Downloaded From:http://iasexamportal.com BOOKLET NO. Jl-Fqkm-I vplam: 100 Downloaded From:http://iasexamportal.com Downloaded From:http://iasexamportal.com 2 d /SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK Downloaded From:http://iasexamportal.com Downloaded From:http://iasexamportal.com (3) m* m (1) $FiP4 Name the President of the Naticlnal Congress wlw \\,as known as "Englishman from top to toe". (1) George Yule (2) W;;omesh Chandra Bannerjee (3) Dadabhai Naoroji (1) Surenclranath Bannerjee 2. ~19424~~%F?~e~m~~~mm~~~~~~ mh?tda? (I) w3ii & g'il (2) dvrn (3) +h%* (4) rjm * m Name the Chinese Leacler who puhlicly expressed sympathv ior India's aspir,ltions for freedom during his visit to India in February 1942 ? (1) Mao Tse Tung (Mao Zedong) (2) Chou En Lai (3) Chiang Kai Shek (4) Yuan Shi Kai 3. *faemia+Td**&' (a) ~TTGTWTI&*+~?~~. (b) 3rn?rmr&3~3T"mms~h. (c) ~~~crrmw- (1) (2) q.3. mk (3) -~.7i.a+l (4) mfq8 %mGm Who is ~iescrihedin the foliowing statements ? (a) He w,is ;1 government employee in the Judicial Service. (b) He was very vocal against the fauIts of the British regime. (c) He warnecl the British in these ~vorcls- ,, If you try to impose any legislation on us, against our wishes, we will unite and ask you to quit" Answer options : (1) Lokahitrvacli (2) h'1.G. Ranade (3) K.1.. Telang (4) Justice Chandavarkar &3TT /SPACE FOR ROUGH \YOI<K Downloaded From:http://iasexamportal.com Downloaded From:http://iasexamportal.com 4. $m+mkitM~4irmiqmMm. (4 (b) *fG5ew&tf%ym (c) *m+m (d) *T@&+l W4M37it: (1) @ a)(1 (1 (2) (1(1 (1 (4 (3) (1c) a) (4 (4) (b), (c), (4, (4 Arrange the following organizations in the chronological order of their establishment. (a) Bombav Postal Union (b) Bombay Mill Hands Association (c) All India Trade Union (d) Social Service League Answer options : (1) (1a) (1 (4 (2) b)(1 a) (1 (3) b)c) (4 (4 (4) @)8 (c), (4, (a) (a) (d) mmM were the factors responsible for the failure of Prarthana Samaj (a) Leadership at the hands of higher middle class @) Lack of contact with the common people (c) Difference of opinion among promoters (d) Contradiction in the thoughts and deeds Answer options : (1) (4, (b) only (2) (a), (h), (c) only (3) (b), (4, (4only (4) (4, (b), (c), (4 TV/SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK Downloaded From:http://iasexamportal.com Downloaded From:http://iasexamportal.com 6. m&T?ideiZ?.~~~k%$&? : ,~.,7. c (a) rn 3 * (h) ~$zTI~~~ (c) Fl**f@W (d) ~~fkhft3m~ m3&: (1) (a) - (2) (a) i?(b) '+?+3 (3) (4, (b) diJl (c) = (4) (4,(b)r (c), (4 Wh~chof the following hooks are written by Dr. Annie Besant ? (a) India a Nation (b) How India Brought us Freedom (c) In defence of Hinduism (ci) CiviI and Religious Liberh Answer options : (1) (a) only (2) (a) and (b) only (3) (a). @) and (c) only (4) (41 (4, (4 (a) **+ (b) 3f.m @sF@f#2 (c) 337-3* (d) lg *em m*: (1) (a) = (2) (4, (b) = (3) (a), (b), (c) (4) (4, (h)! (41 (4 Which books of Thomas Paine had influenced Mahatma Phule ? (a) Rights of Man (bj Justice and Humanity (c) Common Sense (d) Age of Reason Answer options : (1) (a) only (2) (a), (b! onIy (3) (a), (b), (c) only (4) (4, (4, (4 d 3PlT /SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK P.T.O. Downloaded From:http://iasexamportal.com Downloaded From:http://iasexamportal.com (a) ~~%RTW~Z%TETK~-~~~?RIT~~~&~. (b) ~~~?-~r(~~l~r(lT@'TFl~$h. (3) W (a) (b) KT *. (4) W (b) 3TlfoT (c) W *. Which of the following statements are true ? (a) Pandit Taranath was the first to propagate the Khilafat Movement in Hyderabad state. (b) The Khilafat Movement affected the Muslims in Marathwada (c) The Nizam of Hyderabad had issued prohibitory orders on holding meetings. Answer options : (1) No statement is true. (2) All statements are true. (3) Only (a) and (b) are true. (4) Only (b) and (c) are true. , the member of the Constituent Assembly belonged to the Munda tribe, went to study at Oxford and became the captain of the Indian Hockey team that won the Olympic Gold MedaI in 1928. (1) Jaipal Singh (2) Mahavir Tyagi (3) R.K. Chaudhari (4) B. Pocker Bahadur - v & /SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK Downloaded From:http://iasexamportal.com Downloaded From:http://iasexamportal.com lo. ~+T~~~~I*~*~~? (a) Wmmdm$d. &*:(b) ~~*~~~. Who was the Governor of the Bombay Presidency about whom the following two statements are made ? (a) He was against the annexation of Satara. (b) He introduced Municipal government in Satara. Answer options : (1) Lord Elphinstone (2) Bartle Frere (3) Phillip Wodehouse (4) Lord Reay 11. Y.U. 1941 9$ +i?~~d?XPTPTh. (a) W.V. +d (b) (c) v.*.