COVERAGE OF 2021 NACo BOARD ADOPTS APPLICATIONS OPEN NACo LEGISLATIVE INTERIM POLICY FOR NACo/NATIONWIDE CONFERENCE . PGS. 3-8 RESOLUTIONS. PGS. 9-13 SCHOLARSHIPS . PG. 15 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION of COUNTIES VOL. 53, NO. 5 MARCH 22, 2021 NACo BOARD VOTES TO HOLD 2021 ANNUAL CONFERENCE IN PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY, MD. by Charlie Ban senior writer The NACo Board voted March 19 to relocate the 2021 NACo Annual Conference to Prince George’s County, Md., revising the dates to July 9-12, at the Gaylord National Resort Franklin County, Pa. employees are among those who stepped up during the COVID-19 pandemic. Passage of the American Rescue Plan and Convention Center, just will allow counties to recover from a demand for services and reduced revenues during the resulting economic downturn. outside of Washington, D.C. The conference would be a hy- brid of in-person and remote programming. The Board also Counties pivot to implement historic win passed 27 interim policy res- olutions (see details on pages 9-13) that will help guide NA- of $65.1 billion in American Rescue Plan Co’s advocacy through July’s by Charlie Ban It will allow counties to replace to cut child poverty in half. County, Ky. Annual Business Meeting. senior writer lost, delayed or decreased rev- “This is truly a one-in-a- NACo solicited feedback and Julie Chávez Rodriguez, enue and will fund additional lifetime investment in coun- questions from members after White House Director of Inter- Following President Biden’s testing and vaccination mea- ty government that provides the March 11 signing, which governmental Affairs, spoke signature of the American Res- sures and resources to reopen much-needed relief and will were then summarized for the to the Board ahead of Pres- cue Plan, counties are figuring schools. It will also affect chang- be crucial to our nation’s re- Department of Treasury, which ident Joe Biden’s planned out how to best spend the $65.1 es that will buttress services that covery,” NACo President Gary will craft guidance for how the March 24 appearance. As billion in direct funding heading counties offer, such as funding Moore said of the bill. Moore is president-elect, Biden spoke their way in the next two years. to families that has the potential also judge/executive of Boone See RESCUE PLAN page 2 during the Fall Board Meeting, It’s the largest federal alloca- too. tion to county governments in Rodriguez said Treasury U.S. history, and it helps coun- Department guidance for ties recover from a combined NACo Broadband Task Force the American Rescue Plan’s demand for services during $65.1 billion in direct funding the COVID-19 pandemic and reduced revenues during the seeks solutions for counties See BOARD page 16 resulting economic downturn. by Rachel Looker tations, the pandemic has high- three dozen county government staff writer lighted the need for broadband officials. The group is focused infrastructure and the impor- on the challenges and opportu- As the United States bypass- tance of reliable internet speeds nities facing underserved com- es the one-year mark since the for all counties across the coun- munities and the intersection start of the COVID-19 pandem- try. of public and private sectors’ ic, counties are working to come NACo President and Boone efforts to deploy broadband. Its up with solutions to bridge the County, Ky. Judge/Executive goal is to create a blueprint for digital divide. Gary Moore announced in 2020 governments working to bridge From virtual learning to tele- the formation of NACo’s Broad- medicine and workforce adap- band Task Force comprised of See BROADBAND page 2 2 MARCH 22, 2021 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION of COUNTIES COUNTY NEWS $10 billion for broadband is in Rescue Plan Distribution formula in the works From BROADBAND page 1 Internet below the FCC’s defi- From RESCUE PLAN page 1 fund their operations during SPEEDREAD nition of broadband, according the pandemic, nearly 62 per- the digital divide. FOUR SUBCOMMITTEES WITHIN to NACo’s connectivity report, money can be spent. Counties cent of counties contain un- In 2020, Congress passed the NACo’S BROADBAND TASK FORCE “Understanding the True State will not have to suballocate taxable public lands, but must Broadband Data Act which re- HAVE ESTABLISHED GOALS TO of Connectivity in America.” their funding to cities and towns still provide services. The Trea- quires the Federal Communi- ADDRESS THE DIGITAL DIVIDE IN As more internet disparities or ask states for the suballo- sury Department will develop a cations Commission (FCC) to THE FOLLOWING AREAS: have become apparent because cations, as they did under the distribution formula based on change the way broadband data of the pandemic, the recently CARES Act. There will be some counties’ poverty and unem- is collected, verified and report- ● Preparing for broadband passed American Rescue Plan restrictions on funding use, ployment rates, household in- ed. The FCC secured funding ● Barriers