RESEARCH Mission: meteorology research. The Directorate of Research is solely 3. Zonal Agril. Research Station (ZARS) responsible for overall supervision, guidance Basuli (Mahrajganj) – Centre for crop and co-ordination of need based and research. production oriented agricultural research in 26 EPZ: districts belonging to seven revenue divisions viz; Faizabad, Basti, Devipatan, Gorakhpur, 1. Main Campus, Kumarganj (Faizabad)- Varanasi, Azamgarh and Vindhyachal Dham Centre for basic and applied research of eastern U.P. through different colleges in various d i s c i p l i n e s o f A g r i c u l t u r e , Service Area: Horticulture and Forestry, Veterinary The Directorate of Research governs the Science and Animal Husbandry, research activities in three agro-climatic zones Fisheries, Agril. Eng. & Tech. and i.e., North Eastern plain zone (NEPZ), Eastern Home Science. plain zone (EPZ) and Vindhyan zone (VZ). The 2. Crop Research Station (CRS), Masodha university has seven research stations in (Faizabad)- Main Centre for Rice different agro-climatic zones under its Research. jurisdiction. These research stations are listed below: 3. Zonal Agricultural Research sub- s t a t i o n ( Z A R S S ) B a r i b a g h & Ankushpur (Ghazipur)- Centre for crops research VZ: 1. Zonal Agricultural Research Station (ZARS) Tissuhi, (Mirzapur)- Centre for Pulses and Oilseed research. Zonal Research and Extension Advisory Committee (ZREAC) Meeting: ZREAC meetings were held on 21-05- 2018 at Crop Research Station, Masodha for NEPZ: Eastern Plain Zone &Vindhyan Zone, on dated 1. C r o p R e s e a r c h S t a t i o n ( C R S ) 23.05.2018 at Crop Research Station, Bahraich Ghaghraghat (Bahraich)- Main centre and on dated 30.10.2018 at Crop Research for Deep Water Rice Research. Station, Ghaghraghat for North Eastern Plain Zone. In these meetings, the scientists as well as 2. Crop Research Station (CRS) Bahraich- farmers of respective zones participated. The Centre for Maize, Juteand Agro- technical problems were solved by the scientists and technical programmes of Nagaraja Reddy, Dr Harihar Ram scientists of Crop Research Stations were also visited the centre during 16th July to 17th discussed and finalized. July, 2018 to access the progress of the project. Technical Programme Meeting: lQRT of AICRP on Wheat&Barley was The technical programme meetings presented on 21st January 2019 at BHU were convened from 17-19 May, 2018 in kharif Varanasi in the chairmanship of season and 23-24October, 2018 during Professor R.B Singh. rabiseason. In these meetings, the technical programmes of the research projects were Research Projects: thoroughly discussed and approved after Based on the location specific problems necessary corrections. affecting productivity and farmers needs, the QRT: research programmes are formulated by the lQRT of AICRP on Meditional and scientists concerned. During 2018-19,54 aromatic plant headed by Dr. research projects are functioning in the H.S.Gupta, Dr. A. K. Shashne, Dr. R. University. The details are given below: A- All India Co-Ordinated Research Projects (75% ICAR share and 25% State share): S.No. Name of the Project/ Scheme Year of Start 1. AICRP on Rice Improvement 1976 2. AICRP on Deep Water Rice 1976 3. AICRP on Maize Improvement 1976 4. AICRP on Wheat & Barley Improvement 1987 5. AICRP on MULLaRP Crops 2001 6. AICRP on Chickpea 2001 7. AICRP on forage Crops Improvement 2001 8. AICRP on Potential Crops 1995 9. National Seed Project (Crops)- 1978 1- Seed Technology Research 2- Breeder Seed production 10. AICRP for Dry land Agriculture 1987 11. AICRP on Irrigation Water management 1980 12. AICRP on Integrated Farming System 1976 13. AICRP on Vegetable Improvement 1980 14. AICRP on Potato Improvement 1987 15. AICRP on Spices 1995 16. AICRP on Arid Fruits 1987 17. AICRP on Medicinal & Aromatic Plants 1980 18. AICRP on Agro-forestry 1987 19. AICRP on Agro-meteorology 1990 B- Scheme 100% Financed by ICAR: 1. National Initiative on climate resilient agriculture (NICRA) – Dryland Agriculture 2010 to contd. 2. NICRA (Agro-meterology) 2010 to cont. 3. Mega Seed Project 2016-17 C- Research Projects Financed by International Agencies: 1. Stress tolerant rice for poor farmers of Africa and South Asia (STRASA) 2003 -04 to Submergence & salinity – H.Q. and CRS, Masodha 2018-19 D- Research Projects Financed by Other National/ State Agencies: 1. Gramin Krishi Mausam Seva (i) Head Quarter, Kumarganj 1993 Ministry of Earth Science (IAAS) (ii)Bahraich 2. Mission Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH) 2005 3. Forecasting Agricultural output using space, agro-meterology and land based 2010 observations (FASAL) Ministry of Earth Science (Govt. of India) 4. Development of High-Yielding salt tolerant rice varieties through marker 2015 assisted back cross breeding and identification of SALTOL QTL for (ended in reproductive stage salinity tolerance (DBT) Govt. of India Sept.2018) 5. Creation of Seed hubs for increasing indigenous production of pulses in 2016-17 to India(NFSM) 2017-18 6. Establishment of Molecular lab for identification of physio-molecular traits in 2016-17 the way of submergence & drought dual tolerance rice varieties for rain-fed low land areas of Eastern U.P. (RKVY) 7. Collection, characterization, evaluation, maintenance and registration of minor 2017-18 seed spices grown in farmers’ field (GOI) 8. Conservation, Propagation & Genetic Improvement of Sahiwal Cattle in eastern 2013-14 U.P. (RKVY) 9. CapacityBuilding and Technology Demonstration on Processing of local fruits 2017-18 and vegetables for alternate livelihood of Tharu Tribe Women.