-----~ Go Irish ... Beat Panthers Money Problems??? • The Irish hockey team opens its season tonight at home against Western Ontario. a Roadtripping to Pitt or just watching the • Professor Charles Hice asks The game will begin at 7 p.m. in the Joyce game on TV? Cheek out Accent for all the why the University is "robbing Center. Last year's team won the match­ info on this week's Irish enemy. non-wealthy students." up 2-1. p. 12 & 13 p. 11 Back Page Friday, October 10, 1997 • Vol. XXXI No. 35 THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY'S .. Ashley: Pleasure ·---·-·------~----- -- ·-·----~·- --------~ Friday Feature -----~ should not be the sole intent of sex By HEATHER MACKENZIE Assistant News Editor "For every Christian homosexual. chaste celibacy is the true vocation." Father Benedict Ashley, Notre Dame alumnus and professor emeritus, presented a theological answer to questions about human sexuality and homosexuality in a lecture yesterday afternoon. In an effort to present a Biblical understand­ ing of homosexuality. Ashley first discussed the Scriptural interpretation of marriage. "Marriage is to be a covenant of love that is both faithful and fruitful," he said. "God created man and woman in marriage to complement each other for these two purposes." 'Heterosexuality is an achievement. The Observer/Kevin Dalum · Every person has the Student managers work at football practices doing everything from assisting coaches, preparing the game field and chance to attain it.· painting the football helmets the traditional Irish gold color. Father Benedict Ashley . Behind every good team ••• Ashley explained that this type of union is not come many perks: managers who purely physical, but also psychological and spiri­ I Athletic managers stay on beyond sophomore year tual: "We arc told in Ephesians that this is a Atypical manager's schedule­ receive at no charge a full wardrobe union of love like Christ's own love for his peo­ I dedicate energy, Thursday before a game weekend of Notre Dame sports clothes both ple." for work and their own use. They But where does the aspect of sexual pleasure 9:3Q-12 p.m. Class ! also get the opportunity to play in fit into the concept and idea of human sexual·ity? time to ND sports 12:15 p.m. · Lunch 1 p.m. Study the traditional sophomore vs. junior "That the Bible does not condemn sexual plea­ By DAVID FREDDOSO and senior manager football game, sure is plain," Ashley remarked, "yet physical Assistant News Editor 2:30 p.m. Work atlhe practice Held finish practice, go to the "' in which they wear the famed gold­ pleasure is not an end in itself, but a facilitator stadium, prepare gOlden - en helmets and jerseys used by the of good activities." Every spring, letters go out from llellllets football team. Thus, Ashley emphasized, engaging in sexual Notre Dame's athletic department to 7:30 p.. m... Dinner for··- . In addition, managers who perse­ every freshman on campus advertis­ acts merely l'or physical pleasure is not only 8:30p.m. Paint tbe footballfttlftliW vere through their senior year can ing the position of sports manager. morally and ethically wrong, it is a condemna­ with paint thatlncllldas real receive a grant of anywhere from Students who are interested can join specks, pack tion of Jesus' teachings. gold then Diem two-thirds to three-fourths of their the select few who help make varsi­ up with all the other . "Sexual pleasure is morally good when it tuition. ty athletics possible on such a grand equipment to get to PHisburgb '• promises the two essential purposes of sex, the "I love it," said Bill Klish, who love of a man and wife and the building of their scale as it is run at Notre Dame. 2 a.m. Go home to sleep before With the position of manager class tomorrow morning see PRIEST I page 8 see MANAGERS I page 4 Misty watercolor images ... Offended Catholics demand apology after Stanford band's antics at game By MICHELLE GUIDO Leland has issued a written apology for "the Knighr-Ridder/Tribune News Services tasteless performance by the Stanford band ... In their sophomoric attempt at humor, the band PALO ALTO, Calif. crossed the line from funny to obnoxious and The Leland Stanford Junior University marching offensive." band !)as made its reputation by being absurd, No sanctions have been or will be taken against over-the-top and sometimes offensive. the band, according to assistant athletic director But when Stanford's football team played Notre Gary Migdal. Leland's apology should not be mis­ Dame last weekend, the pre-game and halftime taken for an apology from the band itself. shows so outraged some Irish and Catholics in the For all of its scandalous behavior over the years, stands that administrators from schools in the the band is not in the habit of saying, "We're Catholic Diocese of