URBAN LANDSCAPE STUDIES EUPHORIGENIC LANDSCAPES Euphorigenic Landscapes — issue 1.0 Sören Schöbel, Daniel Czechowski (Ed.) (Schriftenreihe - LAREG, Bd. 12/ Monograph Series - Department of Landscape Architecture and Regional Open Space, Vol. 12) © 2013 Fachgebiet für Landschaftsarchitektur regionaler Freiräume Technische Universität München All rights reserved. This publication is protected by copyright. No part of this book may be printed without permis- sion of the editors. LAREG TAIPEI 25°02′N 121°38′E SIZE 271.80 KM2 POPULATION 2,618,772 DENSITY 9,600/KM2 ELEVATION 10 M TIME ZONE CHINA STANDARD (UTC+8) URBAN LANDSCAPE STUDIES ISSUE 1.0 EUPHORIGENIC LANDSCAPES PAGE 204 TAIPEI LANDSCAPE mainland of China. The city is a mix- Yulang Zeng ture of modernity and tradition. The construction of the city is always go- ing on and new history of urban life is Taipei is the “pre-eminent district” of being overwritten, supporting its users Taiwan, with the dream of being an with convenient and fast changing im- “international metropolis”. Since the ages of urban life, and this means there 1970s, Taipei has changed a lot due is no “eternal” here(舒国治,2010). to its fast economic growth and ur- ban construction. The old image of a THE LEVEL OF REGIONAL CULTURES “watertown” with alleys and channels AND NATURAL MORPHOLOGIES — disappeared, while filled in “urban for- A CITY ON DISSIMILAR LANDFORM est” with many concrete buildings. In Taipei, as the name implies, is the city Chinese, the traditional phrase “Moral- located in the north of Taiwan [“pei” ity as noble as water” is used to praise means “north” in Chinese]. Due to the the best personality since water has the reclaiming of Han Chinese and the tea character to favour all without caring trading business on Danshui River, about fame and fortune. This phrase ex- this region became the third important presses the respect for water. A city with commercial region in Taiwan from the water is always regarded to be livable, 18th to 19th century. There is a local whereas Taipei undergoes a process of proverb that says “first Tannan, second abandoning this quality and its con- Lugang, third Monga”1[一府二鹿三 nection with water. The urbanization 艋舺] to describe the city status by the “has changed the watertown into dry end of Qing dynasty, Monga represent- land, pouring down the last fleet wa- ing Taipei. Since the end of the 19th ter off the basin”(舒国治, 2010). century, with the ad-vantage of being a Compared with the central and south- political centre, Taipei has become the ern regions, nowadays Taipei is always most prosperous region in Taiwan and complained about its ruthless compe- this condition continues till today. tition and tremendous pressure in ur- Due to its highly developed com- ban life. Although having the common merce and prosperous culture, Taipei disadvantages of modern cities such as gets great attention from the Chinese traffic congestion, high housing prices society. Now over 80 percent of the and air pollution, it is still attractive for population is engaged in the service youths in Taiwan and tourists from the industry. The city is willing to accept URBAN LANDSCAPE STUDIES ISSUE 1.0 EUPHORIGENIC LANDSCAPES PAGE 205 and transmit the latest technology and ment of the Yangmingshan National lifestyle from Europe, America and Ja- Park. Compared to its highest peak pan. Lately, the government pays great over 1000 meters and volcanic steam attention to construct a “livable city” underground, the low-lying hilly ter- which expresses itself as a multicul- rains bordering the Taipei Basin in east tural metropolis. The well-served pub- and south direction appear tender and lic facilities and social welfare ensure more mild. Danshui River flows on the convenience of living. The lifestyle the western side of the Taipei Basin, of “LOHAS” [乐活] and “sustainable” it is also the natural borderline of the have become the newest label of Taipei, administrative division between cit- although they are not the unique ideas ies. The earliest two flourishing settle- from the island. Here, both the urban ments, Monga and Dadaocheng, were form and the attitude of life are always located on the right side of the river. changing. Keelung River goes through the north Taipei is a basin surrounded by moun- of the basin with many curves, and tains and rivers, and the natural land- other smaller rivers which also origi- scape shows great spatial-temporal dif- nate from the surrounding mountains ference2. The contrasting geographical have a closer intertwining with land. features arise from the appearance of After going across the edge of the ba- the island: Taiwan was formed by one sin or flowing through a small district, tectonic plate sliding under the other, they run into Danshui River or Keelung so it owns undulating mountain ranges River, and finally flow into the Taiwan in south-north