BIBlIOGRAphY PRIMARY SOURCEs MANUsCRIpTs FRIENDs HOUsE LIBRARY (FHL) TEMP MSS 556: Original Letters of James Backhouse Whilst Engaged in a Religious Visit in VDL and South Africa (ca. 1831–1837) LINDsEY MANUsCRIpTs (LINDsEY MSS) S 229–34: Sarah Lindsey: American Memorandums and Select Journals Vols. 1–4 (14 Aug. 1857–27 Jul. 1861) S 240–45: Robert Lindsey, Memorandum Journal Vols. 1–3 (21 Jul. 1852–22 Jan. 1856) Vol. 10 (5 Oct. 1851–23 May 1856) Vol. 15 (5 Jul. 1859–2 Jan. 1861) MEETING RECORDs LONDON AND MIDDlEsEX GM 11.b.2: Minutes of Devonshire House MM (1667–1943) Vol. 16 (1819–1831) Vol. 18 (1843–1854) © The Author(s) 2020 331 E. Bischoff, Benevolent Colonizers in Nineteenth-Century Australia, Cambridge Imperial and Post-Colonial Studies Series, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-32667-8 332 BIBLIOGRAPHY 11.b.3: Minutes of Southwark MM (1800–1930) Vol. 18 (1816–1827) Vol. 19 (1827–1838) PORTfOlIOs (PORT) Vol. 8 Vol. 17 Vol. 18 Vol. 23 Vol. 24 RECORDs Of ThE CONTINENTAl COMMITTEE Minutes of the Continental Committee Vol. 66 (7 May 1842–3 Jul. 1868) Records of the Continental Committee (1820–1920) MS Box 15–19 MS Box 21–24 Papers Relating to the Society of Friends in Australasia MS Box 27 RECORDs Of ThE MEETING fOR SUffERING Minutes (1700–1857) Vol. 43 (1823–1831) Vol. 44 (1831–1839) Vol. 45 (1840–1848) Correspondence to Meeting for Sufferings Regarding Friends’ Refusal to Serve in the Local Militia and Subsequent Fines and Imprisonment (1809–1810) MS Box 13: Militia Act, 1809 NATIONAl LIBRARY Of AUsTRAlIA (NL CANBERRA) MS 9947: Manuscript Frederick Mackie (1812–1892) STATE LIBRARY Of NEW SOUTh WAlEs (SL NSW) A 585: Papers der Tasmanian Total Abstinence Agency Association (1846–1847) Ab 124: Papers Relating to James Backhouse BIBLIOGRAPHY 333 DIXON LIBRARY (DL) MS 6: James Backhouse Letterbook No. 3 MITChEll LIBRARY (ML) A 612: A Collection of Papers chiefly by George Augustus Robinson (1820–1879?) A 1992–A 1999: Samuel Marsden Papers (1794–1837) A 2188–A 2220/1: Sir George Arthur Papers (1821–1855) B 728: Journal of George Washington Walker (1831–1840) B 730: James Backhouse, Journal of a Visit to Australia and South Africa (1831–1841) Vol. 1: Australian Colonies (1831–1833) B 379: Benson, Samuel. Memoir of Mrs Ann Mather, Daughter of Reverend Joseph Benson, n.d. DOC 1351: Alexander MacLeay, Colonial Secretary, Sydney, N.S.W. 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Story DX 19: Francis Cotton and Family Papers DX 20: Joseph Benson Mather Correspondence M 10: Papers of Robert and Ann Mather M 19: Mather Papers R 7: Robey and Mather Papers S 1: Society of Friends. Records of Hobart Regional Meeting A/1 Minute Books Hobart Monthly Meetings (20 Sept. 1833–3 Dec. 1857) Vol. 1 (1833–1835) Vol. 2 (1836–1838) Vol. 3 (1839–1841) Vol. 4 (1842–1844) A/2 Duplicate Minutes – Kelvedon (1833–1851) Vol. 1 (1833–1848) Vol. 2 (4 May 1848–16 Nov. 1851) A/3 Launceston Monthly Meeting Minutes (1844–1851) A/4 Records of Hobart Regional Meeting, Annual Meetings (1834–1902) Vol. 1 (1834–1861) C/3 Third Meeting House, Hobart C/5 Hobart Burial Ground C/6 Launceston Burial Ground W 7: George Washington Walker Papers W 9: Walker Family Papers TAsMANIAN ARChIVEs AND HERITAGE OffICE (TAHO) CENsUs COMMIssION (CEN) 1: Householders’ Census Returns for various Districts, Arranged by Parishes (1 Jan. 1842–31 Dec. 1857) COlONIAl SECRETARY’s OffICE (CSO) 1: General Correspondence (1 Jan. 1824–31 Dec. 1836) BIBLIOGRAPHY 335 22: Correspondence, “Legal Branch” (1 Jan. 1841–31 Dec. 1847) 24: General Correspondence (1 Jan. 1847–31 Dec. 