(OfKital. .UHei PVBLZIED DAILr under orde:- of THE PRESIDENT of THE UNITED STATES by COMMITTEE on PUBLIC INFORMATION GEORGE CREEL, CfaIrman * * COMPLETE Record of U. X. GOVERNMENT Activities VOL. 2 WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1918. No. 497 PRESIDENT WILSON GUEST ATTEMPT TO KILL SEMENOFF EXPLAINS DIFFERENCE BETWEEN OF THE BRITISH NATION; IS REPORTED FROM OMSK WAR-RISK "INSURANCE" AND Acting Secretary of Stale Phillips an- "COMPENSATION" AS BENEFITS MET AT RAILWAY STATION nounced to-day that an indirect report from Omsk, dated December 24, says an STATEMENT BY SECRETARY GLASS attempt was made to kill Semenoff in BY THE KING AND QUEEN Chita, the would-be assassin throwing a hand grenade. Semenoff was not seri- Not Necessary to Prove Dependency ously wounded. A small Bolshevik up- LONDON CROWDS CHEER rising occurred in a town near Omsk. To Collect Insurance, as Some ATBUCKINGHAM PALACE There have been small disturbances at Have ErroneouslySupposed, but Is Krasnoyarsk and other points, but there is no other news of general interest re- Required in Compensation Cases. Escorted by Warships Across garding the Bolshevist activities in Si- beria. Statement by Secretary Glass: The Channel and by Guard The main guards of the' Bolshevik Considerable confusion and much mis- Of Honor Through Lon- army in Russia, according to informa- understanding seems to prevail among the tion reaching the department from Bu- relatives and beneficiaries of men in the don Streets-Appears on charest, consist of Austrian and Hun- military and naval service as to their garian war prisoners, 50,000 men from rights under the war risk insurance act. Palace Balcony With Mrs. the Baltic provinces, and about 40,000 Many mothers and fathers named as bene- Wilson and King and Chinese workmen, the rest comprising fliciaries of the Government insurance more than 500,000 Russians forced to applied for by their sons have gained Queen and Thanks People join the Bolsheviks through fear of their the impression that they must prove de- lives and lack of food. Food is very searce pendency in order to receive payments For Welcome. in Moscow, and even the Bolshevist army of insurance. This is an entirely erron- is feeling this scarcity of supplies. There eous impression, probably due to a con- President and Mrs. Wilson arrived in are fears that the Bolsheviks will cap- fusion of the insurance and compensation London, England, yesterday from France, ture Odessa and Kief. provisions of the act of Congress of Oc- to be the guests of the King and Queen tober 6, 1917, and to a mistaken assump- at Buckingham Palace for a few days. tion that the terms " insurance " and The President's party was met at the Chinese Envoy to Paris " compensation " are used interchauge- Charing Cross station by the King awl Wires Christmas Greeting ably, whereas they represent two entirely Queen, the Princess Mary, the prime separate and distinct benefits. minister, several members of the war To Secretary of State cabinet, and a number of the principal The Difference Explained. military and naval officers of the empire. A Christmas greeting has been received Insurance is payable regardless of any After the introductions had been made by the State Department from the minis- dependency and a beneficiary designated and greetings exchanged the King and ter for foreign affairs of China, now on in an application for Government insur- the President inspected the guard of his way across the United States to the ance, if within the permitted class of honor. The party then entered state Paris Peace Conference. Addressing the spouse, child, grandchild, parent, brother, carriages and was driven to Buckingham Secretary of State, the Chinese foreign or sister, is entitled to reei-ve the insur- Palace, the King, President Wilson, and minister telegraphed from Montana: ance in monthly installments. without the Duke of Connaught, who had met the " Spending the Christmas holidays on the proving any dependency upon the in- President's party at Dover, riding in the very hospitable soil of the United States sured. first carriage and the Queen, Mrs. Wilson, of America, I am delighted to avail my- "Compensation ", however, which is and Princess Mary in the second. self of that happy coincidence to offer to separate and apart from insurance and Party Appears on Balcony. your excellency my warmest felicitations takes the place of the pensions provided and also the most sincere wishes for your under the old pension system is payable After the arrival at Buckingham iPai- personal happiness and the prosperity of only to a wife, child, dependent mother ace, in response to the cheers from the the American Nation." or dependent father of a man who is dis- crowd without, the President and Mrs. He added that lie took this opportunity abled or dies as a result of injury suf- Wilson, accompanied by the King, Queen, to address to the American Republic " the fered or disease