fV'sW' NOT HE THE METHOD MEANT THEY KNEW. Her Lftugh Broke, She was a little fairy of seven, with Jesus Walks Kitchener Had Not the Idea of Pur eyes like diamonds and hair like spun chase In HI Mind When He gold, and she was romping with ft halt On the Sea Made Remark. dozen playmates. Touching a fine Smxlij-Sdio- looking youngster on the shoulder, ol Ltiion for Jom 5, 1910 A plcturesquo flguro Is Lord Kitch she challenged him with, "You can't Specially Arranged (or Thli Paper ener of Khartum, a soldlor from catch mo." Off they started, sho twist- head to foot, and careless of tho nice- ing and dodging with tho doxterlty of ties of toilet which more conventional a half-bac- k on a football team, and he t LESSON TEXT.-Mfttt- hew 14:22-8- Memory verses, 28, 27, members of tho nobility affect. following her every movement In close Georgo t GOLDEN TEXT.-"Th- en they that W. Smnlley, tho veteran corre- pursuit Tho excitement of the chase Were In the ship camo and worshiped lilm, spondent, recently contributed somo made her scream with laughter. The paying, 'Of a truth thou art the Son of Interesting reminiscences of tho man iHvlj "immune llttlo fugltivo' finally brougb ud qbd."-M- att. 14:83, to Now among Imme-nlate- tho York Tribune, 'against a pant X TIME. In the spring of A. D. 29, ly fence, breathless and which this story is to bo found: ing, pursuer, .throwing after the last lesson, amamkUW sbssssssW and her his I PLACE, The northern part of the Sea Tho last time I saw Lord Kitchener ssfssssw arms about her, shouted: "There, I've jet Qalllee. was at a houso In ono of tho southern n caught youl" "Oh, yes," gasped tho '8ungestloirand Practical Thought. counties In 1902. Ho was then on little fairy, "but it was 'cause my his way to up tho commander-ship-ln-chie- f laugh broke any Tho Source Vb. take and I couldn't run of Christ's Power. of India. Ho over 82, 28. What was upon tho drove more." tho effect to lunchoon from another houso somo of multiplication of tho The the 16 miles away. Luncheon, usually Spreading the News. faultltude fishes? "Tho feeding of at ono o'clock, had been put off till Postmaster Fuller of Rockland, Me., original and genuine itho Ave was quietest and halt thousand the past becauso of ho was the sparkling wit at tho postmas- 'least Imposing of Christ's miracles. It tho dlstanco and Syrup of Figs and Elixir of his friends had to drive, a great con- ters' dinner. Ho announced with mock ,1a safo to Bay that only a few of tho cession. But tho roads wero heavy, solemnity that ho had Just, received Senna, known throughout the pooplo being - woro.awaro of what was they word from his- congressman that his done until It was over." David James and arrived Just beforo two. world as the best of family laxatives, wo Jlgson When a man's young he's name had been sent In somewhero In Burrell, D. D., LL. D. Lord Kitchener said to me as wero going mo. really anxious to show his knowledge Washington for reappointment In for men, women children, Tho Imperiled Disciples In: "Look at I and always and Christ's cannot sit down to lunch in all this Jagson When he gets older he's recognition of his efficient service and Vs. 24-2- Why has the full of California iddod Cheer. did dirt." I suggested he should Just as anxious to conceal his tho votes ho could swing. name the Fte Christ, If his disciples wcro to In' that be como to my room. Ho did, and after "I havo dashed the momentous nows 180 great danger, my thrust them forth spending ten on of triumph to distant Rockland to Into It without minutes his tollot, my htmsolf? Tho danger, emerged looking not much less tho BABY'S SCALP CRUSTED wife, and If I am acquainted with every package. It Is for sale by all 'was not apparent at first "It was an tho lady, as I bcllcvo that I am, the ,ensy crossing, South African campaigner than when leading druggists everywhere, one and It was qulto calm,j he began. "Our little daughter, when three glad tidings havo ere now penetrated nnd was they see tho' It not far; could Ho ap months old, began to break out on the to tho most remote section of that size only, regular price 50 cents No separated said: "You don't seem to other side. htmsolf prove." head and wo had the best doctors to district," was a sally that