stock to market and returning with CALDWELL STILL AT LARGE some merchandise. End of Congress Derby DIG SPECIAL SALE W. 15. Manning has heen keeping Seward. Xo trace had been found In the Democratic pretty close to the orchard during Counted on for Thursday night of any clue that of the past few weeks and caring for would lead officers to the hiding work which place of Clarence Caldwell, thirty the spraying and other a is so essential at the time of the Saturday Next three, who escaped by picking the 4 u 1. lock on county Wednesday . iJ uttiJ growing crop. The crop of apples, the jail -:--y- : ' " i. ', i .; so heavy as year night. m n which is not last Unemployment Relief and Govern- W'' - a still promises" a good yield and are in Our Cool mental Economy Final Hurdles The search in this neighborhood r '. .:. the very Lest of apples. Before Adjournment. had quieted down but officers are in . m Summer touch with police and sheriffs of oth- Quicks Washington. er counties and nearby cities. Sher Moved to West Straws Turning down the Herman It. Swansea and tha road to adjournment, congressional iff Karl Greiner, who was in Hast j family, who have made their home pilots pushed Sunday toward the last ings at the time of the break, had DRESS lc-iie-f not yet night. Union, Nefor. here far the pat year departed for steep hill.; unemployment and returned Thursday :! Ha yard where they will make their governmental economy. An end of home in the future, they departing 75c 31.15 $1.39 the session by Saturday was the goal Saturday, June 25 11 on last Monday. as the renate n cared the heart of Borah Balks on n Afternoon and the controversy over relief to the jobless, and house leaders prepared Evening Entertaining Visitors Both Hoover and ! -- ir Mr. and Mrs. George Li:iuey. liv to take up Monday the economy is- m'- ntfx Witherow Cream ing west of ( nion were greatly en iOo sue which got out of hand before. Platform joyed when they were surprized by is is The relief obstacle appeared the most Parly Mi Station a number of relatives from St. B.;uis. formidable to the weary leaders. r up, per 100 Some came by bus and a number President Hoover, the senate and the Says Flatly That He Will Hot Sup 4 I $4.50 and driving in car. Anion;? those house tacli hold their own ideas 0:1 port the President Dry Owing to Age their who cam? was Oscar Clatz. Mr. and what should he done. Plank Attacked. w 1 I two esc t S On one part of the program, that Mrs. Ted lineman and their ' providing a oOO i n g t o n . Sen a t Hatchery children. Lloy l and June, Mrs. Wm. Ask About Gift for million dollar Wash or Borah, the mmn- Brink Sehief and niece KIsie, and Gladys emergency fund for relief loans to man generally credited with doing Yallman. all of St. Louis. The iht states, the p'vsider.t and the senate as much as any one per on to elect were fSr 3.. party making the Hip via their cur agreed, hut the house lias with Herbert Hoover in 192S, announced WW r made the distance from F.t. Louis held action on it. President Hoover Monday he would not support the members president on on plat- to l nion. a distance of oJ) miles, in other ycaiv and others who hold called of the house bank- for the in twelve hours which was making that tie txpeu.se is too great. Weil, ing committee, to a white house con- form adopted by the party conven UNION good time for a car loaded with six v.e will : co what ve v. ill tee in the ference in an eiVort to get action on tion. Uorah's decision, which had ITEMS. repub- people. They said that they were bye and bje. the senate bill providing this fund, been impatiently awaited by but houre leaders still insisted the lican chieftains, was given to a sen not looking for the James brothers 1 .irnate first should consider the ate which crowded tensely around Mrs. L. (!. so as the had supposed that they hud Visited Fi lends Here. Todd who has been Garner relief bill. This him to hear his reaction to the pro- pooly for some time past Is reported long since passed awey. but the Mr. ard Mif. A. S. Siren of Gas- per, V is now before the senate. hibition plank adopted by the party as continuing con- way they were charged for crossing owing, the latter a si ter of in about the same amended in committee to substitute at Chicago. dition. the Missouri river at Nebraska City Mr. Claude Lane, arrived in Union Tuesday a two (lays the 2 billion dollar program of sen- It heard him condemn not only