SZENT ISTVÁN UNIVERSITY YBL MIKLÓS FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE AND CIVIL ENGINEERING The volume was implemented with NKA support. Project number: 101108/00458 YBL JOURNAL OF BUILT ENVIRONMENT Vol. 7 Issue 2 (2019) Partner in Electronic Publishing: www.sciendo.com PUBLISHER: SZIU Ybl Miklós Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Budapest, XIV. Thököly út 74. | Postal address: H-1442 Budapest 70. Pf. 117. Managing publisher: Dr. Anthony John Gall PhD Editor-in-chief: Dr. habil. Bölcskei Attila PhD Chair of editorial board: Dr. Dombay Gábor PhD Editors: Alan Beard PhD (Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, United Kingdom) Dr. Beda László PhD (Szent István University, Ybl Miklós Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Budapest, Hungary) Prof. Prof. h. c./SRSTU Dr.-Ing./Univ.Tokio Thomas Bock (University of Technology of Munich, Munich, Germany) Luigi Cocchiarella PhD (Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy) Dr. habil. Fogarassy Csaba PhD (Szent István University, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Gödöllő, Hungary) doc.Ing. Tomáš Hanák PhD (Brno Univeristy of Technology, Brno, Czech Republic) Prof. Klein Rudolf Dr. Eng. Dr. Phil. Habil. D.Sc. (Szent István University, Ybl Miklós Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Budapest, Hungary) Dr. habil. Domen Kušar PhD (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture, Ljubljana, Slovenia) Dr. Makovényi Ferenc PhD (Szent István University, Ybl Miklós Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Budapest, Hungary) Prof. Dr. Markó Balázs habil. DLA (Szent István University, Ybl Miklós Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Budapest, Hungary) prof.dr.sc. Mladen Obad Šćitaroci (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Architecture, Zagreb, Croatia) dr hab. inż. arch. Adam Rybka (Rzeszow University of Technology, Rzeszów, Poland and East European State Higher School, Przemyśl, Poland) Dr. Takács Márton PhD (Szent István University, Ybl Miklós Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Budapest, Hungary) Technical editor: Konda Tamás Cover design: Babály Bernadett (Szent István University, Ybl Miklós Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Budapest, Hungary) ISSN: 2063-997X (print version) ISSN: 2064-2520 (online) 2 YBL JOURNAL OF BUILT ENVIRONMENT Vol. 7 Issue 2 (2019) CONTENTS 9 Gergely Kovács THE HISTORY OF THE sUMMER sURVEY OF THE hUNGARIAN rOYAL PUBLIC hIGHER ARCHITECTURAL iNDUSTRIAL sCHOOL – IN THE mIRROR OF cOLLECTION rESOURCES 22 András Veöreös ROLE OF sURVEYING dURING rECONDITIONING OF mONUMENTS 31 Péter Bodó The CooperaTion of ernő foerk and Gyula Sándy 40 Boris Dundović ernő foerk and Gyula Sándy’S Tüköry ManSion in dioš, CroaTia: GENEALOGY OF ARCHITECTURAL AND sTYLISTIC fEATURES 52 Aurél Benárd Two parallel life paThS: aladár árkay and ernő foerk 57 Eszter Baldavári froM The foundaTion STone To The CaThedral: arChiTeCTure of The VoTiVe CHURCH OF sZEGED 65 András Hadik ConCerninG ernő foerk’S doCuMenTaTion of hiSToriC MonuMenTS and APPLIED ARTS ACTIVITIES 74 Viktor Rozmann THE TURN-OF-THE-CENTURY mONUMENT PROTECTION PRACTICE IN lIGHT OF Ernő foerkS’S work 82 Béla Zsolt Szakács Ernő foerk and The MedieVal CaThedralS of kaloCSa 89 Gergő Máté Kovács, Krisztina Fehér The SurVey proGraM of ernő foerk on The Türbe of péCS 102 Gergely Domonkos Nagy ernő foerk’S SaCred buildinGS YBL JOURNAL OF BUILT ENVIRONMENT Vol. 7 Issue 2 (2019) YBL JOURNAL OF BUILT ENVIRONMENT Vol. 7 Issue 2 (2019) FOREWORD 150 years ago, on 3 February, 1868, Ernő Foerk, a characteristic figure of the early 20th century architecture was born in Temesvár (Temeswar, Timișoara), On 20 November, 2018 Szent István University Ybl Miklós Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering the successor institution of the Hungarian Royal Public Higher Architectural Industrial School commemorated its former teacher with a conference. The program of this scientific session was a reflection to Ernő Foerk’s complex creative personality: he was not merely a designer architect, one of the most productive figure of Hungarian church architecture, but his work also encompassed the area of applied arts, monument protection, as well as a significant activity in the history of architecture as a researcher and teacher. The practice of the summer surveys with students he started, continues to this day in the institution. His personality also has an important message for the man of today: he could be characterized by a productive life work and exemplary load-bearing capacity, coupled with accuracy and modesty. The high standard of his work is also due to his wide-ranging vision. In addition to creation, he considered important to educate the next generations, to engage in scientific work and to participate in professional public life. Seventeen lectures were given at the conference, this time eleven are published in this special issue of Ybl Journal of Built Environment. It is my pleasure to provide this volume to those who are interested in. Gergely Domonkos Nagy Leading Organizer of the Conference YBL JOURNAL OF BUILT ENVIRONMENT Vol. 7 Issue 2 (2019) ‘Two beings dwell in me, one is the creative artist and the other is the diver, a studying scientist man’ ConferenCe for ernő foerk’s 150th birth anniversary Szent István University Ybl Miklós Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering – 20 November 2018 Budapest, Thököly str 74. – Building A, 2. floor Ceremonial Hall (Room 311.) 