WARESIDE PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of Parish Council Meeting held at th 8.00pm on Thursday 16 February 2017 in the Village Hall, Wareside Present: Councillor S Beavis (SB), Rebecca Burdick (Clerk) (RB), District Councillor R Brunton (DCRB) Councillor P Goodman (PG), Councillor M Ryan (MR) (Chairman) and Councillor G Sheraidah (GS). 1. Apologies for absence. County Councillor R Beeching, Councillor R Northcote and Councillor S Richards. 2. Open Forum No villagers attended. 3. Approval of minutes of the meeting held 19th January 2016 Approved and signed by Councillor M Ryan. 4. Planning a. Decisions by EHDC Development Control on earlier applications Application: 3/16/2730/HH Proposal: Erection of detached garage/workshop at the Kennels Fanhams Hall Road Ware Hertfordshire SG12 7QA Decision: Refused planning permission. b. New applications received Application: 3/17/0346/FUL Proposal: Proposed New Barn and additional stable to serve existing use of site. At: Land North West Of Bourne Villa Bakers End Wareside Ware Hertfordshire. Topics of concern raised and discussed were: The Councillors have no objection to the building work but want assurance that the hedgerow and border will be maintained and not cut back, remaining as it is now. Application: 3/17/0173/LBC Proposal: Replacement of 1 no rear first floor window. Installation of secondary glazing to 2 no windows at second floor and re-painting of exterior AT: The White Horse Ware Road Wareside Ware Hertfordshire. At: White Horse Pub, Wareside. c. Ongoing applications Application: BT consultation Proposal: removal of the BT phone box, Ware Rd, SG12 7QY Decision: Comments have been sent to BT as draft, awaiting response. 5. Matters Arising Mike informed the Council that the new PCSO is Steven Blanks and the local PC is Nicola Hunt. Steven is 1 planning on coming to WPC meetings when he has settled into the new role. RB will send him this year’s meeting dates along with meeting reminders. 6. Reports from members representing the Parish Council on outside organisations and attending meetings on behalf of the Council a. County Councillors Report: None received b. District Councillor Report: DCRB attended a meeting regarding the Gilston Park estate development on the 28th January with Places for People, Capital and the Neighbourhood Planning group. The Neighbourhood Planning group have now agreed to work with Places for People and Capital but their position has not changed, they still object to the building of Harlow North. However, if the building does go ahead they want to see how they can get better involved. Places for People proposed a deficit management plan – starting work which would benefit the community sooner, for example, infrastructure (such as broadband) put in place as soon as on sight rather than waiting for a certain number of houses to be built. Everyone was talking, and this is a big step. PG asked if there is an updated Neighbourhood Plan document since the consultation closed. DCRB – no the comments went directly to the inspector and were not released to the public. c. Policing Report: None received 7. Bus stop/Shelter/Notice Board PG received an email from the East Herts Council giving permission for a noticeboard to be installed in the Bus shelter. RB to investigate noticeboard options and share with Councillors at the next meeting. It was agreed by Councillors that the old noticeboard will not be repaired. 8. Phone Booth MR will install Perspex within the windows when the weather improves. 9. Neighbourhood Plan East Herts Council have proposed the 29th March and 4th April as dates for a meeting with Thundridge, Ware and Wareside Parish Councils to discuss a joint plan Neighbourhood Plan. MR and PG to attend on behalf of WPC, RB to email Laura Pattison to confirm their attendance. PG has emailed Laura Pattison regarding a separate meeting with planners about Wareside’s own plan. 10. Little Oak Heath (Allotments/Playing Field) GS on behalf of WPC had previously sent a letter to Susie Defoe at EHDC detailing WPC intention of building the playing fields, accompanied with £50 fees, this was instead of applying for planning permission (as detailed in Part 12 of Schedule 2, General Permitted Development (England) Order 2015). GS informed Councillors that he had received a response from Faye Morley, Senior Planning Officer at EHDC, informing WPC that we do in fact need to apply for formal planning permission. This is because: • A Parish Council is not considered a Local Authority • Proposed play equipment does not fall within the works permitted within Part 12, Class A GS believes this decision to be incorrect and asked DCRB if he could assist in rectifying the misunderstanding. DCRB agreed there had obviously been a misunderstanding and is trying to organize a meeting with Kevin Steptoe and Faye Morley where he will discuss and is confident he can rectify. An additional £45.22 has been raised at JP Snooker Club, Harlow, for the Playfield fund. 11. Finance a. Spending for approval: Approved by Councillors present. 2 Rebecca Burdick (Salary – 17th November 2016 to 15th February 2017) £115.00 Signed by MR and PG Payment for use by WPC of Wareside Village Hall for 2016 £100.00 Signed by MR and PG b. Bank Statement: Current Account £9,839.40, Reserve Account £5,519.11, Petty Cash: £1.74. c. Transparency Funding: Awaiting decision on application. d. Other: The Precept amount for 2017/2018 needed to be agreed, PG proposed and SB seconded that it be increased from 2016/2017 by 2%. GS counter proposed that it should be raised by 3%. Councillors voted and the original proposal by PG was accepted. The Precept for 2017/18 will increase by 2% from 2016/17 this amounts to £114.60, increasing the Precept from £5,730 to £5844.60. 11. Correspondence None received. 12. Any other business DCRB informed the Council that R Beeching is stepping down and Eric Buckmaster has been put forward as a possible replacement, he is currently the District Councillor of Sawbridgeworth. DCRB also informed the Council about the Community Grant – he will send details to GS. MR reminded Councillors that it is the Annual Parish meeting before the next WPC meeting. This is not a meeting run by WPC but MR is assisting in the organization. Agenda items were discussed and MR will email around a draft agenda. Next meeting date Thursday 16th March 2017 at 8:00pm in the Village Hall. Meeting closed at 9.45 pm Signed………………………………….……. Date……………………… 3 .
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