contracted in the line of Princess Mary, and the Duke of Con- duty while employed in the active service. naught, appeared on the balcony, and the fraternal greetings of her younger sister, the Chinese Republic." Compensation may he payable in addition President thanked the citizens of Lon- to insurance, but a mother or father must don for their wvelcome. ON TELEPHONE COMMTTEE. prove actual dependency in order to re- The President's party crossed the ceive monthly payments of compensation, Straits of Dover on a steamer, four Poltmaster General Burleson has ap- although they will receive the insurance French crisers accompanying the ship pointed Prof. A. N. Holcombe, of Harvard in monthly installments if named as the to the middle of the straits, where six University and the united States Bureau beneliciary thereof whether they are de- British warships relieved them and es- of Efficiency, to serve on the coimaittee, pendent or not. corted the President to Dover, where the of which David J. lewis is chairman, to mayor of the city, the Duke of Con- consider standardizing the rate scehodules Payment of Compensation. naught, and American ambassador n-ere of telephone service. The other members -No dependency need be shown by any waiting to receive him. The mayor of of the committee are Harry B. Thayer, heneficiary in order to receive the Gov- Dover read an address of nelcome, to vice presilent American Telephone & ernment insurance, but a mother or which the President replied as follows: Telegraph Co.; Charles Y. McYey, presi- father must prove actual dependency " Mr. Mayor: You have certainly ex- (lent Ohio State Telephone Co.; and Noah upon their deceased son for the neces- tended to me and to those vho are ac- W. Simpson, Missouri Public Service Faries of life in order to receive the addi- (Continued on page 2.) Commission. tional payment of compensation. 2 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1918. BLANKET LICENSE FOR EXPORT TOTAL VALUES OF NOVEMBER IMPORTS TO ALSACE AND LORRAINE GIVEN BY WORLD GRAND DIVISIONS War Trade Board Also Announces Total values of merchandise imported sponding periods of the preceding year, Broadening Trade Program from each of the grand divisions during are made public by the Bureau of For- November and the eleven months ended eign and Domestic Commerce, Depart- With Many European November, 1918, compared with corre- ment of Commerce, as follows: Nations. Month of November- Eleven months ended with Signal consideration to Alsace and Lor- November- raine, the lost Provinces which France has wrested again from Germany, and 1918 1917 1918 1917 a rapidly broadening trade program with many nations are announced by Vance Imports from: McCormick, Chairman of the War Trade Grand divisions- Dollars. Dollars. 2Dollars. Dollars. Board. It was ordered by the board that F1rurtIOp e ra .................................... 20,417,981 34,030,282 292453,509 910,9527,27S goods may be shipped to these two Prov- North America ..................... ....... 78,536,207 70,876,80S 910,614,813 915,461,39 inces under a blanket export license al- 59,028, 372 5659583,179 949,163, 908 Asia ......................................... 61,761,678 804793,768 696,094,959 ready granted to France. Attention was Oceai a............................... ....... 20,341,638 14,020, 541 165,370,066 86,428,392 called to the fact that the French Govern- Africa........................................ 10,738,251 3,273,181 81,240,861 66,880,542 ment is requiring import certificates on Total...................................... 251,008,037 220,534,550 all shipments to this territory. 2,820,326,193 2,724,556,458 Wide Range of New Order. The general resumption of trade rela- 2,000 YOUNG MEN ARE WANTED PRESIDENT WILSON THE GUEST tions, as now in prospect, reaches coun- tries from the Arctic Ocean to the Tropics, TO TRAIN FOR MERCHANT SHIPS OF BRITISH KING AND QUEEN Resumption of private trade with Fin- land, under adequate control, is under Two thousand young Americans are (Continued from page 1.) immediate consideration it was stated. needed at once to train for service in the The precise form of this control with the United States merchant marine, it is an- companying me a very cordial and gra- purpose of preventing exportations from nounced by the Shipping Board. Because cious hand of welcome. Even the sea was kind to us this morning and gave us falling into improper hands has not been of the rapid delivery of cargo vessels, a determined. It was learned that a possi- which are now to be manned exclusively very pleasant passage so that it tallied ble procedure under consideration was by merchant crews, there is an unusual perfectly with our expectations of the that consuls of the associated govern- demand for men to be trained, which must pleasure we should have in landing in ments at Helsingfors form themselves be met within a few weeks.
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