VILLAGE VIEW 1 PAROCHIAL INFORMATION: BRADWELL-ON-SEA Rector Revd Steven Poss 779620 Churchwardens: Theresa Reed 776247 David Thorpe 776846 School Head Teacher Mrs L Wood 776219 Parish Magazine Manager Age Concern 01245) 264499 Youth Club Roger Scurrell 776341 Two Rivers Association for Age Fridays Concern 5-9 years, 5.30 to 7.00pm Church Flowers 10-16 years, 7.15 to 9.00pm David Thorpe 776846 St. Cedd's School Parent- For information tel: Teacher Association Lynn Roughley Secretary: Contact School 776219 776555 Flowers at St Peter's Chapel Cherie Archer David Thorpe 776846 Maldon & Burnham Standard 776443 Correspondent Bell Ringing - Tower Captain: Mrs Jean Allen 776547 Badminton/Table Tennis Brian Clayden 776257 Village Hall St Thomas Bradwell Fridays Clerk to the Parish Council Wednesdays 8pm 7.45 Emma Smith 07585 445307 John Noble Sunday ringing 10.00 am 4 Buttercup Way, Southminster, CM0 7RZ [email protected] Parish Council meetings Village Hall, Fridays 10am Ann Barrett Thursday Club [email protected] St Thomas' Chapman Room - 1st 3rd Monday 8.00pm Thursday of month 2.30 - 4.00 P.C.C. Secretary Mobile Library Theresa Reed 776247 Every three weeks Thursdays Rainbows 5 – 7 yrs East End Rd. Bradwell 10.55—11.25am. Brownies - 7 - 10 yrs Othona Community Guides - : 10 - 14 yrs Warden Tim Fox 776564 for information phone The Medical Centre 07757636446 or email Tillingham 778383 St Peters Chapel Chaplain Out of hours 111 [email protected] Rev S Poss 779620 Parish Child Protection The Trinity Medical Centre Representative Mayland 745400 District Councillor Out of hours Clayton Ford. Richard Dewick 776581 111 Mob:07946024549 Bradwell Cruising Club Neighbourhood Watch Bradwell Quay Yacht Club Enquiries: Mr Mick Leahy 776444 Co-ordinator Secretary: Cherié Archer 776443 Mr R. Price (01621)890173 Bradwell Flower Show Committee Secretary: Local PoliceTeam Cubs Teresa Fowler 776588 Phone Non Emergency .6.00 - 7. 30pm Thursdays 101 Village Hall 7-10 yrs Village Hall Trustee’s Emergency 999 Marie 776554 Booking Secretary: Mr R Scurrell 776341 Crime Stoppers Bradwell Women's Institute Chairman:;- Anonymous Crime Reporting Secretary: 0800555111 Mrs Pat Bruce 779725 St Cedd’s School Village Hall Head Teacher Mrs L Wood 776219 Bradwell Bay Football Club 2nd Wednesday 7.45pm Youth Foortball Team Contact Krysta Collins Practice Village Hall Field Saturday 10am If any of the above information is incorrect or you wish to ublicise your organisation then please contact Roger Scurrell on 01621 776341 2 From the Rector Dear Friends, Looking back over the past year, it has been full of enjoyable services and events across the Benefice of our four Churches, such as our two concerts with the Cam- erata Singers and the Choristers of St Paul’s Cathedral, the Talk from Ma hew’s son about his work in South Africa and Bishop John’s Ash Wednesday service with the school in Tillingham. In Bradwell, we have had the Bradwell Pilgrimage and Fes val, the Flower Fes val, the Chapel Summer Services, the Easter Morning ser- vice at the Chapel and Bishop John’s Clyping the Church service with the school. In Dengie, we again had an enjoyable Ignite Fes val and the Harvest and Animal ser- vice. In St Lawrence, we have had the Spring & Harvest Suppers, the Walk in Taw- ney Wood and the installa on of the new organ and much much more. I want to personally thank the Churchwardens, Treasurers, PCC, all Church members and those suppor ng our four churches this year and look forward to more exci ng events and services in 2020. On a sad note, we have said goodbye to a number of our community and we com- mend them all into the loving arms of God, our Heavenly Father. As we head into Advent and Christmas in December, we prepare ourselves and wait for the coming of our Lord in a refreshing way into our hearts and minds. We hope that you all may make the Christmas journey with us to Bethlehem over the coming months and sing with the angels as we celebrate the birth of our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Full details of all our services are in the magazine. