Botanica Pacifica. A journal of plant science and conservation. 2018. 7(2): 41–46 DOI: 10.17581/bp.2018.07209 Far Eastern species of Euonymus L. (Celastraceae): additional data on diagnostic characters and distribution Ivan A. Savinov1* & Nikolai A. Trusov2 Ivan A. Savinov1* ABSTRACT e-mail:­[email protected] A critical analysis of morphological characters with special focus on degree of Nikolai A. Trusov2 va ria bility for closely related taxa allowed to justify the boundaries between re pre­ e-mail:­[email protected] sen tatives of the Euonymus growing i the Russian Far East. Clear morphological cha­racters­for­11­species­were­found­and­a­key­for­species­identification­in­field­ 1 con di tions is suggested. The species status for E. maximowiczianus, E. × miniatus, Moscow State University of Food Pro­ E. pau ciflorus, E. planipes, E. sacrosanctus and E. sieboldianus has been proved. duction, Moscow, 125080, Russia Keywords: Russian Far East, China, Korea, Japan, Euonymus, Celastraceae, morphological 2 Tsytsin Main Botanical Garden RAS, analysis, variability, hybridization, geographic distribution Moscow, 127276, Russia РЕЗЮМЕ Савинов И.А., Трусов Н.А. Дальневосточные виды рода Euonymus L. Manuscript­received:­09.04.2018 (Celastraceae): дополнительные данные о диагностических признаках Review­completed:­10.10.2018 и рас про стра нении. Критический­ анализ­ морфологических­ признаков­ с­ Accepted­for­publication:­30.10.2018 осо­бым ­вни­манием­к­степени­их­изменчивости­позволил­обосновать­границы­ Published­online:­01.11.2018 меж­ду ­ отдельными­ представителями­ рода­ Euonymus, ­ распространенными­ на­ рос­сий­ском­Даль­нем­Востоке.­Выявлены­четкие­морфологические­признаки­ для ­11­ви­дов­и­создан­ключ­для­их­полевого­определения.­Обоснован­видовой­ статус ­сле­дующих­таксонов:­E. maximowiczianus, E. × miniatus, E. pauciflorus, E. pla­ nipes, E. sac rosanctus­и­E. sieboldianus. Ключевые слова:­ российский­ Дальний­ Восток,­ Китай,­ Корея,­ Япония,­ Euonymus, ­ Celastraceae,­ морфологический­ анализ,­ изменчивость,­ гибридизация,­ гео­ графическое­распространение From 15 to 16 species of Euonymus L. are known in the ted­in­MHA).­Many­herbarium­specimens­were­examined­ flo­ra ­of ­Russia­now­(Savinov­2009,­2011).­Of ­them,­11­spe­ and­re-identified­that­allowed­us­to­specify­the­details­of ­the­ ciese ­ar ­distributed­in­the­Russian­Far­East­(Sa­kha­lin­island,­ geographical­distribution­of ­species.­Original­data­were­ob- Amur ­region,­Primorskyi­Krai,­southern­Ku­ril­Islands).­In­ tained­during­field­trips­to­Sakhalin­island­and­Pri­mor­skyi­ the last taxonomical treatment of the genus Euo ny mus by Ter­ri­to­ry­(Sikhote­Alin­mountain,­sou­thern­part­of ­Khas- Ma ­ (2001)­ who­ did­ not­ analyze­ speciments­ from­ Russian­ san­sky­district)­in­July-August­2007­and­September-Oc­to- her ba ria, many species from Russia were treated as syno­ ber 2017. nyms to other species. As a result, Ma accep ted only 5 spe­ Taxonomy of species treated follows to International cies from the Russian Far East. According to Ma's opinion, plant­ name­ index­ (https://www.ipni.org/).­ Categories­ of ­ E.a s cha linensis­ (F.­ Schmidt)­ Maxim.­ is­ polymorphic­ taxon­ types for all studied species are given according to the Leo­ that includes E. ma ximowicziana Prokh., E. planipes­ (Koehne)­ no­va­(1974). Koehne, E.a s cha linensis and E. × mini a ta­ Tolm.).