brought from them with a purposo. Ho had, down tho house. per Dome, ine imitations some "Oh, 1 was only wondering what treat her, but they did not do her any many a lesson for thom to learn. Tho good. They oho offered of Inferior quality you had boon doing for ten minutes. said had eczema. Her WOMEN'S ILLS. times are night becamo unruly, and no small scalp was c solid scalo all over. The Itempest lay upon bearings But late as we are, there Is ono thing and do not give satisfaction; them; their you burning and itching was so bevere that 'were lost, and sail nor oar must see." Many women who suffer with back- neither And I sho could not rest, day or night Wo therefore, should be icould serve them. Tholr thoughts took him to the hall whero ache, bearing-dow- n pain, headaches In bad about glvoi. up all hopes when wo 'must linvo pressed all and only In ono stand those two figures damas- and nervousness do not know that keened armor Inlaid with gold, Anno read of tho Cutlcura Remedies. Wo at usually to direction to tho mountain-to- where onco got u Cutlcura" these ailments are duo FH0 de Montmorencl and the Constable do cake of Soap, a trouble the 'Jesus was!" Rov. Armstrong Black. box of ono bot- with Bourbon, whom a Herbert of tho six- Cutlcura Ointment and kidneys. D o n ' s Whon did Jesus como to them In tle of Cutlcura Resolvent, and fol a teenth century bad taken prisoners. Kidney Pills re- jthelr distress? "In the fourth watch They woko lowed dlrectlous carefully. After the ,of the night," six tho soldier in this dusty move tho cause. Understood the Sex. between threo nnd first doso of tho Cutlcura Resolvent Daughter you wero m'clock In tho morning. traveler. Mrs. Joseph His Daddy, Your Liver we used tho Cutlcura Soap ireely twenty-fiv- e "If I were a Frenchman I think I and Cross, Church St, when this was taken, Why did Christ como to them walk- should try to got thom back." applied the Cutlcura Ointment Then 353 you? Why, you might havo is Clogged Morrllton, weren't up ing on tho waves? Ho must go to "It has been tried. Ono of their de sho be"gan to Improve rapidly and in Ark., sat for it yesterday. not Be- says: "For weeks That' Why You're Tired )ut oC jthem in thatjway, or at all. pair,-bu- t two weeks tho scale came off M'yes; your scendants offered 20,000 for tho her I was bent double Her Father mother's sorts Hare no Appetite. sides, he doubtless had a desire to lift you see they are still here." head and now hair began to grow. In WSi own daughter. Well, well, you'll find high-!e- r by pain In my back tthe disciples' thought of him to a Youth's Companion. a very short time she was well. Sho Is It on the table, I think. CARTER'S and tho kidney se- UVER FILLS plane, and proparo them for tho now sixteen years of age and a pic- His Daughter Find what, daddy, 'full recognition of his divinity. "Tho cretions were pro- will put you right M rvrcrfd ture of health. Wo used tho Cutl- darling? - in a tew dtyu r Imlraclo of tho feeding of tho multl-'tud- o "Me, the Janitor." fuse. My feet and cura Remedies 3vo weeks, reg- The checkbook, my 1 about ankles wero badly swollen and I had Her Father bey do "had been a plcturo of tho last It Is a great thing to be a Janitor, ularly,- and then we could not tell she own lamb. tteir derjr. headaches dizzy spells. I supper, a prophecy of his death; and nnd most Janitors know A writer and Six doc Cure it bad been affected by tho disease. Wo mo .PBV lanit 'this miraclo Is a prophecy of his In tho Now York Press tells the story used no other treatments aftei we tors treated without relief and I Her Excuse. Ctattipa finally began taking Qoodley ad- lioa, Bil. resurrection." Rov. David Smith. of a certain Janitor who fully realized found out what the Cutlcura Remedies Doan's Kidney "Why er yes," Miss Pills. They cured md." "perhaps you tell- Iadigtitin, asi Side How did the apparition affect tho his Importance. Ho oven went so far, would do for her. J. Fish and Ella M. mitted, did hear me Uuuu, Btaiad. Remember tho name ing I was only twenty-two.-" SHALL DOSE, SHA1L PIICE. disciples? They cried out in great as tho anccdoto shows, as to prefer his Fish, Mt. Vernon, Ky., Oct 12, 1909."' Doan's. the minister mi.
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