Tuesday, October 22nd, 2019 ǀ Volume 138 ǀ Issue 9 ǀ Reaching students, faculty, and staff of the University of North Dakota since 1888 Inside this issue Whistleblower 4 Land's End Amtgard 5 Football 7 10/31/19 10/31/19 /dakotastudent /DakotaStudent @dakotastudent For more content visit www.dakotastudent.com University Tech Support Having computer troubles? Brianna Mayhair Dakota Student The advancement of technol- ogy is constant in today's so- ciety, but it’s not perfect. Ev- eryday individuals are at risk for scams and viruses. Lucki- ly, here on campus, University Information Technology (UIT) is here to help! Wyatt Gage, Student Employee at UIT ex- plained how students, staff and faculty can spot phish- ing emails, scams, viruses and what kinds of services UIT provides. “UND does send out fake phishing emails,” Gage said. “To help show students what phishing emails look like. If they click on the link in the email, it will tell them that this was a test phishing email and they should be careful.” The test emails are to dem- onstrate to students what real phishing emails can look like if they ever receive any. Phishing emails can be spot- ted quickly when educated on their specific features. “Watch out for random capitaliza- tions, weird fonts, poor gram- mar, confusing long links and if the subject line has a lot of punctuation like overuse of ex- clamation points,” Gage said. “That’s usually a sign that it’s a phishing email.” Clicking on a link in a phishing email can possibly download unwant- ed viruses. If you ever spot a phishing email or think you may have received one, report Caitlin Collins/Dakota Student phishing emails to phishing@ UIT is ready to assist any of your technical difficulties. ndus.edu. For students worried about sites.” PC and phones. There are sev- parts due to damage are need- noon to 4 p.m. and Sunday 4 virus protection, there are free, UIT provides many different eral employees at UIT that are ed. p.m. to 8 p.m. as well as paid, antivirus soft- methods of helping individu- Apple certified and have the “If parts are needed for re- ResNet is located at Wilker- ware students, staff and facul- als with their problems. knowledge to help with more pair,” Gage said. “The individ- son Commons Room 170. For ty can obtain. For the list of “We offer remote help, severe Apple issues. ual would only need to pay for questions or concerns, contact antivirus software, go to cam- where we can view your “ResNet is also available to the part (s). The installation is them at 701.777.3424 or email pus.und.edu/campus-servic- screen and help you that way help, “Gage said.“They can as- free.” them at [email protected]. es/uit. if you are not able to come in,” sist students if they have any UIT is located at Chester Another thing that individ- Gage said. "We also take walk- Wi-Fi issues while living on- Fritz Library Room 133. Indi- uals should be aware of are ins. If the problem is more se- campus as well as provide oth- viduals with any questions or scams. vere, you can check your com- er services, like Network login concerns can contact UIT at “We recommend that indi- puter in, and we can give you support.” 701.777.222 or email them at Brianna Mayhair is a News Writer for viduals stay on trusted web- a temporary one until yours is Most services at UIT are free [email protected]. Dakota Student. sites, avoiding any third-party fixed. We also provide damage of charge for students, staff UIT is opened Monday-Thurs- She can be reached at websites,” Gage said. “As well repair.” and faculty. Individuals may day 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., Friday Brianna.Mayhair as using well-regulated web- UIT works with Apple, MAC, be charged if replacement of 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Saturday Domestic Violence Awareness Month "Let's Talk Love" break down the definition of mestic violence and ultimately Senator Joe Biden, joined new eyes- it is yelling, humiliation, Cortnie Cottrell love and what it means to them end it. provisions that hold offenders stalking, manipulation, coer- Dakota Student through the Love Is… cam- Domestic violence may accountable and offer programs cion, threats and isolation. It is paign. Healthy Relationships be off your radar, but it is defi- and services for victims. Be- stealing a paycheck, keeping October is National Domes- Week is celebrated in the month nitely happening in our world tween 1993 and 2010, the over- tabs online, non-stop texting, tic Violence Awareness Month, of February near Valentine’s today. According to liveyour- all rate of domestic violence consistently using the silent which first started in 1981 by the Day. dream.org, one in every four dropped almost two-thirds and