2019-2020 Council Performance Framework This framework contains the core indicators identified by Service Groups as the Council’s key performance measures in 2019/2020. Exceptions In this quarter 2/half-year review of performance, there are 11 core indicators that have not achieved targets set at the beginning of the year. Recovery plans for these indicators can be found in the Priority Progress Report at Appendix 1. Performance Indicator Trend (when compared to previous period) Percentage of good or outstanding schools Percentage of young people 16-17 NEET (not in Employment, Education and Training)/NOT KNOWN Combined. (Whilst the numbers have increased in Quarter 2, this increase occurs at the same time every year. Salford is known to have a very comprehensive recording and monitoring methodology for NEET/NOT KNOWNs and this helps ensure we provide the most accurate and realistic position possible for this measure.) Children on Child Protection Plans (CPP) rate per 10,000 Children in Need rate per 10,000 Proportion of people using social care who receive self-directed support through a direct payment, for client Proportion of adults with a learning disability in paid employment (%) Static Same as Quarter 1 2019- 20 Proportion of adults in contact with secondary mental health services in paid employment (%) Delayed transfers of care from hospital – Bed Days (Salford Royal Foundation Trust) attributable to social care Percentage of smokers who set a quit date with stop smoking services and achieve a 4 week quit Compliance with FOI (Freedom of Information) requests and EIR (Environmental Information Requests) Compliance with Subject Access requests 1 2019-2020 Core Performance Indicator Set – Quarter 2/half-year progress dashboard A Better and Fairer Salford Target Q Q Q Q Target status Strategic Theme - PEOPLE uarter uarter uarter uart Trend 1 2 3 er4 Tackling poverty and inequality Quantify the number and types of households at risk of eviction presenting to Welfare Rights and To be Monitoring system being finalised, figures Within 5% of Debt Advice Service confirmed available in Quarter 3 target Monitoring system being finalised, figures Number of people moving into settled accommodation - A Bed Every Night Scheme 76 Within 5% of 18/19 available in Quarter 3 target Baseline Monitoring system being finalised, figures Number of people moving into settled accommodation - Rough sleeper initiative 54 Within 5% of 18/19 available in Quarter 3 target Baseline Education and Skills Not on target Percentage of good or outstanding schools 88% 81.6% 82.7% Percentage of good or outstanding early years settings 75% 95% 95% On target On target Two year old children accessing Two Year Old funding across the city 70% 75.7% 71.5% School ready aged 5 - Percentage of children achieving good level of development in EYFSP (Early 68% This is an annual measure Within 5% of Years Foundation Stage Profile) target Meeting the expected standard in Reading, Writing and Mathematics for Primary Level Key Stage 2 65% This is an annual measure Within 5% of (%) target Attainment 8 at Key Stage 4 44.5 This is an annual measure Within 5% of target Not on target Percentage of young people 16 - 17 NEET (Not in Employment, Education and Training)/ Not 6.4% 7.9% 19.0% Known Combined Health and Social Care Children on Child Protection Plans rate per 10,000 Maintain 94.9 101.3 Not on target between 54.7 to 63.6 as green 400.0 Not on target Children in Need rate per 10,000 432.8 443.0 Looked After Children rate per 10,000 Maintain 102.5 101.8 Within 5% of between 95 to 100 as target green On target Child and Adolescent mental Health Service wait times for treatment: Referral to Treatment Actual – 95% 97% 96% CYP(Children and Young people) referrals to 1st contact/appointment within 12 weeks (%) 2 Target Q Q Q Q Target status Strategic Theme - PEOPLE uarter uarter uarter uart Trend 1 2 3 er4 Within 5% of Child and Adolescent mental Health Service wait times for treatment: Referral to Treatment Actual – 98% 96% 94% CYP referrals to 2nd contact/appointment within 18 weeks (%) target On target Oral Health: Schools Brushing Programme-Brushing in Nursery 70% 73.6% 72.3% On target Oral Health: Schools Brushing Programme-Brushing in Reception 70% 73.6% 72.3% Within 5% of Proportion of People using Social Care who receive self-directed support either through a direct 75% 73.7% 73.2% payment, a personal budget or other means, for client target Not on target Proportion of People using social care who receive self-directed support through a direct payment, 15% 10.7% 11% for client Proportion of adults with a learning disability in paid employment (%) 6.0% 4.4% 4.4% Not on target Not on target Proportion of adults in contact with secondary mental health services in paid employment (%) 10.0% 