Downloaded from orbit.dtu.dk on: Oct 05, 2021 High Capacity Radio over Fiber Transmission Links Caballero Jambrina, Antonio Publication date: 2011 Document Version Publisher's PDF, also known as Version of record Link back to DTU Orbit Citation (APA): Caballero Jambrina, A. (2011). High Capacity Radio over Fiber Transmission Links. Technical University of Denmark. General rights Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us providing details, and we will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim. i i \main_ACAJ" | 2011/10/17 | 11:46 | page i | #1 i i High Capacity Radio over Fiber Transmission Links Antonio Caballero Jambrina Supervisors: Professor Idelfonso Tafur Monroy, Assistant Professor Darko Zibar and Associate Professor Kresten Yvind Delivery Date: 1st August 2011 DTU Fotonik Department of Photonics Engineering Technical University of Denmark Building 343 2800 Kgs. Lyngby DENMARK i i i i i i \main_ACAJ" | 2011/10/17 | 11:46 | page ii | #2 i i i i i i i i \main_ACAJ" | 2011/10/17 | 11:46 | page i | #3 i i Abstract This thesis expands the state-of-the-art on the detection of high speed wireless signals using optics. Signal detection at speeds over 1 Gbps at carrier Radio Frequency (RF) ranging from 5 GHz to 100 GHz have been achieved by applying novel concepts on optical digital coherent receivers. This achievement has satisfied the requirements on transmission robustness and high capacity of next generation hybrid optical fibre-wireless networks. One important contribution of this thesis is the novel concept of pho- tonic downconversion with free-running pulsed laser source for phase modu- lated Radio-over-Fiber (RoF) links. This scheme operates without high frequency electronics at the digital coherent receiver for the detection of high bitrate wireless signals. Based on this concept, I have experimentally demonstrated the recovery of up to 3.2 Gbps 16-QAM signal modulated at 40 GHz RF carrier. At that time, it was the highest bitrate reported of a wireless signal, with complex modulation format, detected using photonic means. I have developed an analytical model to support the experimental results and performed a linearity characterization to establish engineering design rules for this type of links. The results confirmed that this configu- ration provides high linear end-to-end transmission links and is capable of transparent transport of high spectral efficient modulation formats. Furthermore, this thesis introduces a novel approach for the generation and detection of high speed wireless signals in mm-wave frequencies at car- rier frequencies exceeding 60 GHz, using photonic baseband technologies. For signal generation, high spectral-efficient optical modulation technolo- gies are used together with optical heterodyning. In the detection side, the mm-wave signal is modulated in the optical domain and received us- ing digital coherent detection. The experimental demonstration tested the generation and detection in the 60 GHz and 75-110 GHz bands of signals with capacity up to 40 Gbps. Those results reported the highest bitrate at mm-wave frequencies for signal generation and detection using photonic i i i i i i i \main_ACAJ" | 2011/10/17 | 11:46 | page ii | #4 i i ii Abstract methods at the time of the writing of this thesis. In conclusion, the results presented in this thesis demonstrate the feasi- bility of photonic technologies for the generation, distribution and detection of high speed wireless signals. Furthermore, it opens the prospects for next generation hybrid wireless-wired access networks providing ultra-high ca- pacities. i i i i i i \main_ACAJ" | 2011/10/17 | 11:46 | page iii | #5 i i Resum´e Denne afhandling højner stadet indenfor detektion af tr˚adløse,højhastigheds- signaler ved brug af optik. Signaldetektion ved datahastigheder over 1 Gbps p˚abærebølge radiofrekvenser mellem 5 GHz og 100 GHz er opn˚aetved at anvende nye principper for optiske, digitale og kohærente modtagere. Disse resultater tilfredsstiller krav om robust transmission med høj kapacitet i næste generations hybride, optiske fiber-tr˚adløsenetværk. Et vigtigt bidrag i afhandlingen er det nye princip for fotonisk ned- konvertering til brug i fasemodulerede Radio-over-Fiber forbindelser ved hjælp af en fritløbende, pulseret laser. Denne metode til detektion af tr˚adløsehøjhastighedssignaler f ungerer uden brug af højfrekvenselektronik i den digitale, kohærente modtager. Baseret p˚adenne metode demonstr- eres eksperimentel gendannelsen af op til 3,2 Gbps 16-QAM sinaler, som er moduleret op p˚aen 40 GHz RF bærebølge. P˚adet p˚agældendetidspunkt var det den højeste, rapporterede datahastighed af et tr˚adløstsignal med avanceret modulationsformat, som blev detekteret ved brug af fotoniske midler. I