■T • T , ^ British ^ , , Masters Bthletic MfiST€RS Federation fiTHL€TICS OO The Neajspoper of the British Masters Bthletic Federation Summer 2004 Number 68 W.M.A. WORLD NGN STADIA NEW ZEALAND B.M.A.F. MASTERS ROAD RELAYS, i SUTTON PARK. B.M.A.F. THROWS DECATHLON B.M.A.F. HALF MARATHON, BLACKPOOL. amo B.M.A.F. TRACK & FIELD, BIRMINGHAM. READERS WRITE, CLUB RESULTS. TRACEY MORRIS FIRST BRITISH WOMAN IN THE LONDON MARATHON AND IS OUR FIRST MASTER TO WIN OLYMPIC SELECTION MASTERS ATHLETICS SUMMER 2004 Donations Masters Athletics Many thanks for the kind donation from: Andy Turner, NEW ADVERTISING RATES IN THIS ISSUE COMMERCIAL COLOUR Page 3 Addresses. FULL PAGE £600:00 Page 4 Secretary's report. HALE PAGE £350:00 Page 5 B.M.A.F. Road Relays QUARTER PAGE £200:00 Page 9 W.M.A. Non Stadia. Page 10 B.M.A.F. Half Marathon COMMERCIAL BLACK & WHITE Page 12 B.M.A.F. 10k Road Entry Form. FULL PAGE £420:00 Page 13 Half Marathon Report. HALF PAGE £250:00 Page 14 B.M.A.F. Track & Field. QUARTER PAGE £ 130:00 Page 19 Club Results. Page 23 Fixtures 0 B.M.A.F. (SPECIAL RATES) Page 24 Readers Write. FULL PAGE £ 200:00 Page 25 Throwers Decathlon HALF PAGE £ 105:00 Page 26 Events QUARTER PAGE £65:00 300 PLUS CLUB winners:. PUBLICATION DATES: April 2004 Items for inclusion to reach the editor by the following dates: Mike Caudwell £ ]25 16"' March, 16"" June, 16"' September, 16th November each Irene Nichols, Colin McCall, Paul White year. &JohnCobb £ iq Mav 2004 FROM THE EDITOR Richard Jenkin £125 Can we have more input from the Clubs and Noel Noble, Aileen Brown, Carole Filer, Members? Norman Carter, J Edgar £ jq June 2004 It is your Magazine and we have so many Marian Eldridge £ 12J interesting members with interesting things to say, Dianne Smith, Bill Carr, Geoff Arnold-Pinchin, so please post or email information to me. Peter Wixey, Maurice MoitcII £ 10 I look forward to your input (CD's, Floppy Discs or Typed information -Word, RTF, Text, HTML) Excel and Photo tiles by email disc or CD please! I would be interested to receive Photographs ^per Issue please either by mail or by email, particularly action pictures. BRIAN OWEN."Railway Cuttings", Thorngrove Road, Malvern, Worcestershire, WRI4 3BX CHANGE OF ADDRESS (Phone: 01684 565721) EmaiI-brian.owen2(r/ btinternet.com Please note that members changing their addre^^ Should tell their Club Membership Secretary. W MASTERS ATHLETICS SUMMER 2004 Editor: Brian Owen."Railway Cuttings",Thomgrove Road. Maivern.Wcrcestershire. WR14 3BX (Phone/Fax: 01684 565721 [email protected]) ^P^crtising: Bridget Ciislien. 020 8683 2602 Production/Design: Aldine Print Limited. Sixways Trading Estate. Barnard Green Road. Malvem. WRI4 3NB Subscription Rates: £10 per annum (four issues) free to members of affiliated clubs. BRITISH MASTERS ATHLETICS FEDERATION Website: www.bmaf.org.uk President: Keith Whitaker. Life Vice Presidents: Nonnan Ashcrofi, Bridget Cushen. Barbara Dunsford. Jack Fitzgerald. Ron Franklyn. George Phipps. Sylvester Stein. Keith Whitakcr and Torn Wood. Chairman: Winston Thomas, 67a,Waterside. Kings Langley. Herts. WD4 SHE,(01923 269357). [email protected] Vice Chairman( Policy Administration for Home and International Affairs) Vacancy: Hon. Secretary: Bridget Cushen, 156, Mitcham Road, West Croydon, CRO 3JE. (020 8683 2602) Email: Bcushen(^,aol.eom Hon. Treasurer: Danny Herman, Bow House. 