Occult Review

Occult Review

J Y V M P T A The Occult Review (UK Edn) 1905-48 (incorporating ‘The London Forum’ Sept 1933 to April 1938) London, Ralph Shirley OccRev y1905 v1 January - [See also Occult Review (Foreign Edn.) 1907-1932 in which each issue is dated one month later than the UK Edn. -- and the page numbers are adjusted accordingly.] OccRev y1905 v1 January - [From Sept. 1933 to Oct. 1935 titled: ‘The London Forum (Incorporating “The Occult Review”)’] -- OccRev y1905 v1 January - [From Jan. 1936 to April 1938 titled: ‘The Occult Review (Incorporating the “London Forum”)’] -- OccRev y1905 v1 January p1 - Notes of the Month -- ed OccRev y1905 v1 January p7 - The Soul’s Future -- David Christie Murray OccRev y1905 v1 January p13 - A Commercial View of the Occult -- FCS Schiller OccRev y1905 v1 January p19 - Occultism in France -- G Fabius de Champville OccRev y1905 v1 January p24 - The New God -- Cultor Veritatis OccRev y1905 v1 January p29 - The Life of the Mystic -- AE Waite OccRev y1905 v1 January p35 - Ancient Beliefs and Modern Notions -- W Gorn Old OccRev y1905 v1 January p42 - The Conflict between Scientific and Religious Thought -- WL Wilmshurst OccRev y1905 v1 February p49 - Editorial -- ed OccRev y1905 v1 February p51 - Some Phases of Hypnotism -- Charles Lloyd Tuckey OccRev y1905 v1 February p58 - Tennyson as a Mystic -- Robert Calignoc OccRev y1905 v1 February p68 - Experiences of a Seer (1) -- KE Henry-Anderson OccRev y1905 v1 February p75 - The Gnostic Revival -- CG Harrison OccRev y1905 v1 February p82 - Stellar Influence in Human Life -- W Gorn Old OccRev y1905 v1 February p87 - The Development of the Conflict between Scientific and Religious Thought -- WL Wilmshurst OccRev y1905 v1 February p98 - Reviews -- anon OccRev y1905 v1 February p102 - Correspondence -- anon OccRev y1905 v1 March p105 - Editorial -- ed OccRev y1905 v1 March p107 - Some Experiments in Hypnotism -- Bernard Hollander OccRev y1905 v1 March p113 - Merionethshire Mysteries (1) -- Beriah G Evans OccRev y1905 v1 March p121 - Vibrations -- Franz Hartmann OccRev y1905 v1 March p125 - Some Thoughts on Occult Physical Phenomena -- Edward T Bennett OccRev y1905 v1 March p129 - A College Ghost -- anon OccRev y1905 v1 March p134 - Experiences of a Seer (2) -- KE Henry-Anderson OccRev y1905 v1 March p140 - New View of Astro-Physics -- W Gorn Old OccRev y1905 v1 March p146 - The Development of the Conflict -- WL Wilmshurst OccRev y1905 v1 March p151 - Reviews -- anon OccRev y1905 v1 March p158 - Correspondence -- anon OccRev y1905 v1 April p159 - Editorial -- ed OccRev y1905 v1 April p161 - Recent Hauntings -- Andrew Lang OccRev y1905 v1 April p168 - The Subliminal Mind -- Lane Fox-Pitt OccRev y1905 v1 April p171 - World-Memory and Pre-Existence -- Mrs Campbell Praed OccRev y1905 v1 April p179 - Marionethshire Mysteries (2) -- Beriah G Evans OccRev y1905 v1 April p187 - A Criticism of Telepathy -- CW Saleeby OccRev y1905 v1 April p192 - Astrology in Shakespeare (1) -- Robert Calignoc OccRev y1905 v1 April p202 - The Development of the Conflict -- WL Wilmshurst OccRev y1905 v1 April p207 - Reviews -- anon OccRev y1905 v1 May p213 - Notes of the Month -- ed OccRev y1905 v1 May p215 - The Ego -- David Christie Murray OccRev y1905 v1 May p220 - Astrology in Shakespeare (2) -- Robert Calignoc OccRev y1905 v1 May p226 - The Palazzo C -- AGA OccRev y1905 v1 May p233 - Occultism in