the issues made in the denial of our permit are not true. For instance, we always leave the park cleaner than we found it. Our festival has dramatically improved the environment and cleanliness of Kelley Point Park, as the Parks staff have told us every year. 'We have now applied to move our event to Portland's Waterfront Park, and many of the issues raised below, such as those statements regarding camping and parking, are both untrue and moot in Waterfront Park. The city of Seattle also has an event that we sponsor and work on that is several times larger than our Portland event, yet the city there cooperates with the Seattle Hempfest organization and doesn't wait until the last minute to require massive changes in security staffing and expense. The Seattle Hempfest is one of the largest events in the USA, and has a huge beneficial economic and cultural impact for the city of Seattle. The city of Portland needs to learn from the experiences and positive benefits our event has in Seattle. For these and the other issues raised below, we demand our free speech rights be honored and that the city issue our permit to peacefully assemble for the lOth annual Portland Hempstalk Festival. '["he ln flortlancl.[]arks E¿ ll.eereation's eienial^ it st¿r.tes: basis fìrr our clcnial of yonr applieation. ¿rrly one c1 wJ'lìeh inclcpcndurtly "wr;ulil srìirpüi"t cìeri¿il" are : X" Y'o¡-n¡- apg'rlicatioxe is xac¡ú coxn¡rlete ¿¿mcü eloes xrof eoxmpr{y with a}l adoptecl po}üeües anel p x"o eecåw n"es " -(ipercifi ealtry, the *npplieatio m cloers mot aeåec¡uateåy aalctness füre e{}mceå'ms PP&fq. explressecå tel yorx ¿¡bclwt tåais evemt. Providedondisl<isourpropose<lsiteinaplbr20l4atV/atcrfiontPart. [tincludedAtrlAbatlir'oot1ls, g:rrbage locettiot-ts, crowd nìanagenlent, ancl r:ecycling stations. It was structured upon the Portl¿rncl I3lnes F'est. to ensure the bcsi layout lbr the park. We rvoulcl always comply with number of"garbage stations. bathroonrs ancl pr:ovicle an A\4R amtrulance on site lirr any issue. We f-cel, oui: event c'loes compìy u'ith cluestion on tlic application. ::::t ?" Based ûm oun'pasú ex¡ler"åe¡¡ee wüúXa fhis evexrt, t[re evemf wou[et have am unneasomnbly ¿tclverse ümepact o¡r fhe Par"[< amc{ om Éhe su¡¡.n"oux¡c{inlg neeig4[rhox"hooal. {na pax"tücnrlax", out" ex¡rel"iexace denmox¡sfrates úhat you wi[ì he unahtre úo xmamage the ixmpaets of'traf$üc (ixrc{uc}tng, but nq¡t ltmlúfeaÌ to, xaeaxragexmemt of tnaf{ie, vehiale ¿{eccss, umparx"xmütúec{ vø:}añcles, veleicnes pnesent at unmperxmitted timees ¿¡nd i¡¡ uxr¡:rerxmifterü nocatioxrs), Iåfúen, ü}leX4al cameping, i{legal st¡'t¡ctunes anctr i[åegal n¡se ¡¡f alcohol aracl clrugs. 'I'his past year. we had over thirty security oflìeers monitoring our parl<. T'heir orclers wer:e to have all tents renroved if seen and to have any vehicle movod if the owner c'licf not respclnd in a tinrely manner. $t¿¡' ca¡'e stølj'memalter, fr{icleøel Bncfaørø, gave these imstrwctiorus to ÍIae two heøds øf Rover Seawrity wntl Xloing ßettes'Pr¿¡tective.Ç¿r"ydce^$'. Tiae oydeys were gÈverø wdtft twø me¡çøt¡ers a.f tlae Portlømd Pwlrs preseml im * meetimg to lr&t¡e ø praøctive øpproucla to resolve ¡s's¿¿es Íkøt ksti lteew prese¡¿f¿rl. Since the Ièstival was asked to provicle over thitty oflìcers to wall< tlre parl<, ilris was nrade their top-priority. The two nremtrers ol'PP&.R were very trelpflil aricl helpecl us direct the secr-rrity '['he tea.ms of'their duties. l{enrpstalk Festival Lirloees had a scr"ipt atrout parking, calnping ancl drug 'fhe use . arlnouncelnent w¿rs reacl throughout the weekencl. 