r • v?V tT*. ^ • 4 PAGE THIRTY.TWO W E D N E SD A Y , M A Y 12, 198K AvwRge Daily Net Prcaa Run iKanrI;?Bt(r lEv^ni^ l|?ral& V m «h^eeklM ed Psweast sC U. B. Waathar ■ ■ M MayS,19te The Golden Age Club win room total to 391, wMoh, with About Town hold a rummjige sale tomon-ow Hospital Week 34 bassinsU, will bring tha Woman in Town TV SETS BEPADUED Oteur, ssUar taa3|ht, at 9:30 am at the Ekist Side hospital’s total ci^iacity to 325. IN YOUR HOME, 14,165 treat la Dm aipayi^ suaap di Rec on School St. The regular A creation oi the ardiitsc- Aids PLAZA7 ON'THE SPOT Ifcaihs^ af the Audit pleasaat temseiaw, Mgh K tb. Jolm M. Tyler <rf GIm - meeting of the club will take tural firm of Frid, Prentice, M N M St OIroaIntlaa tonbury wUl apeak on the For- place at 2 p.m. at the same Rise of Wing Marks Ferguson, and Mahaffney, the An expanded PLAZA 7, the Rockville 12.95 PIiM Porta CUy af V1Uag9 Charm •i«n Viaitors prognun at the place. wing will confront the ■viewer Greater Hartford arts festival TWCA deifsert meeting tomor­ with a concave of rusty-colored Vernon, Ellington, Tollond iniUated last year by the Co­ fS.S0 Plus Ports (ClassUled Advertising on Page 21) PRICE SEVEN CENTW row beginning at 12:30. She Stephen Brown, son of Mr. bricks uid floor-leng^, six- ordinating Council foF the Arts, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MAY 13, 1965 foot wide windows. VOL. LXXXIV, NO. 190 (TWENTY-POUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) will bnng with her John Rogers and Mrs Thomas R. Brown of Growth of an Idea has been scheduled this year Manchester, Wapplng Mauye of Tanaania, Africa. 54 Jens'jn St., is a member of Conyers Construction Co. be­ $4.00 Pint Parts gan work on the wing In De­ for June 17 through 27 In and the Spring Weekend Committee around Hartford's Constitution at St. Francis College. Biddc- (Photo on Page One) cember and diould be finished Fireman Apprentice Thomas Plaza. BETTER HOMES TV W. Lawrence. USN. son of ?!r. ford, Maine, to be held from The rise of the new $320,000 wing off the southwest by this fail. 68 Union St., Rockville FViday to Sunday of this week. A Manchester woman, Mra and Mrs. Walter C. Lawrence comer of Manchester Memorial Hospital marks the Frank Van Clecf, 70 Garth Rd., 875-4444 — 649-1852 of 26 Eklison Rd., is currently growth not only of building but also of an idea. The has been named as chalrmsui of Mrving aboard the amphibious Mountain Laurel Chapter, Slate Installed idea is that of progressive patient care, one in which the festival’s committee for Spy to Serve assault ship USS Boxer, en­ Sweet Adelines, took fourth LB J Challenges Peking^ the hospital has pioneered. ThC'^ dance presentations. gaged in the Joint U.S. oper­ place at the Northeastern com­ growth is mea.suped since 1957, By School PTA This year’s festival will In­ ation in the Dominican Republic. petition and convention held in and Will be conected by tele­ the year the hospital first in­ phone with a central nurse's clude such new activities as a Rochester, N. Y., last week. The Mrs. Hugh Swanson was In­ photographic exhibit, a little David B. Anderson, son of Mr. troduced this revolutionary con­ station — a feature lowering chapter will resume rehearsals cept. stalled as president of the movie theater and a series of RUMMAGE and Mr.s. Leonard B. Anderson tomorrow night at 8 at East staff requirements and cutting The arch-shaped, 24-bed wing patient co.sts. Nathan Hale PTA last night. demonstrations by Connecticut of 701 Hartford Rd., has been Hartford High School, Burnside Joining her on the slate of of­ craftsmen, . For 30 Years elected to serve on the judiciary Ave. will enlarge the self-care unit Physically, over a long span SALE in time, the hospital has taken ficers for the upcoming school Rescheduled this year are committee of the Undergraduate to 78 bedLs. Planned for patients Sponsored By Mancheeter NEW YO R K (A P )— Head bowed and eyes shut tight, who need a minimum of super­ strides just as gigantic. year are Mrs. John Fitzgerald, such events as art and handi­ Repeats Offer to Talk Council at Dartmouth College, Two Manchester High School Gets Award first vicef president; Mrs. Robert work exhibits, performances of a former U 5 . Air Force enlisted man was sentenced to­ Hanover, N. H, vision, the wing will be slightly This one-story structure will Emblem Club students were recently awarded ■Valedictorian Paul Pllkonls add 8,000 square feet to a hos­ Donnelly, second vice president; stage and operatic works, aiV day to 80 years in prison for spying for the Soviet certificates for proficiency by more luxurious than its mother has been awarded a scholarship body. '. pital which began in 1919 with Mrs. Charles Adams, secrevtary; espresso coffee shop and the the education committee, Hart­ FRIDAY, MAY 14 Union. 