CATHOLIC I.Q. | Quizzes for Fun and Learning Sacramental 7 Jesus continues to forgive, Celebrations heal, and spiritually feed Catholics today through the Test your knowledge of the Christian mysteries . DAVID O’BRIEN a) Old Testament b) funerals c) Catechism d) sacraments This quiz can help you, your students, and your students’ families review what you know about our Catholic faith, especially the seven sacraments. Check your an- 8 Oil used for anointing at swers against the answer key on page 3. Confirmation and Baptism is called . a) perfumed oil b) chrism c) canola 1 The Eucharist we receive at 4 is one of the Mass is the body, blood, soul, patron saints of first oil d) spikenard and of Christ. communicants. 9 Deacons, priests, and a) divinity b) will c) miracles a) Blaise b) Imelda Lambertini bishops receive the sacra- resurrection Catherine of Siena Elizabeth of d) c) d) ment of to serve the Hungary Although there are Church with God’s power. 2 a) Holy Orders b) Matrimony sacraments, most 5 Jesus said, “Do this Catholics may only receive six of me” at the Last c) preaching d) leadership in their lifetimes. Supper when he celebrated the The Mass has two main first Mass. 10 a) eight b) three c) 12 d) seven parts: the Liturgy of the in imitation in fear instead a) b) c) and the Liturgy of the After the Mass, the conse- d) in memory 3 Eucharist. crated hosts are placed inside the . Marriage is a sacrament of a) Music b) Word c) Homily 6 d) Adults a) sacristy b) rectory c) tabernacle vocation. d) cathedral True | False 11 The Church teaches that Catholics should go to Mass on Sundays. True | False 12 The sacrament of fills us with the gifts of the Holy Spirit just like the disciples experienced at Pentecost. a) Confirmation b) Penance c) Anointing of the Sick d) Holy Orders 13 The candles we light at Mass during Advent remind us that is the light of the world. a) the inventor of Fortnite b) the president c) the Blessed Mother d) Jesus SHUTT2016/SHUTTERSTOCK BAUER/SHUTTERSTOCK, NANCY T-B): (L-R, PHOTOS 1 Catechist November/December 2018 Permission is granted to copy for use with your classes and families. Catholic I.Q. | David O’Brien a) when you are open and ready b) at 14 at Mass is an bread and wine into Christ’s ancient way to praise and body and blood. birth c) when you are old enough worship God as a community. a) consecration b) homily c) Gospel d) next Christmas a) Sleeping b) Eating c) Playing d) Sign of Peace d) Singing 19 “Holy, holy, holy, Lord God 17 If you commit a mortal sin, of .” The bread and wine only you should . 15 a) a galaxy far, far away b) the Milky change into Christ’s body a) blame someone else Way c) hosts d) Hogwarts and blood if you believe it does. b) go to Confession c) avoid getting caught d) pretend you didn’t do it True | False 20 The priests always wear the 18 If God calls you to a voca- same clothes with the same At Mass, the 16 tion, you will know and colors at Mass all year. begins when the priest asks respond . the Holy Spirit to transform the True | False Kids’ quiz Seven Helps for Heaven This quiz can help your students review what they know about the sacraments. Check answers with the answer key on page 3. 2 The main symbol of 7 After receiving Communion Baptism is , which we say, “ .” is used to wash away our sins. a) And with your spirit b) Amen a) water b) fire c) bread d) a big c) Good-bye d) Thanks party 8 The special cup the priest 3 Children can receive their uses at the altar to hold the first Communion at the age blood of Christ is called a of reason, which is . years old. a) chalice b) holy grail c) goblet a) 12 b) 18 c) 21 d) 7 d) sippy cup The season of Advent 4 The priest will think you are 9 a bad person when you tell prepares us for Christmas, him your sins during Penance. which is . True | False a) Santa’s birthday b) Jesus’ Baptism c) the day Jesus rose from the dead Jesus’ birthday 5 The place where we can be d) closest to Jesus is at . 