20—MANCHESTER HERALD, Monday, March 26, 1990 WANTED TO Lipman VW I CARS I TRUCKS/^AINS BUY/TRADE SCRANTON 1 FOR SALE R l«. 83, Vernon FOR SALE CELEBRATE CHRYSLER-Piy MOUTH STEINWAY GRAND PI­ 1989 VW Golf Gc CH EVO RLET 1987 Sprlnt- FORD F-150, 4x4* XLT. Amo. A/C 55 Wlndior Am . (Rte. 83), Vernon Short bed, 351 ungine, ANO wanted (only), 1988VWJellaGL 85 Dodm 600ES 83,495 5 speed, 45 miles per Auto/A/C many extras. Please any size In any condi­ VW Jena Carat Loaded, T nuwpaftatlon Special gallon. Low mileage. tion. Will pay top price Lcwctod 85 Toyota Pickup $4,665 One owner. Blaupunkt. call 646-7251. and pick up. Call now 1988 VW Quantum Aulomatlc, Extra Clean _ $1995.644-2115. CHEVY-1989 4 wheel 5 C«1 Aulo, loaded 1-800-238-6324 anytim e. 1987 VW Jena GL 87 Mazda B-2000 P.U. $4,885 drive pick-up. Short 5 « p . A/C S Spaed, Low miee. Ready to Qo bed, stepside Moreen S' 1 s' r ' 19B6VwGoR 87 Dodge Dakota P.U. $6,785 f r - ’ -- . Auto. A/C PONTIAC-1979 Sunblrd. auto with air and tape In 1 1 C A RS 1986VWGol Lono Bad. Low maee. SHarp huck Body good condition. cassette. 27K miles. $»pd.,»ut>roof 87 CHester New >Wter W,875 No rust. Engine needs Asking $9500. M ust sell. 'I p OR SALE 1985VWJenaa 4 Door, Loaded, LeaHar Wartof. Extra 5 tp d . A/C dean work. $100. Call 646-3620 Call 228-1882. 19l4VWScifOcco after 4. _______________ _— I' vilT l i t r i l 5 w d . A/C 87 Mercuiy Cougar $7,865 1980 Rabbit 2 Door, Many extra*. Need* to be sold NISSAN Sentra-1987 ObmI 87 CH^sler Lebaron $9,245 WANTED TO 1987 Saman Hatchback. 5 speed, Autotnallc, 2S.OOO mllae 5 spd., cenv mint. $4,995/best offer. BUY/TRAIIJE 1986 Audi4000S 88 CHrys Lebaron Convert $SAVE 647-8506. Auto, loaded Automallc, Top Down Special 1986 RX-7 S «pd . tp o rl pacA 89 PlymoutH Sundance $8,845 We buy clean, IcUte model WERE 1 ^ Buck Regal Automatic, A7C. Only 8,000 mllee CH EVY 1985 Spectrum- used cars and trucks. Top loaded buck#li 69 Dodge Grand Caravan $14,995 Tan, 2door Hatchback, prices paid. 1984 Pontiac Surbird 7 pa**., 6 cyl., e year warranty SHOOTING FOR auto $51,000 miles, new tires Mr. Duff - Cirter CffievroM and tune-up. Runs 1229 Main Stiiael W E ’L L D O 649-2638 875-3311 great $2,500 or best MancHMtar, CT offer. Call Steve 646- 646-6464 _____ 3654. JEarirhpalpr Mpralb ANYTHING TO G E T T H E R E ! Newsstand Price: 35 Cents CARD IN AL BU ICK'S VOLUMEH- Tuesday, March 27, 1990 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm a INSTANT PRICING SAVES YOU CASH! .CREDIT!I r ' A- Lithuanian • *6uR 1990 BuVeks ARE HERE!* School fund deserters w pummeled hike rapped 1990 BUICK SKYLARK 1990 BUICK CENTURY 1990 BUICK nilEGAL ORDER YOURS TODAY! ORDER YOURS TODAY! ORDER YOURS TODAY! Soviets leave 4 Dr., Sedan, Automatic, A/C, Tilt 4 Dr. Sedan, AT, A/C, Tilt, R. Def. 2 Dr., AT, A/C, V-6, Defog. trail of blood as too low 310,446* SI 2,298* $13,799* Board of Directors is uying to keep I I I I I I By Nancy Foley its campaign promise not to raise *Prlces Include Factory Rebates! By Ann Imse Manchester Herald taxes to support the budget. 1990 VW FOX^ 1990 VW 1990 VW The Associated Press CORRADO ON SELECT MODELS 6.9% A.P.R. FINANCING IS AVAILABLE IN LIEU OF FACTORY The addition in education aid, CABm ^LET REBATE! DELIVERY MUST BE ON OR BEFORE 3/31/90. A legislative committee has res­ beyond that proposed by Gov. Wil­ VILNIUS. U.S.S.R. — Soviet tored SIO million in state aid for iSTOQQ99299®® <1 liam A. O ’Neill in his 1990-91 ,-,^Monlh“wYk4onlH soldiers stormed two hospitals today education, but school board Chair­ PRE-OWNED CAR OF THE WEEK to seize at least 23 Lithuanian army budget, brings to $54 million the o man Richard Dyer says the money amount of new money cities and deserters and left behind a trail of 33 -n 1989 BUICK CENTRUY COUPE that could result is a “far cry” from towns will receive under revised dis- 5 1 4 , 9 9 8 Low Mileage! blood in the First violent action by what’s needed in Manchester. ^ F Moscow since Lithuania declared uibution formula.s approved by the State Reps. John W. Thompson, committee for the Education Cost 1 ' ( f ' - ' y f - -----------• ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - independence. ms ONE D-Manchester, and F^ul Munns, R- Sharing Grant. 