France -- G Fabius de Champville OccRev y1905 v1 May p238 - Occult Medicine -- EW Berridge OccRev y1905 v1 May p241 - Some Experiences of the Supernormal -- Alice Isaacson OccRev y1905 v1 May p248 - The Development of the Conflict -- WL Wilmshurst OccRev y1905 v1 May p259 - Reviews -- anon OccRev y1905 v1 June p267 - Notes of the Month -- ed OccRev y1905 v1 June p275 - The Occult in the Nearer East (1) -- A Goodrich Freer (Mrs Spoer) OccRev y1905 v1 June p282 - Mind as Unknowable -- CW Saleeby OccRev y1905 v1 June p287 - Marionethshire Mysteries (3) -- Beriah G Evans OccRev y1905 v1 June p296 - Astrology in Shakespeare (3) -- Robert Calignoc OccRev y1905 v1 June p303 - Religion and Science - The Development of the Conflict -- WL Wilmshurst OccRev y1905 v1 June p307 - Reviews -- anon OccRev y1905 v2 July p1 - Notes of the Month -- ed OccRev y1905 v2 July p8 - My Occult Experiences -- Nora Chesson OccRev y1905 v2 July p12 - Automatic Romance -- M Bramston OccRev y1905 v2 July p26 - On the Great Earthquake in India -- AJ Pearce OccRev y1905 v2 July p29 - The Evidence for Ghosts -- Alfred Fellows OccRev y1905 v2 July p34 - The Occult in the Nearer East (2) -- A Goodrich Freer OccRev y1905 v2 July p40 - Reviews and Correspondence -- anon OccRev y1905 v2 August p55 - Self -- St George Lane Fox-Pitt OccRev y1905 v2 August p59 - The Only Wisdom (1) -- Lady Archibald Campbell OccRev y1905 v2 August p68 - Mind and Life -- CW Saleeby OccRev y1905 v2 August p73 - Last Hours of a Mediaeval Occultist -- Isabelle de Steiger OccRev y1905 v2 August p80 - Ex Oriente Lux -- H Hensoldt OccRev y1905 v2 August p86 - Psychic Records -- anon OccRev y1905 v2 August p90 - Reviews and Correspondence -- anon OccRev y1905 v2 September p109 - An Important Question in Psychic Research -- JH Hyslop OccRev y1905 v2 September p124 - A Strange Tale -- GEM OccRev y1905 v2 September p128 - Space and Super-Space -- CG Harrison OccRev y1905 v2 September p135 - A Dream Problem -- Veraz OccRev y1905 v2 September p140 - A Lovers’ Tryst -- AGA OccRev y1905 v2 September p143 - The Occult in the Nearer East (3) -- Hans H Spoer OccRev y1905 v2 September p152 - The Potency of Hypnotism -- JM Peebles OccRev y1905 v2 September p157 - Reviews and Correspondence -- anon OccRev y1905 v2 October p165 - Notes of the Month -- ed OccRev y1905 v2 October p168 - The Occult and the Law -- Alfred Fellows OccRev y1905 v2 October p177 - Hypnotism Old and New -- AJ Lambert OccRev y1905 v2 October p183 - Lesser Mysteries of the Life of Life -- AE Waite OccRev y1905 v2 October p193 - Psychic Records -- anon OccRev y1905 v2 October p199 - The Occult in the Nearer East (4) -- A Goodrich Freer OccRev y1905 v2 October p205 - Reviews and Correspondence -- anon OccRev y1905 v2 November p219 - Notes of the Month -- ed OccRev y1905 v2 November p223 - A Javanese Poltergeist -- Northcote W Thomas OccRev y1905 v2 November p229 - George Macdonald, Seer and Poet -- Nora Chesson OccRev y1905 v2 November p230 - The Only Wisdom (2) -- Lady Archibald Campbell OccRev y1905 v2 November p240 - Death as a Psychic Experience -- Mabel Collins OccRev y1905 v2 November p250 - The Occult in the Nearer East (6) -- A Goodrich Freer (Mrs Hans Spoer) OccRev y1905 v2 November p263 - Reviews and Correspondence -- anon OccRev y1905 v2 December p273 - Notes of the Month -- ed OccRev y1905 v2 December p279 - Among the Adepts and Mystics of Hindostan -- H Hensoldt