-* wFrif*: (3) (a) 3SfinT (4 - (4) (a), @), (4 In 1941, participated in the foundation of 'Rashtra Seva Dal' (a) S.M. Joshi (b) Shirubhau Limaye (c) N.G. Goray Answer options : (1) (a) only (2) (a) and (b) only (3) (a) and (c) oidy (4) (4, (b), (4 W4lUd ZiTV /SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK P.T.O. Downloaded From:http://iasexamportal.com Downloaded From:http://iasexamportal.com Which important question was raised by Dr. Nelson Mandela in the 12'~Non-alignment Summit ? (1) Problem of Vietnam (2) Problem of Kashmir (3) Apartheid - Racial Discrimination (4) Terrorism From where did Vinoba Bhave get the first piece of land during the Bhoodan Movement ? (1) Venkatgiri (2) Pochampalli (3) Maaooru (4) Polavaram Who was the author of 'Gandhi Versus Lenin' (1921) which has a comparison of the philosophies of both the leaders ? (1) S.A. Dange (2) R.S. Nimbkar (3) R.B. Lotwalla (4) K.N. Joglekar During the famine of 1876 - 77 in the Deccan, 14 new lrrigation Projects were carried out. Which one of them was the first large irrigation work ? (1) Bhatghar Dam (2) Darna Dam (3) Khadakwasla Dam (1) Pravara River Project Downloaded From:http://iasexamportal.com Downloaded From:http://iasexamportal.com (1) (4 (iii) (4 e;ITfLfi (iv) mf6tj-m: (a) (b) (c) (4 (I) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (2) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i) (3) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i) (4) (iii) (ii) (i) (iv) Match the following. (a) Sattu Naik (4 Satara (b) Umaji Naik (4 Koregaon (c) Daulatrao Naik (iii) Purandar (d) Chatursingh Naik (i.1 Sasvad Answer options : (4 (b) (c) (4 (I) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (2) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i) (3) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i) (4) (iii) (ii) (i) (iv) 17. ''FW&Tk,$=I<~?4%ri;r''$$TWWTh~~? (1) 5frdrm (2) 7Fdm m (3) mhm (4) mfm Which institution had 'Love of God, in the service of man' as its motto ? (1) Brahmo Samaj (2) Satyashodhak Samaj (3) Prarthana Samaj (I) Arya Samaj 3lT /SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK Downloaded From:http://iasexamportal.com Downloaded From:http://iasexamportal.com Which tvpe oi Lavani is supposed to be indicating grief and separation ? (I) \.'.~gLavclni (2) Baleghati (3) Chh~kk,~d (4) Junnary Lavani The famous historian of Maharashtra, V.K.Rajwade was the student of the Poona Native Institution which was started by with the help of Waman Prabhakar Bhave and Laxrn,i~\raolndapurkar. (1) M.C. Rannde (2) Ramcliandrapant Kulkarni (3) Vasudeo Balwant Phadke (4) Sitaram Gokak (c) ~-3t-~in~~*~~rn~~Jrrnra~ (d) 'rfmTmmm*d. (1) (a) ,&Jl(h) 77- (2) (a), @) wfb (c) - (3) (a!, (b) (d) V;;R (1) (c) ,*(d) Tw Which of the iollowing statements related to Sir Sayyed Ah~nedkhan are true ? (a) He fclt that the Muslims should take English and Western education ior their upliitmmt. (b) He c\,as 01 the opinion that Muslim \\,omen shvuld givt, up Parda system and take to English education. [cj He protested against traditional conventions of the Musl~msth~.ough the newspaper Tahjeeb-ul-Akhlakh. (d) He usas not in the scrvice of the British Government. Answer options : (1) (.I) ancl (b) only (2) (a), (b) and (c) only (3) (a), (b) and (d) only (4) (c) and (d) onlv bZiTlT /SPACE FOR IiOUGH WORK Downloaded From:http://iasexamportal.com Downloaded From:http://iasexamportal.com 21. -*~~~~~f33~~i3? (a) (b) f%rmm+mr2 (c) mm* (4 mTJ7+$ (1) (b) 3flfoT (4 - (2) (b) sSTfbl (4T=H (3) (4 STTfbl (4%la (4) (c) sSTfbl (4 T+a Who from amongst the following were not hanged in the Jackson Murder u~cident7 (a) Krishnajl Gopal Karve (b) Vinayak Naravan Deshpande (c) Shankar Ramchandra Soman (d) Narayan Joshi Answer options : (1) (b) and (4 only (2) (b) and (4only (3) (a) and (d) only (4) (c) and (d) only 22. ~~~~**~~~? (a) =%-* (b) Tmm FimIFft (c) rn mwk (4 m- (1) (4 ('4 (2) (b) sSTfbl (4 - (3) @), (4 4%(4 - (4) (a), (b) 4% (c) - Who from amongst the following helped in the works of Satyashoclhak Sdmaj ? (a) Vyanku Baloji Kalevar (h) Rambhau Mansaramni (c) Ramchandra Kalbhor (d) Sultan Zohari Answer options : (I) (a) and (b) only (2) (1.1 and (4 only (3) (b), (c) and (d) only (4) (a), (b) and (c) only 3iE6T 3PlT /SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK P.T.O. Downloaded From:http://iasexamportal.com Downloaded From:http://iasexamportal.com Which book of Mohammad lqbal begins with the song "Sare Zaha Se Aachha H~ndusta Hamara" ? (1) Tarana-e-Gulshan (2) Tarana-e-Hindi (3) Tabakt-e-Naseere (4) Dar-ul-lslam 24. $.TI. 1876 94 vi;it~~m?lIE3T~~. (1) m*dm (2) ms+fGh (3) 5. Yr3i 213it FITS (4) fmFmTm In the year 1876, founded the first night school in Mumbai.
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