­Same­so- lu­tions ­were­applied­in­the­"Flora­of ­Chi­na"­(Ma­&­Fun- RESULTS ston. ­2008) ­Thus,­the­search­for­good­dia­gnos­tic­charac­ters­ According to this treatment, we accept following 11 remains important for understan ding the diversity of the spe cies of Euo ny mus­in­the­Russian­Far­East: genus Euonymus­ and­for­clarification­of ­geo­gra­phical­dist- 1. Euonymus maackii Rupr. 1857, Bull. Phys.­Math. Acad. ri bution of some taxa. Another prob lem discussed in this Sci. ­Petersb.­15:­358;­Ma­2001,­Thaiszia­–­J.­Bot.,­11:­182;­ paper is hybridization bet ween some species from Kalo ny­ Ka­2006,­New­Fl.­Korea­(Lee)­1:­713;­Ma,­Funston­2008,­ mus­ subgenus­(E. macropterus, E.a s cha li nensis). ­Taxonomical­ Fl.­China­11:­459. boundaries between closely re lated spe cies and status of Syntypi:­ "Amurae­flumen­ad­ostii­Zeae­et­Bureae­14­VI­ hyb rid samples also remain questionable. 1855­R.­Maak",­"Amurae­flumen­ad­ostium­Ussuriae­4­IX­ 1855­R.­Maak"­(LE!). Ecology and distribution: In river valleys, on the slopes. MATERIALS AND METHODS Eas­tern ­Siberia­(Dahuria);­the­Russian­Far­East:­Amur­River­ The study is based on critical analysis of herbarium basin in Kha ba rovskyi Krai, western and southern parts of ma­te­rials­from­LE,­MW,­MHA,­MOSP,­MW,­KW,­MSUD,­ Pri mors kyi Krai. Mongolia, north­eastern re gions of China, VLA,­NS­and­personal­collections­from­the­region­(deposi- Korean Peninsula. ©Botanical Garden-Institute FEB RAS. 2018 41 Savinov & Trusov 2. Euonymus sieboldianus Blume 1827, Bijdr. Fl. Nederl. Typus et isotypus: "Prov. Ussuriae, Possjet, crescentes Ind.:­1147;­Ohwi­1984,­Fl.­of ­Japan:­604.­–­E. hamiltonianus fruticosis­ad­clivo­saxoso­7­VII­1860­K.­Maximowicz"­(LE!).­ Wall.­sensu­Ma­2001,­Thaiszia­–­J.­Bot.,­11:­165;­Ka­2006,­ Ecology and distribution: In the forests, forest edges. New ­Fl.­Korea­(Lee)­1:­715;­Ma,­Funston­2008,­Fl.­China­ The ­ Russian­ Far­ East:­ Southern­ Primorye­ (south­ of ­ the 11:­457,­pro­parte. Bolshaya­ Ussurka­ River).­ Adjacent­ areas­ of ­ Chi­na­ and­ Typus:­ "Japonia,­P.F.­Siebold"­(L).­Note: in the opi nion North ­Korea.­In­the­"New­flora­of ­Ko­rea"­(Ka­in­Lee­Yong­ of ­ Blakelock­ (1951),­ type­ specimen­ at­ Leiden­ belong­ to­ No: ­2006 ­715)­the­photograph­of ­E. ma xi mowicziana Prokh. E. ha mil to nianus Wall. s.l. (with­ opened­ capsules­ and­ 5-me­rous­ flowers­ with­ white­ Ecology and distribution: At the edge of the forests petals)­ is­ placed­ and­ entitled­ "E. sachalinensis­ (Fr.­ Schm.)­ in ­river­valleys.­The­Russian­Far­East:­Southern­Sakhalin,­ Maxim.­(incl.­E. planipes­(Koehne)­Koehne)"!­ Moneron island, Iturup, Kuna shir. Japan, Korean Peninsula. Notes: The species has good morphological characters, Notes: Euonymus maackii and E. sieboldianus have Himala­ na­mely:­the­leaves­are­rhomboid-elliptical­or­ovate,­along­ yan links and closely related to E. hamiltonianus Wall., with the­ margin­ are­ finely­ or­ doubly­ serrate;­ flowering­ shoots­ which ­they­are­often­united.­For­example,­Ma­(2001)­inclu­ded­ 4–7.5­cm­long;­a­capsule­8–10­mm­in­diameter,­with­roun- E. siebol dia nus Blume in the synonyms of E. hamiltonianus. ded-triangular­wings­2–4­mm­in­length.