to buildout includes $10 billion for capital such as funding pensions or come and land value. through a provision in the year- ● The Digital Divide projects, including broadband cutting taxes, but generally the “We truly appreciate Sen. Ron end funding package Congress infrastructure, for states, local- money should be used to ad- Wyden’s (D-Ore.) efforts on our ● Future-proofing the local passed in December and is now ities, territories and tribal gov- dress the COVID-19 pandemic behalf recognizing that public economy moving forward with the imple- ernments. Projects may relate and its negative impacts. lands counties have been hit mentation of the legislation. to enabling work, education, “The implementation is al- pretty hard,” said Greg Chil- Additionally, the FCC ad- tomers. health monitoring and remote most as important as getting the cott, a Ravalli County, Mont. opted new rules for the Digital These rules set standards for options. An additional $7 bil- plan passed in the first place,” commissioner who serves as Opportunity Data Collection to collecting broadband deploy- lion has been allotted to the said Mark Ritacco, NACo’s di- president of NACo’s Western In- ensure the accurate collection ment data from state, local and FCC for its Emergency Con- rector of government affairs. terstate Region. “We really ap- of broadband deployment data. tribal mapping entities. nectivity Fund and E-Rate pro- “The reason we’re here is be- preciate the fact that [Congress] The new rules specify the fixed NACo previously launched gram, which helps schools and cause of the work of our mem- realizes we’re in a deficit posi- and mobile broadband service the “TestIT” mobile app that libraries support virtual learn- bers, the credibility that our tion and we will put this money providers that are required to emphasizes the need for com- ing. This plan allows counties to members brought to the federal to good use for our citizens.” report availability and coverage plete and accurate broadband make necessary investments in policy discussion, so therefore Estimates of how much each data. data. The app highlights the broadband infrastructure. all of NACo’s comments about county will be allocated, based The rules also adopt require- gaps in the FCC’s broadband Each subcommittee will re- how to implement this plan will on 2019 population, are avail- ments for reporting speed for maps, which are used by federal port on their identified goals be informed by our members.” able in NACo’s COVID-19 Re- fixed technologies and requires agencies to determine funding during the task force’s monthly In addition, public lands covery Clearinghouse. Counties that fixed broadband internet needs for investments. meeting on March 24. The lives- counties will share an addition- will receive their allocations in access providers report whether Data collected from the app tream link is available to stream al $1.5 billion over two years. two parts — within 60 days of broadband services are offered found that roughly 65 percent of for Legislative Conference at- While some counties have re- to residential and business cus- all counties are experiencing the tendees. lied on property taxes to help See RESCUE PLAN page 14 2021 NACo ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS CELEBRATING NATIONAL PEANUT MONTH PERCENT OF U.S. STATE PRODUCTION Georgia ................. 49% Florida .................. 11% Alabama ............... 10% Texas ...................... 9% Apply today at North Carolina ......... 8% NACo.org/AchievementAwards Source: National Peanut Board President Editor and ADVERTISING STAFF Published by: The appearance of paid advertisements in County POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Gary W. Moore Senior Writer Job Market/Classifieds National Association of Counties News in no way implies support or endorsement County News, 660 N. Capitol Street, N.W. Mary Ann Barton by the National Association of Counties for any of Publisher representative Research Foundation, Inc. STE. 400, Washington, D.C. 20001 Matthew Chase Digital Editor 660 N. Capitol Street, N.W. STE. 400, the products, services or messages advertised. National Accounts (USPS 704-620) n (ISSN: 0744-9798) and Senior Writer Washington, D.C. 20001 Periodicals postage paid at Washington D.C. and Chief Public © National Association of Counties Charlie Ban representative 202.393.6226 | FAX 866.752.1573 other offices. Affairs Officer Research Foundation, Inc. Brian Namey Staff Writer Mary Ann Barton E-mail [email protected] Mail subscriptions are $100 per year for non-mem- Rachel Looker 202.942.4223 Online address www.countynews.org bers. $60 per year for non-members purchasing Design Director FAX 866.752.1573 multiple copies. Educational institution rate, $50 per Leon Lawrence III year. Member county supplemental subscriptions are $20 each. Send payment with order and address changes to NACo, 660 N. Capitol Street, N.W. STE. We are committed to getting County News on your desktop ASAP.
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