3. Your c{emaomsfx"atea{ úmabilify to maanemge úN"*af't'ie, ]iÉCa:x', nl[ega[ cmmrpinag, Éå[egal súx"uafures ar¡cå åtüeg;tB ttse c¡f *åa:c¡he¡ì amcå cårtngs ¿a[so n¡eeams t[aaÉ úhe evemt wq]ffi]aå È]{lse ååxß wm}¿eâsoåtå{ftrle risfie fo puh[üc heaåúh *maå pubåüc saú'ety amd tq¡ the p]eysüeal tnaÉeg*-üfy s]{ the Pæx"k" 'l-he Flernpstalk staflf has woiL<ed carefirlly with the Sr,rstainable Program at IrStJ over the trrast nine years. We had, on trâp, and on-sitc over folty garbage locations complel.e with rceycling throughout the park. L)ul eontact is lSethany Davis. She has signed ofl on our permit and li¿id reprcsentatìves bring garbage and recycling lbr a fèw seasons ¿rnd can attest to the proglarns success. We worlc closely with Kelly Johnson a1. OregonLive. Þìvery year Oregonlive dclnates lifþ garbage boxes. aÌl are usecl. We 'We h¿rel entire crr:ws u,clrking to keep the park clean. ar'e providirrg plrotos on the park lì"om our clearr up. They sliow tlre parl< rvas indcecl cleaned. We had hirecl Portl¿rnd I)is¡rosal to contr¿rct the two-40 yard garbage ccintainers. Our contact was Melissa Busch at Portland Disposal. They had orders to ,i ,.,1.'t I ..: .' .:' l,:Ì . ' j in a timely lranner. ::ï* ,$" Vou ¿¿net otlaer" glex"sorese ffir"ms ûn' c{}r"Tloì"¿{ttoms atïü}tateat wüth the evemt å¡nve t.atleel to coxmply wåfh comstifñon¡s of penmeiús previousnv üss¿¡ecl by the Ilarks lteser"vafir¡m {-e¡ate¡"" lxi ¡rær"útcu{ar, youx" ereÉivitåes umatrer tßae 20X3 penxmtt f'q¡r úhe Ã{cxmpst*r[k evemf at Ke]ãy Poimú Pay"&q vio[ntesÌ úåne aoxrcåitioms prohibttåmg a[eohol n-use, c&rug urse, eaxaepñxeg, åúmaiúËmg vehfcXe å¿ccoss ama] neqwix"úmg veleieåe grerxaaiÉs, n"ee¡uir"tmg rer¡aovn[ of att gax"bage, ]itúer ¿aracl debrüs, axacl requin"impg yol-l Éo fake qrf ffiÌeå¿sur"es to prevemú vüo[at*ons úhe nw[a:s nlex"ú*ünixeg to æ]eo]aoå, canamm&]is æmd aüx'ugs. These våolatio¡rs wex"e mot tn"ivial, m{}x" rryere tüeey üsoìntecl. Ì{athe¡", úhey we¡"e s¡¡&¡staxrÉia[ ax¡¡] ¡renrraeatec{ the exatire evexat" PCC 20.û8.{}2{}.C pnovücles thnt, if ttrre nec¡uestestr {åse ctoes mot rmeet fhe ar"üúeN"t¿¿ lüs$eql æhove, Pl'&R "Nrîi$y clexry f[re *pplåeaÉtoxt o]" x]rây üna¡lose ¡'estniatic¡ns ox aoxlc{itñq¡xls wpoxa úhe pexrmüú q¡å" issue a permrñt fi¡r" a c{if{'ex"exat a}nte, türme, Pnrk, on Parü< ä}de¿å so ¿ts úo xmeef such crüteriæ"u' ln our,iuaågmeenaf, resfnieúücwls {}x- eomciifioms wc¡wXel he wXrotìy åxref cÉüvc fq¡ r¡reef the cx"åte¡"ün of PL'C 2{}"{}S.{}2{}"&, hø:e awse youn everaf has dexmosnstnaúed üús pN"arfermmrÌ uxlwiffiûngraess ¿rmcl/on imabtÍiúy úo xmeet the aon¡eittioxes of ¡rnior ¡ler"xmíts" Our festival takes safety seriously and tried to eomply with everything that had been addressed. This year was no different. Again, Rover Security and Doing Better Protective Services handled the crowd management. If you are saying they did a terrible job with their tasks, we will be willing to hire a reputable team approved by Portland Farks and Recreation. As for safety, we had a AMR ambulance on-site the entire event. They can veriÛr and summarize their were not an abundance of issues and that the event was in faet a success. They can be reached at 817-244-6982. Our cost for this service was $1800. V/e were happy to pay it. Every year we provide over 40 golf carts to ensure our handicapped festival attendees would have the opportunity for a ride. Our contact is Shannon at J-S Golf Cars 503-647-1984. The expense is roughly 3850. Thousands benefit fiom the ride. For bathrooms this year, we used a group called United Site Service. Amora McBride is our representative. She may be called for verification at 503-849-5917 . Our cost was 4441. They did an excellent job and made multiple cleanings.
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