afhandlingen præsenteres ogs˚aen analytisk model til fortolkning af de eksperimentelle resultater, og der er udført en linearitetskarakteriser- ing for derved at opstille ingeniørmæssige designregler for den p˚agældende type fiberforbindelse. Resulaterne bekræfter, at den nævnte konfiguration muliggør højlinearitets, ende-til-ende transmissionsforbindelser og s˚aledes baner vej for transparent transmission af modulationsformater med høj spektral effektivitet. Endvidere introducerer afhandlingen en ny tilgang til frembringelse og detektion af tr˚adløse,højhastighedssignaler p˚amm-bølge bærebølgefrekvenser højere end 60 GHz ved brug af fotoniske, basisb˚andsteknologier.Til frem- bringelsen bruges optiske modulationsmetoder med høj spektral effektivitet kombineret med optisk, heterodyn teknik. Til detektionen blev mm-bølge- signalet moduleret over i det optiske domæne og dernæst modtaget ved hjælp af digital, kohærent detektion. I den eksperimentelle demonstra- iii i i i i i i \main_ACAJ" | 2011/10/17 | 11:46 | page iv | #6 i i iv Resum´e tion blev afprøvet frembringelse og detektion i 60 GHz og 75-110 GHz frekvensb˚andendeaf signaler med datahastigheder op til 40 Gbps. Disse resultater udgjorde den højeste datahastighed p˚amm-bølgefrekvenser for frembringelse og detektion ved hjælp af fotoniske metoder p˚adet tidspunkt, da afhandlingen blev skrevet. Sammenfattende dokumenterer afhandlingens resultater, at fotoniske metoder kan anvendes til frembringelse, distribution og detektion af tr˚adløse højhastighedssignaler. Endvidere ˚abnerresultaterne muligheder for næste generations hybride, tr˚adløse-tr˚adbundneabonnentnet med ultra-høj ka- pacitet. i i i i i i \main_ACAJ" | 2011/10/17 | 11:46 | page v | #7 i i Acknowledgements First I would like to thank my supervisor, Professor Idelfonso Tafur Monroy, Assistant professor Darko Zibar and Associate professor Kresten Yvind. Idelfonso for believing in me since the first day I started my Master Thesis under his supervision. Also for being a reference on what hard work and dedication means. Darko, for all the time we have spent together in the lab and for teaching me that it is important to be methodic and organized at work. Kresten for instilling me the interest on the physics of what we work on and open my mind to different research topics during my Ph.D. I would also like to thank all my colleagues at Metro-access group, Neil, Xianbin, Tim, Jesper, Kamau, Xu, Maisara, Robert, Xiaodan, Alexander, Thang, Bomin.... and also my colleagues in Fotonik department. Thanks to my closest people in Denmark: Valeria, Roberto and Diana. Additionally, thanks to my salsa dancing friends. Thanks to the nice people I met during this years in Denmark, specially the Spanish invasion and Erasmus students. From my city, Zaragoza, to my closest friends, Daniel and Paula and the Teleco's troupe: Laura, Jorge, Paco, Felix and Sprint. Thanks to my friends all over Spain and rest of you that are now living in different parts of the world. Finally, I would like to thank my family, for giving me support during this time; specially thanks to my parents, my sister and my grandparents for being there whenever I needed, supporting me in the distance. v i i i i i i \main_ACAJ" | 2011/10/17 | 11:46 | page vi | #8 i i i i i i i i \main_ACAJ" | 2011/10/17 | 11:46 | page vii | #9 i i Summary of Original Work This thesis is based on the following original publications: PAPER 1 A. Caballero, D. Zibar, C. G. Sch¨affer,and I. Tafur Monroy, \Photonic downconversion for coherent phase-modulated radio-over- fiber links using free-running local oscillator," Optical Fiber Technol- ogy, 17, pp. 263|266, 2011. PAPER 2 A. Caballero, D. Zibar, and I. Tafur Monroy, \Digital cohe- rent detection of multi-gigabit 16-QAM signals at 40 GHz carrier frequency using photonic downconversion," in Proc. 35th European Conference on Optical Communication, ECOC'09, Vienna, Austria, 2009, Post-Deadline Paper PDP3.4. PAPER 3 A. Caballero, D. Zibar, and I. Tafur Monroy, \Digital coherent detection of multi-gigabit 40 GHz carrier frequency radio-over-fibre signals using photonic downconversion," Electronics Letters, vol. 46, no. 1, pp. 58{58, 2010. PAPER 4 A. Caballero, D. Zibar, and I. Tafur Monroy, \Performance evaluation of digital coherent receivers for phase modulated radio- over-fiber links," IEEE/OSA J. Lightw. Technol., accepted for pub- lication, 2011. PAPER 5 A. Caballero, N. Guerrero Gonzalez, F. Amaya, D. Zibar, and I. Tafur Monroy, \Long reach and enhanced power budget DWDM radio-over-fibre link supported by Raman amplification and coherent vii i i i i i i \main_ACAJ" | 2011/10/17 | 11:46 | page viii | #10 i i viii Summary of Original Work detection," in Proc.
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