SUPPORT YOUR POLICE THE MIDDLESEX COUNTY TOP COVERAGE Lcader-Pnw and Leader Shopper xtm drodntton coverage in Serving Woodbridge Township, Carteret and Edison fetend if M Clui Mail At t. 0. WwdbrMff. N. J. Woodbridge, N. J., Wednesday, April 24, 1968 TWCWTi Watt is Over State Aid Formula Next? Woodbridge PO Tanzman and Mayor Barone Get Assurances from Department of Education Bids Deadline Of $27 Per Pupil Additional Aid If Census Shows Over 100,000 People WOODBRIDGE — The n?xt phase in securing in- Study Committee and said it would be done and certified before the Set June 10th creased state aid for education should be a change beginning of the state's new fiscal year, July 1. Cur- in the State Aid Formula, State Senator Norman "We met last Friday", he related, "and though I rently, Bud Steinfeld of the Census Bureau is screen- WOODBRIDGE — The Io»g be moi•allied ColoColonian l archltec- Tanzman said today at the weekly press conference am not in a position to talk figures, the thinking of ing and testing applicants locally for jobs as censui waiting is over. ture. The Planning Department held by Mayor Ralph P. Barone. the committee is that the formula must be changed takers. Woodbridge proper, at long hopes eventually that all store Tanzman joined Barone to discuss the promise of so not to rely on real estate ratables. Other problems last, is going to have a new, fronts of Ufa in Street will have Edwwd W. Kilpatrick, assistant commissioner of will be considered such a services rendered. We will Hit by GOP Opposition much -needed Post Office. Colonial fronts in keeping with education, that if the Township of Woodbridge can try to weight all the factors — such as the type of ed- A joint announcement was the 300-year-old community. Pe- establish "by means of a duly authenticated Bureau ucation being offered. If a community improves the The next step was for Tanzman to introduce a bill made today by Mayor Ralph P, terson also said that he has of Census enumeration, that its number of inhabit- quality of its education, it would get more money." to make the special census acceptable. The bill is Barone and Representative Ed- ben working closely with Con. ants now exceeds 100,000, the Board of Education will still in committee. A local Republican leader publicly Senator Tanzman also noted that the committee chided Senator Tanzman, calling his efforts imprac- ward J. Patten (D N.J.) that gross-man Patten's office to be eligible now to receive $27 per resident pupil of is bi-partison and includes many qualified lay people. advertisement for bids for the "give Woodbridge the type Of additional aid provided by N.J.S. 18A:58-6.1. This ad- tical and predicting that the GOP-controlled legisla- construction of the new Wood- building it wants and needs." ditional aid would amount to $582,725 in 1968-69." Mayor Barone pointed out that Woodbridge is being ture would not pass legislation beneficial to Wood- bridge Post Office will begin The building will be construc- "penalized for doing a good job. The more ratableg bridge. Finally, Mayor Barone and Senator Tanzman "Wbat's important too," said Tanzman, "is that we get, the less State Aid we get under the present tomorrow." ted of Colonial Rose Blend brick. the letter points out that we will get $582,795 for met with State Department of Education officials Mayor Barone was informed The front will be truly Co- this year, 1968-69. Actually we are not talking about system — we are now becoming a minimum state last Friday and were told that the Township's case today by Representative Paitten lonial with cuppola and bow that sum but between two and two and a half-million aid district — $75 per pupil." looked good. that the bids will be opened at windows with little canopies. before the 1970 census is certified. That will not take The letter recevied by Senator Tanzman yesterday the Post Office Department of- There will be nwiay colonial place until 1972, four years from now. That is why Census in May confirmed that the special census results will be ac- fices in Newark on Friday, June touches such as small panes of Mayor Barone decided upon the three-pronged attack The special federal census will be conducted during cepted by the State as a basis for granting the extra 10. glass in the windows, keystones and getting the census finished before July 1." the month of May, Mayor Barone said. Senator Tanz- aid. Mayor Baronp expressed his appreciation to The new facility will be lo- and okl fashioned carriage Representative Patten, Senator Tanzman, Census lamps oh each side. The build- man pointed out that there was no doubt that Wood- cated