OccRev y1905 v2 December p290 - Reviews and Correspondence -- anon OccRev y1906 v3 January p1 - Notes of the Month (review - Enigmas of Psychical Research by JH Hyslop) -- The Editor OccRev y1906 v3 January p7 - Witchcraft in Literature -- GA Sinclair OccRev y1906 v3 January p17 - Second Death (vf) -- WH Chesson OccRev y1906 v3 January p19 - Haunted Houses -- EHB OccRev y1906 v3 January p24 - Another Dream Problem -- Nora Alexander OccRev y1906 v3 January p31 - The Occult Madonna (vf) -- JC Powys OccRev y1906 v3 January p32 - Hypnotic Sight -- Edwin J Ellis OccRev y1906 v3 January p41 - review - The Black Spaniel by R Hichens -- Nora Chesson OccRev y1906 v3 January p41 - review - The Beetle by Richard Marsh -- Nora Chesson OccRev y1906 v3 January p43 - review - The Scientific Temper in Religion by PN Waggett -­ Scrutator OccRev y1906 v3 January p45 - review - Crystal Gazing by Northcote W Thomas -- Scrutator OccRev y1906 v3 January p47 - review - Divine Basis of Society by Robert S Gilliard -­ Scrutator OccRev y1906 v3 January p48 - review - Sri Brahma Dhara by Sri Agamya Guru Pramahamsa -- Scrutator OccRev y1906 v3 January p49 - review - A Catechism of Hinduism by Sris Chandra Vasu -­ Scrutator OccRev y1906 v3 January p51 - Ltte - re Saleeby on telepathy -- Alfred O. Fair OccRev y1906 v3 January p53 - Ltte - psychic experiences -- JA Roberts OccRev y1906 v3 February p55 - Notes of the Month -- The Editor OccRev y1906 v3 February p60 - Gwenhidwy (vf) -- Nora Chesson OccRev y1906 v3 February p61 - Professional Astrology in Ancient Rome -- Robert Calignoc OccRev y1906 v3 February p70 - Cards: A Theory -- M Bramston OccRev y1906 v3 February p75 - The Only Wisdom (3) -- Lady Archibald Campbell OccRev y1906 v3 February p82 - Some Glimpses of the Unseen (1) -- Reginald B Span OccRev y1906 v3 February p88 - Dreams -- Nora Alexander OccRev y1906 v3 February p98 - review - The Dark Night of the Soul by Juan de la Crux -- AE Waite OccRev y1906 v3 February p101 - review - My Little Book of Prayer by Muriel Strode -- anon OccRev y1906 v3 February p102 - review - Hypnotism & Hypnotic Suggestion ed by E Virgil Neal -- Scrutator OccRev y1906 v3 February p103 - Ltte - -- H Algernon Coluile OccRev y1906 v3 February p103 - Ltte - -- George Wheatley OccRev y1906 v3 February p104 - Ltte - -- Blanca Unorna OccRev y1906 v3 February p105 - Ltte — anon OccRev y1906 v3 February p105 - Ltte - -- Robert Calignoc OccRev y1906 v3 February p106 - Ltte - -- FEB OccRev y1906 v3 February p108 - Ltte — SEG OccRev y1906 v3 March p109 - Notes of the Month -- The Editor OccRev y1906 v3 March p116 - Dr Richard Hodgson - A Record (1855-1906) -- anon OccRev y1906 v3 March p118 - A Strange Story of Mid-Ocean Visits -- Captain Peter Johansen OccRev y1906 v3 March p125 - Ltte - re Captain Johansen -- C Hubert Birchall OccRev y1906 v3 March p126 - Keats the Mystic (1) -- EJ Ellis OccRev y1906 v3 March p133 - The Danger of “Experimenting in Occultism” -- Franz Hartmann OccRev y1906 v3 March p136 - Miss Piper & Her Controls -- E Katharine Bates OccRev y1906 v3 March p144 - Psychic Records - A Phantom Monk -- AHM OccRev y1906 v3 March p145 - A Singular Case of Telepathy -- KE Henry-Anderson OccRev y1906 v3 March p148 - review - The First Mrs Mollivar by Mrs Israel Zangwill -- Nora Chesson OccRev y1906 v3 March p149 - review - The Mystery of Death by A.

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