Countryside Searched For Man Missing Since B. & 0. Wreck W. W. Haggard, Army Engineer, Believed Victim of Shock A search of the countryside «round Dickerson, Md was planned today aa friends sought some trace of W. W. Haggard. War Department engineer, of 2624 Woodlev place N.W., who has been missing since the triple crash on the Baltimore & Ohio Thursday which claimed at least 14 lives. DOUBLE TROUBLE—Two overturned lifeboats (circled at left> underline the the as 410 Th*ri* να « β by Navy today known dead and 1.891 missing. More than 200 United tragedy wrought upon this United States merchant the Axis submarine report that a ship by States merchant ships were sunk or damaged before convoys and constant sea and pack at the height of the battle of the Atlantic. man answering Torpedoed, she wallows on her air patrol by the Navy brought a virtual end to the effectiveness of the raiders. Mr. Haggard's side like a huge whale. Accidents to lifeboats added to the announced casualties, —A. P. Photo from United States Navy. description was seen leaving the W. w. H.iord scene of the wreck as though Law Drafted to Boost going for help shortly after the col- lision which Involved two passenger trains and a freight, and it is be- Frenchwomen's Rights lieved that, suffering from shock, he P» Iff Associ»t»d Pr»s*. «till be may wandering around that VICHY, Unoccupied France. Sept. Vicinity. 29.—The detention of many heads of Brief Cue Found. French families as war prisoners in Mr. Haggard's brief case, social security card and keys have been Germany is having the effect of in- found by searchers. The keys were creasing the legal rights and re- In the but the brief case wreckage, sponsibilities of women. and card were off to the side of the A law being drafted by the Petain torn and burned sleeping car in Which Mr. Haggard presumably was government will give women the * passenger and where all the vic- status of heads of households if their tims were killed. husbands are absent. Within cer- Hie brother, Francis Haggard of limitations will be able to Detroit, notified friends in the War tain they Department that he would be here administer and dispose of their own today to assist in the search. Mary- property, and that of their house- land and also Washington police holds, without the approval of hus- have been asked to assist. bands. Two More Identified. Only men vote, but with so many Meanwhile, two more persons were the effect is Identified yesterday as victims of the men absent practical j suf- crash, raising the toll of identified that very few have the right of dead to 12 One body is held frage. Under existing statutes wom- being ■ν > ·: .·' -·····»:· for identification and it Is believed Λ en may not be elected to offices, but still another is in the wreckage. the Petain government has been Black smoke from a fire, which started when a from women to The two bodies identified yester- torpedo American tanker. Hitler was partly cheated in this case, hew appointing municipal wsre an Axis submarine struck almost councèls. In the absence of mayors day those of Dr. Frederick W. amidship, rolls up from an ever, for the tanker was salvaged. Hochste'ter of Pittsburgh and John women may perform civil marriage —United States Photo from A. Evans Maconachie of Hamilton, On- Navy ] ceremonies. 1 ♦ ___ __ _ ___ αΐ ιυ. - !» The identity of Dr. Hochstetter was established by his son, Herbert C. Hochstetter, through the color of Story of Another U. S. Ship his hair and eyes and his false teeth, it was reported. Mr. Macon- nchie, an official of the Coal Car- Lost Without Trace Revealed bonizer Co. of Ontario, was identi- fied through dentistry charts. Βτ the Associated Près». Bennett, no home address given; In Baltimore, meanwhile, B. and NEW ORLEANS. Sept. 29—An- Third Mate Bruno Buazkowski of O. trainmen testified that the other story of an American ship last Philadelphia. Chief Engineer Rob- weather was "very foggy" with visi- without a trace and apparently with ert Jackson of Beaumont, Tex.: First bility of about 200 feet when the all hands dead by enemy action Assistant Engineer John P. An- Ambassador, passenger express be- came to light here today with pub- derson, Second Assistant Engineer tween Detroit and Washington, lication of the Merchant Marine Antonio Georgion and Third Assist- plowed into the rear of the Cleve- casualty list which listed as missing ant Andrew Peidler, all of Galves- land Night Express to Washington, Gus Warren Darnell, master, of ton, Tex.; Radioman Benjamin G. throwing a Pullman car into a Houston. Tex. Tempest of Cleveland. irelght train headed