at 56-58-60 Main Street, bridge has a population of over 100,000 "all the sur Bureau officials in Washingon and New York, state commonly (mown locally as the ing will have a peaked roof. Got Census O. K. officials and the members of the municipal adminis- 20-Year Lease Mayor Barone not only sought and got the coopera- veys made by the Department of Conservation show Drake Estate. It will replace the population to be way over 100,000." tration who worked on the problem. the present Posit Office on Pearl The successful bidder for (iie tion of the Census Bureau for a special census Street which has been inade- construction of the post office through the cooperation of Representative Edward The language of the enabling legislation which Seeks Cooperation quate to cope with the growth will be granted a basic 20-year J. Patten, he also interested Tanzman in introducing grants toe additional $27 aid per pupil stipulates that of the community from the very lease, with seven five-year re- a bill in the State Legislature which would permit the latest Federal census figures be used to deter- "OUT work was undertaken systematically and with beginning, newal options. Interested con- Woodbridge to join the "Big Six" in receiving the ex- mine population. Mayor Barone has contended that firm purpose," Mayor Barone said. "AH that is need- ed for the ultimate success is the cooperation of all Mayor Barone disclosed that tractors may contaict H. A. tra $27 per pupil. At the same time he instructed the the intent of the law was to recognize the special problems of large communities and that a special our residents with the censui takeri, so that they the interior space in the new Kresse, Real Estate Oofficer, Municipal Solicitor to start working on a possible building will be 9,004 square Post Office Department, P. O. suit against the State if the bill was not passed. How- federal census which confirmed that a municipality may do thefrr job properly and quickly, When all the feet. The current building has Box 838, Newark. ever, with the ruling by the Department of Education had reached the size mentioned could be the basis remits are in and, certified and whwithv Am we but 3,628 square feet. The plait- Mayor Barone noted that this that Woodbridge will be eligible for the special funds, for payment of the extra aid. have a population of more than M>MW than we will lawn airea wiU be 625' square "will be the ffiJth mew Post the bill will mot be necessary. \\ , The council authoriiftd U»e cenHiis and Mayor nave mf&cfent rwsoa to celebrate, ft wttl mean a feel, more than twice <fe large Office we have secured through ' SWtaW Tanzman noted Kiat he Is bn a speciil Barone sought Rep. Patten's aid in scheduling a reduction in the edit-rf education ft approximately as the present area which is the efforts of Congressman Fat- study committee to come up with a solution to the meeting with Census Bureau officials in Washington $600,060 a year for flie next four yean when the WTO but 300 square feet, The mayor ten^ during his three terms w inaccuracies in the present State Aid Formula. last month. The federal people agreed to do the job decennial census will affect our school aid." also noted that tiierfe will be our representative m Washing- a parking & maneuvering area ton — Avrnel, Keasbey, Port of 20,955 square feet in compari Reading arui I s e 1 i n are the son with the present 1,440 square others." feet of parking space. "We asre continually grateful Colonia Architecture to Congressman Patten for his Bodies Exhumed at Local Public Hearing on Rte» 1 to Be William Peterson, Real Estate efforts in our behalf, not only Specialist of the Philadelphia in the case.of Post Offices, but WindsorGardens to Make -,! ,. fte-giona-l office of the Post also in other areas, such as ¥T 11T A n Office Department, told the funding, promoting cooperation LEADER-PRESS today that his of federal officiate and generally department had taken the sug-aiding our community ami its Way for Shopping Center neld June 5th; 150 Businessmen gestion of Mayor Barone and residents", the mayor conclu- WOODBRIDGE — Bodies are rete tombs that had recently the outside of the building will ded, being exhumed from the now de- been opened. The earth, the re- funct Windsor Gardens Memor- porter noted, looked as if it hadHit at Plans at C of C Session ial Cemetery on Route 1 to been bulldozed and at least one make way for a new shopping narrow hole, about six feet WOODBRIDGE - The public plan*, particularly Peter Siderb, Board Supports Bills center, it was learned this week.
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