8.30: Registration 9.00: Opening ceremony Prof. dr. Markó Balázs DLA, dean (Szent István University, Ybl Miklós Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering) 9.20: Presentations – Chair: Nagy Gergely Domonkos (Szent István University, Ybl Miklós Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering) Kovács Gergely (Hungarian Museum of Architecture - Budapest): The history of the Summer Survey of the Hungarian Royal Public Higher Architectural Industrial School – in the Mirror of Collection Resources Fehér Krisztina – Baku Eszter – Krähling János (Budapest University of Technology and Economics): The Survey of Early Modern Era Monuments as an Educational Exercise in the First Half of the 20th Century Fülöp István (Szent István University, Ybl Miklós Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering): The Legacy of Erno Foerk in the Ybl Miklós Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering The Summer survey camps Veöreös András (Széchenyi István University, Győr; Government Office of Győr-Moson Sopron County): Role of Surveying during Reconditioning of Monuments Vukoszávlyev Zorán (Budapest University of Technology and Economics): Ernő Foerk’s Serbian-Orthodox Church-Typology 11.00: Break 11.20: Presentations Bodó Péter (Museum of Fine Arts): The Cooperation of Ernő Foerk and Gyula Sándy Boris Dundović (TU Wien, Vienna): Ernő Foerk and Gyula Sándy’s Tüköry Mansion in Dioš (Diósszentpál), Croatia: Conservation Research of Architectural and Stylistic Features Klein Rudolf (Szent István University, Ybl Miklós Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering): Ernő Foerk, Ferenc Schömer and the Synagogue of Lipótvátos Benárd Aurél (Szent István University, Ybl Miklós Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering): Two parallel life paths: Aladár Árkay and Ernő Foerk YBL JOURNAL OF BUILT ENVIRONMENT Vol. 7 Issue 2 (2019) 12.40: Lunch break 13.40: Presentations – Chair: Veöreös András (Széchenyi István University, Győr) Farbakyné Deklava Lilla (Research Centre for the Humanities, Hungarian Academy of Sciences): Frigyes Schulek and the Early Design Stages of the Votive Church of Szeged Baldavári Eszter (Hungarian Museum of Architecture - Budapest): From the Foundation Stone to the Cathedral: Architect ure of the Votive Church of Szeged Kelecsényi Kristóf (Budapest University of Technology and Economics): The Contribution of Ernő Foerk in the Design of the Hungarian Parliament Hadik András (Hungarian Museum of Architecture - Budapest): Concerning Ernő Foerk’s Documentation of Historic Monuments and Applied Arts activities 15.00: Break 15.20: Presentations Rozmann Viktor (Szent István University, Ybl Miklós Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering): The Turn-of-the-century Monument Protection Practice in Light of Ernő Foerks’s Work Szakács Béla Zsolt (Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Art History): Ernő Foerk and the Medieval Cathedrals of Kalocsa Kovács Gergő – Fehér Krisztina (Budapest University of Technology and Economics): The Survey Program of Ernő Foerk on the Türbe of Pécs Nagy Gergely Domonkos (Szent István University, Ybl Miklós Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering): Ernő Foerk’s Sacred Buildings 16.40: Closing YBL JOURNAL OF BUILT ENVIRONMENT Vol. 7 Issue 2 (2019) YBL JOURNAL OF BUILT ENVIRONMENT Vol. 7 Issue 2 (2019) 10.2478/jbe-2019-0007 THE HISTORY OF THE SUMMER SURVEY OF THE HUNGARIAN ROYAL PUBLIC HIGHER ARCHITECTURAL SCHOOL – IN THE MIRROR OF COLLECTION RESOURCES Gergely Kovács Collection’s reference–art historian, Hungarian Academy of Arts, Hungarian Museum of Architecture and Documentation Center of Cultural Heritage Management [email protected] Abstract: After studying in Budapest and Wien, Ernő Foerk first became an assistant to Imre Steindl at the Royal Joseph’s Polytechnic and later he started teaching at the Hungarian Royal Public Higher Architectural Industrial School. The practice of holiday surveys which is largely based on the experience gained in Wiener Bauhütte in Wien can be captured as a link between these two activities. Foerk’s full teaching activity was followed by the holiday paths he had with his students. These of course were
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