OUTPOST The magazine of the Anglican Chaplaincy in Norway M-G–M1 2016 WHO’ WHO SENIOR CHAPLAIN The Ven Dr Brian Russell 22 69 22 14 Harald Hårfagresgate 2, 0363 Oslo [email protected] ASSISTANT CHAPLAINS The Revd Peter Hogarth 51 55 54 88 [email protected] 48 60 40 61 The Revd April Almaas (locum chaplain) 92 46 67 29 Kongsgårdsgata 2, 7013 Trondheim [email protected] Bergen locums reside at … … and have use Langarinden 318, 5132 Nyborg of this phone: [email protected] 40 39 62 42 READERS IN TRONDHEIM Priscilla Beck 73 93 81 50 Ursula Sonnewald (permission to officiate) READER IN BERGEN Iris Evans–Bjørnø 55 18 67 34 ARCHDEACONRY SYNOD Ingeborg Wörheide (Oslo) 66 80 81 36 REPRESENTATIVES Linda White (Trondheim) Eirik Duerr (Bergen) 55 32 18 47 CHAPLAINCY CHURCHWARDENS Gregory Norton, Michael McNaull [email protected] ASSISTANT CHURCHWARDENS Eirik Duerr (Bergen), Susan Boyd (Trondheim) FORSTANDER Ingeborg Wörheide COUNCIL MEMBERS Ekene Aqbalakwe, Kristine S Brorson, Michael Brooks, Helen Campbell Andrew Lane, David H Lovett, co-opted: Joseph Chidindi, Sampson Okeke Trond Werner Pettersen (Hon Sec) 22 46 07 53 Sigrid Kvaal (Hon Treasurer) CHILDREN’S CHURCH OSLO Kirstin McNaull YOUTH GROUP OSLO Anne-Grete Larsen YOUTH & CHILDREN STAVANGER Denise Johnson-Joakimsen [email protected] ORGANIST/CHOIRMASTER John Chapman [email protected] CLEANER/CARETAKER Peter Ekeuluabia OUTPOST EDITORIAL TEAM Brian Russell (editor-in-chief), Roger Martin Other clergy holding the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Permission to officiate at Anglican Services in the Chaplaincy are: Geir Barlaup, Andreas Hilmo Grandy-Teig, Harald Grønnevik, Janet Heil, Vebjørn Horsord, Ragnhild Jepsen, Limbani Juah, Siv Limstrand, Jørund Midun, Tracy Rishton, Geir Sakseid, Bodil Slørdal, Mary Strømmen, Harald Svendsen, Helene Selvik Thomas, Fredrik Ulseth. Persons authorised by the Bishop to assist in administering the sacrament of Holy Communion are: all readers, Joseph Chidindi, Eirik Duerr, Torhild Fikseaunet, Cheryl Hogarth, Sigrid I Kvaal, Peter Lane, Margaret Luthar, Neil Mahews, Penny Mietle, Philip Ringrose, Bey Short, Rune Torsvik, Linda White. For further informaon see our websites: www.osloanglicans.no, www.bergenanglicans.net, www.stavangeranglicans.net, and www.trondheimanglicans.net. The diocesan website is www.europe.anglican.org, and the Church of England’s website is www.cofe.anglican.org. Donations and payments to The Anglican Chaplaincy may be made to bank account 7029.05.14973. For further details see page 11 The Senior Chaplain’s Notes happens, and keep on trying to be open to how God wants to lead us and shape us. Almost nearly perfect people? This Easter is a time to take note of how Or Easter people? we are in our lives. Lent is important because we take stock, see where we need to grow. A book published in 2014 has the title The We can see what mistakes we need to own Almost Nearly Perfect people – The Truth up to and let them go so that we can learn About the Nordic Miracle, by Michael from them. As we let go of the past, and of Booth. It is a very interesting survey looking how it limits us, so we become more open at how feelings and issues about belonging to the future and what God asks of us now. to society are taking shape in Nordic We only need to be ‘not yet perfect’ and countries. What is our own national perhaps even at times ‘not at all perfect’. identity? What does quality of life and well- Instead of seeking to be the perfect person, being mean for us? The chapter on Norway we can rest in the love, grace, support and is probably not the best but the book makes guidance of God, and this takes us towards many good points. being perfect in the eyes of God. But it poses for me the question: Are The Ven Dr Brian Russell we meant to be almost nearly perfect Senior Anglican Chaplain in Norway people ? Can we ever live up to this and do we need to? Bergen Notes As a pastor, I know that many people find it is a real burden trying to be almost nearly What a blessed and magical weekend perfect all the time in every part of their life. we experienced when we performed our The Christian insight is that we are Service of Nine Lessons and Carols in meant to be ‘Easter people’, and this is not Korskirken and Mariakirken. Despite the quite the same thing. ‘Easter people’ know weather – pouring rain and high winds – that God is real, that God has a future for over 40 choir members who had attended creation, that this future can come about. Thursday evening practices finally sang ‘Easter people’ believe that we are part of their hearts out in the two services. Our how this new future can shape and change readers of the Nine Lessons were mem- the world. We are part of the raising up of bers of the congregation, plus the Dean of new hope and possibilities in the world, the Cathedral, three