west. Capt. Darnell, hero of an earlier Other Members Missing. Thought Trains Coupled. submarine sinking in which he Charles B. Hunter of New Or- all but one of his crew ! leans, Joseph A. Lamphris of San- Charles H. Greenwell, freight brought to in a vicious at- turce. Puerto Ricb: David R. Winsftn train engineer, said he passed the through safety was the of an of New Orleans, Howard Wells of two trains about 35 to 40 miles an tack, captain Amer- ican merchant that sailed from Marshall, Tex.; Arigustin Velez of hour, and they were "so close to- ship a Gulf Coast port last July 23 on a Safiturce, Edward Jones of Galves- gether I thought they were coupled." short and has never been heard ton. W. E. Smith, jr., of Galveston. He testified at the hearing into trip, from since. Gregorio Fritt of Galveston, El- /he cause of the crash that he (aw The Navy Department considers wood W. Jackson of Galveston, rro signal men. hand lamps or fuses Capt. Darnell and the 32 crewmen Ralph Calderon of Houston, Agapite behind the Cleveland express, nor aboard missing and presumed lost, Alveal of Loto, Chile; Carlos Pientel did he hear any tofpedoes. The but there is not & hint as to the of Pueblo Neuvo, Panama; Pedro Cleveland train had for stopped fate of the vessel. F. Rivera of New York,.,Joie P. engine trouble, and vu just start- Ruiz of Havana. Cuba;r Capt. Darnell's earlier encounter Ralph ing up when the crash occurred. The water rises and a marooned Tischner of Gust relentlessly United States seaman, perched atop a ventila- last 7 Galveston, Takis Mr. Greenwell said he felt no : February in the South At- tor the of a of Galveston, alongside stack torpedoed merchantman, measures his chances of his life. He lantic was a George Kondageane shock nor heard any noise of the saving happier one, and one has to on gf Galveston, Andrew Martin of collision, and that the first indica- ί figure getting to the lifeboat in foreground and loosing it from its davits before the that brought him a citation for 1 Galveston, Manuel C. Huff of the was down and takes the boat with It. Air bravery. tion of trouble when the needle ship goes along from inside the ship gurgles to the surface Philippine Islands, and Luis Reyes of the air When 5 miles from emergency guage fell. ! and makes the white spot at left. —United States Navy Photo from A. P. shore, Capt. Maldonado of Santuce, Puerto Rico. He added that there was no smoke j Darnell's ship sighted a burning coming from his freight engine at vessel. Disregarding precautions he the time. ordered his ship to the rescue at 2 and after a Youth Found Dead of Gas "Weather Very Foggy." S. p.m., prolonged and U. Bombers Make vain search for survivors, his ship He and the other freight crew- suddenly was attacked by a "huge men said it was and In House Here "very foggy" submarine" lying on the surface 'a Rooming Fireman George Butler, 28, said 2 Attacks on half mile distant. A 22-year-old youth identified by visibility was about four car Japs lengths The suomarine fired two torpedoes, police as Victor Duboise Mitchell or 300 feet. but by quick action the captain was found dead in his P. K. Partee, superintendent of the rooming In Southern Yunnan maneuverea his vessel out of its way, Baltimore district of the B. <fc O., house at 210 Ε street N.W. toway, and similarly eluded two more at the attended with presided hearing, by torpedoes. Then the submarine gas pouring from a wall jet. representatives of the Interstate Assault Is Third in as started shelling the ship, firing more He was discovered by another Commerce Commission. than 50 shells. * roomer, Edward Whitaker, who broke " Mr. Butler said he was hosing : on Many Days Enemy Radio House Shot Ρ down coal, and had moved the hose j Away. into the boy's room on detecting the in After his to the opposite side when the engine Targets Province radio house had been odor of gas, police said. j shot away, the radio ; began passing the Cleveland train in ! operator killed, Homicide detectives By th« Associated Press. investigating Rochester Tailored and order not to wet the passenger cars, and the steering gear disabled, j Capt. the case said they found a note He moved the hose back to that side CHUNGKING, China. 29 Darnell ordered his crew to abandon at j Sept. written on the back of his birth Only Laneburgh's! was and the stricken and when the train past, then —United States Army Air Force ; ship take to equally certificate. It read: the Diesel of the Ambassador stricken engine lifeboats, badly damaged "Leave the on bombers with escort ring my finger.
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