2096 OONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. MARCH 28, sey, in reference to closing up the centennial international exhibition for compensation for property taken by the United States Army-to held at Philadelphia in 1876-to the Committee on Appropriations. the Committee on War Claims. By Mr. CAMP: The petition of citizens of Lyons, New York, for the By Mr. MULLER: The petitions of Louis Franke, F. Leschorne, and repeal of the bankrupt law-to the Committee on the Judiciary. others, against the revival of the income tax-to the Committee of By Mr. COLE : The petition of John Rust, for a pension-to the Ways and Means. Committee on Invalid Pensions. By Mr. OVERTON: The petition of the publisher of the Tunkhan­ By Mr. CRAPO: The petition of R. B. Forbes, J. Alexander, Mat­ nock (Pennsylvania) Republican, for the abolition of the duty on thew Bartlett, and 29 other citizens of Boston, Massachusetts, and type-to the same committee. of Jonathan Bowme, Andrew G. Pierce, Edward Kilburn, and 108 By Mr. PHILLIPS: The petition of Lucy Buckingham, for arrears other citizens of New Bedford, Massachusetts, against the transfer of of pension-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. the life-saving service to the Navy Department-to the Committee By :Mr. ROSS: Joint resolution of the Legislature of New Jersey, on Commerce. in reference to closing up the centennial international exhibition By Mr. CUTLER: Resolutions of the board of freeholders of Hud­ held in Phila-delphia, Pennsylvania, in 1876-to the Committee on son County, New Jersey, in favor of Jersey City as a port of entry­ Appropriations. to the same committee. Also, resolutions of the board of freeholders of Hudson County, By Mr. DAVIS, of North Carolina: The petition of 1,580 citizens New Jersey, in favor of Jersey City as a port of entry-to the Com­ of North Carolina, relating to the distribution of the proceeds of the mittee on Commerce. sales of the public lands among the States for educational purposes­ Also, the petition of the New Jersey Microscopical Society, for the to the Committee on Education and Labor. removal of the restrictions preventing the transmission of microscop­ By Mr. DEERING: The petition of citizens of Frederika, Iowa, for ical slides and lenses through the mails-to the Committee on the the equalization of bounties-to the Committee on Military Affairs. Post-Office and Post-Roads. By Mr. EICKHOFF: The ):.letition of George Finker and William Byl\Ir. SINGLETON: The petitions of Jane H. Lee, Lee P. Murrell, Smith, of Saint Louis, Missouri, sureties on the bond of Louis Teus­ Jesse .M. Pace, John E. Pearson, and Jesse M. Pearson, for compensa­ cher, for relief-to the Committee on the Judiciary. tion for property taken by the United States Army-to the Commit­ Also, the petition of Adolph Boekeler, Charles Hoppe, Conrad Sei­ tee on War Claims. bel, and John H. Rottman, of Saint Louis, Missouri, sureties on the By Mr. THORNBURGH: Papers relating to the claim of Charles bond of Rudolph U. IDrici, for relief-to the same committee. Wagnon-to the same committee. By Mr. FOSTER: The petition of citizens of Hudson County, By Mr. TOWNSEND, of Ohio: The petition of M. Barnet, J. F. Ohio, for the equalization of bounties-to the Committee on Military Clark, A. H. Quinn, Frank Lynch, H. C. Lockwood, and 200 other cit­ Affairs. izens of Cleveland, Ohio, against reviving the income tax-to the Also, the petition of dealers in wines in Ohio, that the present spe­ Committee of Ways and Means. cific duty of forty cents per gallon on still wines be retained-to the By Mr. TUCKER: The petition of Samuel T. Williams, administra­ Committee of Ways and Means. tor of John C. Rives, deceased, and others, for the purchase of copies of By Mr. GAUSE: The petitions of the publishers of the Osceola the Congressional Globe by the United States-to the Committee on (Arkansas) Times and of the Augusta (.Arkansae) Bulletin, for the Printing. abolition of the duty on type-to the same committee. By Mr. VANCE: The petition of M. A. Chandley and 50 other citi­ By Mr. HARDENBERGH: The petition of operative potters of zens of Madison County, North Carolina, that the western judicial '.rrenton, New Jersey, for the reduction of the tariff on crockery-to district of said State be not abolished-to the Committee on the the same committee. Judiciary. By Mr. HASKELL: Papers relating to the claim of Andrew Carnes­ Also, papers relating to the claim of Paulina Jones-to the Com­ to the Committee on Appropriations. mittee on Military A:ft'airs. By Mr. HENRY: Papers relating to the claim of Joseph Bradshaw­ By Mr. WIDTTHORNE: The petition of S. F. Cones, medical di­ to the Committee of Claims. rector United States Navy, and 16 others, for the passage of the bill By