Norwegian priests, the carrying forward the energy from the first widow of Jacob Frode Knudsen and the Easter and the raising of Jesus to new life. British Consul. After the Saturday service But ‘Easter people’ are ‘work in progress’ in Korskirken, the choir went to a Chinese because we are not yet all that God calls restaurant for a delicious meal which us to be. We are only on ‘the way to rounded off the day really well. perfection’ and we are going to fall short We ended the Sunday service with a of being perfect, even of being almost party in Mariastuen, where we enjoyed nearly perfect, and that is okay. We will lovely cakes, tea and coffee. The usual make mistakes and get things wrong. raffle raised over 10 000 kroner. The ser- That is part of our real humanity. What vice in Korskirken brought in about 3 500 matters is that we learn as we go, bring kroner for Kirkens bymisjon (city mission), good out of mistakes and out of evil that in addition to two huge sacks of gifts from the Anglican congregation to be given out in Korskirken on Christmas Eve. On Christ- Stavanger Notes mas Day, another rather dull, dark and wet morning, over 48 people attended the Eu- A happy New Year to everyone. After a charistic service in English, including quite great festive holiday we are looking forward a few Norwegians, who seem to love sing- to the challenges of 2016. Our biggest ing English Carols. issues at the moment are regarding our Since then we have had snow, which looks Children’s church and youth work activities. lovely on the mountain tops but is not always Several of our leaders have left Norway and easy to drive or walk on. It has not however we need to recruit new helpers. Our youth prevented people from attending church and and children’s conference in November we are beginning to attract new families as inspired us to look afresh at how we do well as visitors and some Norwegians. This Children’s church and youth work. We are has given us hope for the future that with intending to become more consultative in God´s help we will grow in number and the way we put on events for our youth. fellowship. We have two joint services The leaders who came over from Bath and planned with the Lutheran church, one in Wells diocese inspired us in many ways. February – an annual event – and one in Amongst many other things they came March. The retired priest Rev Peter Tilley, along to one of the ecumenical youth who is with us for three weeks, takes an events and advised us to ask the young- active part in both services. On Ash sters about what they thought and what Wednesday we joined with the Cathedral for they would like to do as Christian youth their very moving service at 1100. We have activities. Since then we have been dis- planned to meet in Mariastuen at 11:00 for cussing the planning of events with the the Maundy Thursday service, with a meal youngsters and so far the ecumenical com- and foot washing. Good Friday and Easter bined youth events have been very popular. Sunday services will be held in Mariakirken Jane Tibbs, one of the conference at 11:00, with Revd John Roden presiding. presenters, does a lot of resource work The Easter Day service will be another joint for churches working with younger chil- service with the Lutherans. dren, and we have been finding her resources We have been lucky enough to get Revd very helpful. If any of the other congrega- Harald Grønnevik licensed to preach and tions are interested, they are available free celebrate the Eucharist in Mariakirken and of charge on the net through the Bath and we look forward to seeing him on 17 Wells website. April. Moving from Engen Chapel to the She provides children’s church material beautifully restored Mariakirken has been themed to the seasons and readings for each very positive and we are filled with grati- Sunday. They are produced for about six tude for the privilege of using it, and for weeks ahead (address at bottom of page). the blessings it has poured upon our con- They also provide prayer resources for gregation. May God continue to bless us young people in church (see address below). in our Christian mission. I hope other people find these helpful; I Iris Evans-Bjørnø have used them several times already. Bergen Lay Reader hp://www.bathandwells.org.uk/supporng-children/youth-children/resources/ hp://www.bathandwells.org.uk/supporng-children/youth-children/resources/sundayprayermax/sundaymax/ The prayer resource is proving especially At the time of writing we are fast ap- helpful as we are following a season of proaching the season of Lent and some themed sermons looking at how we pray, study sessions based on Angus Ritchie’s focusing on variety, with the theme ’pray book Just love: personal & social trans- as you can, not as you can’t’.
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