AGENDA ITEM No. -.&!+L.. NORTH LANARKSHIRE COUNCIL REPORT To: POLICY AND RESOURCES COMMITTEE Subject: SOCIAL INCLUSION PARTNERSHIPS - UPDATE Date: 1 1th November 2002 Ref: SIP RPT 1.0 Purpose of Report 1.1 The purpose of this report is to seek approval for a range of funding initiatives and activity previously considered and recommended for approval by the Social Inclusion Partnership Management Groups. 2.0 Budget 2002/2003 2.1 Small Projects Fund 2.2 Committed SOCIAL INCLUSION PARTNERSHIP Expenditure Motherwell North ~100,000 South Coatbridge .€ 50,000 North Lanarkshire .f 90,000 2.3 Since the last meeting, the Management Groups of each SIP have considered and approved proposals in respect of Partnership activity as agreed by the Funding Sub Group held on lStNovember 2002. Their recommendations are detailed on the attached appendices. When discussing these, due consideration was given to the priorities of the Partnerships and the monies to be disbursed. 3.0 Partnership Development Activity 2002/2003 3.1 South Coatbridge Management Group also agreed at its last meeting to allocate from the monies available to the Partnership 214,000 to support the roll out of the PARTISIPATE initiative in the Coatbridge Area. 4.0 Recommendations 4.1 It is recommended that the Committee: (a) Note the contents of this report; and (b) Approve the recommendations fiom the Social Inclusion Partnership Management Groups as detailed at paragraph 3.1 and on the Appendices to this report. R Chief Executive 11 November 2002 223 f, North Lanarkshire Partnership Motherwell North Social Inclusion Partnership Small Projects Fund 2002/03 - Appendix 1 Ref. Project Title/ Cost ~rga~satio~ Approve MN 02/03/1 North Lanarkshire To deliver 10 week exercise programmes for Funding sought: Council - Cardio Fit SIP residents who have suffered a coronary Joint application across MN, Programme. incident and completed a hospital based €5,000 NL & SC SIPs programme ~~ Approve - applicant should MN 0210312 North Lanarkshire To continue develop NLC's corporate Funding sought: seek other sources of funding Council - McFit For programme of sporting and health activities for in future. Link to mainstream Play. Primary School age children E5,OOO activity. Joint application across MN, NL & SC SIPs - NLC-Bodycheck To deliver various health services to local Approve t4 MN 0210313 (Mobile Health & communities on an outreach basis, by the Funding sought t4 Joint application across MN, P Fitness Service) purchase and running of a health bus &5,000 NL & sc SIPS Braidhurst High School To hold two Prizegivings for S 1-S6 students Approve - partnership MN 0210314 Prizegiving in Feb and June 2003 aimed at raising the Funding sought: support team to have (FebruarylJune 2003) culture of attainment and self-esteem within discussions with applicant the school. 21,300 about future funding of this type of activity. 1 North Lanarkshire Partnership Motherwell North Social Inclusion Partnership Small Projects Fund 2002/03 - Appendix 1 Ref. Project Title/ Description Cost ~rga~sati~n Braidhurst High School To produce and stage a school show, which Approve - partnership MN 021.0315 School Show will develop the music and drama elements of Funding sought: support team to have the school curriculum involving 100+ pupils in discussions with applicant the cast and many more working behind the E5,OOO about future funding of this scenes. type of activity. Costs cannot be covered through ticket sales due to the expense of the show. Specifically, the funds will cover lighting, costumes, an orchestra, the licence required, flowers and catering. Braidhurst High School To stage a Prom for SYS6 pupils. The event is Approve - partnership MN 0210316 Senior Prom entirely organised by the senior pupil council. Funding sought: support team to have Specifically the funds will cover reservation discussions with applicant fees for the Popinjay Hotel, a DJ and other 53,000 about future funding of this miscellaneous items e.g. flowers, decorations type of activity. etc. Parkinson's self-help To provide an outreach service to 16 areas in Approve - Subject to Group (Motherwell North Lanarkshire giving advice and Funding sought confirmation of targeting am MN 0210317 Area) information regarding the Parlunson's withdrawal by applicant of condition, advocacy, welfare benefit checks &4976 Direct Grants Application. and access to therapy sessions (reflexology, aromatheram etc.) Sacred Heart School To fund an outing to the theatre for pupils Refuse MN 02/03/8 Parents Association Funding sought (Bellshill): A Live Theatre Production E603 2 i, North Lanarkshire Partnership Motherwell North Social Inclusion Partnership Small Projects Fund 2002/03 - Appendix 1 Project Title/ cost ~r~anisation CAVOC - Inform To issue a newsletter 12 times a year to all Application withdrawn known community and voluntary groups in t Funding sought SIP area. To develop and maintain the CAVOC websi 51,139 To provide a telephone and office drop in service service on a daily basis to SIP group! Cumbemauld Theatre To supply 400 young people from