Mr. KETCHAM: The petition of citizens of Kinderhook, New (H. R. No. 3344) making apothecaries warrant officers-to the Com­ York, for the equalization of bounties-to the Committee on Military mittee on Naval Affairs. Affairs. Also, the petition of W. G. Adkisson, of Giles County, Tennessee, By Mr. LUTTRELL: The petition of Laura De Force Gordon, of for pay for a horse lost in the Mexican war-to the Committee of Oakland, California, for the removal of her political d:iaabilities-to Claims. the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. WILLIS, of Kentucky: The petition of John W. Story and Also, the petition of Maria E. Laird, of Mayfield, California, of other citizens of Louisville, Kentucky, against reviving the income similar import-to the same committee. tax-to the Committee of Ways and Means. Also, resolutions of the Legislature of California, asking appropria­ By Mr. WILLIS, of New York: The petition of William T. Strong tions for the erection of a post-office and other Federal buildings in and 100 others, printers, against any change in the tariff laws-to the city of Stockton, California, and for the improvement of the San the same committee. Joaquin River-to the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds. Also, the petition of the New York Bar Association of the City of Also, resolutions of the Legislature of California, asking an appro­ New York, for additional circuit judges in the second circuit-to the priation of $20,000 for the improvement of the Mokelumne River and Committee on the Judiciary. for an appropriation for the improvement of the harbor of San Luis Obispo, California-to the Committee on Commerce. Also, resolutions of the Legislature of California, asking appropria­ tions for the erection of a post-office and other Federal offices in Sac­ ramento, California, and for the improvement of the Sacramento and IN SENATE. Feather Rivers-to the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds. By Mr. MANNING: The petitions of Charles G. Baker, Bronson THURSDAY, March 28, 1878. Bookout, Matthew L. Casey, Stephen H. Childress, John C. Craig, James Colyer, John J. Collier, Abraham Guyton, Rolly C. Horton, Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. BYRON SUNDERLAND, D. D. Isaac James, Isaac Joyner, F. H. Linebarger, Leroy Luker, Mrs. Pru­ The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. dence McNeill, Joseph B. Morgan, Samuel Y. Ragan, William L. Rey­ EXECUTIVE COMMUNIOATION. nolds, Mrs. Sarah E. West, Granville A. Woods, Granville A. Wood, The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a message from the trustee, &c., and William T. Young, for compensation for property President of the United States, transmitting, in answer to a resolution taken by the United States Army-to the Committee on War Claims. of the 14th ultimo, copies of correspondence between the govern­ By Mr. McKENZIE : The petition of citizens of Louisville, Ken­ ments of the United States and China respecting the Ward claims tucky, that the sessions of the United States district court for the and the claim of Charles E. Hill; which was ordered to lie upon the western portion of Kentucky be held at Hopkinsville instead of Pa­ table, and be printed. · ducah-to the Committee on the Judiciary. REPORT ON FORESTRY. By Mr. McKINLEY: The petition of 130 citizens of Mahoning County, Ohio, against any Change of the tariff on wools and woolens The VICE-PRESIDE~TT laid before the Senate the following con­ and against any change in the tariff laws-to the Committee of Ways current resolution from the House of Representatives; which was and Means. read: By Mr. McMAHON: The petition of John Cassidy, for a pension­ Resolved by the House of Representatives, (the Senate ccncurring,) That there b& printed 25,000 copies of the report upon forestry transmitted by the President t<> to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Congress from the Commissioner of Agricnltnre on the 13th da.v of December lru~t; By Mr. MONEY: The petitions of Jacob Baker, W. E. Estis, agent, 15,000 copies thereof for the use of the Honse of Representatives, 7,500 for the us& Seaborn J. Miller, Mary Parker, and Benjamin F. Smyth, for com­ of the Senate, and 2,500 copies for the Commissioner of A~rriculture: Provided. pensation for property taken by the United States Army-to the however~ That the total number of pa_ges of said report shall not exceed six hun­ Committee on War Claims. dred ana fifty. By Mr. MONROE : The petition of the publisher of the West Salem The VICE-PRESIDENT. The resolution will be referred to the (Ohio) 1\fonitor, for the abolition of the duty on type-to the Com­ Committee on Printing. mittee of Ways and Means. Mr. DAVIS, of West Virginia.
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