1855) 50: Draft and Duplicate Copies of the Annual Official, Financial and Statistical Reports (1 Jan. 1822–31 Dec. 1855) CONVICT DEpARTMENT (CON) 15: Indents of Female Convicts (9 May 1831–24 Feb. 1853) 18: Description Lists of Male Convicts (1 Jan. 1828–31 Dec. 1853) 19: Description List of Female Convicts (1 Oct. 1828–31 Dec. 1853) 23: Alphabetical Registers of Male Convicts (1 Jan. 1804–30 Jun. 1840) 27: Appropriation Lists of Convicts (1 Jan. 1822–31 Dec. 1846) 31: Conduct Registers of Male Convicts Arriving in the Period of the Assignment System (1 Jan. 1803–31 Dec. 1843) 41: Conduct Registers of Female Convicts Arriving in the Period of the Probation System (1 Jan. 1844–31 Dec. 1853) 52: Registers of Application for Permission to Marry (1 Jan. 1834–31 Dec. 1858) CUsTOMs DEpARTMENT (CUS) 30: Registers of Ships’ Arrivals with Lists of Passengers (1 Jan. 1830–31 Oct. 1833) LANDs AND SURVEYs DEpARTMENT (LSD) 1: General Correspondence, Series A, B and Other, Lands and Survey Department LAUNCEsTON POlICE (POL) 458: Register of Vessels Departing from Launceston with Lists of Passengers and Crew (26 Dec. 1833–24 Oct. 1837) REGIsTRAR-GENERAl’s DEpARTMENT (RGD) 32: Registers of Baptisms in Tasmania (1 Jan. 1803–31 Dec. 1933) 35: Registers of Hobart Deaths and Launceston and Country Districts Deaths (1 Jan. 1838–31 Dec. 1899) 37: Registers of Marriages (all Districts) (1 Jan. 1839–31 Dec. 1899) 336 BIBLIOGRAPHY CROWThER LIBRARY GEORGE FORDYCE STORY – PERsONAl AND PROfEssIONAl RECORDs CRO 25/1/8: Botanical Specimens Collected by George F. Story, East Coast, 1 Jan 1860 CRO 25/1/13: Correspondence with George French Angas Concerning a Collection of Shells Sent by Dr. Story to the Australian Museum, Sydney, in 1855 CRO 25/1/14: Papers relating to Dr Story’s career in Van Diemen’s Land and copied extracts from his journal in the possession of Dr. G. M. Barker, Bellerive [Application for increase in salary. 1837–39; Reply to Edmund Hodgson re use of alcohol, 1837–39] CRO 25/1/16: Letters to Dr Crowther from W J Cotton, 13/1/1942 and 13/11/1941. Includes Two Photographs – Kelvedon Showing Old Bridge and Lagoon in Flood, c.1850, – Maori Relics Collected by Dr Downie, c.1850. CRO 25/1/18: Meteorological Tables Notebook Recorded by Dr Story at Kelvedon (Swansea), 1 Apr 1863–30 Sept 1863 PUBlIshED PRIMARY SOURCEs BOOKs AND PAMphlETs Aborigines Protection Society. 1838. First Annual Report: Presented at the Meeting in Exeter Hall, May 16th, 1838. London: P. White & Son. ———. 1839a. 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The Question, “Are Judicial Oaths Lawful?”: Answered with Some Observations on the Moral Influence of Judicial Oaths. Sydney: Printed at the Colonist Office. ———. 1838a. Extracts from the Letters of James Backhouse. Now Engaged in a Religious Visit to Van Diemen’s Land and New South Wales, Accompanied by George Washington Walker. First Part. London: Harvey & Darton. ———. 1838b. Extracts from the Letters of James Backhouse. Now Engaged in a Religious Visit to Van Diemen’s Land and New South Wales, Accompanied by George Washington Walker. Second Part. London: Harvey & Darton. ———. 1838c. Extracts from the Letters of James Backhouse. Now Engaged in a Religious Visit to Van Diemen’s Land and New South Wales, Accompanied by George Washington Walker. Third Part. London: Harvey & Darton. ———. 1838d. Extracts from the Letters of James Backhouse. Now Engaged in a Religious Visit to Van Diemen’s Land and New South Wales, Accompanied by George Washington Walker. Fourth Part. 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