, . ." It's Over! Weather Gener.11y ,.Ir ...,. IInfI '-nIght. A "Hie cool.r (Almost) •••r the ...t pertlen tenl,ht. Hi,hs tod.V IS to a -I fl. OvtIeek fir ThundeV : Ctllltinuecl f.Ir .nd w.rm. Serving the State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City Established in 1868 Associated Press Lea1ed Wire and Wirephoto I Ceala per CopJ Iowa City, Iowa, Wednesday. AuguslS, 1962 •• to ent die n I Not Allowed To Write ' Home; SUI Summer Commencement TC)night Had To Smuggle Letter Out Iy JERRY ELSEA Hancher Will Editor First Reading' of Tree An SUI senior, active in recent Iowa City pkkeLing, is in Speak to 768 jail in Alban ,Ca., because he jOined Negro piekelers there pro· Ordinance by Council te ling against racial discrimination in the city. The Daily Iowan learned Tuesday that Floyd Gardner, Graduates Spokesmen for the Iowa Cit)' Junior Chamber of Commerce 4, Lamoni, has been awaiting trial in the Albany city jail told the city council Tuesday night that the Jaycee urge that since July 21. His only communication with eithcr parents or 36 To Receive Special tJ1C city take rapid nction against Dutch Elm di ell e. friends in Iowa has been n short letter which he had smuggh'd Honors; Grads From ~Iayor Leroy Mercer replied thnt "the city i taking action out of jail and mailed to his parents who live on a farm Ilcar 41 States, 17 Countries on the Dutch Elm problem." (creer said that 30 dl eased tree Lamoni. haw been removed b the city and that about 20 other (owa The leUer. postmarkcd July 27, bany and tile city council. During summcr Commencement Cili ns have been notifi d that diseased tre' on their property arrived in Lamon! July 31, tcn Whcn the injunction hearing exercises tonight at 7:30 at the days arter Gardner's arre I. III' ends Friday. Dr. King will go on Field House, degrees will be con· hould be remO\·ecl. 1------------ was jailed along with 160 Negroes trial, followed by other demon ~ tra · ferred upon 768 students. wil "~j DtBruyn of the Jaycees D ~ Ne who marched on Albany's city hall. tors. About 120 of the JGO arrested These degrees include 94 doctor add~f i'?' the council during the oug as Ixes Gardner is white. along wiLh Gardner were children. of philosophy degrees , 297 master's publIc hearing on the 1963 city "W•• t111 un't find .nylhin. ages 8 through 17. and will be degrees, and 292 liberal arts, 81 bud"tJ: estimate. The estimated .ut," FI.yd'. 'ather, J.ck Gird· tried In juvenile court, Malone said. nursing. 54 business adminlstra· bud~tf.. inciudes an appropriation ner, told Th. D.IIV I-on in • M.lon., not connected with the tlon, 16 engineering. 28 law and of 2S.000 in the street fund to 11th Hour Ple'a tll.phon. Intervl.w Tuesd.y. city', proc"din.. '9Ilnst tho 10 pharmacy degrees . proVide for a foresLry program. "Everything we know Is what dtmonltr.tor., Slid th.t lITe More than 100 students will reo D BruYn said that the Jaycees Of M d was in that letter. He just told us usual ..ntance for picket viol •. ceive their degrecs in absentia. [eeL ~at a larger amount of mono h was there in jail and said he firs hIS been $100 fine or 30 President Virgil M. Hancher will ey should be budgeted for the tree ur eress wasn't allowed to write. That's d.YI in 1.11. give the commencement address pl'ogram although it realizes "that ' why he had the letter smuggled A friend of Gordner·s. Sharon and his traditional charge to the the council has worked hard on SAN QUENT(N, Calif. III - In oul. Cobb of Corydon, now working in graduates. Ihis problem." handcuffs and chains, Elizabeth IO( don't know how he got that Dcs Moines. lold The Daily Iowan Acting as chaplain will be James Jay H. Honohan told the coun· Ann "Ma" Duncan rode Tuesday letter out of the jail. It came in a she had wrill('n to Malone asking Spalding. associate professor of reo eil thal the Jaycees arc not Inter· toward a date with death while typed envelope. so he must have why Floyd had been arrested and ligion . William D. Coder, dircctor ested in prescribing II policy. but known someone." Iwhy he can noL write or phone of conferences and institutes. will only in calling at tenlion to the facl her attorney son argued futilely to After receiving the leller. Gard· hollll'. be the master of ceremonies. thai Dutch Elm disease poses an delay her execution for the murder ner called Albany and asked to Malone told the lowall that he Mrs. Frank Hanlin, Iowa City mmediate problem LO the com· of hls first wife. talk to his son, but police told him received the letter and was (Ibout organist, will provide the music. munity. that It would tllke so long to bring to reply Informing her of the During her 9 ~ ·bour ride from The degree candidates represent In past weeks the council has the prisoner to the phone that Gard· charges. 