San Jose have written a letter sorry.'' Often described as the most outrageous demanding an apology. marching band in football history. the Stanford During the shows, the band narrator called the band has long been able to chart its own course Irish "stinking drunks." A parody of the Irish pota­ remaining largely autonomous from the university to famine featured "Seamus O'Hungry," whose administration. "sparse cultural heritage consisted only of fighting, Brosnan said he appreciates Leland's apology, then starving." Also featured was a mock debate but said the university's refusal to punish the band between one band member dressed as a Catholic shows its "unwillingness to take a true stand on "Cardinal," a play on words since Cardinal is the this issue." And he argues that when the band Stanford mascot, and one dressed as the devil. plays at university-sanctioned activities, it becomes Tim Brosnan, principal of Archbishop Mitty, a a reflection of the school. Catholic high school in San Jose, wrote the letter to "Stanford needs to realize that this sort of insti­ Ted Leland. Stanford's athletic director, and had it tutional idiocy that is their band when it goes out The Observer/Kevin Dalum signed by more than 30 administrators from dio­ in front of 75,000 people who pay to see the game After days of near-perfect weather, yesterday's storms left campus cese schools. The letter asks for a public apology is representing the university," said Brosnan, a with numerous puddles that later reflected the crystal-clear afternoon. and sanctions for the band. see BAND I page 4 page 2 The Observer • INSIDE Friday, October 10, 1997 • INSIDE COLUMN • WORlD AT A GLANCE Who's At least 59 dead as Hurricane Pauline devastates Acapulco ACAPULCO, Mexico where powerful Pauline ripped As of 8 a.m. EDT makeshift homes away and badly dam­ Hurricane Pauline struck Mexico's Thursday, Oct. 9 most famous tourist resort with devas­ aged such resorts as Puerto Angel. disordered here? Position: 17.4°N, 100.5W tating fury Thursday, unleashing deadly -......____JJ---.::,-, Moving: WNW at 15 mph Fueled by the warm El Nino ocean For over three years torrents that swept people, cars and Sustained winds mph currents, Pauline powered towering Anthony Shaker :100 now I have been able to giant boulders toward storm-ravaged Gusts at: 115 mph waves - 30 feet tall on exposed coasts read Professor Charles Photographer Pacific beaches. - that pounded Acapulco's pristine Rice's frequent Observer At least 59 people died along hun- 2s• beaches to a maelstrom of trash and columns with a certain dreds of miles of coast pummeled by twisted lounge chairs. endurance - not necessarily condemning his Pauline's 1 OO-mph winds - 40 of those 20a Heavy rains turned streets into roaring extremely conservative arguments, but politely deaths in badly battered Acapulco, a rivers of debris. agreeing to disagree. His article on Sept. 26 glittering resort of 2. 9 million people Water swept boulders the size of cars entitled "Stop Being PC, Treat Homosexuality that dawned a disaster zone. 15° down the hills and flipped vehicles like as Disorder," however, finally pushed me over "This is a very sad day," said Gov. toys, catching some with lights still on, the proverbial edge. o their doors underwater. A coastal high­ Angel Aguirre of Guerrero state, home 10 Pacific I've grown tired of listening to this man's to Acapulco, where Pauline sent torrents Ocean way skirting the famed beaches teemed .. archaic, outgrown pontifications instructing of rainwater raging through streets. with raging water, and one man's body the whole of humanity on how to live their Aguirre said at least five other people s· Hurricane watch ======= stuck from the mud, arms outstretched lives, how to understand morality, and how to were killed elsewhere in the state, and mouth agape. think. It is this same sanctimonious attitude adding, "We don't recall a hurricane L_________________________ 105° 100• gs• __ goo j The U.S. Hurricane Center in Miami that has been distancing young persons from ever having caused such damage." extended a hurricane warning hundreds Christianity, and pushing them towards lives In neighboring Oaxaca state, where Pauline first struck of miles up the coast, from Acapulco to the resort city of devoid of spirit. We have pompous law profes­ with 115-mph winds a day earlier, state government Puerto Vallarta, as satellite images showed Pauline moving sors putting themselves on pedestals and refus­ spokesman Leandro Hernandez confirmed 14 deaths, 15 roughly parallel to the shore. ing to even entertain the idea of contesting, on people missing and thousands of homeless. At 5 p.m. EDT, Pauline was off the coast near the port of any level, church and/or papal doctrines.
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