
WPI Promotes Seven Professors WPI hos recognlzeo seven professors Professor Thomas A Shannon of Wor· of New Eng land s museums. Professor biology. and bacterial genetics tor their fine teaching ond a chievements cesrer will be promoted to Professor of Hanlon hos earned his bQchelOl's. mastets Professor Samuel Woolford. II, of Wor­ beyond the classioom In a reas such as Religion and Social Ethics He is notionally and doctOfOI degrees and Is o spec1a1tst cester will be promoted to Associa te research and publlcotlons Effective July recognized tor his expertise 1n this field, 1n the fields of American Labor and Professor of Mothemot1ca 1 Sciences Hts 1 198.1 promotions will be given to the hos appeared on radio and television Social H1stQfY He hos been o port of the research Involves applied statistics and following faculty m embers Hartley shows. and hos been featured In news­ faculty since 1975 probability. operations research. optimi­ Grondin. Jomes P Ho nlan. Koren A paper articles Professor Shannon 1s the Professor Koren A Lemone of Stow. MA zol 1on. and stochastic processes and Lemone. Judith E Miller. Thomas A author and editor of six books. and his will be promoted to Associate Professor of control. Prof. Woolford has earned hls Shannon. Samuel Woolford II. and Iris 1esearch Interests lie In bioethics. Romon Computer Science. She Is the author of bachelor's. mastel's and Ph.D. degrees Young. Catholicism, and the morallty of war His two books and many scholarly papers and hos been o member of the WPt Professor Gro ndin of Northboro. MA will educational background Is broad and Professor Lemone hos earned her boche­ faculty since 1979. be promoted to Professor of Mechan1col Includes bachelor's ond mostel's degrees lo(s. master's and doctoral degrees and Professor Iris Young of Northampton. Engineering He received his bochelo(s in sacred theology and a Ph D. In social hos been with WPI since 1981. MA wlll be promoted toAssociate Professor and master's degrees from WPI. and ethtC-5 Professor Judith E. Miller of Hudson. MA of Philosophy. Her expertise ii"' feminist. earned his Ph.D. at Mlch1gon State Uni­ Professor Jomes D. Hanlon ofWOl'cester will be promoted to As-5oclote Professor of social, politico! and contemporary con­ versity Prof Grondin Is lastyeal's recipient will be promoted to Associate Professor of Biology and Biotechnology. She com· tinental philosophy hos led her to publish of WPl's Outstanding Teacher of the Year History He Is the author of The Working plated hef undergraduate work ot Cornell extensively In professional journals. Pro­ Award. He is the author of an upcoming Population of Manchester, New Hamp­ University and received her Ph.D. from fessor Young hos earned her bochelol's, textboOk on the finite element analysis. shire, 1M0-1886 and director of the WPI Cose Western Reserve University. Prof. master's ond doctoral degrees and hos a nd hos been with the WPI faculty since Museum Program. which offers project Miller 1s a moleculor blo'9glst and con­ been o port of WP! since 1980. 1957. opportunltes In coniunct1on with many ducts research In fermentation. micro- The 1tudent newtpaper of Worcester Polytechnic Institute Volume 12, Number 10 Wednesday, April 25, 1984 CAP Recommends Professor S eeks Student Input Removal of Comp on P Ian Changes mental concepti ( os Included In fresh­ by Jim Goodell and K/eron Suck/fng Many of you ore awote of the motions The exam should be modified. (See the man, sophomore. and perhaps some Newspeok Staff to be presented by the facutty's Com- CAP's Interim Report on the Competency Juniof level courses) In or related to the In a meeting held on Thursday, April 19. mlttee on Academic Polley (CAP) a Exomformoreofthecrltlctsmsondsome major areas of study, and the abUlty to at the Committee on Academic Polley drew Special Faculty Meeting on May 3. These ottematlves to the Comp that were con- apply those concepts." Each deportment up two recommendations. to be put If passed In 1he form pre98nted. sldefed.) would be required to describe In the motloN. before the faculty, which would make would change the grading system and 3. In programs with distribution reQulre- UndefgraduoteCatatog the topical areas the Competency Exam. and would Im- ments. ond with the 2/3 unit Social Sci- dramatic changes In the WPI Pion. for which students would be responsible. In o raculty meettng later that afternoon. pose a 15-unlt credit requirement for ence requirement. it Is possible for stu- The components of the examination Professor Sisson {CAP Choirmon) an­ groduatton. Whlle thete propoeols wlll dents to graduate with ONLY 14 UNITS could be written. aol. Of both. ot the nounced thot a special faculty meeting dtrectty atrect aoodemlc ~ (But note: this ls the MINIMUM possible discretion of the Deportment. not you would be held on Moy 3. 