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! May Christ bring you his love, peace and joy this Christmas me. God bless, Reverend Steven 3 Christmas Services at Bradwell and St Lawrence Sunday 1st Dec at 3:00pm Chris ngle Service at St Lawrence Church Centre Wednesday 4th Dec at 2pm Dengie Hundred WI Carol Service at St Thomas’ Sunday 15th Dec at 4:30pm Candlelit Carol Service at St Peter’s Chapel Thursday 19th Dec at 2:00pm School Chris ngle and Carol Service at St Thomas’ Church Thursday 19th Dec at 7:30pm Candlelit Carol Service at St Lawrence Church Christmas Eve at 4:30pm The Crib Service at St Thomas’ Church Christmas Eve at 11:00pm Midnight Mass at St Lawrence Church Christmas Eve at 11:30pm Midnight Mass at St Thomas’ Church Christmas Day at 10:00am Christmas All Age Service at St Lawrence Centre Christmas Day at 10:30am Christmas Carols and Praise at St Thomas’ Sunday Dec 29th 10:30am Joint Benefice Communion at St James’ Dengie Sunday Jan 5th 9:00am Epiphany Parish Communion at St Lawrence Church Sunday Jan 5th 10:00am Epiphany All Age Service at St Lawrence Centre Sunday Jan 5th 10:30am Epiphany Parish Communion at St Thomas’ Church 4 January Magazine All copy for the January magazine should be sent to Roger Scurrell by phone (776341), posted through the le erbox of 6 St Thomas’ Row, Bradwell, or by email to the address below, all by December 12th. Those living in St Lawrence may give copy to Shirley Lea at 51 Main Road (779403) by this date. Copy may also be submi ed as a text or Microso Word or Publisher file, either on CD or, be er s ll, by email to s homaspcc@b nternet.com. We ask you to limit your ar cle to 300-350 words and please include a picture We apologise but no ar cles will be accepted a er Decem- ber 12th. If you belong to an organisa on that does not yet submit ar - cles for the magazine we would like to hear from you even in longhand if you do not have access to a computer. Any news you have is always very welcome. Children’s Society collec on boxes due in by December 1st Every year a collec on is made in our Parishes for the Children’s Society. The dona ons collected in the boxes and at the Chris ngle service go to the chari- ty to ensure that vulnerable children are heard, supported and cared for. I am taking over responsibility for the collec on boxes and will be pleased to take delivery of them at the beginning of December please call me, Eunice Siggins, on 01621778904 If anyone would like a ‘house box’ to collect for the charity over the next year, please let me know. A er many years of being responsible for the collec on and distribu on of the Children’s Society boxes Donna Tristram has re red from this responsibility. I am sure all our readers will thank Donna for all her work over the years and also to support Eunice as she takes over this responsibility. If you can please contact Eunice for a collec on box and support this very worthy cause. 5 Follow the Star Drawing inspira on from the well-known carol “We Three Kings”, the ‘Follow The Star’ app offers daily reflec ons for each day between Christmas Day and Sunday 5 January. Each one in- cludes a picture, a short Bible pas- sage, a simple prayer and a chal- lenge to reflect or act differently. The ‘Follow The Star’ app can help you find a few minutes each day of Christmas to pause and reflect. Read a welcome from Archbishops Jus n Welby and John Sentamu and a sample day's material. Then read or listen to 12 days of brand-new reflec ons, wri en and read by Mina Munns. You can explore daily Christmas family ac vi es to help all ages engage with the daily themes of ‘Follow The Star’. Wherever you are on your own journey, ‘Follow The Star’ will help you see your life afresh through the light of the Christmas star, a sign of God’s hope and promises. The app is free to download. h ps://www.chpublishing.co.uk/apps/follow-the- star If you came again, Lord. If you came again , Lord, If you came again, Lord, As in days of old. In some lowly guise, Would you choose a manger Would it be in Bethlehem To shield you from the cold? With angels in the skies? Would we see the shepherds? Singing to the shepherds? Would we see the Star? Speaking to the kings? Would we see the wise men Holding back the darkness Travelling from afar? With gold-encrusted wings? You have come again, Lord, As in days of old, Huddled with the refugee Against the bi er cold; Standing in the bread line Clasping empty bowl. Give us eyes to see you, Lord, Come, and make us whole. Anon 6 A December Saint. December 27th is the day on which St John the Apostle is remembered. In com- mon with most of our saints the story of his life is somewhat confusing and the variety of names used referring to him complicate the issue further. It is generally agreed that John and his elder brother James,were sons of Zebedee, a Galilean fisherman.
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