THE PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC Founded in 1644 by Rev. Michael O'Connor, First Bishop oi Pittsburgh Diocese tflFTH YEAR 38 PITTSBURGH, PA., JULY 12, 1928 No, 27 MULLEN LIBRARY RECORD ATTENDANCE EXPECTED FACADE TO BEAR ! American Priest AT NOVENA AT ST. ANNE'S SHRINE Spanish Pilgrims INTEREST SHOWN POPPSJLIKENESS • Says First Mass Go By Plane to IN NOBILE FLIGHT i Crossing Ocean! A record attendance is expected I tone, over which is superimpose«! the Visit Holy Land His Holiness Pope Pius XI to • I at the annual novena exercises in I statue of the Saint, four and on<*- BY HOLY FATHER honor of St. Anne, to be held in the half feet in height, a lasting memor- I London. July 9. Kather Mich- | (By N.C.W.C. News Service) Co-operation of Pins XI Ghr«s Be Honored as One of Six votive Shrine dedicated to her at ial to the genius of the late H. D. I ael Harrington, recently ordaia- J Jerusalem, June 20.—Two mem- (¡reatest Librarians in St. Mary's Church, Forty-sixth Schmidt, of Buffalo. Rdgkras and Scientific led at Denver Cathedral, cele-} bers of the Spanish air force, street, which has been thor< Highly Character to Italians' History of World • bra ted his first Mass while cross- I Elmer Formato, of Naples, Italy, Commandant Riagno and Captain J ing the Atlantic to Southampton j renovated in preparation for th» has produce«! an outstanding por- Arctic Expedition event. The art windows, done :>y Roa, with their mechanic, arrived BAS RELIEF INSCRIBED | on the Cunard liner "Berengar':»." J trait of St. Anne an«! the child in on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. j He was on his way to say his J Munich artists, have been repaired, freehan«! coloratura design imme- REGARDED AS HIS OWN and the floors are being reset in rub- Two airplanes started from Mad- »first Mass in Ireland in the pre-- j diately over the cut-stone entrance rid on May 18. They were de- w,ashington , July 11. -Pope Pius ber tile. The conferences which will to the Shrine proper. The interior I ence of his mother. When Sun- } - layed at Seville and left the By Magr. Enrico Pucci XI, the present Pontiff, will be hon- | day came, however, it was found ' be preached by the Rev. Charles I '. is somewhat dim so that in the sub- oreti in the John K. sh«»res of Spain on the 20th. At (Rome Correspondent, NjC.WjC. Mullen of Den • that he was the only priest on I Reilly, C.SS.R., of Providence, R. 1., dued light from the staine«! glass ver Memorial Lil Benghazi the right wing of one News Service brary of the Catholic { board, will he short and to the point, con- windows its beauties are reveah'd University and he felt bound t< •li- of the planes was damaged and Rome, July 7.—With the secular f America, now virt u- I cíate. fining themselves strictly with the one by, one. ally completed, as one of as no spare parts could be found, press reporting minutely and in- tl 'ix j /\oouAl t 300 persons wer pres- life and works of the Saint. Th»> el«>ctrit stands are works of greatest Catholic librarian» the machine remained behind. stantly the smallest detail concern- fi Thought:—Not here (in of all • ent, including Sir Esme I oward. The novena will open on Wednt - rarest art, as are th< roof and cut The other airplane continued its times, the Rt. Rev. Bishop day morning, July 18, with solemn woodwork in ing the momentous flight of Gen. States) is the Catholic fhomas I British Ambassador Ill Washing- scroll design in the flight to the Holy Land. It was Humberto Ndbile and nis compan- J. Shahan. retiring rector of the uni- high Mass in the Shrine, and will frieze. above his breath; J ton, and Mrs. Charli Augustine bearing a letter by the Spanish ions to the North Pole, it never- versity, announced today. close Thursday evening, July 26, the B* be to crouch and hi«le. | Robinson, National Flag Lady >f I The Shrine contains thr«*e relics Cardinal Primate to the Bishrp theless haa not been made known it k«ne, and no man has a Bishop Shahan also announced {the Veterans of Foreign Wars ''J feast day of the Snint. The Shrine of St. Anne, a relic of the Little of Madrid-Alcala, who at this adequately how great is the relig- light to be here. Let him that the Rev. Edward I,. Buckev, ¡the United States and the Na - is the only such edifice in the di.