Lyndhurst. li. J. LEADERETTE "Navy officials would not comment." remarked the Pa •ale Herald News under a news picture shownag • an am or so rafts rotting on the Secaucui dump*. The Newark Sunday Call nude the tame object lesson The k*m homm, u what? The Navy, like the Army, has diararded 1unk aFiwr the world for the economic reason it is more costly to hang • onto it than to toss it aside. But, if the Psssair Herald New* and the Sunday Call want to aee real waste they can get a traTHr SOI TH HKI!i;>.\ RKVIKW picture on Uw James River near Baltimore. There over 1W IJherty ships, coating nearly $2,000,000 each are rottinf away. Do the newspapers want to blame the Navy—or the Army'* M VBBkvBBBBBSBBBBBBBvBbBA Vfeft Ji •AaSbaSBBaSl a^VK^h aTa-BaSk aTaf) SBS) aftABBaBS* SB SBBBBBBS. I.YMJIH R>T. N. J . THl RSDO. JTM- |]/l«ia VoL XXVI. N«, SI ^•^e^atTaW'ja^rsajt ••• #asj PUf W sPaTH •• •Ns.'M^ ssV npnL July Fourth Celebrates RftJf th Anniversary Banquet for I/atc fAinniitfrAA SSsi _ _ Bilssi- Graduation Marked ITO^TCMI rHin WHcewski VClD l/UllllWUCC By Three Grammar is Complete UniH N.med to Arrange More fh«n30*™**0 Attend Put In Charge Monster Fete for Lyrrd- Affair to Lyndhurtt Polish Priest Schools In Shower HUrST •N#lT pnOWfftl Commissioners Say Unit WiH Preliminary plans for L> nd hurst's Fourth off July cetebra- i H.ru-t v uf SI Muh«rl • tl C Prepare. Plans for Operating But Exercises Went On Astfcm, which is to he dedicated as .('hutih lynrthmfl Humt^v t. .• a welcome home to thr town- ship's servicemen and women. I Uua J Housing Program in Town Scheduled in Lincoln, Roose- were laid last night at a • nmmit- |Ubtl»T «» lee at whirh Commissioner Jamr* His II.- .(.I t.f < tiiiiiiu-o'ti.t r* Ii4%t |tl-»-«.1 li.il f. -|M>II A. Breslm. general chairman, gymrn «rwl t<AruU tttrndMl velt and Jeff erson Schools presided. * Trthulrs in the IVlith l<r,gi,«^i »||lllll\ l-.l lll< I. lit J I .11-1 •!(*• tat|l*t|l "I ill- • • »• • «.' l»< t •"•" Mayor Horace R Bogle urged W*n (•*•(• 1i> thr JutMUtun wi|h nit: t*l tilt-ion, HI lli. tt.itfl- n| thr .rt'Uli- . ..MIMIIII* • T>mn*hi|» I'i'if ivn.i.'iw Janu • Rain—gallon*. Ions, rivers of it—{ell Tuesday night that the citterns get behind tht \ll i.ll.lni' II( MIM! ill' « iitUHM*w|..|1^r> • %|"«T«>( |||c . •Mtlllltl and help "put over" the A Bre«Lm. of !> ivtt.ur»l •r>«1 but three I yndhursi grammar school graduations went off ri'—lUlUI M-nd. t.t O Ami., k. Iff «»a* jt»t« IJ«I '"'iiitJ.* iii'ifuing at a •-<II(. i. tt.» in ih** >« PvaaKtr CtHinlv. t tV{ < u - "< like rlockwork and 251 pupils received diplomas. pUme He offered I |u*I 11*11 and accept- Ittt-n lonfiialulaiiotu in Kngluti Thunder rolled and lightning flashed a* one of thehis personal service Mt« »iin i •!!« .1 Upon UM IWW M..*-.i llormr It II..tl. • -•. l«rr«| ilui • •>• la 4, ••' h k * hhi * t !•• IN tif !(.i paruh ! worst downpours of jhe wet spring struck, but the elaborate I «committee• chsirmanshi. p of the firework, Commissioner Breslin ottered !'.• .1 |aH»tUf • fo><U1r(M programs were conducted before crowded auditoriums in !' u.tt. fii- i *•*','!- in th ltt* *"TH-'tKT every school. » " s basic plan, approved by the U [f M the t<>mn> tlr«- p committee members, and which J dj , honoring the Mth t>nd Mrs Sam Molts, an* Mr. ~.Uaanelt Sefcasl IT . A nn r hrtlrr tin>Wi -! m.li n nl ts.41.vl Ih. |,r,.)i. I h,.«r»»l NFI.I . _-- , . _ „ csllslor an all day schedule File ] w,^dmg snmv.rtsi) of Mr and ! Angelina CtluH.i A diamond Presentation of certificstes at I Frangipane. Julius Frascs. Ma/inn j thr l*il> lav m lhap Lliialirl >aj llS* BVaaM 4 Ml A. Gaccione. Joasphme A. Oallo,! drum and bugle corps mciudfnr MK Antnnu. Chrt-ki ,.f 6M Vsl iWeddiiw b«nd «... pw <n< A t.. !•• i*mt.ii Ci untv [il law the Roosevelt School was by Catherine E. Gsrbsnnn. Josephine ,he Barnnger Post American Le R^Brook avotiu, was given by < Mrs Ch.«ki h> the lan.ilv 1 M MMl W -.til hr knri* U - . John J. Ficke. school chairman. S^™" ""„,•!"?; *' ' I"""- >and Park. Holy Name , their family Jl the Open Donr in Ml. ami Mi* CttrAli iiMest *pi>lir ..I f M's. Maude Southard is prinn ; r.eAlM T. Giammetta. Ralph J. Greco. | Band lrom Garfield. a West New Norlh Arlingtog n last Sunday ! a..... An8.