89 VW GOLFGL 88 VW JETTAGL 88 VW CARAT 88 VW QUANTUM 87 VW JETTAGL MUSTB£SE£N{ ‘"Hicy beat them with their fists,” — m Aut(VA/C Loaded SCyL. Auto. Loaded 5 Speed. AC Watch Thh Space Badt Week $ 1 0 ,9 8 0 Manchester, told the Board of Thompson said the restoration of Auto/A/C said a duty nurse at a psychiatric O o Education Monday night that by a the Education Cost Sharing Grant $ 9 ,6 8 8 $ 9 ,6 8 8 $ 5 ,8 8 8 hospital where windows and iron $ 8 ,3 8 8 $ 8 ,4 8 8 USED CARS one-vote margin, the General As­ money would be significant because beds were broken in the predawn ^ 0 3 86 V W G O L F 8 6 V W G O L F 85 V W J E T T A G L 84 SCIROCCO 8 0 R A B B IT 1989 Chevrolet Cavalier 4 Dr...................... -^4 95 1967 Buick Somerset Coupe 18k................^ 4qq sembly’s Education Committee has only five or six towns in the state Auto/A/C 5 Speed. Sunroof 5 Speed, AC 5 Speed. AC H - < Dieael 1989 Buick Regal Coupe............................ $10,980 1986 Buick Skyhawk Coupe.........................$5*980 raid. approved a bill restoring almost $10 will have more money restored than 1988 Oldsmobile 98 Regency BrougHam... $13,490 Lithuanian President Vytautas m . $ 4 ,5 8 8 $ 4 ,2 8 8 $ 5 ,6 8 8 $ 4 ,4 8 8 $ 2 ,1 8 8 1986 Chevrolet Corvette............................ $18*990 million to school grants for cities Manchester. 1988 Pontiac Firebird Coupe.......................$8,995 1986 Chevy Celebrity Sedan...................... Landsbergis said he feared it could 87 S A M A R l 86 AUDI 4000S 86 R X 7 B5 BUICK REGAL 84 SUNBIRD and towns. He also said tliat after tlic 13-12 o d 1988 Chevy Z-24 Cavalier...........................$8,980 presage a full-scale crackdown on 5 Speed, Convanble Auto. Loaded 5 Speed, 5 Pt. Pack Loaded. Bucketa Auto 1986 Pontiac Grand Prix............................. $8 250 If the recommendation passes the vote on Monday that more money 1988 Pontiac Sunbird Coupe.......................$7,895 1985 Buick Skylark Sedan 27K....................$4*995 the Baltic republic, whose Parlia­ Appropriations Committee and the $ 4 ,2 8 8 $ 7 ,2 8 8 $ 6 ,9 8 8 $ 5 ,6 8 8 $ 1 ,9 8 8 1987 Buick Century LTD ^ d a n .................. $8,280 could be added when the bill 1985 Ford Tempo 4 Door............................. $3*995 ment voted to scccdc March 11. fidl Legislature, Manchester would reaches the Appropriations Commit­ An prices are on order. Auto . options and dealer add ons eilra Foi 40 months closed end lease Jena Corrado and Passat 60 months 1987 Buick Park Ave. Coupe.................... S'* \ 1984 Jeep Wagoneer 4X4............................$5*9tH “It is obvious that tlic Soviet closed end lease A l taxes, maintenance & insurance are aura 15.0CX) miles per year Islpayment plus securfly dopostd required Lease receive $477,000 more in the 1987 Buick Century LTD Wagon................ tee. | - 3 3 a subject to aedA approval EXPIRES 3/27/90 armed forces have been given per­ Education Cost Sharing Grant, Dyer said that tliough tlic Legisla­ I mission to use violence,” Landsber­ Thompson said. Under the gover­ ture had restored similar amounts of o o gis said. nor’s proposed budget, Manchester About 4,000 opponents of ^ I! would receive about a $10,000 in­ Plea.se see SCHOOL., PAGE 8 CARDINAL BUICK, INC. Lithuania’s independence drive at­ crease, $1.6 million less than it 'fimaiv ** 1 Volkswagen tended a Vilnius rally that Landsber­ would have received under a pre­ "A TOUCH ABOVE FIRST CLASS" gis had warned might turn violent P 03 24 Tolland Turnpike, Vernon, CT OAQQ vious formula to calculate the grant. and serve as Moscow’s excuse to in­ Rt. 84 E, Exit 63, Go Left, 1 Mile On Lett O H % / “ f c O O O 81 Adams Street, MancHester cL o yic-r-i “That’s a little bit better than O O (Open Eves. Monday tHru THursday) 0 /4 9 -4 0 /1 tervene. $10,000, but it’s a far cry from $1.6 A Soviet military helicopter Index m z million,” said Dyer today. “1 guess dropped leaflets on Monday urging 16 pages, 2 sections o > you have to look at your glass as > r - people to attend today’s rally. half-full, not as half-empty and go The rally lasted less than an hour 33 03 on from there.” Classified___________ and remained peaceful — protesters Dyer said the school board’s Comics___________ _ did not even uespass on the gra.ss in Focus ______________ 33 > ^ < N \ _ q a q ILl AQ3 . OLDSMOBILES - PONTIACS budget had been prepared with the Local/Stata the middle of the square near the expectation of receiving the $1.6 > ” • parliament building.
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