Hurricane Edith September 23-28 1963 Preliminary Report With

Hurricane Edith September 23-28 1963 Preliminary Report With

QC 945.2 .E35 H8 1963 c.2 ~ -~~~~~ U.S. Weather Bureau. Hurricane Edith, September 23-28, 1963, preliminary report with advisories and bulletins issued. II S DEPAHTMENT OF COMMERCE e,,$,WEATHBH IlUHEAU National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Weather Bureau Hurricane Series ERRATA NOTICE One or more conditions of the original document may affect the quality of the image, such as: Discolored pages Faded or light ink Binding intrudes into the text This has been a co-operative project between the NOAA Central Library and the Climate Database Modernization Program, National Climate Data Center (NCDC). To view the original document contact the NOAA Central Library in Silver Spring, MD at (301) 7 13-2607 xl24 or Libraiy.Keference(hhoaa,rr;ov.- HOV Services Imaging Contractor 12200 Kiln Court Beltsville, MD 20704-1 387 November 6,2007 Hurrlcene "Edlth" Lormcd In tho eouthwcstcrn North AtlonLlc on Scptcmbcr 24, 1963, movud wont northwcstwerd through the Leiser Antlllce, the nortlicostcrn Carlbbcon Sea, and cnstern Iloltl, nnd degcncratcd lnta n wcnkanlng troplcel dcpresslon north of Hlspanlole Sopternbe- 28. Exlstcnce of n dlsturbnncc cnnt of Morbndos woa Flrat euspcctcd when tlio Dutcli tonkcr Acteon rcportcd e south wlnd of 28 mph nnd eurfocc prossure of 1010.1 mllllbars 11s 1t movcd nouthwnrd ncrose tho Intortroplcnl Ccnvcrrncncc Zono ot IUOOZ Scptember 22. Photcgraphu tnkcn by TIHW VI1 at 1156 CCC Soplcmbcr 23 showcd n vortcx wltli n clrculntlon ccvcrlng an cxtenslvc neea located at 11N 52W. Ucccnnnlseoncc olrcroft rcnclrcd LIIC oren by Into nElernoon and found wlnda of 29 mph and niirfncc prossure IO05 mlllfbnri, but no deflnlto rndnr pntlcrn. A bullctln wan leeuod by the Snn Juiin Wootltcr Buronu nt 9 PN AST Septombcr 23 lndlcctlng that a lroplcnl doproselon hen formed about 400 nil 10s onst of Bnrbndos ond thnt lurthcr LntenelClcaLlcn was expccted. An oerly morning roconnolasnnco fllglit on tho 24th found wlnda of 70 mpli end surface pressure 1004 mllllbnrs. The flrot ndvinory on "EdlLIi" won lssuod by tlio Snn Junn Wcnillcr Burcou nt I2 ncon AST on the 24th lndlcntlng thnt the dcprcsslon had reached troplcel 8torm lntenelty end wnn locotcd ncor 13.ON 57.3W. Lotor lnforinntlon from the rcconnolasnncc elrcraft showed that eurfaco wlnde had lncrenacd to LID mph wlth surtace prossure 1000 mllllbors. On tho boats of thla rcport, tlic Snn Junn Weotlicr Buranu lsnucd a epoclal odvlncry at 2 PM AST on tho 24th stntlng that "Edlth" had rcnclicd Iiurrlcnno lntcnslty niid won locntod nbout 120 mllen enat of Barbados movlng townrd tho went nortliwcst at 18 mph. Due to tlip hurrlcnno'u prcxlmlty to tho Wlndwnrd and Lcownrd Islandn, liurrlcenc wnrnlngs Wore lssucd ln the specie1 advisory tor tho nron Crom Gundcloiipo to St, Vlnccnt end Barbodon end golo warnings were laeued northward from Cuodcloupe to St. Haarten and southward from St. Vlnccnt to Cronndn. At 12 mldnlglit AST Scptcmber 25 o hurrlconc wntch wns mndc effcctlve for Puerto Rlco and the Vlrgln Islnnds. llurrlcnnc "EdlLIi" conllnued movlng wont nortliwcnt. Tho contcr ponecd ncroes the lalnnd of St. bcln nt 4 AM AST loptember 25. Aftor cnkrlng tlic