the Mr. and Mrs. It. K. Davis of the thought sum" of the relatives !i.it for visit at tliL1 Lane home, sis- ate democrats. A sharp conflict was prohibition plank, but the entire south of town were guests for the of the former James brothers were the brother and ter having seen brewing over this bill because of its platform as "wholly inadequate and day and a very fine dinner at the stiil operating here. The party will not each other for tiniL". They, however, provision for a 500 million public wholly unresponsive to the neces- home of Mr. Mrs. Phillip Ili'an. remain with Mr. and Mrs. Lindsey ?or.:c returned and homo works bond issue to which President sities and demands of the people." Texas offers him for the Democratic noir.Inatlon for Prftider.L Business George A. frr some two weeks. after the two days visit. called Stites Hoover is opposed. The outspoken prohibitionist served , Bern in log cabin, Red River County, Texas, Nov. 22, IZZD. to I'l itt.-m.iu- th on last S.itt'j-.ia- Educated in Texas public schools. Attended State Convention. Administration republicans were notice that the liquor question Admitted to bar at 21. where he drove in his car for a short BuiHirig A prepared to cflVr Monday an amend- would be carried to the people. larried Etty Rhelner, a hometown girl, Uvalde, Tex., ISSj, Le.-.i- Ralph iVarslvy, the truck man. at time to look some lien Martin and s m and c r Became County cfter matters at who operates ment to strike out this section. There A few minutes later, when asked ' Judge f ame year at age of 2G. .land two trinks. accom 1C38-190- 2. the court house. Shuniaker were busy at tie Krans was fight prospect over support Pres- Member Texas House of Representatives, panied by Kay McMakcn of I'iatts-raout- h al.o a in pomtblank if he would Elected to Congress in Platts-mout- on Monday build- - 1903. Wm. Rice wife h lumber yard last Re-elect- and of who has been the president the other section of the democratic; ident Hoover on the Chicago plat- continuourly since. were visiting for day en ing a new hay rack, the old one Minority floor leader Speaker the Xe-,i- H authorizing a $1,500,000,000 form. Uorah replied in three words: and candidate for 192S. iTs purpose of the Tiuckers Association of Elected Speaker House last Sunday at the home of t heir which has served for ....,. crease in th- - borrowing power of the "I will not." of 1931. seme was th T!t, ,ltmi.,i Home, Uvalde, Tcjca. daughter. Mrs. Fitzpatrick. time getting pretty shaky 1 ( conr-tni- c John the meeting on last Saturday Fre- lion torporation for loans They sent a thrill thru the cham- s Mr. Martin and his assistants con- at All enjoyed a splendid time. mont on construction. The ber, crowded with sena'.ors who re- structed a new one. where election of officers for Rue Frans and family of Syracuse the omi:ig year were seb'itcd and bill excludes loans to private com- membered Lotah's efforts four years Secretary .Mills, were "openly and SHOUT SELLERS HARD HIT were guests for the day in N'nion other busi'.ers transacted. In the petitive industry which the admin- ago. and into the thickly occupied uncompromisingly for repeal." Visiting xit the home of the mother of Mr. at Auburn ejection the following were istration has recommended. Senate galleries. Senator Fev:s of Ohio Xew York. Increased federal tax Hay BoIIman wife nceompar- - named: .who retired and . republicans were preparing to offer 011 rrans, Mrs. Jennie Frans and also - . John Moist. Cohimbu--- president; CLaiges Political Expediency. last week as chairman of the cpub-lica- n rates all stock sale went into ie:i by Grandfather W. I- -. Ilolbck with Mr. and Mrs. I. Ray Frans. Charles K. Hall, secretary. The ex- an amendment to make .this change. IJorah declared the prohibition rational committee, challenged effect and Wall street's p ecu la live and Betty May Austin, who is stay- v. Ray Frans was called to Omaha ecutive committee was formed by Senate democrats ere confident they plank was adopted for "political ex- this frtatcnient, saying Brown was short interest did most of the' winc- ing at the Bollnmn home, started had approve by a over- on Monday i the selection of R. A. Ford and W. enough votes to the pediency" convention opposed to repeal, ing. The shorts Ftaml to pay more last to look after some Kails city were to get but Borah insisted ftr and able A.
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