3, Bow Green Road, Bowdon, Altrincham WA14 3LY. Phone 0161 9412154 Secretary -Track & Field: Maurice Doogan. 5, Stadium Street, London. SWIO OPU.(020 7795 2233 Fax; 020 7795 2235 Mobile: 07976 614746 email: [email protected] Secretary -Road Running Bill Morris, Manor Fami, Leinthall Earls, Leominster. Herefordshire. HR6 9TR. Phone: 01568 770432 Mobile: 07816 682468 email: [email protected] Secretary Race Walking: Eric Horwill. 79,Enville Road. Wallheath. Kingswinford, DY6 OJA. (01384 273851) Secretary- XC: Philip Lee, 85. Parlour Close, Histon, Cambs. CB4 9XR. (01223 234856) fmien'smen's Representative: Chris Courtney. 10. Milner Crescent, Winlaton. Tyne & wear, NE21 6BN. (0191 4145604) email: [email protected] Overseas Entries Coordinator: Wendy Dunsford. !2a,Salisbury Road. Grays. Essex RM17 6BQ. (01375 391895. Please contact before 10pm) Chairman of Records Committee: Bob Minnling" The Rowans" Convent Road, Sidmouth, Devon, Ex 10 8RD. email- Bob,Minting(@;btopenworld.com VAA of England: Irene Nicholls."Rainbow Cottage".! 5. Meadow Lane. Alvechurch, B48 7HL. Website Administrator: Chris Jagcr,"Topspot". Hudson Road. Malmesbury. Wilts SN16 OBS. (01666 823778) Email: [email protected] SECRETARIES OF AFFILIATED CLUBS AND ASSOCIATIONS Eastern VAC: (General) Peter Chaplin. 1. Gunning Way. Cambridge. CB4 3SQ.(Membership) Eva Osboume. 6 l.Damgatc. Wymondham, Norfolk NR18 OBG (01953 604501)~ Isle of Man: Lesley Christian. 1. Chester Mews. The Paddocks. Ballasalla. Isle of Man. IM9 2DH.(Phone 01624 829164- Email: [email protected] (Membership) Peter Cooper. "Woodheights". Knocksharry. German, 1M5 2AG.(Tel/Fax 01624 842477) Midlands VAC: (General Sec.) Edgar Nichols. "Rainbow Cottage". 15. Meadow Lane, Alvechurch. B48 7HL . (Membership) Colin Simpson. 87. Willow Road. Solihull, B91 1UF(0121 705 5139) Northern VAC: (General) Alison Doyle. 6 Valley View. Hyde. Cheshire .SK14 4UD Tele: 0161-366-5175 . email: alison.doylel(rt.talk21.com (Membership) D. Tomkinson. 34. Norden Close. Rochdale. Lanes. OLl 1 5TF (01706 630081) [email protected] www.northemvcts.org.uk Veterans AA-NE: (General) Harry Mathews. 17. Homedale, Prudhoe. Northumberland. NE42 5AY, (Membership) Val Hancock. Low Dryburn Farm. North End. Durham DM I 4NJ. Northern Ireland: Drew Crawford. I .Wilmonl Park. Dunniurry. Belfast BT17 9.1 W (02890 624296) Scotland: (General) Willie Diysdalc. 6,Kintyre Wynd. Carluke MLS 5RW (01555 771448)(Membership) E Parsons. 2308.Great Western Road. Glasgow. G15 6SF. Southern Counties VAC: (General) Eric Shirley. 2.Ladbrookc Close. Pinner. Middlesex HA5 5LR (Membership) V Thompson. 18. Albany House. Boyficld Street. SEl OSB (020 7928 9577) South West VAC: David Lord." Old Lord Nelson". 52. North Street. Warcham. BH20 4A0(01929 551751) (Membership) Dorecn Painc. 72. Trevanian Road, Liscard. , n, . , , • , Veterans AC: (General) Dennis Williams. 82.Princc Georges Avenue. London SW20 8BH (020 8543 61 I (Membership) Geoff Mellor. 39.Carlton Avenue. Fcltham.Middx TWI4 OEE (020 8890 9476 eniai jgeoflmellor(« aol.com) Welsh Masters : (General) John Kersting. Foreshore. 57/59. Elgin Road. Pwll. Llanelli.Carms SA 5 4AF (Membership) Sue Hooper. 