Cnrlhbcnn, "Edltli" Intcnslflcd sllglitly wlth Iilghcst wlnds 100 mpli, but ehowcd little change for the next 24 hours. As "Edltli" odvnnccd ncrotls L~Censtorn Cnrlbbcnn tho hurrlcnno wntch was cxtcndcd to lncludc Ilaltl end the Domlnlcan Rcpubllc: wlrnlc golc wnrnlnge wcro lesucd tor tlio soutli connt of I~lapnnlolnwont of Sontc Domlngo and gelc wnrnlngs wcrc lnsucd for Pucrto Rlcc, tho Vlrgln Islonds nnd lhc Domintcan Rcpubllc cost of Santc Domlngo. The ccntcr of "Edith" passed about 175 mlloe noutli of St. Crolx, Vlrgln Islnnda at 4 AM AST on thc 26th and et 12 Noon tho nema dny hurrlcnnc wnrnlngn wcro lsnuod for soutlicrn Ilnltl nnd southwentorn Domlnlcnn Ropubllc. A dnmpcning hlpli-lcvcl clrculotlon movcd cver llurrlcanc "Edlth" on the 26th. Rcconnnlssnncc elrcraft durlng tho afternoon had dlfElculty In locotlng tlic cyo. During tho cvcnlny the hurrlcenc bccnmc more dlnorgnnlzcd, elcwcd down ond turnod toward the north northwest. Ilurrlconc wornlnys wcrc rnlacd for cnetcrn Domlnlcnn Rcpubllc and cxLrcmc wcnlcrn Purrto Rlco end dlncontlnuad for wostcrii Illnponlola ln n spcclnl odvlnory lssucd by the Son Junn Wcnthcr Burcou at 10 M AST. Uy mldnlghl It was nppnrcnt Lhot "EdItli" hod wcnkcncd nnd would mcvo acrose tho cnstcrn portlcn of Lhc Domlnlcan Ropubllc and hurrlcnno wornlnge wcrc clianhcd Lo gnlo warnings fcr wustcrn Pucrto Rlco. The ccntcr of "Edlth" entcrcd tho Domlnlcan Republic Just west of Lhe clty of La Romano nt 4 AM AST Scptemhcr 21 and movcd off tho north conel of tho Domlnicnn Rcpubllc eaat of Pucrto PIntn shortly bcforc noon. lll~licstwlnde rcportcd os "Edlth" moved cver lnnd wne 63 mpli from the soullrcnst of La Roman.. No dcetlis wcro roporlcd on St. Lucln; Iiowcvor, thcrc wore 10 deaths and SO acrloualy injured on Martlnlque. Flnel fetnllty rcporta linvc not bocn rccclvcd from otlior lslonds cffcctad by "Edlth'e" pneeogo through the Ceribbonn. In Mnrtlnique 6000 dwclling8 wcrc dcotroycd ond 13,000 otlicrs badly dnmngcd. The bnnnnn crop wne ruincd nnd the sugnr crop nnd othcr food crops hcavlly domogcd. Propcrty losece In othor Cnrlbbcnn orcns offectcd nppccr to hnvc bcen only modcrntc. 1 SAN JUAN WEATHEK DUREAU FOK I’RESS IUD10 AND TV 9 IN AST SElTEMllliK 23 1963. REPORTS FRU4 NAVY RECONNAISSANCE AIKCIUFT EARLY THIS EVIlNING SllW TllAT A TKOI’ICAL I)CL’W!iStON llAS FORMED IN THE ATLANTIC EAST OF TllE WINDWARD ISLANDS. AT 9 I’M AST...OlOOZ...THE CENTEK OP ‘TllE TKOPICAL DI?PRRSSION WAS ESTIMATED NEAR UTITUDE 12.5 NORTH LONCITUDE 54.0 WEST OR ABOUT 400 STATUTE MIWS EAST OF IIAKUAUOS LESSER ANTILLES. I’OSITION IS FAIR DUE TO POOR OKCANIZATION OF lllE DEPRESSION. THE TROPICAL DEPRESSION AI’PEARS TO UE MOVING WGST NOKTUWEST AT AUOUT 15 MRI AND IS EXPECTED TO CONTINUE ON TllIS COURSE AND AT TIIE SAne SPEED FOR TIID NEXT 12 HOU11s. HICHEST WINDS ARE ESTIMATED TO UE AIIWT 30 MPll IN SQUALLS IN TIlE NORTll AND PAST QUADRANTS. AT PRESENT WE TROPICAL DEPRESSION IS JUST A JARGI! AlU OF SQUALLY WEALllEK WI’llIOUT OKCANIZATION UUT CDNDI’C1ONS APPEAR FAVOIURLE FOK SLW INTENSIFICATIDN. PEOPLE IN TIIE WINDWARD AND UXWARD ISIANDS FROM GRENADA AND IIARDADOS NORTIIWARU SllOUlD KEEP IN TOUCH WITH LATEST INFOWTION AND BE READY TO TAKE QUICK PRECAUTIONS SIIOUUJ INTENSIFICATION OCCUR DURING TllE NICIIT. RECONNAISSANCE AIRCRAFT WILL INVESTIGATE