91 of the 99 Iowa counties, 41 prepared a new tree ordinance Corona Women's Prison in southern ncr could no~ possibly afford to pay "As a county official. I'm not slates and 17 other coulltries. The whic" was given the first reading California to San Quentin Prison, the phone bIll. connccted wiLh the cas(l." said 36 students from other countries Tuesqay night. Possible revision'! Supreme Court Justice William O. Accerdlne t. G.rdn~rl Sr .. the Malone. "but I will toke lime out are (rom Australia , Canada, China , to t.\jc ordinance can be inclu.hrl Douglas beard and 'denied the 11th· Mt. Ayr (low.) t.,epheM .perl· Lo find out for the girl. I think it 'R France. Ghana. Greece, Hungary, at d)' time before the second and hour pie<! for a ,tay of her execu· tor then Int.rlect", "Th• .-o nit only fair that thts boy' folks know India. (ran. Japan, Jordan, Mexi. third rcadlngs are given arid the trill I 't won't COlt .. Clnt vntll what's going on down hcre.' tion. se& for 10 i .m, loday. co, Panam a, Paraguay. l11e Philip. ordinance passed at future mt'et· he (Floyd Girdner) ••h t. the Malone added that he would LokI' pInes. Puerto Rico. and Thalland. ings. At the same time all but 2 of the "",,",." pen and popel' to the jail so Gard· Orville Hitchcock, professor of In other action the couneil 31 condemned men on San Quen. Tlte officer on duty then told the ncr could write a letter if he wonts spcc£n.....wlll act as nauator Cor awarded a contract for $265,000 in tin's death row went on a hunger elder Gardner lhat there wasn't a to. slrike. WSU\·radio's on·tbe·scenll a~count general obll1l1l1h1n bonds 10 the low mah on duty who could bring Floyd Mill Cobb, a '''2 high school of th commencement prqgra~ bidder C. F. Childs and Co. of Cbi· The two exception were the . from his ceil to the phone. l"cIu.t. .t Corydon, said sh. Tl\i.rty·sil\ of the bochelor'lI de· cago for the proposed city library killers she hired four years ago : "But when I as~ed them to see .Iso wrote to In Albany Baptist gree candidates wJll be graduated con truction. The contract carries to dispose of her pregnant daugh· if Floyd wanted me to go his bond. minister b.c.u~ "they can't with special honors, This consti· a net interest rate o[ 3.12783 per ter·in·law, Olga Duncan, 30, 8 Gardner told the Iowan, "it toot keep. mini.ter from seeing • lutes the top 10 PCI' cent of the cent that will amount to $90.120.63 Canadian·born nurso. The two - only a couple of minutes to run to prisoner." c::nuidates. intere t cost to the city over some Augustine Baldonado, 28, and Luis his cell and find out. Gardner is a BOJplist. 20 years. Moya, 23 - ate heartily. Thtir "Floyd said he didn't want me Gardner is a psychology and ~o · The council also awarded a $29,. execution is sel for three hours to pay the bond, but didn'l give a ciOlogy major who transCerred Nab, Students thesa coll.ge t.nnill will ba tossed in the corner 827.50 contract to a Cedar Rapids after Mrs. DUDcan's. reason why noL. from Graceland College in Lamoni as more sedate feet start down the road toward construction firm for paving on Douglas, vacationing at Glen. "Mr.. Girdner ph.ned dewn to SUI in 1960. tie has been active Ridgeway, Lee, Otto, George and .arnlng a "serious" IIvin". wood, Wash., listened for more there.n Mendey," ••Id Glreln.r, in anti·dlscrimination picketing in For Breakins Lucas Streets. than an hour to pleas or attorney "aut they .tllI Wlulcln't I.t him Iowa City this spring. He expects Frank Duncan, son of the con. com. t. the phone. w. wouldn't to receive his B.A. in February. Two SUI students were arrested demned woman, and S. Ward Sui. know wh.r. h. II today if it In June, Gardner traveled 10 all charges of breaking and enter· Iivan. h.dn't bo.n fir that I.H.r." Washington. D.C. to work on a con· ing Tuesday by (owa City police.
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