direction and an end- Strait at the northern tip of the island. less coastline. The geological struc- Geological movements shaped the sur- ture of Taiwan is young and active, it rounding mountains of Taipei, while is a continuous formation process of rivers formed the basin plain. Finally, new terrain till today. This means that, the actions of human being reshape the comparing with other nations who live morphologies of the land in every pos- in the stable continental plates, the sible area. residents on this island will experience more earthquakes, landslides and other THE LEVEL OF EVERYDAY LIFE — disasters during their life. LOVE AND HATE FOR CONVENIENT The main parts of the Datun volcano URBAN LIFE range, which are located in the north Taipei often appears in movies. Through of Taipei Basin, are under the manage- the artist’s lens, the true city feature and URBAN LANDSCAPE STUDIES ISSUE 1.0 EUPHORIGENIC LANDSCAPES PAGE 206 the impressionistic everyday life are study solely, as if there is nothing else represented. Participators in the city important in the whole world; while and spectators from the outside are under neon lights in the loud and able to feel the coexisting beauty and crowded night market he shares deli- cruelty of the city. cious and cheap snacks with his best There are enough work opportunities friend, enjoying daily life together. with challenge in Taipei, that’s why Meeting demands of both spiritu-al youths both love and hate the city. In needs and tasteable appetites, nightlife 2008, the movie “Cape No. 7” became in Taipei is the charm of the city. one of the top-grossing films in Taiwan’s An overview of Taipei Basin via Google cinematic history. In the opening scene, Maps demonstratesthe contrast. The the leading actor fails in his music ca- high-density urban area is totally dif- reer in Taipei. Unwillingly, he has to go ferent from the surrounding mountains back to his hometown, a small village which are covered by evergreen trees. located in the south coast, on his mo- In the city area, the urban blocks are di- torcycle. Before leaving, he just breaks vided by different road sys-tems, turn- his guitar into pieces while hardly curs- ing the neighbourhoods into irregular ing Taipei. Here, the city is depicted as a shape. The arrangement of modernist dreaming place, where this young man building boxes with different heights pursues his future, but turns out to be a follows the direction of surrounding nightmare in the end. This crowded city roads and streets. Different colours of has the temptation of opportunity and the retrofitting roofs first eliminate the the despair of failure together. overall order and then create a texture But if one forgets the troubles in work- of collage. The firebreak alleys inside ing during the daytime for subsist- the blocks are narrow and always full ence, one will find the fun of living in of illegal rooms and temporarily park- Taipei which is always full of people ing motorcycles, so for citizens who live and wherethe liveliness lasts until the here it is hard to find a place to enjoy early morning. The movie “Au Revoir landscape nearby. The crowded states Taipei” illustrates the great dissimilari- of city residence are serious in many re- ties between two urban locations: the gions of the basin that have been devel- bookstore and the night market. In the oped for a long time. The overcrowded warmly illuminated Eslite Bookstore city residences are a serious problem in [诚品书店] with elegant atmosphere, many regions of the basin … the main actor focuses on his French However, walking on a normal street or URBAN LANDSCAPE STUDIES ISSUE 1.0 EUPHORIGENIC LANDSCAPES PAGE 207 alley in Taipei, one can feel the interest- disasters and accustomed to repairing ing atmosphere of city life immediately. the city continuously. After the experi- The grocery stores and restaurants are ence of the large earthquake in 1999, operating along the streets, working the Taipei citizens hardly pay attention well on meeting most needs of resi- to minor earth shakes. However, they dents’ daily life. Sign-boards, awnings, are enough to make international tour- sunshades, and neon signs are designed ists from the European continent feel and manufactured by local business- uneasy, and the accustomed attitude men. Coupled with motorcycles which of local people makes them even more are almost everywhere, they work to- astonished. The typhoon usually makes gether to form the streetscape of Taipei. landfall from July to September every Motorcycling serves the daily traffic life year. The heavy rain and strong wind of local people well. In “Au Revoir Tai- temporarily disturb the regular routine pei”, the image of the main actor driv- of inhabitants’ work and study, but daily ing his motorcycle through the streets life never stops.
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