Carbrain, Refuse - no specific targeting (Youth Arts Festival) Moodiesburn, Wishaw, Clydevalley and Funding sought Airdrie with free access cards to the Youth Arts Festival at the theatre and other areas ir 51,250 North Lanarkshire. The festival includes performances and workshops for young peo] aged 14+ Pass Project - Bellshill To purchase musical equipment for the Approve - Partnership Academy Partnership development of an extra-curricular, peer- Funding sought Support Team to have further Project support led arts project based in Bellshill discussions with NLC Academy 54,940 Education Dept. over general access to equipment in Bellshill Academy. Motherwell & District To purchase information resources, cover Funding sought Approve- resources and Women’s Aid publicity costs and obtain equipment/fumitu advertising but not decoration ‘Oot and About’ etc. for this new Lesbian and Bisexual &930 costs (&400) Woman’s Support group. Approyed: 5400 iMotherwell & District To purchase fitness equipment as well as Refuse - link to other SIP I MN 02/03/13 Women’s Aid refurbishment costs to develop this new fib1 Funding sought activities e.g. Viewpark Health Dum - Belles related class & Fitness Centre and other i 53,870 NLC activity. 3 North Lanarkshire Partnership Motherwell North Social Inclusion Partnership Small Projects Fund 2002/03 - Appendix 1 Project Title/ cost Or~a~sation To purchase a photocopier and printer to assist Refuse - Low Priority Lanarkshire Interactive in distributing interactive software, which will Funding sought Media Project assist unemployed residents, people on low incomes, lone parents, disabled people and the E2300 elderly to complete interactive benefit forms and to signpost local service provisions in respect of employment, changes in legislation etc. 1S* Motherwell Guides To provide training for 24 guides in canoeing Funding sought Approve at Strathclyde park. The girls will achieve British Canoe Union 1 or 2 certificates 21,058 Approve North Motherwell To cover tutor fees, purchase equipment and Funding sought Community Partnership facilitate an exhibition involving young people Forum from P4-S 1 covering environmental issues 23,500 such as re-cycling, deterring graffiti and vandalism and generally raising awareness of the imDortance of care for the environment. To provide detached youth work in Orbiston Stop 'N' Talk two evenings per week. As well as providing Funding sought Approve - Partnershil Partnership the detached service the youth workers will Support Team to have Management Group work on an outreach basis to involve local 24,995 discussions with group young people in the Joe McKay Youth Project, future direction for pr Orbiston Neighbourhood Centre and Spacescape Cybercafe 4 North Lanarkshire Partnership M/3 Motherwell North Social Inclusion Partnership Small Projects Fund 2002/03 - Appendix 1 Ref. Project Title/ Description Cost ~rga~sation 1- To develop a selection of healthy lifestyle Approve - link to SIP Health MN 02/03/18 Orbiston Nursery programmes for local families and in particular Funding sought team School the attendant children. Will develop programmes in swimming, football, purchase &2,200 soft play equipment and distribute ‘health packs’ to families - ~ ~~ ‘1‘0 purchasc equipment for the refurbishment MN 02/03/19 Our Lady’s High of 3 classrooms in order to create a ‘social Funding sought Approve School, Motherwell inclusion base’ in the school. Base will provide additional learning support to students with 55,000 -.learn inghchaviord difficulties Refuse MN 02/03/20 L.A.M.H. Recycle ‘1’0 refurbish 30 I’Cs and make them available Funding sought to NI. SIPS for their distribution to groups (and individuals) &1,500 To purchase equipment and cover refereeing Approve - $250 for Admin MN 02/03/2 1 North Motherwell costs for the football team Funding sought costs Athletic 5250 PST to prepare report for PMG in January over review of levels of admin support for football clubs in the future. MN 02/03/22 Forgewood Boys Club To maintain the 4 football clubs for boys aged Funding sought Approve - $250 for Admin 8-13. costs 5250 5 North Lanarkshire Partnership Motherwell North Social Inclusion Partnership d?North ' soc,ol l"ClY5lUn Small Projects Fund 2002/03 - Appendix 1 Porinerrhm Ref. Project Title/ cost ro implement the next phase of the MN 02/03/23 rhorniewood Credit Jevelopment of the service. The CU currently Funding sought Continue -as part of wide1 Union have an administration office in Viewpark review of funding to credil which is under utilised. They wish to make E5,000 unions across NLC area adaptations to the office to make it more Already agreed that PSI accessible to the public thus help generate would come back to PMG iI income and allow them to have public shop January with report. front presence in the SIP area covered by their common bond. MN 02/03/24 Bellshill Area Youth To engage with young people to encourage Funding sought Approve subject to Voice youngsters in the Community to be more involvement from the confident.
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