-I., I*., Ix. r. t... ... paL >. Jean A. Guanno. Lor- Mildred Sti'innn-l/ spoke the j York American Legtnn and a unit Mr. and Mrs Clickl were mai *•»-«», in L>ndli st words of welcome. Recitations from a Polish church in Hudson "«• '" GtactWni Church T» year. He ha County will provide mustr for were by Anita Richards and New York City on February 111* the ss~s.ii.eiU 'hoard (., the par ade which is to take place IBM! The weddin, anniversary ! hist a years RUhard Maskicll. Sally Mess ;ra d u Minisers. Josephine J in the morning. ineo played a piano selection. J Mastrandres . Henry X Meyer. psrty was p^lpnm-d from Feb- ~ Another ».n Jam.. .. l. Alvin Ralph, commander nf £.ry to ,,„• the »:rv,eemer. tw.nl ill Ih* NKI Depailm XJ5srbj.ra Korn an accordion seloc ! jonn Mileski. Joseph G Mini. Barriniter Pnst I3f. Charles V member, of the family an<W ..r and ha. l ti.m and Agnes Fahy played Han | Ln,;, Muro, Phyllis E. Mustilli. Cerneglia command*, of Veterjiu tunity to attend TThe y moved t. frai. dels Lsi go on the violin with I Jesnette C. Nazarr. Joseph Neg- of Foreign Want. Otto Stella to. l.yndhurst in 1MM. Th.-y have l10« ! A.,,,lo ~rved in Ih, Navy ,.. »>..ce Dulan as accompanist, j lis. Dorothy R. Nicoletos. Alice J. commander of AMVCTS Pmt 2J .hildnn. 11 «r..ndrh.Wre- - n and (World War I while -m. J.*n J There was special music by th. jjilrh. Marie J Nucera. Nicholas and a representative, of the Span „„,. „„.», (randeMM. Three «.n. Tr.tv A .nd 1>.|.,.I A -. iv.nl class as a whole. I A. Paolozzi. Thomas A. Rubinich. ish American War Veterans, ar ,nrt 2 tramte.,.,. are veteran, of, Hi II" army in World W.I II Certificates of promotion wire I Yolanda A. Scalzo. Richard A to hold a'sub-committee mcetinjt , Win Id W»r 11 Mi Cliecki ha»JWt<ii rt v in*: Srhnt-ider. f!hri«tian with the Fir* DepartuM*.* effi •wrt+ Marie S Albanese, Alma A. AI Nicholas paitment of th. Town for Uia|bamel was mm of th. «.MI tieri, John Amcndola. Vinrcnt P Stetmach, Patricia Thomas. Rob- and CIVIC organizations \<> map past 30 years. Uivm.' of 3400 mm in hu Aulrn. Mildred Battiiora. John ert E. Thompson and Anthony T. cut the line of march The patty lArluoVd Mr and! ftivni He won the BroMn Mrs Terry Chuki Mr and Mi* It battle stars, mil srvemi C. Betk, Sherwood Berwick, El- ru« DIlfaliB af Plants inor Blake, Ailim E. Bogle, Ar- Sylvest >i P1//.1 .ml son Kenm-th, me.i..N thur Bogle. Henry S Brill, Rob An effor| '* to be made U> havr Mr and Mts John J Ch.« ki, Mi ] T hlhc-fiy v.h'1 J-'ffttM.n School graduation ex- and Mrs Jttarpt. Cherk, Mid rr r..t Daniel N ert E. BrQgan, Jean C. Cafono, every fralernal. civic and i>thei r at lite I.M-th .i -t pi -f,Ni ..I rrrijett foi* eighth graders was daiighUis UMTainf ft Marie, Mi • 'at* III the N..v , in the I. * « • Vincent J. Canni, Joseph J. C»n nrganicatums in the township rep aartrw -f M K ..»• tunes*-, Anthony Cavallaro, SI' heM on two nights, Tuesday and resented. One division it wasand'Mis. Jarrve* Chn ki and chil Tin are ih<- MO.)- »f Nt< i.oiax To Give Talk ;: * .K phanie Cemigl.a, Roaemarie D. Wednesday could Ike made up of tfren. Jameii Jr., Kileen and Don A son in law. F-I^.M iitnti-.m ,i '.ISM i •' t> •"• "a »• r»«» M .i aid. st> MTV«t tn ihr Aimv Air " mafW Cifunc, Samuel Cifune. School. TiwtM David Donald, M rh-irmin of the Menu* SthooL Mra h Mi snd-Mrs I IT 11 111 '1)111 A. awarded c*HMea«W %» «wh gt»d- in HirW »r On LRag Day z.;:;'^^ •* " " Cloughley, Unlti fmpi. Frank J uate. the mnfl milstanding float or cm m i* n l.<-n IH lfWT MIKI Mi [U, Will H«ve Nol-d The graduates are: ll«.k^nsa.h »• • « - . Cucci, Frank A. DeFeo, Oeral- hibtts entered, and the commit H CliiMren, fjiura. An«. I.. Ji Framraa. aVtnn IUH J«r.*y City Or«ter dine Delaney, Samuel DeMai", tee v lo give more thought to ih* and Anlhony. Mi Ft iglioni. M S-Hith Bemto Diamante. Donne G. Di- J. Adam's. Allen H Al- Imntitm ^ - *- Hrri. Sunday ROM- C i hrrrnt- Alexander IrvinK Bailey, j High School Graduation Tonight -m>.k m Valenln vine. Alice K MartJ n Jmrnn Commissioner Breslin noted Mi i.Kh.iJ Nev 1^ Dolce, Joseph J nnrufiri.i Pf*r ! Bianculli.
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