>- Flower, one of St. Kudes and «>ne of time was in Jerusalem heading a ious side of that great venture. pastor of St. Matthew's Church of | tional American War Mothers. II cese and the only one dedicated to St. Gabriel, preserved in an ex- Spanish pilgrimage. let his tone be firm and . i As a matter of fact, this relig- |tt his voice be clear and this city, has presented to the Na- i The ceremony of the kissing < St. Anne. It was begun in 1020 in quisite reliquary tabernacle. of I response to the suggestions and in- It is the first time that Cath- ious aspect is so strong that It " kit speech strong and <le- tional Shrine of the Immaculate I the hands of the new priest f< The conferences to be preached been attested the flight was ; sistence of the great numl>er ef olic pilgrims have visited Pales- * becomes the citizen of a Conception on the campus of the I lowed the Mass. by Father Reilly, a noted Redemp- fold in character—scientific and re- clients of St. Anne here and else- tine by airplane. IK and a freeman of the cmn- University the cartoons of the four torist and famed missionary and ligious. This correspondent ia la evangelists and their symbols exe- +--——— + where who hail received favors at ifcji of God.—Orestes A. pulpit orator, will be as follows, car- a position to tell—what the wwM cuted by Edwin Howland Blashfield, her hands. rying out Father Reillv's theme and generally does not know— how fit decorator of the great central dome The Shrine is enclosed in an ex- tdan to confine himself to St. Anne: entire venture was prayer of the Library of Congress. The TO BLESS BELLS quisitely designed (¡othic Chapel ex- "Opening of the Novena"; "Devotion it was argued BRUSHTON SCHOOL planned, how acts of Catholic piety nl y«urs »go cartoons, done in oil, were the pat- tending at right angles to the major to St. Anne"; "Her American nave accompanied its every stem of woman into It entrance terns from which the large mosaic FOR ST. URSULA'S axis of the church. Shrine"; "The Mother of Mary"; BLESSING SUNDAY how special mass prayers have been mold have an elevating and pieces in the dome of St. Matthew's The designs for the Shrine and in- "The M»x!el Mother"; "Our Powerful composed and offered up for success, I influence. Has the en- were made. terior are the last work of the late Advocate"; "The Wonder Worker"; and how, through it all, there has 4 woman in the field of com- A general invitation has been ex- John T. Comes, of this city. There "Good St. Anne"; "Comfortress of The Rt. Rev. Hugh C. Boyle, D.D., appeared the commanding figure of l made business more Six ( • reatest Librarians tended by the Rev. H. J. Killmeyer, is artistic refinement of high order the Afflicted"; "Our Exemplar," Bishop of the Diocese, will officiate Pope Pius XI, consulting, encour- refined polit- pastor of St. Ursula Church. Allison at the solemn blessing and dedica- Has woman Th. great Catholic librarians of in the treatment of the marbles and The public blessings and devotion- aging, blessing and watching over ic iIm, generally speaking, various centuries will be honored. Park, Pa., and by the members of mosaics. tion of the new school of Mother of the progress of the expedition with the congregation to their friends and al exercises will be held in the the novel, the stage or so- Bishop Shahan said, in a series of The walls of the Shrine are lined Good Counsel, Brushton avenue and an interest more intense than that former parishioners to attend the Shrine. Masses throughout the no- il! not womankind paid a which will be one of the with limestone and it is finished with Bennett street, Homewood, on Sun- of anyone else. bas-reliefs ceremony of the blessing of the bells vena will be as follows, each morn- Ins price for what she has Tennessee marble, while the ceiling day afternoon, at 4 o'clock, day- decorative features of the library's for the new church on Sunday after- ing; 6:30, 7:15 and the novena It already is known that Pop* If is of wood richly carved and decor- light saving time. igj « » • facade. Th« bas-reliefs, arranged on noon, July 22, at 3 o'clock. The Mass at 8 o'clock. Blessing with the Pius talked with, encouraged and f ated and the floor of tile. However, Addresses will be made at the either side of the main d oorway and Rev. Anthony Scholz, of St. Joseph relic'of St. Anne will be given pri- blessed General Nobile; that he con- [ convention at Houston is in the vista of the large arch lead- ceremonies by the Rev. Paul E. setting off the inimens• e windows of Church, Braddock, will preach on the vately after all Masses and will be signed to him a cross to be dropped Iti results we all know.
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