Complete Local flews Top Advertising Results Krrp Astride All The Activities Our Family 01 Over 9,000 Readers Of The Town With Your Is A Valuable Market For Home-Town Paper All Our Advertisers voi ," XXXV—NO. 48 CARTERET, N. J., FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 1957 PRICE RIGHT CENTS lebrews Magyar Church to Install New Road Rev. Dr. Harsanyi April 7lp a C 11 i t y Mark CARTERET ••- Rev. Dr. An- o'clock In Bcthlen ltall with drew Harsahyl. new pastor of former cotnrllman John Nem- 1 tin Magyar Reformed Church Ish. chief elder, seneral chair- g Event will be officially Installed In his mnn of ttrranKsmeilt.s. Many Is Sought new post April 7 at 4 P. M. at bnroiiijh officials nrid clergymen .special services In the church. Tomorrow to j Among those who will be In from nearby municipalities will attend. Mayor Dolan Urge* Founding of charge, of the Installation ser- 1 vices are Rev. Zoltan Bekyr Dr. Harsanyi. who succeeds Freeholders For Port Trenton, archdean, and Rev. Rev. Alexander Daroczy cpme Reading Relief Road Gaboa Csordas. New York dean. to Carteret from Ellicoltvllle, j —m HHlr - More than 500 A banquet will be held flt 6 N. Y. ,,,',-xprcted at the banquet CARTERET — Mayor Edward ,,,1,1 tomorrow night at 9 i I J. Dolan yesterday took the ini- '•„ B.-thlni Hull In honor j I tlal steps In a mote to provide 1 .,oth anniversary of the Quin Says School Survey another traffic outlet between .,n,m of the two Carteret this borough and Woodbridge as a result of the congwtlon encoun- Possible at Little Cost tered by motorists using the Port \ . ,,. im will open with In- 1|l n CARTERET — A school sur- gested that a survey could be Reading Ro»d. " '„ 1)y Rev. Dr. Lewi* Bren- taken by local people who are 1 vey can be made by local groups The mayor asked the Board of ,, | al l^der of the Car- M tU such as PTA units at little or interested such as the PTA. He Freeholder! for a survey Rnd a •|, ,. After ainjing of the w y no cost, thus saving $4,000. said many communities have study of traffic' conditions in an i he ceremonial bread. ir This was reported Wednesday made their own surveys and effort to provide a relief road that ',\ , ii be cut by the syna- u night to the Board of Educa- found It very effective. could possibly, run parallel to the •nic surviving founders tion by School Superintendent Port Reading Road. ,'',,., «iii take their leats of j "I attended a meeting called Edwin S. Quln. He told the '.,i the speakers rostrum, j "Do-It-Yourself Survey." Many "The traffic jam along the "While I attended the con- 1 );,,„,(• of Max Schwartz wns superintendents from all over Port Reading Road," he snid, "has vention. I had a conference with ' , - ily omitted from a list the country have conducted become serious. Since the start rn Dr. Henry Linn of Teachers : , iviving founders which. these surveys themselves with of construction on the new Kop- ir U CoTegc. Columbia University, ',,,| ;n this column last week. the help of Interested citizens. per Company plant close to the n on the subject of school surveys. Borough Line, the traffic stream "n',;„. time of hl« arrival in They found that the results 1 I outlined for him our sltURtion is causing ah undue burden on wmKh Max Schwartz, 'has have proved to be just as good at Carteret. He stated It would motorists." ,. „!,•,, in the lynagdgue. the as, If not better than, those cost about $4,000.00 to have a He cited an illustration when • I,!,, iiaternity and the Tal- END RED CROSS COURSE: A eroup of Carteret women has just completed a course in home nursing care conducted by the Perth survey taken; however, he sug- conducted by experts." the Kopper plant workers finish •r,,iL,k He also participated Amboy-Cartrrrt Chapter ot the American Red Cro»» for six weeks, Picture shows those who took the course, from left to right: for the day. Traffic, he said, is ,.mliim.ii project* such as vol- Mrs. Alexandra David. Mrs. Dorothy Turner, Mrs. Jane Ellis, Mrs. Lorraine Snlek, Mrs. Freda Chenkin, assistant chairman of nursing ,. lireflahting and the first jammed all the way from Carterct services, Mrs, Helen Zazula, K.N., Mrs. Mary Kochle, Mrs. Larrlsa Huchko and Miss Eslelle David. Acting as patient is Mrs. to the WhlUS Church. , ,U|) He will be seated with Beatrice Lukach. (Phato by Miss David.) Pupils in Model jAlhambra Slates (!,n:ders at the banquet. Mayor Dolan said the situation , :,,,, .tmastcr for the evening will get even worse as time rolls by. "With this street clogpcd," he ,. Niithaniol Jacoby, the Bor- ri And Hobby Show] All-Day Program M, istnitc, whose parents Thomas Deverin Named dcelared," what would happen if .•;•..