THE AR@A OF THE DEPRESSION UEFORR DAYBREAK TUESIIAY AND MORE DETAILED INFORMATION WILL BE AVAIIAULE AT THAT TIME, SHALL CRAPT IN ME WINDWAKD AND LEEWARD ISIANDS SIIOUW NOT VEWCUHP, FAR FROH PORT. BULLETINS WILL BE ISSUED BY THE SAN JUAN WEATHER RUREAU AS ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS RECEIVED. HDOSE SAN JUAN WEAnlER UUREAU TROPICAL STOW ADVISORY NUMBER 1 EDIW 12 NCON AST SEWEMBER 24 1963. IIURRICANE WARNINGS Am. IN KFFECT IMMI?DIATCLY IN TllE LEI!WARD AND WINDWARD ISIANDS FKON CUADELOVPE TO ST VINCENT AND UAKBADOS. GALE WARNINGS ARE IN IIBPECP PKaf CUADEIDUI’E NOIITIIWARD TO ST HMRTENS, NAVY RECONNAISSANCE AIKCIUFT AND VESSEL W.I’OKTS SHW TlUT TIIE TROPICAL DEPRESSION IN TIIE ATLANTIC UAST OF IIARIIADOS HA9 INTENSIFIED AND IS NOW A TKOPICAL STOIW. *iiiE RECONNAISSANCE AIRCRAFT LOCATED nie EYE AND AT 12 NOON AST...MOOZ...IT WAS CENTERED NEAR UTITUDE 1J.ONOKTll UMGITUDR 57.3 WEST OR AUOUT 180 STATUTE MILES EAST OF BARBADOS LESSER ANTILLES. TROPICAL STORM EDITH APPEARE 10 UE MOVING UElWEEN WEST AND WEST NOKTllWliS‘T AT 15 MPll. TllE TROPICAL STORM IS STILL POORLY ORCANIZED AND IT IS DIFFICULT TO DETERMINE FUTURE DIRECTION UUT A DIWXTION IlETWEEN WEST AND WEST NORTIIWEST AT AUWT lllE SAME SPEED CAN BE EXPECTED FOR THE NEXT 12 IIOURS. TROPICAL STOIW EDITII IS FOIUXAST TO INCRPXSE IN SIZE AND RMCH IIURRICANE INTENSITY IATEK TODAY AND PASS UETWEEN MARTINIQLIE AND ST WCIA IN WEDNESDAY NOON. IlICllliST WINDS hW3 I:STIMATED TO UE 70 MPll OVER A SMALL AREA NEAR lllE CENTER AND GALE WINDS EXTEND OUTWARD FKOM TUE CENTER 150 MILJIS IN ‘llll< KOlUll AND CAST QUADRANTS AND 50 MILES IN OnlER QUADRANTS. PEOPLE IN TllE AllIIA OF TIIN IIUIU~lCANI! WARNIEGS SllOULD TAU IMMEDIATE PRECAUTIONS AGAINST POSSIDLE HURRICANE FORCE WINDS HICH TIDES AND SUR? AND IIEAVY RAINS. TIDES ALONG 1111 IU?I:FS IN TllE IIURRICANE WARNING AREA WILL DE 4 TO G FEET AUOVE NORMAL. lllE UARDADDS ST WCIA MARTINIQUE DDMINICA ARM SllOULD RUSll I’IU!PARATIONS AGAINST TROPICAL STORM EDITH AND KEW IN TOUCH WITH IATEST INFORMI\TION. SHII’I’IIIC IN 111E PA’llI OF TIE STORM SlloULD EXERCISE CAUTION AND SMALL CHI\Fp IN THE LESSER ANTILLES SIICULD DEW SAPE IVLKROR. TllE NEXT REGULAR ADVISORY ON PROI’ICAL STOW EDI’III WILL UE 1SSUI;D AT 6 PM AST 22002 AND UUI.LETINS WILL UP: ISSUED AT FREQUEW INTERVAIS. IlICGS SAN JUAN SPECIAL WEATHER llUREAU IIVRRICANE ADVISOKY NUMnEK 2 EDITH 2 I’M AST SEPTEMBER 24 1963. IIURRICANE WARNINGS ARE IN l<FPI!CT POR TllE IZEWARD AND WINDWARD ISLANDS FKOM GUADELOUPE TO ST VINCENT AND BARBADOS. CALE WARNINGE ARE IN EFFECT FR(M CUADELOUPD NORlllWARD TO !iT MMRTENS AND FKOM ST VINCENT SOUTIIWARD TO CRENADA. IATEST RECONNAISSANCE REPORTS INDICATE TIlAT EDITH IUS REACllED HURRICANE INTENSITY AND IT3 FORWARD SPEED IUS INCREASED. AT 2 PM AST.. .18WZ...IIURRICANE EUlTll WAS CI!NTERI3D NEAR LATITUDE 13.1 NORTll LONCITUDE 57.8 WKST OR AIIOUT 120 STACUTE MILES EAST OF BhKl%ADOS W.SSER ANTILLES. IT IS MOVING URTWEEN WEST AND WEST NORTIIWEST AT ABOUT 18 MPH AND IS EXPECTED TO CONTINUE IN AUCUT THE SAME DIRECTION AND AT THE SAMI? SPEED FOR TlU NEXT 12 IlOURS. HURRICANE RDITII IS EXPECTED TO REACll THE VICINITY OF DARDAD(XI AUCWT 8 PN AST TONICllT AND UE IN lllE ST WCIA I4ARTINIQUB AREA BY 3 AM AST WEDNDSDAY.

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