10 God only calls perfect boys a) Disney b) school c) Mass d) the and girls to be priests or beach religious sisters and brothers. True | False The first sacrament every 1 6 A person becomes a Christian receives is Christian when he/she is . DAVID O’BRIEN teaches theology at St. a) Eucharist b) Baptism a) no longer tempted to sin b) born Leo University in Florida and is the author c) Confirmation d) Anointing of the c) baptized d) ordained of There’s a Beer in My Handbag: Unusual Sick Thoughts about Everyday Faith. Permission is granted to copy for use with your classes and families. Catechist.com 2 Catholic I.Q | David O’Brien ANSWERS TO Catholic I.Q. 10. b) The Liturgy of the Word includes read- 20. False. Their vestments change with from pages 18 and 19 ings from the Old and New Testaments, the the liturgical seasons and feasts: purple during homily, and the intercessions (see CCC, 1349). Advent and Lent; white during the Christmas 1. a) Jesus was the divine son of God, “God 11. True. The first precept of the Church and Easter seasons; green in Ordinary Time; from God, light from light, true God from true states: “You shall attend Mass on Sundays and and red for feasts related to martyrs, the Holy God, begotten not made,” as we say in the holy days of obligation and rest from servile Spirit, or the cross. Nicene Creed (see Catechism of the Catholic labor.” (See CCC, 2042.) Church, 469). 12. a) “Confirmation gives us a special Kids’ Quiz 2. d) The seven sacraments are Baptism, strength of the Holy Spirit to spread and de- Penance, Eucharist, Confirmation, Matrimony, fend the faith by word and action as true wit- 1. b) Our lives as disciples of Jesus begin with Holy Orders, and Anointing of the Sick. nesses of Christ, to confess the name of Christ this first sacrament. Normally priests don’t get married, and mar- boldly, and never to be ashamed of the Cross” ried people don’t become priests. 2. a) The baptismal waters wash us clean of (CCC, 1303). original sin. For those baptized when older, all 3. c) Consecrated hosts in the tabernacle 13. d) Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. personal sins are also forgiven. are taken to the sick who cannot attend Mass. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, Catholics often pray in front of the tabernacle but will have the light of life” (John 8:12). 3. d) At the age of reason, a child can tell the because Jesus is there. 14. d) After crossing the Red Sea, Moses and difference between ordinary bread and wine 4. b) Pope Pius X changed the age for First the Israelites sang praises to God (see Exodus and the consecrated body and blood of Christ Communion, in part, because of Blessed 15:1) and King David wrote the psalms as at Mass. Imelda, who fervently desired Communion songs to God. Mass songs are often verses in 4. False. Priests represent Jesus during before she was old enough. As she prayed in the Bible. Penance, and Jesus loves and forgives us. He front of the tabernacle one day, Jesus (in the 15. False. If a person doubts Christ’s pres- is always happy we come to Penance and are Eucharist) left the tabernacle and floated over ence in the Eucharist, his/her lack of belief does sorry for our sins. her head. The priest took the host and gave not impact what happens during Mass at the her Communion. altar. Christ is the one changing the bread/ 5. c) Jesus is everywhere, but his physi- 5. d) All over the world, Mass is celebrated in wine into his body/blood. And it is the univer- cal body and blood are truly present at Mass the Catholic Church every day to honor Jesus’ sal belief of the Church that what Christ spoke where we receive him into our bodies at Holy request. about the Eucharist actually happens at every Communion. Mass. (See CCC, 1375.) 6. True. Matrimony calls a couple to holi- 6. c) Our initiation into the Catholic commu- ness and service, primarily through their self- 16. a) “Under the consecrated species of nity begins with Baptism and is completed at less and generous love for each other and their bread and wine Christ himself, living and glo- our First Communion and Confirmation. children. rious, is present in a true, real, and substantial 7. d) In Penance, Jesus forgives our sins. In manner” (CCC, 1413). 7. b) Amen means “so be it” or “I believe,” the Anointing of the Sick, Jesus heals the sick. 17. b) A mortal sin cuts us off from God. which indicates that we know we are receiv- In the Eucharist, Jesus feeds us with his body Penance restores that relationship. “A person ing Jesus. and blood. who is conscious of a grave sin is not to … re- 8. a) According to Church law, the chalice 8. b) Chrism oil is used for anointing at ceive the body of the Lord without prior sacra- must be made from a precious metal such as Baptism and Confirmation.
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