• in founding of the two: brOUD $100 Pay Raise there was a serious emergency?" 1 CARTERET _ A model and: CARTERET - A big program There would be no room for .•Pious He will Introduce! hobby show was held in the Na-i . akkam has becn an anwd by E] H fire engines or ambulances to ;,;.•.nients of the various He-j than Hale School during the week j rlaiis rund Unve To Board; Dolan Resigns Asked by Coaches Caravan 96, Order of Alhambra pas through. iimnizations. Dr. Leon with Miss Zita Mellon in charge or Sunday, March 17 in observ- CARTERET — Thomas J. Dev- The mayor said that is not only . .id will welcome the guests of arrangements. The show con- CARTEROT — Beglnnlne. Mon erin Is the new member of the CARTERET — A petition by ance of St. Patrick's Day. a problem for Carteret to tackle. sisted of social studies projects f the Talmud forah, day, March 11, a two week drive j Board # of. Education, replacing Members of the caravan will re- fle felt that Woodbridge Town- the athletic director and coaches made by the pupils, shadow box- , -piinsorlng the banquet.; will commence to raise the schol- j Mayor*Edward J. Dolan who .re- ceive Holy Communion in a body ship, officials-should join in this of the school system for a $100 es depicting stages of American sprakere U»W arshlp fund of the Carteret Edu-i signed Wednesday. He will fill at the 8 A.M. Mass in St. Joseph's effort to obtain another traffic increase In pay was received by culture, customs, and studies of Schwartz and Dr. Phil'cation Association to (in antici- rjolan's unexpired term. Church. The group will assemble outlet. • the Board of Education Wednes- various cultural subjects present- ,\ ill speak ln their ca-'pgted $600. A previous benefit The mayor said his other dut- at the church 15 minutes earlier. Carteret motorists have been day night and referred to the ed in class by the teachers, models At 3 P/M. the earavan will dedi- i- presidents of the two card party netted the amount of j |M absorbed a great deal of his of air, land and sea crafts. complaining of the tieups caused itlulis. Mrs. Louis Brown $300. time. He has served on the board athletic committee. cate a plaque commemorating the by the hundreds of workers ar- the United Hebrew Sis- The drive's slogan is Dollars for for nine years. Dolan paid warm Washington-Nathan Hale PTA Well over three hundred pupils street where the first Catholic riving or leaving from the con- uTtinijs as Its president Scholars and local citizens desir- tribute tc Mrs. Josephine O'Brien, )ij urged the board to macademize participated in the show. Models Church was built here. The plaque struction job at. Koppers. iist two years. Irv LevtU. ing lo participate In this worth- secretary. Stephen Skiba, board and fence in the site at the were on display in the halls and will be placed on the grave of of the Men's Club will while cause are humbly solicited president and othelt board mem- rear of the Nathan Hale School were seen by all classes. The most Father Carey after whom Carey outstanding displays were a pic- Council 1280 was named. The • audience In the name of by the members of the committee bees pnid tribute to Dolan for his John Kolibas said the matter .n.u]) ln the same capacity to make their contributions to | leadership. should receive due consldaration nic scene by Michael Pankulics dedication will be followed by Talk to Kiwanis ; ir.Mi president Of the He- ,Mrs. Eluabeth Sufchinsfcv, treas-1 Deverin, 28 Cypress Street, Applications for* positions as of the third grade, a color tele- Solemn Benediction in St. Jo- Mr vision shadow box display by seph's Church. Rev,-' Louis M. Fraternity and Mrs. Al Car- urer, sholarshlp fund committee, jg employed u a 8alea Supervl- nurses were recelved^ Fred "Herbsck. an Arctic display Cortney, OSM, chaplain will of- Ciyeij by Jacoby :,:•, president Of Btfettin Will 'Carteret' tamm ASsOCtaittrrra,- to} Northern'Sew Jersey,"f8r lie 6'Donneii, Mrs, James 'Don with plastlcene models by Paul- ficiate. ]. sages from their groups.' and Carteret High School. ) tne Breyer Ice Cream Co. Mr. nell and Beulah Romanowski. Lu ette Oregor, a medieval monastery CAHflhCRET — The imhliiUit of Edward J. Dolan, guest i Mrs. Chester Wielgolinskl heads Deverin has long been active In cllle U. Ulman, this borough, was At 6 o'clock a dinner and dance by John Edmond and Joseph the KlffanU club meetin:,' held will address the group on 'the committee planning this fund Cjrteret ln public and charitable among the applicants for a teach will be held In the Columbian Comba, plaster model of the yesterday lft the Gypsy Camp i i h" Borough of Carteret.' raising campaign among the affairs.
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