1984. ot which In the Thursday meeting of the CAP gram even If they ore enacted. they under the degree requirements to be time the official proposals could be voted could the WPI and Instituted ne>Cttallfor Incoming freshmen. several lost minute changes were mode alfect reputation d the credibility of you degree later. Thofs right - no degree without 14 on In the recommendation. Atter a heated The first proposal deals with the grodlng Many of you ore concerned that If units.) Not all prcuroms hove distribution debate and o 5-4 vote. a paragraph \NOS policy. If passed. the proposal. which these Pfoposols ore lmptemented. WPI reQulrements, but those with distribution removed W'hlch 'M)Uid have mode pas.sing would toke affect In August. 1985. would will no longer be o truly unique Institution reQulrements have specified the full 10 ot the "Qualifying" Exom1notlon man­ replace the current grading system with and thot the flexibility you hove hod units allowed. dot()fY before commencement of wor1< ovolloble (especlolly with regard to 4. Since It Is possible for students to on NB/ C/NR system. For project and on the MQP A paragraph which would Independent study work. grades of Not changes of major and the copoblllty to graduate with only 14 units. WPI could be hove reQulred academic advisors to cer­ Acceptable could still be given. experfmentlnunfomlllorfteldsoroctMtles) perceived by the other schools. occred- tify thot advisees were sufficiently pre­ The second proposal deals with the Will beellmlnated. I shoretheseconcems. ltlngogencles.ondemployersosothree- pared for the exom was removed, olso. ellminot1on of the Competency Exa­ but you should be aware that these ond-one-holf-yeor institution. and not as In support of the newly-recommended mination. arguments hold little weight In the ad- o four-year Institution. Therefore. we need grading policy, Dean Wllllam Grogar.. If this Pfoposol posses. students entering ministration. the CAP. and much of the to require o higher total credit require- Dean of Undergraduate Studies. sold In Of after A-term 1985 will be required to foculty the following reasons (l do not ment to make sure that nobody slips out that not having B's hurts Tech graduates f9f poss 15 units of work and o "Qualifying" in the professional and graduate school hold these opinions myself. but I hope to with less than four years of effort success- Exom1nohon. normally to be token at or provide on occurote porophrose ofthem): fully completed. markets He pointed to the fact that WPI bef01e the midpoint of the juniOI' year. 1 One common opinion Is that ''The 5 The content of the extra unit Is not students with AC's are competing with The grading on the Competency Exa m RPI and MIT students with B's. projects ore the Plan" and that almost specified. so students ore simply being or "Quohty1ng" Exam would be on o ony change in degree requirements, required to take electives This preseNes It was also painted out that the current Pass/No Record basis educational philosophy. or academic the students' flexibility and requires that honors system ignores "90%" of o student's To graduate with High Honors o student policy that preseNes the projects does oil students toke courses to broaden their work (courses) and thot2/ 3of1he honors would need on A grade OI"\ the IQP, MQP not destroy the uniqueness of WPI and backgrounds. Slmllorly, the d1stnbution reQu1rements (the IQPond the Sufficiency) Sufficiency a nd on 5 units of work within does not Invalidate the term "The WPt requirements do not speclfv lndlvfduol are not bosed tn the student's major field h s maier area. exclusive of the MQP To Pion". Students ore attracted to be- courses. so a high degree nexib11ity Is Scott Hand. student representative to WPt ot grodlJOte with Honors. one would need cause the school's academic quality maintained the CN'. argued that the recommended ot an A grade on any lhree of the above and reputation. the projects. and the 6 The 15-unlt requirement might be o grading policy would toke the emphasis requirements off lea rning and put it b ack onto the flexlb11tty of the program. not because ot disincentive to students who might other- for students 1n th transition period on educo tionol philosophy. the grading sys- wise experiment by taking coursosiust fOf second-guessing of W'hat teachers expect AD w II be cons1d od lhe equ111olent of stuoents to know The new policy would tem. or the competency exom. enjoyment. or to develop a peisonal on A 2. The Comp 8com is a n odrnin1strahve lnteresr. but few students experiment In be "detnmentol totheott!tudeof studon1s As wcxaoo ln !tie CM' w-omrnendotion toward studying," Hand said nightmare for departments ond for the that woy now so the negative effect of '1he purpose of lhe 'Qualifying Examine· Except for the single objection raised school odmln1stratton The exom 1s c:.t the 15-unlt requirement will be m1n1rnal t on would be fOf the sflident to demon· oy Scott Hand, the rule requiring 15 units times unfair, uneven, and even invalid (continued on pogo 15) strot on und rstond1ng of tne fundo- of work !Of graduation was nol discussed Isaac Asimov to Give n his Week's Issue: Clark Commencement Speech by K•eron Suckling 1st, mystery wmer editor journal.Jr o o­ Newspeol< Stoff grapher and humorls1 os well His nonf1c Au1 hOf Isaac Asimov wm deliver the Editorial ...
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