­From­E. sachalinen­ sis it differs habitually, having the appearance of a large 3. Euonymus pauciflorus Maxim.­1859,­Mém.­Prés.­Acad.­ sprawling shrub or a small tree. This species differs well Sci. ­Pétersb.­Div.­Sav.­9:­74­(Prim.­Fl.­Amur.);­Ka­2006,­New­ from E. planipes also by shape of wings on the capsule. Vo­ Fl. ­Korea­(Lee)­1:­714.­–­E. verrucosus Scop. sensu Ma 2001, roshilov­(1982)­considered­E. maximowicziana a synonym of Thaiszia. ­–­J ­Bot.,­11:­221;­Ma,­Funston­2008,­Fl.­China­11:­ E. planipes. 462,­pro­parte. Syntypi: "Amurae, Poddale, silvarum frondosarum hu­ 7. Euonymus planipes (Koehne) Koehne­ 1906,­ Mitt.­ mi­­do­ 19­ V­ 1855­ K.­ Maximowicz",­ "Amurae,­ Dzifuae,­ in­ Deutsch.­Dendr.­Ges.­15:­62;­Ohwi­1984,­Fl.­Jap.,­revised­ cres centes fruticosis um solum arenosum VII 1855 K. Ma­ ed.:­ 605.­ –­ E. sachalinensis­. (F­ Schmidt)­ Maxim.­ sensu­ Ma­ xi­mowicz"­(LE!).­Note: Both specimens are arranged on 2001,­Thaiszia­–­J.­Bot.,­11:­34. the same herbarium sheet. The species was described from cultivated specimens in Ecology and distribution: In the forest undergrowth, Ber lin, grown from seeds which were collected in Japan. usually­on­the­wet­habitats.­The­Russian­Far­East:­valley­of ­ Ecology and distribution: on the river valleys, on forest Amur ­River­in­Kha­ba­rovskii­Krai,­Primorskyi­Krai­(espe­ edges,­on­the­slopes.­The­Russian­Far­East:­South-Western­ cially­in­central­and­sou­thern­districts).­North-eastern­re­ Sakhalin,­southern­Kuril­islands­(Iturup,­Kunashir).­Japan­ gions of China, northern part of Korean Peninsula. (Hokkaido,­Honshu),­Korean­Peninsula.­ Notes: The species closely related to European taxon, Notes: The species is well distinguished by the follo wing E. veru r cosus Scop., from which it differs by densely pubes­ diagnostic ­ characters:­ the­ leaves­ are­ oblong-obovate­ and­ cent leaves on both sides and the length of the pedicels of broad ly elliptic, along the margin they are large and sharply la­te­ral ­flowers­in­the­inflorescences.­Both­taxa­are­vicarious­ double-serrated;­flowering­shoots­6–13.5­cm­long;­capsule­ spe cies, one in Europe and another in the Far East. 10–15­ mm­ in­ diameter,­ with­ very­ short­ rounded­ wings­ 2–3­mm­in­length­(the­fruit­on­the­side,­especially­on­the­ 4. Euonymus alatus (Thunb.) Siebold 1827, Syn. Fl. her­ba­rium­material,­usually­has­a­heart-shaped­shape!).­All­ Oecon. ­Jap.:­49;­Ohwi­1984,­Fl.­Jap.,­revised­ed.:­603;­Ma­ studied samples collected in the south and west of Sakhalin, 2001, ­Thaiszia­–­J.­Bot.,­11:­75,­pro­parte,­excl.­sp.­E. sac­ as ­well­as­in­the­southern­Kuril­islands­(Iturup,­Kunashir)­ rosancta­ aKoidz.;­K ­2006,­New­Fl.­Korea­(Lee)­1:­711;­Ma,­ and ­ defined­ by­ many­ collectors­ as­ E. yesoensis­ Koidz.­ (=­ Funston­2008,­Fl.­China­11:­448.­ E. oxyphylla­Miq.)­belong­to­E. planipes. This mistake, appa­ Typus:­ "Japonia,­non­procul­Nagasaki,­Satsumae"­(UPS). rent ly, is due to the fact that the E. planipes lobed capsule, Ecology and distribution:­ On­ the­ slopes­ and­ on­ the­ which has very short but noticeable wings, was considered rocks along the rivers, near sea coast, bushes, bamboo, as­a­wingless­non-lobed­(sometimes­slightly­angular,­with­ near­hot­springs.­The­Russian­Far­East:­Southern­Primorye,­ angles­of ­1­mm­wide)­spherical­ones­of­E.
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