28. Mill C-ommon. Undy.Caldecot.Monmouthshirc. NP26 3JH masters athleticsATHLETICS. is The an ediionalomcial publication policy is not. otTbe unless BRI'i Oihevwiseslaicd.lhatollSII MASTEIRS ATllLHTItS the BMAf-01 KEDERATi()N \V MA and,,.v- of the \\'()RLD4 . u i i i i Unsolici.cd material would be welcomed, preferably M.erosofi Word or Te.M. Copy submitted on "[■loppy Disc C D . needs to be aecompamed In a hard cop>. Email attachments are aceepiable in any Microsoft format. II you require the return of your infonnation and phoioaraphs. please enclose a "siarnped .Addrc.ssed l-.melope . mi . MASTERS ATHLETICS cannot accept anv rcsponsihil.tv for items lost or damaged in transit, and any concspondcnce published at the Fdnors discretion. This Maga/inc is posted to die home address of all remslered BMAE memhcis. based on tbe intbrmauon supplied _b\ Atfihatcd ( lubs and Associations. Athletics will take every care to ensure that advice gi\en to assist reader s with training, diet and injuries is safe. I .ters ,\lhletics or its contributors cannot, however, accept any respoiisihB for injiiin. loss or damage caused l)\ such advice. .SHOl l.n ^ Ol R ADDRESS BE 1NC ()RRE( T PI.EASE COM AC T THE EDITOR 3 MASTERS ATHLETICS SUMMER 2004 and still farm in the old traditional ways. They use no up to the surrounding hills. One day aHer an early Secretary's report electricity, no motorised vehicles and no artificial or competition we went up the gold mining route to some Sirir AndrewAtidrcw Foster was appointed by UK forced methods in their fanning. Their fanners of the small towns. Many grew to be successful towns. Sport and Sport EnolandEngland last November to markets are very popular. Their home baking sells well others are ghost towns but interesting to visit. carry out an indcDcndemindependent review of UK: as does their grain The men drive their families in ^ little black covered horse drawn cabs and their clothes After the final competition (2 firsts, 1 second. 1 third) Athletics. His terms of reference fell within UK are home made from home woven cotton or woollen we drove back to Lake Tahoc to prepare for the US Sport's modernisation programme that look.s at materials. When a man marries he stops shaving, so Masters National championships in Eugene. Oregon, the nation's governing bodies and the way they the men have round the face Huffy beards. (Easy to This was to be a beautiful but long 101 hour drive, run their sports with a view to developing more spot a bachelor!) The mountains in the distance were still snow covered effective ways of working. As UK Sport has no and the tinder dry grass plains gave way to slopes and remit for any masters sport, we were not Training for this competition and the nc.xt one up near then everywhere was tree covered: we were in Oregon. consulted, but Sir Andrew did attend one of the Boston was carried out at 6.30am in a public park near meetingsmootina.: I waswns atai with 1UK. IK- AthleticsAtblrtirs in FebruaiyFfhnmt^ Flushing. NY. Wearound did theshot park, and throwing discus from on to off grass, the checkedThe next out day the wc circles. registered, They met are up excellent, with friends designed and and 1 had an oppoitimity to briefly outline our not lawns wilh "Keep OfT like British parks, but and built by Stuart Toglicr.
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