treatment, or calling someone National Coalition Against Do- Along with Healthy women will experience domes- state laws have transformed to awful names so often that they mestic Violence as a Day of Uni- Relationships Week, Alpha Chi tic violence in her lifetime and address issues such as dating start to believe it. According to ty to join mistreated women’s Omega provides many educa- with that, domestic violence is abuse in the workplace, stalk- wadvocates.org, Domestic vio- advocates across the country. tional programs to raise aware- the third leading cause of home- ing, employment discrimina- lence can be defined as a pattern UND’s sorority, Alpha ness. A few of the programs lessness among families. tion and more. of behavior in any relationship Chi Omega’s philanthropy is to are “Let’s Talk Love,” “Not Since 1994, when the Domestic violence affects that is used to gain or maintain raise awareness and educating Anymore” and Programs with Violence Against Women Act millions of people, both men power and control over an inti- others about domestic violence. Purpose. These programs are passed, the awareness for it has and women of every race, reli- mate partner. They play a big role when it designed to educate men and come a long way. This revolu- gion, culture and status. It is not There are many differ- comes to spreading awareness. women on how to recognize do- tionary legislation, led by then just physical, bruises and black ent programs and organiza- One way that Alpha Chi Omega tions available that support celebrates the awareness of do- this month in raising aware- mestic violence is by having a ness against domestic violence “Healthy Relationships Week.” abuse, one being called “Break The main goal of Healthy Re- “Domestic violence may be off your radar, but it is definitely happen- the Cycle.” Break the Cycle en- lationships Week is to develop ing in our world today. courages and supports young healthy relationships and, in people ranging from 12 - 24 to turn, prevent domestic vio- lence and sexual assault. This week traditionally concentrates Cortnie Cottrell,News writer Story continued on encouraging individuals to on page 2 2 Domestic NEWS Abuse Story from front build healthy relation- DAKOTA ships with one another and create a culture with- STUDENT out abuse. Their mission is to encourage and in- EDITORIAL form that “everyone has a right to a safe and healthy relationship, regardless of gender, ethnicity or sexu- al identity. We work every Editor-in-Chief day to make that right a reality.” If seeking help or wanting to raise aware- Madison Feltman ness about domestic vio- [email protected] lence, reaching out to UND’s sorority, Alpha Chi Omega is available to offer services. Their advi- Managing sor, Kay Powell, can be Editor reached at kristin.pow- [email protected]. A&C Editor Molly Andrews [email protected] Cortnie Cottrell is a News Writer for Dakota Student. Sports Editor She can be reached at Photo courtesy of Flicker [email protected] "Break the cycle." Madison Overby [email protected] Bringing The Troops Home News Editor Mason Dunleavy mason.dunleavy@und. Withdawing U.S. troops from Syria edu Mason Dunleavy Dakota Student Managing Last week, President Trump announced plans Editor to remove U.S. troops Opinions Editor from Syria amid grow- ing tensions between two Megan Vogt U.S. allies, the Turkish [email protected] government and Kurd- ish forces, both of whom have helped fight the Is- Photo Editor lamic State (IS, ISIS, ISIL) through the years. Trevor Alveshere The Kurdish backed [email protected] Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have been a key ally in the fight against terror- ism in Syria with nearly Web Editor 11,000 deaths contributed, Steph Matlock while the U.S. had 6,000 casualties. Turkey and the stephanie.matlock@und. Kurds have a long histo- edu ry of conflict. The Turk- ish government labels the Kurdish forces as “terror- Business ists” and a threat to their country, which is one of Vince Azzarello the reasons they are try- ing to attack the Kurds. vincent.azzarello@und. To understand the ten- edu sions between the two, their history must be con- sidered. Turkey has had a long- lasting problem with the Kurds and their groups. The Turkish government banned the Kurdish lan- Find us on guage, dress and folklore facebook in Kurdish occupied re- gions of Turkey in the late www.facebook.com/ 1970’s. The Turkish gov- dakotastudent ernment also banned the words “Kurdistan” (An independent country that Or send us a the Kurds were fighting tweet to achieve.), “Kurds” and “Kurdish” in the early Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons @dakotastudent 1990’s.
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