JIWAJI LINIVERSITY GWALTOR (M.P.) SYLLABUS FOR Centre for Yogic Science MA Yoga CBCS (Choicu Based Credit Systern) SESSION 2019 -2021 JIWAJI UNIVERSITY, GWALIOR Centre for Yogic Science The Centre for Yogic Science, Jiwaj i University, Gwalior came into existence in 2001 under self-financing scheme (SFS) to start various courses on Yoga education. Since then the centre is running post graduate diploma in yoga therapy (PGDYT). From the cument session 2017-18, the centre has started MA course in Yoga (two years/four semester) and post graduate diploma in yoga (one yearltwo semester) under CBCS system. Yoga being a system to link the man with the master has been practiced in India from thousands of years to overcome physical, mental and emotional distress. Even then it has not been recognized as a regular system of education in the Universities/ Institutions. In the changed scenario ofthe world in health management, and the new initiatives taken by Prime Minister, Gor.t. of tndia for declaring International Yoga Day on 21st June. yoga has been observed plying a vital role in physical health and stress management. Therefore, an innovative programme in this re-emerging area has been thought of for a1l the Universities/ Institutions and University Grant Commission in Master of Arts in Yoga to institutionalize and promote a proper healthy development of this ancient Indian wisdom as a tribute to our cultural heritage. This gives an opportunity to study the yogic activities in a scientific spirit. Very recently, UGC in its notification dated 27th September 2016 has declared syllabus ofYoga as a new Subject for National Eligibility Test O.IET). Hence, the MA course in Yoga will enable potential students to not only furtherance higher studies but also cater the need ofthe society in a better way. M.A. Yoga P.G. Diploma Yoga Programme Outcomes (POs) Yoga is a physical, mental, and spiritual practice or discipline which originated in ancient India and is followed in all over the world. Many studies have tried to determine the effectiveness of yoga as a complementary intervention for cancer, schizophrenia, asthma, and heart disease. The University has been celebrating Intemational Yoga day every year on 21't June. The University has developed a Yoga CenEe to provide physical, mental and spiritual practices to the employees, students of the university, students and teachers of the nearby Schools. As per the approval of the Ministry of Human Resource and Development, the university is keen to start the following yoga courses. Our distinguishing.fictlures ure: r Awareness ofYoga on Physical, Mental, Social and Spiritual Level. Klowledge of relation between Yoga & Ayurveda. Knowledge of relation between Yoga & Naturopathy. Knowledge of Yogic Kriyas to improve health. General knowledge of Anatomy and Physiology. Knowledge of Yoga through Religion. Deep knowledge ofYoga Concept through Upanishads and Philosophy. Awareness of Practical Yoga on Mind & Body. Knowledge of Teaching Methodology ofYoga. Knowledge of Therapeutic Yoga. Project work on specific Yogic Kriya & Human Values. Knowledge of Spiritual and Theoretical Yoga to develop personality. Knowledge ofresearch project in various field ofYoga. Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs) Curiculurn olYoga is dc-signed 10 prepare diplonla and posl graduates 1o attain the loiiouing prngranl spet ilic ..rulconres: PSOI : Improving the health of mind and body, Basic knowledge of Yoga on Physical & Mental Level. PSO2: Eligible to conduct yoga class on general level. PSO3: Eligible for the post of Yoga teacher or yoga insffuctor. PSO,I: Spiritually becomes strong and solving problems of stress and strain leading to various diseases. l'>So5: Eligible to do Research on National & Intemational Level. PS06: Eligible for NET/SET/Ph. D. PSOT: Eligible for the post of Assistant Professor. PSO8: Eligible as a Yoga Teacher in industries, health centres & various institutes. l'SO9: Eligible to do Practice as a Yoga Consultant. PSOl0: Complete knowledge of Yoga on physical, mental intellectual, emotional & Spiritual way. MA Yoga, Choice Based Credit System-2019-21 Course Structure and Scheme of Examination Semester Course Title of Paper(s) Course Credit Code Tvpe L T P Total Marks FIRST YGA IOI Foundations ofYoga Core 3 0 0 100 YCA r02 Basic Yoga Texl Core 0 0 100 YGA IO3 Hatha Yoga Corc 0 0 3 100 YGA IO4 Human Anatom! and Ph_vsioloey Core 3 i) 0 3 100 YGA IO5 Lab Course I Core 0 0 3 100 YGA 106 Lab Coursc II Core 0 0 100 YGA 107 Scminar