8.1% 8.2% Within 5% of Proportion of older people 65 and over still at home 91 days after discharge into rehabilitation 86% 85.9% 84.6% target Delayed Transfers of care from hospital - Bed Days (SRFT) attributable to social care 4% 6.2% 5.6% Not on target Permanent admissions to residential and nursing care aged 65+ 825.2 209 415 On target cumulativ e On target Percentage of Care Homes rated by Care Quality Commission as Requires Improvement or 20% 17% Inadequate Number of completed carers assessments 3700 768 1,669 Within 5% of cumulativ target e Within 5% of Percentage of service users who receive services within 28 days following completion of their 85% 79.4% 80.4% care/support plan target Within 5% of Percentage of service users involved in a safeguarding investigation who were asked to provide 85% 84% 83% their preferred outcomes target On target Women’s Smoking Status at Time of Delivery (SATOD) 10% 11.8% 10.1% Percentage of smokers who set a quit date with stop smoking services and achieve a 4 week quit 45% 39.4% Q2 data Not on target not available Decrease alcohol related harm – Alcohol related hospital admissions per 100,000 (Narrow) 922.1 This is an annual measure Within 5% of target Completion of alcohol treatment 46% 45% New Within 5% of measureincl Quarter uded this target 2 data not year yet Completion of drug treatment for opiate use 7.2% 10.8% available On target Completion of drug treatment for non-opiate use 45% 51% On target Reduce number of young people who are overweight – National Child Measurement Programme 85% This is an annual measure Within 5% of prevalence of obese children in Reception target Reduce number of young people who are overweight – National Child Measurement Programme 85% This is an annual measure Within 5% of prevalence of obese children in Year 6 target 3 Target Q Q Q Q Target status Strategic Theme - PEOPLE uarter uarter uarter uart Trend 1 2 3 er4 Percentage of adults (aged 18+) classified as overweight or obese This is an annual measure Within 5% of target On target Reduce the rate of young people being admitted to hospital with self-harm-Total 27.25 29 26 Reduce the rate of young people being admitted to hospital with self-harm-Young males admitted 7.5 7 7 On target On target Reduce the rate of young people being admitted to hospital with self-harm-Young females 19.75 22 19 Target Q Q Q Q Target status Strategic Theme - PLACE uarter uarter uarter uarter Trend 1 2 3 4 Economic Development Creation of new jobs 600 This is an annual measure Within 5% of target Amount of public sector investment secured for infrastructure and transport (£m) 11 This is an annual measure Within 5% of target Amount of private sector investment secured for infrastructure and transport (£m) 330 This is an annual measure Within 5% of target On target Reduction in the level of all crime 30,482 7,191 Percentage of household waste sent for recycling, reuse or composting 46% 47.12 46.78 On target % % Street cleansing – Ensure that all the City’s adopted highways are Grade B+ 100% 100% 100% On target Housing On target Delivery of new homes, including 225 affordable homes and 250 empty properties brought back into 250 46 123 use cumulativ e Number of older and vulnerable residents supported to maintain their homes in a safe, warm and 290 91 171 On target cumulativ dry condition e Number of households assisted to access energy efficiency measures and achieve affordable 900 71 335 On target cumulativ warmth e Target Q Q Q Q Target status Strategic Theme – THE COUNCIL CORE uarter uarter uarter uarter Trend 1 2 3 4 A transparent effective organisation Financial Management On target Improve in year collection of Council Tax revenue 93% 26.79 52.03 % % On target Improve in year collection of Business Rates revenue 96.5% 27.97 56.99 % % Customer Satisfaction/Service performance On target Days to process new benefit claims 20 14 13 4 Target Q Q Q Q Target status Strategic Theme – THE COUNCIL CORE uarter uarter uarter uarter Trend 1 2 3 4 Creditor payments made within 30 days 98% 97.6% 96.6% Within 5% of target Inclusion and representation Increase employee attendance to 96.5% 96.5% 95.7% 95.8% Within 5% of target Support the reduction of Gender Pay Gap to below 13% 13% This is an annual measure Within 5% of target nd Improve Stonewall index position to second quartile 2 quartile This is an annual measure Within 5% of target Digital Strategy On target Increase the number of residents signed up to the “Digital You” programme 4500 4,025 4,445 Corporate Governance (performance relates to cases closed within the quarter) Not on target Compliance with FOI (Freedom of Information) requests and EIR (Environmental Information 95% 75% 72% Requests) Not on target Compliance with Subject Access
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