45 beds and 11 bassinets. and Mrs. David 'Whitaker, trea- "sound and light’’ spectacle at post and after he bei^une a ci­ ford Chapter, of the Administra­ from the Yale Club of Hartford. The rooms will be furnished •surer. He wdll not be eligible for pa­ Since then, in three construc­ the Old State House. 9 A.M. role for 10 years. vilian again, even offering "sub­ imh tive Management Society. Shir­ The grant is renewable for four like hotel rooms and s terrace tion spurts from 1940 to 1959, Mrs. Jo.seph DeGanne. outgo­ The festival's sponsors, the Says Chinese HOUSES LOVE IT ley Ambrose was an award win­ with tSLbles, chairs and shuffle Robert Gienn Thompeon, 30, a stantial sums to him to go back years. that small brick structure has ing pre-sident, reported that the coordinating council, will release a K S HOM E Long Island fuel oil dealer and into service,^ the ia'wyer said. ner for arithmetic and Karen board.s, also will modify the sprouted wings and added 222 portable science laboratory, fi­ a schedule of events soon, ac­ Given annually 'since 1909. hospital atmosphere. BISSELL STREET service station operator, plead­ But In a Brooklyn courtroom Taggart for spelling. room-s and 23 bassinets. nanced with receipts from the cording to general chairman Want Fight the.se scholarships are raused All 24 rooms will be private ed guilty of seUing his country’s guarded by 10 U.S. marshals, AND SO through contributions from This new wing will bring the Spring Fair, is now a reality. Mrs. George M. Pearse of Avon. military secrets over a six-year U.S. Diet. Judge WaKer Bruch- Sylvian Ofiara. Reginald Pin­ alumni and from the proceeds period, both when in service and hausen said: WAUOU to and Jo.seph Saternis, all of of the Yale Glee Club Concert .afterward. "The penalty pneecribed is To Gontinre The Herald photography depart­ held in Hartford every three whmmi His lawyer pleaded for lenien­ death, or imprisonment lor any ment. will attend the annual years, me cy, ' portraying Thompeon as a term of yeara, or for life. WASHINGTON (AP) — spring meeting of the Connecti­ Paul Ls the son of Mr. and ytMuw, Inexperienced American "The defendant waa engaged cut News Photographers As.so- President Johnson said to­ Mrs, Ray S. Pilkonis of 47 H o ff­ in £iet Germany caught in during a period of six years day tlie aim of Communist ciation Sunday at the Univer­ man Rd. The Manchester High Mme mysterious, compromising here and abroad in undermining sity of Connecticut. Highlights School senior has al.so recevied hold of the Russians. “ They had our national security. The con­ China “ is to erode and dis­ of the meeting will be lectures the Yale Club's Book Prize, the a whip over him and he waa sequences thereof are not readi­ credit America’s ability to by representaUves of the photo COME SAVE SALE Civilan Citizenship Award, the I lOUSE trapped,” said the lawyer, Sid­ ly determinable. U is clear that help to prevent Chinese industry. Rentschler Algebra I Prize, and ney Siben, without explaining his criminal acUviUee warrant domination over all of was a National Merit semi-fin­ what the whip waa. severe puniahment.” The Pai^nts’ Council meeting alist and a runner-up in the DISCOVER SAVINGS FOR Soviet personnel hounded him Asia,” but “ in this they scheduled for tomorrow night Creative 'VVYiting Awards con­ BOYS’ from military post to military (See Page Five) shall nevei; succeed.” at the high school has been test of 1965. WASHABLE Johnson threw down the canooled. The 16-year-old mathematics YOURSELF ON ALL NEEDED gauntlet to the Red Chinese in a -student is committee chairman television-radio address on The Women of St. Bartholo­ of the Student Council, presi­ HA1.E WARM WEATHER ITEMS American efforts in Viet Nam. mew’s parish have been invited dent of the local National Hon­ Main Street— Manchester JACKETS The President prepared hls talk to attend a holiday decoration or Society chapter and a mem­ Soviets Lunik Quiet, for a meeting with editorial car­ workshop tomorrow at 9:30 ber of the varsity soccer and FOR HOME AND FAMILY toonists in the East Room of the a.m. at the home of Mrs. John baseball teams. 6 . 8 8 White House. - S Collins, 82 Hilltop Dr. Re;;ieatlng hls offer to engage N*w AcryHc Landing Seen Failure in unconditional discussions de­ l«f*K The executive committee COMBINATION OFFER signed to end the Viet Nam war, ymt m 4ur«bl* meeting of the WSCS of South Officers Named REGULAR Carrying a Balanced Meal Johnson said this would "clear­ Anith Mifi« Methodist Church scheduled for PROMS? MOSCOW (A P )—The Soviet spacecraft Lunik 5 hit ly be In the Interest of North •nd klUltr .
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