AE&SD 0 0 I l t00 YGA IO8 Assignment AE&SD 0 0 I I 100 Physical Education/ LanguaBe,/ Environment/ Social Work/ComDuter application Total Valid Credits 20 YGA IO9 Comprehensive Viva-voce Virtual credit 4 100 Total Credits for First Semester (Valid Credits + Virtual Credits) 24 SECOND YGA 2OI Patanjala Yoga Darshan Core 0 0 r00 YGA 202 Therapeutic Yoea-l Core 0 0 l 100 YGA 203 Therapeutic Yoea-ll Cor.. 0 0 3 100 YGA 204 Diet and Nutrition Core 0 0 100 YGA 205 Lab Course I Core 0 0 100 YGA 206 Lab Course II CoIe 0 0 100 YGA 207 Seminar AE&SD 0 0 I 1 100 YGA 208 Assignment AE&SD 0 0 I I 100 Physical Education/ Language/ Environment/ Social Work/ComDuter aDDlicatioD Total Valid Credits 20 YCA 209 Comprchensive viva-voce Virtual credit .l 100 Total Credits for Second Semester (Valid Credits + Virtual Credits) THIRD YGA 30I Yoga and Health Clore 0 (.r 3 100 YGA 302 Research Methodology and Slalislics Core 3 0 0 r00 YGA 303 General Psvcholosv Core 0 0 r00 YGA 304 Major Elective l. lndian Philosoph\ Elective 0 0 100 2. Human Consciousness YGA 305 Lab Course I Core 0 0 100 YGA 306 Lab Course II Core 0 0 100 YGA JO7 Seminar AE&SD 0 0 I I 100 YGA 308 Assignment AE&SD 0 0 I I 100 Physical EducatioD/ Language/ Environment/ Social Wo*i/Computer application Total Yalid Credits 20 YGA 309 Comprehensive viva-voce Virtual credit 4 r00 Total Credits for Third Semester (Valid Credits + virtual Credits) 24 FOLRTH YG,\ 40I Applications ofYoga Core {) 0 100 YGA 402 Major Elective 1. Naturopathv and AYurveda Elcctive r-) 0 r00 2. Yoga Upanishads YGA 403 Lab Course I Core 0 0 3 3 r00 YGA 4O.I Lab Course II Core 0 0 100 YGA 405 Dissertation Core 0 0 8 8 r00 Total Valid Credits 20 YGA .106 Comprehensive viva-voce Virtual credit 4 100 Total Credits for Fourth Semester (Valid Credits + virtual Credits) 21 Total Credits for the Course (20X4=80) + (4X4=l 6) 96 Minimum Number ofthe Credits to be earned for the award ofDegree=96 * Electivc courses shall be conducted as per availability ofpermanent f'aculty * AE & SD Ability Enhancement and Skill development JIWAJI UNIVERSITY, GWALIOR CBCS Scheme of Examination MA Yoga FIRST SEMISTER Course Course Name Total Credit End Sem Sessional Code marks C(D Exam marks marks MAX MIN MAX MIN MAYG IOI Foundations ofYoga 100 3 60 2t 40 t4 MAYG IO2 100 3 60 2t 40 14 Basic Yosa Texts MAYG IO3 100 60 2t 40 l4 Hatha Yoga MAYG I04 100 J 60 21 40 t4 Human Anatomy & Physiology MAYG I 05 100 3 60 21 40 l4 PRACTICA L-I MAYG I06 100 3 60 21 4$ 't4 PRACTICAL-II MAYG I 07 SEMINAR 100 I 100 35 xx xx MAYG I08 ASSIGNMENT 100 I r00 35 xx xx Sub Total 20 100 35 xx xx MAYG 109 COMPREHENSIVE VIVA 100 I Grand Total 24 SECOND SEMISTER Course Course Name Total Credit End Sem Sessional Code marks c(i) Exam marks marks MAX MIN MAX MIN MAYG 20I Patanjala Yoga Darshan 100 3 60 2l 40 t4 MAYG 202 Therapeutic Yoga-I 100 3 60 21 10 14 MAYG 203 Therapeutic Yoga-ll t00 60 2t 40 t4 MAYG 204 100 3 60 Diet and Nutrition 21 40 14 MAYG 205 PRACTICAL-I i00 60 2t 40 t4 MAYG 206 PRACTICAL.II t00 1 60 21 4tj t4 MAYG 207 SEMINAR 100 I r00 35 xx xx MAYG 208 ASSIGN M ENT 100 I I00 35 xx xx Sub Total 20 100 35 xx xx MAYG 209 COMPREHENSIVE VIVA 100 4 Grand Total 24 THIRD SEMISTER Course Course Name Total Credit End Sem Sessional Code marks c(i) Exam marks marks MAX MIN MAX MIN MAYG 30 I Yosa and Health I00 3 60 2t 40 t4 MAYG 302 100 3 60 2t 40 t4 Research Methodology and Statistics MAYG 303 100 3 60 2t 40 14 General Psychology Indian Philosophl MAYG 304 100 3 60 21 40 14 Major Elective Human Consciousness MAYG 305 PRACTICAL.I r00 3 60 ZI 40 )4 MAYG 306 PRACTICAL.II 100 3 60 21 40 14 MAYG 307 SEMINAR 100 I 100 35 xx MAYG 308 ASSIGNMENT 100 1 r00 35 xx Sub Total 20 100 35 xx MAYG 309 COMPREHENSIVE VIVA 100 4 Grand Total 24 FOURTH SEMISTER Course Course Name Total Credit End Sem Sessional Code marks C(D Exam marks marks MAX MIN MAX NIIN MAYG 401 Applications of Yoga 100 3 60 21 .10 14 Naturopathy & Ayurveda MAYG 402 r00 3 60 21 40 t4 Major Elective Yoga Upanishads MAYG 403 100 3 60 21 40 t4 PRACTICAL-I MAYG 404 100 3 ZI 40 PRACTICAL-II 60 l4 MA} G 405 r00 8 r00 35 xx DISSERTATION Sub Total 20 100 35 xx MAYC 406 COMPREHENSIVE VIVA r00 1 Grand Total 24 Course Outcomes (COs) For M.A. Yoga Programmes First Semester Course Details Course Title: FOUNDATIONS OF YOGA Course Code: MAYG 101 Course Outcomes: COl: Students of the PG course will have an understanding about Origin, History, Development, Aim & Objective, Nature and Principles of Yoga along w'ith Shad- darshanas.
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