- (DST, GOI) 10. Centre of Excellence in Rice (State Govt.) 2018-19 11. Frozen Cemen Bank for Indigenous Livestock (RKVY) 2018-19 12. Strengthening of Veterinary Clinical Complex (RKVY) 2018-19 13. Establishment of model seed testing lab. Under quality control 2018-19 Component of sub mission on seeds & planting material (SMSP) (Ministry of Agril. & Farmers Welfare ,GOI) 14. Establishment of Feed Analysis and Quality Control Laboratory (RKVY) 2018-19 E - Non - Plan Projects 100% Financed by State Govt: 1. Sodh Scheme (Rice , Masodha) 2. Oil Seed Project 3. Pulses Project 4. Research on Vegetable Crops 5. Research on Crop Physiology 6. NARP (Adjusted), Kumarganj, Faizabad 7. NARP (Adjusted), Masodha, Faizabad 8. Foundation and breeder seed production unit and strengthening of seed testing lab. 9. NARP (Adjusted), (Tissuhi), Mirzapur 10. Sodh Scheme, Tissuhi (Mirzapur) 11. Flood Rice Research Scheme : Ghaghragaht (Bahraich) 12. NARP (H.Q.), Ghaghraghat (Bahraich) 13. Jute Establishment Scheme : Bahraich 14. NARP Sub Station – Bahraich 15. NARP (Adjusted), Ghazipur 16. Sodh scheme, Ghazipur 17. Production and processing of fruits in usar wasteland 18. NARP adjusted Basuli Varietal Improvement: The major research thrust in crop production has been to develop high yielding varieties of all important crops resistant to biotic and abiotic stresses. As a result during 2018-19, 04 improved varietieswere released by State Variety Release Committee. The details of which have been given below: 1. Rice -NDR 9930111 (Shallow & Semi Deep Water): NDR 9930111 was developed from the triple cross of CN 4. Jute (NDJC-2013): Plant height 4.00 – 843-7-1/KDML 105//IR49830-7-1-2-3. 4.25 m., duration 160-170 days, resistant Yield potential of this variety is 55-60 to lodging and water logging, tolerant q/ha. The variety NDR 9930111 posses to drought, recommended for upland Short Bold grain type with good and lowlands of eastern U.P. cooking qualities, milling 68.1% and head rice recovery is 56.4% with amylose content of about 23.56%. It cooks better as its gel consistency is soft (50 mm) and alkali spreading value of 4.5 2. Linseed (NDL-2011-31) : Rain-fed, duration 120-125 days, yield 12-14 q/ha, oil content 37-39%, resistant to lodging & shuttering as well as wilt rust Variety Identified: and powdery mildew. A variety of Methi named as Narendra Richa (NDM-79) was identified in workshop of AICRP on Spices. This variety matures in 125- 130 days having potential yield 280 q/ha with average yield 120-150 q/ha. The variety is tolerant to alkalinity. Research Achievements : Rice: 3. Oat (NDO-1101): Plant height 130-145 Crop Improvement: cm, duration 130-140 days, yield 18.5- Lines identified in RATDS trials (2017-18): 23.5 q/ha resistant to lodging & lScented Basmati Type shuttering, recommended for normal as well as salt –affected soils of U.P. NDR 6257 lUser conditions Deep water : NDRK 50054, NDRK 50058, NDRK Rice Production Oriented Survey of 7 50060, NDRK 50063 districts like Faizabad, Ambedkar Nagar, Barabanki, Sultanpur, Basti, Sant Kabir Nagar Entries promoted in RATDS trials (2017-18): and Siddharth Nagar districts of eastern Uttar lRainfed upland ( 100 to 120 days) Pradesh was conducted by scientists of crop research station Ghagraghat revealed that: NDR 1170-1-4 (Final year of testing) vSheath blight and bacterial leaf blight lIrrigated Early ( 100 to 120 days) were observed from low to moderate NDR 2104, NDR 2105 (2nd year of testing) intensity however false smut was noticed in the late maturing/hybrids Irrigated medium (120 to 140 days) rice varieties upto moderate intensity. NDR 3120-10-05 (Final year of testing) Infestation of stem borer, leaf folder and gundhi bug was observed from low to lIrrigated Late ( > 140 days) moderate intensity in all the surveyed NDR 40181, NDR 40182, NDR 40183 districts. (Final year of testing) vEchinochloa colona, Ecliptaalba, E. NDR 40501, NDR 40502 (2nd year of crusgalli, Cyperus iria, C. rotundus, testing) Cloeme viscosa, Fimbristylis dichotoma and Paspalum distichum L. were common NDR 8850,NDR 9005 (Final year of weeds found in the rice fields. testing) vThe maximum yield (32.75 q/ha) was Slender Grain recorded with Coragen followed by NDR 6304, NDR 6306 (Final year of Token (30.25 q/ha).
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